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335 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import Foundation
import Virtualization
import ArgumentParser
var usage =
Installs and configures VMs suitable for use with natlab
To create a new VM (this will grab a restore image if needed)
tailmac create --id <vm_id>
To refresh an existing restore image:
tailmac refresh
To clone a vm (this will clone the mac and port as well)
tailmac clone --identfier <old_vm_id> --target-id <new_vm_id>
To reconfigure a vm:
tailmac configure --id <vm_id> --mac 11:22:33:44:55:66 --port 12345 --mem 8000000000000 -sock "/tmp/mySock.sock"
To run a vm:
tailmac run --id <vm_id>
To stop a vm: (this may take a minute - the vm needs to persist it's state)
tailmac stop --id <vm_id>
To halt a vm without persisting its state
tailmac halt --id <vm_id>
To delete a vm:
tailmac delete --id <vm_id>
To list the available VM images:
tailmac ls
struct Tailmac: ParsableCommand {
static var configuration = CommandConfiguration(
abstract: "A utility for setting up VM images",
usage: usage,
subcommands: [Create.self, Clone.self, Delete.self, Configure.self, Stop.self, Run.self, Ls.self, Halt.self],
defaultSubcommand: Ls.self)
extension Tailmac {
struct Ls: ParsableCommand {
mutating func run() {
do {
let dirs = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: vmBundleURL.path())
var images = [String]()
// This assumes we don't put anything else interesting in our VM.bundle dir
// You may need to add some other exclusions or checks here if that's the case.
for dir in dirs {
if !dir.contains("ipsw") {
images.append(URL(fileURLWithPath: dir).lastPathComponent)
print("Available images:\n\(images)")
} catch {
fatalError("Failed to query available images \(error)")
extension Tailmac {
struct Stop: ParsableCommand {
@Option(help: "The vm identifier") var id: String
mutating func run() {
print("Stopping vm with id \(id). This may take some time!")
let nc = DistributedNotificationCenter() Notifications.stop, object: nil, userInfo: ["id": id])
extension Tailmac {
struct Halt: ParsableCommand {
@Option(help: "The vm identifier") var id: String
mutating func run() {
print("Halting vm with id \(id)")
let nc = DistributedNotificationCenter() Notifications.halt, object: nil, userInfo: ["id": id])
extension Tailmac {
struct Run: ParsableCommand {
@Option(help: "The vm identifier") var id: String
@Flag(help: "Tail the TailMac log output instead of returning immediatly") var tail
mutating func run() {
let process = Process()
let stdOutPipe = Pipe()
let appPath = "./"
process.executableURL = URL(
fileURLWithPath: appPath,
isDirectory: false,
relativeTo: NSRunningApplication.current.bundleURL
if !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: appPath) {
fatalError("Could not find This must be co-located with the tailmac utility")
process.arguments = ["run", "--id", id]
do {
process.standardOutput = stdOutPipe
} catch {
fatalError("Unable to launch the vm process")
// This doesn't print until we exit which is not ideal, but at least we
// get the output
if tail != 0 {
let outHandle = stdOutPipe.fileHandleForReading
let queue = OperationQueue()
forName: NSNotification.Name.NSFileHandleDataAvailable,
object: outHandle, queue: queue)
notification -> Void in
let data = outHandle.availableData
if data.count > 0 {
if let str = String(data: data, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) {
extension Tailmac {
struct Configure: ParsableCommand {
@Option(help: "The vm identifier") var id: String
@Option(help: "The mac address of the socket network interface") var mac: String?
@Option(help: "The port for the virtio socket device") var port: String?
@Option(help: "The named socket for the socket network interface") var sock: String?
@Option(help: "The desired RAM in bytes") var mem: String?
@Option(help: "The ethernet address for a standard NAT adapter") var ethermac: String?
mutating func run() {
let config = Config(id)
let vmExists = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: config.vmDataURL.path())
if !vmExists {
print("VM with id \(id) doesn't exist. Cannot configure.")
if let mac {
config.mac = mac
if let port, let portInt = UInt32(port) {
config.port = portInt
if let ethermac {
config.ethermac = ethermac
if let mem, let membytes = UInt64(mem) {
config.memorySize = membytes
if let sock {
config.serverSocket = sock
let str = String(data:try! JSONEncoder().encode(config), encoding: .utf8)!
print("New Config: \(str)")
extension Tailmac {
struct Delete: ParsableCommand {
@Option(help: "The vm identifer") var id: String?
mutating func run() {
guard let id else {
print("Usage: Installer delete --id=<id>")
let config = Config(id)
let vmExists = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: config.vmDataURL.path())
if !vmExists {
print("VM with id \(id) doesn't exist. Cannot delete.")
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: config.vmDataURL)
} catch {
print("Whoops... Deletion failed \(error)")
extension Tailmac {
struct Clone: ParsableCommand {
@Option(help: "The vm identifier") var id: String
@Option(help: "The vm identifier for the cloned vm") var targetId: String
mutating func run() {
let config = Config(id)
let targetConfig = Config(targetId)
if id == targetId {
fatalError("The ids match. Clone failed.")
let vmExists = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: config.vmDataURL.path())
if !vmExists {
print("VM with id \(id) doesn't exist. Cannot clone.")
print("Cloning \(config.vmDataURL) to \(targetConfig.vmDataURL)")
do {
try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: config.vmDataURL, to: targetConfig.vmDataURL)
} catch {
print("Whoops... Cloning failed \(error)")
extension Tailmac {
struct RefreshImage: ParsableCommand {
mutating func run() {
let config = Config()
let exists = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: config.restoreImageURL.path())
if exists {
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: config.restoreImageURL)
let restoreImage = RestoreImage(config.restoreImageURL) {
print("Restore image refreshed")
extension Tailmac {
struct Create: ParsableCommand {
@Option(help: "The vm identifier. Each VM instance needs a unique ID.") var id: String
@Option(help: "The mac address of the socket network interface") var mac: String?
@Option(help: "The port for the virtio socket device") var port: String?
@Option(help: "The named socket for the socket network interface") var sock: String?
@Option(help: "The desired RAM in bytes") var mem: String?
@Option(help: "The ethernet address for a standard NAT adapter") var ethermac: String?
@Option(help: "The image name to build from. If omitted we will use RestoreImage.ipsw in ~/VM.bundle and download it if needed") var image: String?
mutating func run() {
func buildVM(_ id: String) {
print("Configuring vm with id \(id)")
let config = Config(id)
let installer = VMInstaller(config)
let vmExists = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: config.vmDataURL.path())
if vmExists {
print("VM with id \(id) already exists. No action taken.")
if let mac {
config.mac = mac
if let port, let portInt = UInt32(port) {
config.port = portInt
if let ethermac {
config.ethermac = ethermac
if let mem, let membytes = UInt64(mem) {
config.memorySize = membytes
if let sock {
config.serverSocket = sock
let restoreImagePath = image ?? config.restoreImageURL.path()
let exists = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: restoreImagePath)
if exists {
print("Using existing restore image at \(restoreImagePath)")
installer.installMacOS(ipswURL: URL(fileURLWithPath: restoreImagePath))
} else {
if image != nil {
fatalError("Unable to find custom restore image")
print("Downloading default restore image to \(config.restoreImageURL)")
let restoreImage = RestoreImage(URL(fileURLWithPath: restoreImagePath)) {
// Install from the restore image that you downloaded.
installer.installMacOS(ipswURL: URL(fileURLWithPath: restoreImagePath))