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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package ipnlocal
import (
var debug = envknob.RegisterBool("TS_DEBUG_PROFILES")
// profileManager is a wrapper around an [ipn.StateStore] that manages
// multiple profiles and the current profile.
// It is not safe for concurrent use.
type profileManager struct {
goos string // used for TestProfileManagementWindows
store ipn.StateStore
logf logger.Logf
health *health.Tracker
currentUserID ipn.WindowsUserID
knownProfiles map[ipn.ProfileID]*ipn.LoginProfile // always non-nil
currentProfile *ipn.LoginProfile // always non-nil
prefs ipn.PrefsView // always Valid.
func (pm *profileManager) dlogf(format string, args ...any) {
if !debug() {
pm.logf(format, args...)
func (pm *profileManager) WriteState(id ipn.StateKey, val []byte) error {
return ipn.WriteState(, id, val)
// CurrentUserID returns the current user ID. It is only non-empty on
// Windows where we have a multi-user system.
func (pm *profileManager) CurrentUserID() ipn.WindowsUserID {
return pm.currentUserID
// SetCurrentUserID sets the current user ID and switches to that user's default (last used) profile.
// If the specified user does not have a default profile, or the default profile could not be loaded,
// it creates a new one and switches to it. The uid is only non-empty on Windows where we have a multi-user system.
func (pm *profileManager) SetCurrentUserID(uid ipn.WindowsUserID) {
if pm.currentUserID == uid {
pm.currentUserID = uid
if err := pm.SwitchToDefaultProfile(); err != nil {
// SetCurrentUserID should never fail and must always switch to the
// user's default profile or create a new profile for the current user.
// Until we implement multi-user support and the new permission model,
// and remove the concept of the "current user" completely, we must ensure
// that when SetCurrentUserID exits, the profile in pm.currentProfile
// is either an existing profile owned by the user, or a new, empty profile.
pm.logf("%q's default profile cannot be used; creating a new one: %v", uid, err)
// DefaultUserProfileID returns [ipn.ProfileID] of the default (last used) profile for the specified user,
// or an empty string if the specified user does not have a default profile.
func (pm *profileManager) DefaultUserProfileID(uid ipn.WindowsUserID) ipn.ProfileID {
// Read the CurrentProfileKey from the store which stores
// the selected profile for the specified user.
b, err :=
pm.dlogf("DefaultUserProfileID: ReadState(%q) = %v, %v", string(uid), len(b), err)
if err == ipn.ErrStateNotExist || len(b) == 0 {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
pm.dlogf("DefaultUserProfileID: windows: migrating from legacy preferences")
profile, err := pm.migrateFromLegacyPrefs(uid, false)
if err == nil {
return profile.ID
pm.logf("failed to migrate from legacy preferences: %v", err)
return ""
pk := ipn.StateKey(string(b))
prof := pm.findProfileByKey(pk)
if prof == nil {
pm.dlogf("DefaultUserProfileID: no profile found for key: %q", pk)
return ""
return prof.ID
// checkProfileAccess returns an [errProfileAccessDenied] if the current user
// does not have access to the specified profile.
func (pm *profileManager) checkProfileAccess(profile *ipn.LoginProfile) error {
if pm.currentUserID != "" && profile.LocalUserID != pm.currentUserID {
return errProfileAccessDenied
return nil
// allProfiles returns all profiles accessible to the current user.
// The returned profiles are sorted by Name.
func (pm *profileManager) allProfiles() (out []*ipn.LoginProfile) {
for _, p := range pm.knownProfiles {
if pm.checkProfileAccess(p) == nil {
out = append(out, p)
slices.SortFunc(out, func(a, b *ipn.LoginProfile) int {
return cmp.Compare(a.Name, b.Name)
return out
// matchingProfiles is like [profileManager.allProfiles], but returns only profiles
// matching the given predicate.
func (pm *profileManager) matchingProfiles(f func(*ipn.LoginProfile) bool) (out []*ipn.LoginProfile) {
all := pm.allProfiles()
out = all[:0]
for _, p := range all {
if f(p) {
out = append(out, p)
return out
// findMatchingProfiles returns all profiles accessible to the current user
// that represent the same node/user as prefs.
// The returned profiles are sorted by Name.
func (pm *profileManager) findMatchingProfiles(prefs ipn.PrefsView) []*ipn.LoginProfile {
return pm.matchingProfiles(func(p *ipn.LoginProfile) bool {
return p.ControlURL == prefs.ControlURL() &&
(p.UserProfile.ID == prefs.Persist().UserProfile().ID ||
p.NodeID == prefs.Persist().NodeID())
// ProfileIDForName returns the profile ID for the profile with the
// given name. It returns "" if no such profile exists among profiles
// accessible to the current user.
func (pm *profileManager) ProfileIDForName(name string) ipn.ProfileID {
p := pm.findProfileByName(name)
if p == nil {
return ""
return p.ID
func (pm *profileManager) findProfileByName(name string) *ipn.LoginProfile {
out := pm.matchingProfiles(func(p *ipn.LoginProfile) bool {
return p.Name == name
if len(out) == 0 {
return nil
if len(out) > 1 {
pm.logf("[unexpected] multiple profiles with the same name")
return out[0]
func (pm *profileManager) findProfileByKey(key ipn.StateKey) *ipn.LoginProfile {
out := pm.matchingProfiles(func(p *ipn.LoginProfile) bool {
return p.Key == key
if len(out) == 0 {
return nil
if len(out) > 1 {
pm.logf("[unexpected] multiple profiles with the same key")
return out[0]
func (pm *profileManager) setUnattendedModeAsConfigured() error {
if pm.goos != "windows" {
return nil
if pm.currentProfile.Key != "" && pm.prefs.ForceDaemon() {
return pm.WriteState(ipn.ServerModeStartKey, []byte(pm.currentProfile.Key))
} else {
return pm.WriteState(ipn.ServerModeStartKey, nil)
// Reset unloads the current profile, if any.
func (pm *profileManager) Reset() {
pm.currentUserID = ""
// SetPrefs sets the current profile's prefs to the provided value.
// It also saves the prefs to the [ipn.StateStore]. It stores a copy of the
// provided prefs, which may be accessed via [profileManager.CurrentPrefs].
// The [ipn.NetworkProfile] stores additional information about the tailnet the user
// is logged into so that we can keep track of things like their domain name
// across user switches to disambiguate the same account but a different tailnet.
func (pm *profileManager) SetPrefs(prefsIn ipn.PrefsView, np ipn.NetworkProfile) error {
cp := pm.currentProfile
if persist := prefsIn.Persist(); !persist.Valid() || persist.NodeID() == "" || persist.UserProfile().LoginName == "" {
// We don't know anything about this profile, so ignore it for now.
return pm.setProfilePrefsNoPermCheck(pm.currentProfile, prefsIn.AsStruct().View())
// Check if we already have an existing profile that matches the user/node.
if existing := pm.findMatchingProfiles(prefsIn); len(existing) > 0 {
// We already have a profile for this user/node we should reuse it. Also
// cleanup any other duplicate profiles.
cp = existing[0]
existing = existing[1:]
for _, p := range existing {
// Clear the state.
if err :=, nil); err != nil {
// We couldn't delete the state, so keep the profile around.
// Remove the profile, knownProfiles will be persisted
// in [profileManager.setProfilePrefs] below.
delete(pm.knownProfiles, p.ID)
pm.currentProfile = cp
if err := pm.SetProfilePrefs(cp, prefsIn, np); err != nil {
return err
return pm.setProfileAsUserDefault(cp)
// SetProfilePrefs is like [profileManager.SetPrefs], but sets prefs for the specified [ipn.LoginProfile]
// which is not necessarily the [profileManager.CurrentProfile]. It returns an [errProfileAccessDenied]
// if the specified profile is not accessible by the current user.
func (pm *profileManager) SetProfilePrefs(lp *ipn.LoginProfile, prefsIn ipn.PrefsView, np ipn.NetworkProfile) error {
if err := pm.checkProfileAccess(lp); err != nil {
return err
// An empty profile.ID indicates that the profile is new, the node info wasn't available,
// and it hasn't been persisted yet. We'll generate both an ID and [ipn.StateKey]
// once the information is available and needs to be persisted.
if lp.ID == "" {
if persist := prefsIn.Persist(); persist.Valid() && persist.NodeID() != "" && persist.UserProfile().LoginName != "" {
// Generate an ID and [ipn.StateKey] now that we have the node info.
lp.ID, lp.Key = newUnusedID(pm.knownProfiles)
// Set the current user as the profile owner, unless the current user ID does
// not represent a specific user, or the profile is already owned by a different user.
// It is only relevant on Windows where we have a multi-user system.
if lp.LocalUserID == "" && pm.currentUserID != "" {
lp.LocalUserID = pm.currentUserID
var up tailcfg.UserProfile
if persist := prefsIn.Persist(); persist.Valid() {
up = persist.UserProfile()
if up.DisplayName == "" {
up.DisplayName = up.LoginName
lp.NodeID = persist.NodeID()
} else {
lp.NodeID = ""
if prefsIn.ProfileName() != "" {
lp.Name = prefsIn.ProfileName()
} else {
lp.Name = up.LoginName
lp.ControlURL = prefsIn.ControlURL()
lp.UserProfile = up
lp.NetworkProfile = np
// An empty profile.ID indicates that the node info is not available yet,
// and the profile doesn't need to be saved on disk.
if lp.ID != "" {
pm.knownProfiles[lp.ID] = lp
if err := pm.writeKnownProfiles(); err != nil {
return err
// Clone prefsIn and create a read-only view as a safety measure to
// prevent accidental preference mutations, both externally and internally.
if err := pm.setProfilePrefsNoPermCheck(lp, prefsIn.AsStruct().View()); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func newUnusedID(knownProfiles map[ipn.ProfileID]*ipn.LoginProfile) (ipn.ProfileID, ipn.StateKey) {
var idb [2]byte
for {
id := ipn.ProfileID(fmt.Sprintf("%x", idb))
if _, ok := knownProfiles[id]; ok {
return id, ipn.StateKey("profile-" + id)
// setProfilePrefsNoPermCheck sets the profile's prefs to the provided value.
// If the profile has the [ipn.LoginProfile.Key] set, it saves the prefs to the
// [ipn.StateStore] under that key. It returns an error if the profile is non-current
// and does not have its Key set, or if the prefs could not be saved.
// The method does not perform any additional checks on the specified
// profile, such as verifying the caller's access rights or checking
// if another profile for the same node already exists.
func (pm *profileManager) setProfilePrefsNoPermCheck(profile *ipn.LoginProfile, clonedPrefs ipn.PrefsView) error {
isCurrentProfile := pm.currentProfile == profile
if isCurrentProfile {
pm.prefs = clonedPrefs
if profile.Key != "" {
if err := pm.writePrefsToStore(profile.Key, clonedPrefs); err != nil {
return err
} else if !isCurrentProfile {
return errors.New("cannot set prefs for a non-current in-memory profile")
if isCurrentProfile {
return pm.setUnattendedModeAsConfigured()
return nil
// setPrefsNoPermCheck is like [profileManager.setProfilePrefsNoPermCheck], but sets the current profile's prefs.
func (pm *profileManager) setPrefsNoPermCheck(clonedPrefs ipn.PrefsView) error {
return pm.setProfilePrefsNoPermCheck(pm.currentProfile, clonedPrefs)
func (pm *profileManager) writePrefsToStore(key ipn.StateKey, prefs ipn.PrefsView) error {
if key == "" {
return nil
if err := pm.WriteState(key, prefs.ToBytes()); err != nil {
pm.logf("WriteState(%q): %v", key, err)
return err
return nil
// Profiles returns the list of known profiles accessible to the current user.
func (pm *profileManager) Profiles() []ipn.LoginProfile {
allProfiles := pm.allProfiles()
out := make([]ipn.LoginProfile, len(allProfiles))
for i, p := range allProfiles {
out[i] = *p
return out
// ProfileByID returns a profile with the given id, if it is accessible to the current user.
// If the profile exists but is not accessible to the current user, it returns an [errProfileAccessDenied].
// If the profile does not exist, it returns an [errProfileNotFound].
func (pm *profileManager) ProfileByID(id ipn.ProfileID) (ipn.LoginProfile, error) {
kp, err := pm.profileByIDNoPermCheck(id)
if err != nil {
return ipn.LoginProfile{}, err
if err := pm.checkProfileAccess(kp); err != nil {
return ipn.LoginProfile{}, err
return *kp, nil
// profileByIDNoPermCheck is like [profileManager.ProfileByID], but it doesn't
// check user's access rights to the profile.
func (pm *profileManager) profileByIDNoPermCheck(id ipn.ProfileID) (*ipn.LoginProfile, error) {
if id == pm.currentProfile.ID {
return pm.currentProfile, nil
kp, ok := pm.knownProfiles[id]
if !ok {
return nil, errProfileNotFound
return kp, nil
// ProfilePrefs returns preferences for a profile with the given id.
// If the profile exists but is not accessible to the current user, it returns an [errProfileAccessDenied].
// If the profile does not exist, it returns an [errProfileNotFound].
func (pm *profileManager) ProfilePrefs(id ipn.ProfileID) (ipn.PrefsView, error) {
kp, err := pm.profileByIDNoPermCheck(id)
if err != nil {
return ipn.PrefsView{}, errProfileNotFound
if err := pm.checkProfileAccess(kp); err != nil {
return ipn.PrefsView{}, err
return pm.profilePrefs(kp)
func (pm *profileManager) profilePrefs(p *ipn.LoginProfile) (ipn.PrefsView, error) {
if p.ID == pm.currentProfile.ID {
return pm.prefs, nil
return pm.loadSavedPrefs(p.Key)
// SwitchProfile switches to the profile with the given id.
// If the profile exists but is not accessible to the current user, it returns an [errProfileAccessDenied].
// If the profile does not exist, it returns an [errProfileNotFound].
func (pm *profileManager) SwitchProfile(id ipn.ProfileID) error {
kp, ok := pm.knownProfiles[id]
if !ok {
return errProfileNotFound
if pm.currentProfile != nil && kp.ID == pm.currentProfile.ID && pm.prefs.Valid() {
return nil
if err := pm.checkProfileAccess(kp); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: profile %q is not accessible to the current user", err, id)
prefs, err := pm.loadSavedPrefs(kp.Key)
if err != nil {
return err
pm.prefs = prefs
pm.currentProfile = kp
return pm.setProfileAsUserDefault(kp)
// SwitchToDefaultProfile switches to the default (last used) profile for the current user.
// It creates a new one and switches to it if the current user does not have a default profile,
// or returns an error if the default profile is inaccessible or could not be loaded.
func (pm *profileManager) SwitchToDefaultProfile() error {
if id := pm.DefaultUserProfileID(pm.currentUserID); id != "" {
return pm.SwitchProfile(id)
return nil
// setProfileAsUserDefault sets the specified profile as the default for the current user.
// It returns an [errProfileAccessDenied] if the specified profile is not accessible to the current user.
func (pm *profileManager) setProfileAsUserDefault(profile *ipn.LoginProfile) error {
if profile.Key == "" {
// The profile has not been persisted yet; ignore it for now.
return nil
if err := pm.checkProfileAccess(profile); err != nil {
return errProfileAccessDenied
k := ipn.CurrentProfileKey(string(pm.currentUserID))
return pm.WriteState(k, []byte(profile.Key))
func (pm *profileManager) loadSavedPrefs(key ipn.StateKey) (ipn.PrefsView, error) {
bs, err :=
if err == ipn.ErrStateNotExist || len(bs) == 0 {
return defaultPrefs, nil
if err != nil {
return ipn.PrefsView{}, err
savedPrefs := ipn.NewPrefs()
if err := ipn.PrefsFromBytes(bs, savedPrefs); err != nil {
return ipn.PrefsView{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing saved prefs: %v", err)
pm.logf("using backend prefs for %q: %v", key, savedPrefs.Pretty())
// Ignore any old stored preferences for
// as the control server that would override the new default of
if savedPrefs.ControlURL != "" &&
savedPrefs.ControlURL != ipn.DefaultControlURL &&
ipn.IsLoginServerSynonym(savedPrefs.ControlURL) {
savedPrefs.ControlURL = ""
// Before
// prefs could set AutoUpdate.Apply=true via EditPrefs or tailnet
// auto-update defaults. After that change, such value is "invalid" and
// cause any EditPrefs calls to fail (other than disabling auto-updates).
// Reset AutoUpdate.Apply if we detect such invalid prefs.
if savedPrefs.AutoUpdate.Apply.EqualBool(true) && !clientupdate.CanAutoUpdate() {
return savedPrefs.View(), nil
// CurrentProfile returns the current LoginProfile.
// The value may be zero if the profile is not persisted.
func (pm *profileManager) CurrentProfile() ipn.LoginProfile {
return *pm.currentProfile
// errProfileNotFound is returned by methods that accept a ProfileID
// when the specified profile does not exist.
var errProfileNotFound = errors.New("profile not found")
// errProfileAccessDenied is returned by methods that accept a ProfileID
// when the current user does not have access to the specified profile.
// It is used temporarily until we implement access checks based on the
// caller's identity in tailscale/corp#18342.
var errProfileAccessDenied = errors.New("profile access denied")
// DeleteProfile removes the profile with the given id. It returns
// [errProfileNotFound] if the profile does not exist, or an
// [errProfileAccessDenied] if the specified profile is not accessible
// to the current user.
// If the profile is the current profile, it is the equivalent of
// calling [profileManager.NewProfile] followed by [profileManager.DeleteProfile](id).
// This is useful for deleting the last profile. In other cases, it is
// recommended to call [profileManager.SwitchProfile] first.
func (pm *profileManager) DeleteProfile(id ipn.ProfileID) error {
if id == pm.currentProfile.ID {
return pm.deleteCurrentProfile()
kp, ok := pm.knownProfiles[id]
if !ok {
return errProfileNotFound
if err := pm.checkProfileAccess(kp); err != nil {
return err
return pm.deleteProfileNoPermCheck(kp)
func (pm *profileManager) deleteCurrentProfile() error {
if err := pm.checkProfileAccess(pm.currentProfile); err != nil {
return err
if pm.currentProfile.ID == "" {
// Deleting the in-memory only new profile, just create a new one.
return nil
return pm.deleteProfileNoPermCheck(pm.currentProfile)
// deleteProfileNoPermCheck is like [profileManager.DeleteProfile],
// but it doesn't check user's access rights to the profile.
func (pm *profileManager) deleteProfileNoPermCheck(profile *ipn.LoginProfile) error {
if profile.ID == pm.currentProfile.ID {
if err := pm.WriteState(profile.Key, nil); err != nil {
return err
delete(pm.knownProfiles, profile.ID)
return pm.writeKnownProfiles()
// DeleteAllProfilesForUser removes all known profiles accessible to the current user
// and switches to a new, empty profile.
func (pm *profileManager) DeleteAllProfilesForUser() error {
currentProfileDeleted := false
writeKnownProfiles := func() error {
if currentProfileDeleted || pm.currentProfile.ID == "" {
return pm.writeKnownProfiles()
for _, kp := range pm.knownProfiles {
if pm.checkProfileAccess(kp) != nil {
// Skip profiles we don't have access to.
if err := pm.WriteState(kp.Key, nil); err != nil {
// Write to remove references to profiles we've already deleted, but
// return the original error.
return err
delete(pm.knownProfiles, kp.ID)
if kp.ID == pm.currentProfile.ID {
currentProfileDeleted = true
return writeKnownProfiles()
func (pm *profileManager) writeKnownProfiles() error {
b, err := json.Marshal(pm.knownProfiles)
if err != nil {
return err
return pm.WriteState(ipn.KnownProfilesStateKey, b)
func (pm *profileManager) updateHealth() {
if !pm.prefs.Valid() {
}, pm.prefs.AutoUpdate().Apply)
// NewProfile creates and switches to a new unnamed profile. The new profile is
// not persisted until [profileManager.SetPrefs] is called with a logged-in user.
func (pm *profileManager) NewProfile() {
// NewProfileForUser is like [profileManager.NewProfile], but it switches to the
// specified user and sets that user as the profile owner for the new profile.
func (pm *profileManager) NewProfileForUser(uid ipn.WindowsUserID) {
pm.currentUserID = uid
pm.prefs = defaultPrefs
pm.currentProfile = &ipn.LoginProfile{LocalUserID: uid}
// newProfileWithPrefs creates a new profile with the specified prefs and assigns
// the specified uid as the profile owner. If switchNow is true, it switches to the
// newly created profile immediately. It returns the newly created profile on success,
// or an error on failure.
func (pm *profileManager) newProfileWithPrefs(uid ipn.WindowsUserID, prefs ipn.PrefsView, switchNow bool) (*ipn.LoginProfile, error) {
profile := &ipn.LoginProfile{LocalUserID: uid}
if err := pm.SetProfilePrefs(profile, prefs, ipn.NetworkProfile{}); err != nil {
return nil, err
if switchNow {
pm.currentProfile = profile
pm.prefs = prefs.AsStruct().View()
if err := pm.setProfileAsUserDefault(profile); err != nil {
return nil, err
return profile, nil
// defaultPrefs is the default prefs for a new profile. This initializes before
// even this package's init() so do not rely on other parts of the system being
// fully initialized here (for example, syspolicy will not be available on
// Apple platforms).
var defaultPrefs = func() ipn.PrefsView {
prefs := ipn.NewPrefs()
prefs.LoggedOut = true
prefs.WantRunning = false
return prefs.View()
// Store returns the [ipn.StateStore] used by the [profileManager].
func (pm *profileManager) Store() ipn.StateStore {
// CurrentPrefs returns a read-only view of the current prefs.
// The returned view is always valid.
func (pm *profileManager) CurrentPrefs() ipn.PrefsView {
return pm.prefs
// ReadStartupPrefsForTest reads the startup prefs from disk. It is only used for testing.
func ReadStartupPrefsForTest(logf logger.Logf, store ipn.StateStore) (ipn.PrefsView, error) {
ht := new(health.Tracker) // in tests, don't care about the health status
pm, err := newProfileManager(store, logf, ht)
if err != nil {
return ipn.PrefsView{}, err
return pm.CurrentPrefs(), nil
// newProfileManager creates a new [profileManager] using the provided [ipn.StateStore].
// It also loads the list of known profiles from the store.
func newProfileManager(store ipn.StateStore, logf logger.Logf, health *health.Tracker) (*profileManager, error) {
return newProfileManagerWithGOOS(store, logf, health, envknob.GOOS())
func readAutoStartKey(store ipn.StateStore, goos string) (ipn.StateKey, error) {
startKey := ipn.CurrentProfileStateKey
if goos == "windows" {
// When tailscaled runs on Windows it is not typically run unattended.
// So we can't use the profile mechanism to load the profile at startup.
startKey = ipn.ServerModeStartKey
autoStartKey, err := store.ReadState(startKey)
if err != nil && err != ipn.ErrStateNotExist {
return "", fmt.Errorf("calling ReadState on state store: %w", err)
return ipn.StateKey(autoStartKey), nil
func readKnownProfiles(store ipn.StateStore) (map[ipn.ProfileID]*ipn.LoginProfile, error) {
var knownProfiles map[ipn.ProfileID]*ipn.LoginProfile
prfB, err := store.ReadState(ipn.KnownProfilesStateKey)
switch err {
case nil:
if err := json.Unmarshal(prfB, &knownProfiles); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unmarshaling known profiles: %w", err)
case ipn.ErrStateNotExist:
knownProfiles = make(map[ipn.ProfileID]*ipn.LoginProfile)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("calling ReadState on state store: %w", err)
return knownProfiles, nil
func newProfileManagerWithGOOS(store ipn.StateStore, logf logger.Logf, ht *health.Tracker, goos string) (*profileManager, error) {
logf = logger.WithPrefix(logf, "pm: ")
stateKey, err := readAutoStartKey(store, goos)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
knownProfiles, err := readKnownProfiles(store)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pm := &profileManager{
goos: goos,
store: store,
knownProfiles: knownProfiles,
logf: logf,
health: ht,
if stateKey != "" {
for _, v := range knownProfiles {
if v.Key == stateKey {
pm.currentProfile = v
if pm.currentProfile == nil {
if suf, ok := strings.CutPrefix(string(stateKey), "user-"); ok {
pm.currentUserID = ipn.WindowsUserID(suf)
} else {
pm.currentUserID = pm.currentProfile.LocalUserID
prefs, err := pm.loadSavedPrefs(stateKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := pm.setProfilePrefsNoPermCheck(pm.currentProfile, prefs); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Most platform behavior is controlled by the goos parameter, however
// some behavior is implied by build tag and fails when run on Windows,
// so we explicitly avoid that behavior when running on Windows.
// Specifically this reaches down into legacy preference loading that is
// specialized by profiles_windows.go and fails in tests on an invalid
// uid passed in from the unix tests. The uid's used for Windows tests
// and runtime must be valid Windows security identifier structures.
} else if len(knownProfiles) == 0 && goos != "windows" && runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
// No known profiles, try a migration.
pm.dlogf("no known profiles; trying to migrate from legacy prefs")
if _, err := pm.migrateFromLegacyPrefs(pm.currentUserID, true); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
return pm, nil
func (pm *profileManager) migrateFromLegacyPrefs(uid ipn.WindowsUserID, switchNow bool) (*ipn.LoginProfile, error) {
sentinel, prefs, err := pm.loadLegacyPrefs(uid)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("load legacy prefs: %w", err)
pm.dlogf("loaded legacy preferences; sentinel=%q", sentinel)
profile, err := pm.newProfileWithPrefs(uid, prefs, switchNow)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("migrating _daemon profile: %w", err)
pm.dlogf("completed legacy preferences migration with sentinel=%q", sentinel)
return profile, nil
func (pm *profileManager) requiresBackfill() bool {
return pm != nil &&
pm.currentProfile != nil &&
var (
metricNewProfile = clientmetric.NewCounter("profiles_new")
metricSwitchProfile = clientmetric.NewCounter("profiles_switch")
metricDeleteProfile = clientmetric.NewCounter("profiles_delete")
metricDeleteAllProfile = clientmetric.NewCounter("profiles_delete_all")
metricMigration = clientmetric.NewCounter("profiles_migration")
metricMigrationError = clientmetric.NewCounter("profiles_migration_error")
metricMigrationSuccess = clientmetric.NewCounter("profiles_migration_success")