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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package rsop
import (
// ErrPolicyClosed is returned by [Policy.Reload], [Policy.addSource],
// [Policy.removeSource] and [Policy.replaceSource] if the policy has been closed.
var ErrPolicyClosed = errors.New("effective policy closed")
// The minimum and maximum wait times after detecting a policy change
// before reloading the policy. This only affects policy reloads triggered
// by a change in the underlying [source.Store] and does not impact
// synchronous, caller-initiated reloads, such as when [Policy.Reload] is called.
// Policy changes occurring within [policyReloadMinDelay] of each other
// will be batched together, resulting in a single policy reload
// no later than [policyReloadMaxDelay] after the first detected change.
// In other words, the effective policy will be reloaded no more often than once
// every 5 seconds, but at most 15 seconds after an underlying [source.Store]
// has issued a policy change callback.
// See [Policy.watchReload].
var (
policyReloadMinDelay = 5 * time.Second
policyReloadMaxDelay = 15 * time.Second
// Policy provides access to the current effective [setting.Snapshot] for a given
// scope and allows to reload it from the underlying [source.Store] list. It also allows to
// subscribe and receive a callback whenever the effective [setting.Snapshot] is changed.
// It is safe for concurrent use.
type Policy struct {
scope setting.PolicyScope
reloadCh chan reloadRequest // 1-buffered; written to when a policy reload is required
closeCh chan struct{} // closed to signal that the Policy is being closed
doneCh chan struct{} // closed by [Policy.closeInternal]
// effective is the most recent version of the [setting.Snapshot]
// containing policy settings merged from all applicable sources.
effective atomic.Pointer[setting.Snapshot]
changeCallbacks policyChangeCallbacks
mu sync.Mutex
watcherStarted bool // whether [Policy.watchReload] was started
sources source.ReadableSources
closing bool // whether [Policy.Close] was called (even if we're still closing)
// newPolicy returns a new [Policy] for the specified [setting.PolicyScope]
// that tracks changes and merges policy settings read from the specified sources.
func newPolicy(scope setting.PolicyScope, sources ...*source.Source) (_ *Policy, err error) {
readableSources := make(source.ReadableSources, 0, len(sources))
defer func() {
if err != nil {
for _, s := range sources {
reader, err := s.Reader()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get a store reader: %w", err)
session, err := reader.OpenSession()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to open a reading session: %w", err)
readableSources = append(readableSources, source.ReadableSource{Source: s, ReadingSession: session})
// Sort policy sources by their precedence from lower to higher.
// For example, {UserPolicy},{ProfilePolicy},{DevicePolicy}.
p := &Policy{
scope: scope,
sources: readableSources,
reloadCh: make(chan reloadRequest, 1),
closeCh: make(chan struct{}),
doneCh: make(chan struct{}),
if _, err := p.reloadNow(false); err != nil {
return nil, err
return p, nil
// IsValid reports whether p is in a valid state and has not been closed.
// Since p's state can be changed by other goroutines at any time, this should
// only be used as an optimization.
func (p *Policy) IsValid() bool {
select {
case <-p.closeCh:
return false
return true
// Scope returns the [setting.PolicyScope] that this policy applies to.
func (p *Policy) Scope() setting.PolicyScope {
return p.scope
// Get returns the effective [setting.Snapshot].
func (p *Policy) Get() *setting.Snapshot {
return p.effective.Load()
// RegisterChangeCallback adds a function to be called whenever the effective
// policy changes. The returned function can be used to unregister the callback.
func (p *Policy) RegisterChangeCallback(callback PolicyChangeCallback) (unregister func()) {
return p.changeCallbacks.Register(callback)
// Reload synchronously re-reads policy settings from the underlying list of policy sources,
// constructing a new merged [setting.Snapshot] even if the policy remains unchanged.
// In most scenarios, there's no need to re-read the policy manually.
// Instead, it is recommended to register a policy change callback, or to use
// the most recent [setting.Snapshot] returned by the [Policy.Get] method.
// It must not be called with held.
func (p *Policy) Reload() (*setting.Snapshot, error) {
return p.reload(true)
// reload is like Reload, but allows to specify whether to re-read policy settings
// from unchanged policy sources.
// It must not be called with held.
func (p *Policy) reload(force bool) (*setting.Snapshot, error) {
if !p.startWatchReloadIfNeeded() {
return p.Get(), nil
respCh := make(chan reloadResponse, 1)
select {
case p.reloadCh <- reloadRequest{force: force, respCh: respCh}:
// continue
case <-p.closeCh:
return nil, ErrPolicyClosed
select {
case resp := <-respCh:
return resp.policy, resp.err
case <-p.closeCh:
return nil, ErrPolicyClosed
// reloadAsync requests an asynchronous background policy reload.
// The policy will be reloaded no later than in [policyReloadMaxDelay].
// It must not be called with held.
func (p *Policy) reloadAsync() {
if !p.startWatchReloadIfNeeded() {
select {
case p.reloadCh <- reloadRequest{}:
// Sent.
// A reload request is already en route.
// reloadNow loads and merges policies from all sources, updating the effective policy.
// If the force parameter is true, it forcibly reloads policies
// from the underlying policy store, even if no policy changes were detected.
// Except for the initial policy reload during the [Policy] creation,
// this method should only be called from the [Policy.watchReload] goroutine.
func (p *Policy) reloadNow(force bool) (*setting.Snapshot, error) {
new, err := p.readAndMerge(force)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
old := p.effective.Swap(new)
// A nil old value indicates the initial policy load rather than a policy change.
// Additionally, we should not invoke the policy change callbacks unless the
// policy items have actually changed.
if old != nil && !old.EqualItems(new) {
snapshots := Change[*setting.Snapshot]{New: new, Old: old}
return new, nil
// Done returns a channel that is closed when the [Policy] is closed.
func (p *Policy) Done() <-chan struct{} {
return p.doneCh
// readAndMerge reads and merges policy settings from all applicable sources,
// returning a [setting.Snapshot] with the merged result.
// If the force parameter is true, it re-reads policy settings from each source
// even if no policy change was observed, and returns an error if the read
// operation fails.
func (p *Policy) readAndMerge(force bool) (*setting.Snapshot, error) {
// Start with an empty policy in the target scope.
effective := setting.NewSnapshot(nil, setting.SummaryWith(p.scope))
// Then merge policy settings from all sources.
// Policy sources with the highest precedence (e.g., the device policy) are merged last,
// overriding any conflicting policy settings with lower precedence.
for _, s := range p.sources {
var policy *setting.Snapshot
if force {
var err error
if policy, err = s.ReadSettings(); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
policy = s.GetSettings()
effective = setting.MergeSnapshots(effective, policy)
return effective, nil
// addSource adds the specified source to the list of sources used by p,
// and triggers a synchronous policy refresh. It returns an error
// if the source is not a valid source for this effective policy,
// or if the effective policy is being closed,
// or if policy refresh fails with an error.
func (p *Policy) addSource(source *source.Source) error {
return p.applySourcesChange(source, nil)
// removeSource removes the specified source from the list of sources used by p,
// and triggers a synchronous policy refresh. It returns an error if the
// effective policy is being closed, or if policy refresh fails with an error.
func (p *Policy) removeSource(source *source.Source) error {
return p.applySourcesChange(nil, source)
// replaceSource replaces the old source with the new source atomically,
// and triggers a synchronous policy refresh. It returns an error
// if the source is not a valid source for this effective policy,
// or if the effective policy is being closed,
// or if policy refresh fails with an error.
func (p *Policy) replaceSource(old, new *source.Source) error {
return p.applySourcesChange(new, old)
func (p *Policy) applySourcesChange(toAdd, toRemove *source.Source) error {
if toAdd == toRemove {
return nil
if toAdd != nil && !toAdd.Scope().Contains(p.scope) {
return errors.New("scope mismatch")
changed, err := func() (changed bool, err error) {
if toAdd != nil && !p.sources.Contains(toAdd) {
reader, err := toAdd.Reader()
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to get a store reader: %w", err)
session, err := reader.OpenSession()
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to open a reading session: %w", err)
addAt := p.sources.InsertionIndexOf(toAdd)
toAdd := source.ReadableSource{
Source: toAdd,
ReadingSession: session,
p.sources = slices.Insert(p.sources, addAt, toAdd)
go p.watchPolicyChanges(toAdd)
changed = true
if toRemove != nil {
if deleteAt := p.sources.IndexOf(toRemove); deleteAt != -1 {
changed = true
return changed, nil
if changed {
_, err = p.reload(false)
return err // may be nil or non-nil
func (p *Policy) watchPolicyChanges(s source.ReadableSource) {
for {
select {
case _, ok := <-s.ReadingSession.PolicyChanged():
if !ok {
abruptlyClosed := slices.Contains(p.sources, s)
if abruptlyClosed {
// The underlying [source.Source] was closed abruptly without
// being properly removed or replaced by another policy source.
// We can't keep this [Policy] up to date, so we should close it.
// The PolicyChanged channel was signaled.
// Request an asynchronous policy reload.
case <-p.closeCh:
// The [Policy] is being closed.
// startWatchReloadIfNeeded starts [Policy.watchReload] in a new goroutine
// if the list of policy sources is not empty, it hasn't been started yet,
// and the [Policy] is not being closed.
// It reports whether [Policy.watchReload] has ever been started.
// It must not be called with held.
func (p *Policy) startWatchReloadIfNeeded() bool {
if len(p.sources) != 0 && !p.watcherStarted && !p.closing {
go p.watchReload()
for i := range p.sources {
go p.watchPolicyChanges(p.sources[i])
p.watcherStarted = true
return p.watcherStarted
// reloadRequest describes a policy reload request.
type reloadRequest struct {
// force policy reload regardless of whether a policy change was detected.
force bool
// respCh is an optional channel. If non-nil, it makes the reload request
// synchronous and receives the result.
respCh chan<- reloadResponse
// reloadResponse is a result of a synchronous policy reload.
type reloadResponse struct {
policy *setting.Snapshot
err error
// watchReload processes incoming synchronous and asynchronous policy reload requests.
// Synchronous requests (with a non-nil respCh) are served immediately.
// Asynchronous requests are debounced and throttled: they are executed at least
// [policyReloadMinDelay] after the last request, but no later than [policyReloadMaxDelay]
// after the first request in a batch.
func (p *Policy) watchReload() {
defer p.closeInternal()
force := false // whether a forced refresh was requested
var delayCh, timeoutCh <-chan time.Time
reload := func(respCh chan<- reloadResponse) {
delayCh, timeoutCh = nil, nil
policy, err := p.reloadNow(force)
if err != nil {
loggerx.Errorf("%v policy reload failed: %v\n", p.scope, err)
if respCh != nil {
respCh <- reloadResponse{policy: policy, err: err}
force = false
for {
select {
case req := <-p.reloadCh:
if req.force {
force = true
if req.respCh != nil {
if delayCh == nil {
timeoutCh = time.After(policyReloadMinDelay)
delayCh = time.After(policyReloadMaxDelay)
case <-delayCh:
case <-timeoutCh:
case <-p.closeCh:
break loop
func (p *Policy) closeInternal() {
// Close initiates the closing of the policy.
// The [Policy.Done] channel is closed to signal that the operation has been completed.
func (p *Policy) Close() {
alreadyClosing := p.closing
watcherStarted := p.watcherStarted
p.closing = true
if alreadyClosing {
if !watcherStarted {
// Normally, closing p.closeCh signals [Policy.watchReload] to exit,
// and [Policy.closeInternal] performs the actual closing when
// [Policy.watchReload] returns. However, if the watcher was never
// started, we need to call [Policy.closeInternal] manually.
go p.closeInternal()