You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

227 lines
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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
//go:build !plan9
package main
import (
appsv1 ""
corev1 ""
rbacv1 ""
metav1 ""
tsoperator ""
tsapi ""
const testProxyImage = "tailscale/tailscale:test"
func TestProxyGroup(t *testing.T) {
pg := &tsapi.ProxyGroup{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Finalizers: []string{""},
fc := fake.NewClientBuilder().
tsClient := &fakeTSClient{}
zl, _ := zap.NewDevelopment()
fr := record.NewFakeRecorder(1)
cl := tstest.NewClock(tstest.ClockOpts{})
reconciler := &ProxyGroupReconciler{
tsNamespace: tsNamespace,
proxyImage: testProxyImage,
defaultTags: []string{"tag:test-tag"},
tsFirewallMode: "auto",
Client: fc,
tsClient: tsClient,
recorder: fr,
l: zl.Sugar(),
clock: cl,
t.Run("observe_ProxyGroupCreating_status_reason", func(t *testing.T) {
expectReconciled(t, reconciler, "", pg.Name)
tsoperator.SetProxyGroupCondition(pg, tsapi.ProxyGroupReady, metav1.ConditionFalse, reasonProxyGroupCreating, "0/2 ProxyGroup pods running", 0, cl, zl.Sugar())
expectEqual(t, fc, pg, nil)
if expected := 1; reconciler.proxyGroups.Len() != expected {
t.Fatalf("expected %d recorders, got %d", expected, reconciler.proxyGroups.Len())
expectProxyGroupResources(t, fc, pg, true)
keyReq := tailscale.KeyCapabilities{
Devices: tailscale.KeyDeviceCapabilities{
Create: tailscale.KeyDeviceCreateCapabilities{
Reusable: false,
Ephemeral: false,
Preauthorized: true,
Tags: []string{"tag:test-tag"},
if diff := cmp.Diff(tsClient.KeyRequests(), []tailscale.KeyCapabilities{keyReq, keyReq}); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected secrets (-got +want):\n%s", diff)
t.Run("simulate_successful_device_auth", func(t *testing.T) {
addNodeIDToStateSecrets(t, fc, pg)
expectReconciled(t, reconciler, "", pg.Name)
pg.Status.Devices = []tsapi.TailnetDevice{
Hostname: "hostname-nodeid-0",
TailnetIPs: []string{"", "::1"},
Hostname: "hostname-nodeid-1",
TailnetIPs: []string{"", "::1"},
tsoperator.SetProxyGroupCondition(pg, tsapi.ProxyGroupReady, metav1.ConditionTrue, reasonProxyGroupReady, reasonProxyGroupReady, 0, cl, zl.Sugar())
expectEqual(t, fc, pg, nil)
expectProxyGroupResources(t, fc, pg, true)
t.Run("scale_up_to_3", func(t *testing.T) {
pg.Spec.Replicas = ptr.To[int32](3)
mustUpdate(t, fc, "", pg.Name, func(p *tsapi.ProxyGroup) {
p.Spec = pg.Spec
expectReconciled(t, reconciler, "", pg.Name)
tsoperator.SetProxyGroupCondition(pg, tsapi.ProxyGroupReady, metav1.ConditionFalse, reasonProxyGroupCreating, "2/3 ProxyGroup pods running", 0, cl, zl.Sugar())
expectEqual(t, fc, pg, nil)
addNodeIDToStateSecrets(t, fc, pg)
expectReconciled(t, reconciler, "", pg.Name)
tsoperator.SetProxyGroupCondition(pg, tsapi.ProxyGroupReady, metav1.ConditionTrue, reasonProxyGroupReady, reasonProxyGroupReady, 0, cl, zl.Sugar())
pg.Status.Devices = append(pg.Status.Devices, tsapi.TailnetDevice{
Hostname: "hostname-nodeid-2",
TailnetIPs: []string{"", "::1"},
expectEqual(t, fc, pg, nil)
expectProxyGroupResources(t, fc, pg, true)
t.Run("scale_down_to_1", func(t *testing.T) {
pg.Spec.Replicas = ptr.To[int32](1)
mustUpdate(t, fc, "", pg.Name, func(p *tsapi.ProxyGroup) {
p.Spec = pg.Spec
expectReconciled(t, reconciler, "", pg.Name)
pg.Status.Devices = pg.Status.Devices[:1] // truncate to only the first device.
expectEqual(t, fc, pg, nil)
expectProxyGroupResources(t, fc, pg, true)
t.Run("delete_and_cleanup", func(t *testing.T) {
if err := fc.Delete(context.Background(), pg); err != nil {
expectReconciled(t, reconciler, "", pg.Name)
expectMissing[tsapi.Recorder](t, fc, "", pg.Name)
if expected := 0; reconciler.proxyGroups.Len() != expected {
t.Fatalf("expected %d ProxyGroups, got %d", expected, reconciler.proxyGroups.Len())
// 2 nodes should get deleted as part of the scale down, and then finally
// the first node gets deleted with the ProxyGroup cleanup.
if diff := cmp.Diff(tsClient.deleted, []string{"nodeid-1", "nodeid-2", "nodeid-0"}); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected deleted devices (-got +want):\n%s", diff)
// The fake client does not clean up objects whose owner has been
// deleted, so we can't test for the owned resources getting deleted.
func expectProxyGroupResources(t *testing.T, fc client.WithWatch, pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup, shouldExist bool) {
role := pgRole(pg, tsNamespace)
roleBinding := pgRoleBinding(pg, tsNamespace)
serviceAccount := pgServiceAccount(pg, tsNamespace)
statefulSet := pgStatefulSet(pg, tsNamespace, testProxyImage, "auto", "")
if shouldExist {
expectEqual(t, fc, role, nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, roleBinding, nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, serviceAccount, nil)
expectEqual(t, fc, statefulSet, func(ss *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
ss.Spec.Template.Annotations[podAnnotationLastSetConfigFileHash] = ""
} else {
expectMissing[rbacv1.Role](t, fc, role.Namespace, role.Name)
expectMissing[rbacv1.RoleBinding](t, fc, roleBinding.Namespace, roleBinding.Name)
expectMissing[corev1.ServiceAccount](t, fc, serviceAccount.Namespace, serviceAccount.Name)
expectMissing[appsv1.StatefulSet](t, fc, statefulSet.Namespace, statefulSet.Name)
var expectedSecrets []string
for i := range pgReplicas(pg) {
expectedSecrets = append(expectedSecrets,
fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", pg.Name, i),
fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d-config", pg.Name, i),
expectSecrets(t, fc, expectedSecrets)
func expectSecrets(t *testing.T, fc client.WithWatch, expected []string) {
secrets := &corev1.SecretList{}
if err := fc.List(context.Background(), secrets); err != nil {
var actual []string
for _, secret := range secrets.Items {
actual = append(actual, secret.Name)
if diff := cmp.Diff(actual, expected); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected secrets (-got +want):\n%s", diff)
func addNodeIDToStateSecrets(t *testing.T, fc client.WithWatch, pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup) {
const key = "profile-abc"
for i := range pgReplicas(pg) {
bytes, err := json.Marshal(map[string]any{
"Config": map[string]any{
"NodeID": fmt.Sprintf("nodeid-%d", i),
if err != nil {
mustUpdate(t, fc, tsNamespace, fmt.Sprintf("test-%d", i), func(s *corev1.Secret) {
s.Data = map[string][]byte{
currentProfileKey: []byte(key),
key: bytes,