You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

6867 lines
206 KiB

// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package ipnlocal
import (
xmaps ""
var controlDebugFlags = getControlDebugFlags()
func getControlDebugFlags() []string {
if e := envknob.String("TS_DEBUG_CONTROL_FLAGS"); e != "" {
return strings.Split(e, ",")
return nil
// SSHServer is the interface of the conditionally linked ssh/tailssh.server.
type SSHServer interface {
HandleSSHConn(net.Conn) error
// NumActiveConns returns the number of connections passed to HandleSSHConn
// that are still active.
NumActiveConns() int
// OnPolicyChange is called when the SSH access policy changes,
// so that existing sessions can be re-evaluated for validity
// and closed if they'd no longer be accepted.
// Shutdown is called when tailscaled is shutting down.
type newSSHServerFunc func(logger.Logf, *LocalBackend) (SSHServer, error)
var newSSHServer newSSHServerFunc // or nil
// RegisterNewSSHServer lets the conditionally linked ssh/tailssh package register itself.
func RegisterNewSSHServer(fn newSSHServerFunc) {
newSSHServer = fn
// watchSession represents a WatchNotifications channel
// and sessionID as required to close targeted buses.
type watchSession struct {
ch chan *ipn.Notify
sessionID string
// LocalBackend is the glue between the major pieces of the Tailscale
// network software: the cloud control plane (via controlclient), the
// network data plane (via wgengine), and the user-facing UIs and CLIs
// (collectively called "frontends", via LocalBackend's implementation
// of the Backend interface).
// LocalBackend implements the overall state machine for the Tailscale
// application. Frontends, controlclient and wgengine can feed events
// into LocalBackend to advance the state machine, and advancing the
// state machine generates events back out to zero or more components.
type LocalBackend struct {
// Elements that are thread-safe or constant after construction.
ctx context.Context // canceled by Close
ctxCancel context.CancelFunc // cancels ctx
logf logger.Logf // general logging
keyLogf logger.Logf // for printing list of peers on change
statsLogf logger.Logf // for printing peers stats on change
sys *tsd.System
health *health.Tracker // always non-nil
e wgengine.Engine // non-nil; TODO(bradfitz): remove; use sys
store ipn.StateStore // non-nil; TODO(bradfitz): remove; use sys
dialer *tsdial.Dialer // non-nil; TODO(bradfitz): remove; use sys
pushDeviceToken syncs.AtomicValue[string]
backendLogID logid.PublicID
unregisterNetMon func()
unregisterHealthWatch func()
portpoll *portlist.Poller // may be nil
portpollOnce sync.Once // guards starting readPoller
gotPortPollRes chan struct{} // closed upon first readPoller result
varRoot string // or empty if SetVarRoot never called
logFlushFunc func() // or nil if SetLogFlusher wasn't called
em *expiryManager // non-nil
sshAtomicBool atomic.Bool
// webClientAtomicBool controls whether the web client is running. This should
// be true unless the disable-web-client node attribute has been set.
webClientAtomicBool atomic.Bool
// exposeRemoteWebClientAtomicBool controls whether the web client is exposed over
// Tailscale on port 5252.
exposeRemoteWebClientAtomicBool atomic.Bool
shutdownCalled bool // if Shutdown has been called
debugSink *capture.Sink
sockstatLogger *sockstatlog.Logger
// getTCPHandlerForFunnelFlow returns a handler for an incoming TCP flow for
// the provided srcAddr and dstPort if one exists.
// srcAddr is the source address of the flow, not the address of the Funnel
// node relaying the flow.
// dstPort is the destination port of the flow.
// It returns nil if there is no known handler for this flow.
// This is specifically used to handle TCP flows for Funnel connections to tsnet
// servers.
// It is set once during initialization, and can be nil if SetTCPHandlerForFunnelFlow
// is never called.
getTCPHandlerForFunnelFlow func(srcAddr netip.AddrPort, dstPort uint16) (handler func(net.Conn))
filterAtomic atomic.Pointer[filter.Filter]
containsViaIPFuncAtomic syncs.AtomicValue[func(netip.Addr) bool]
shouldInterceptTCPPortAtomic syncs.AtomicValue[func(uint16) bool]
numClientStatusCalls atomic.Uint32
// The mutex protects the following elements.
mu sync.Mutex
conf *conffile.Config // latest parsed config, or nil if not in declarative mode
pm *profileManager // mu guards access
filterHash deephash.Sum
httpTestClient *http.Client // for controlclient. nil by default, used by tests.
ccGen clientGen // function for producing controlclient; lazily populated
sshServer SSHServer // or nil, initialized lazily.
appConnector *appc.AppConnector // or nil, initialized when configured.
// notifyCancel cancels notifications to the current SetNotifyCallback.
notifyCancel context.CancelFunc
cc controlclient.Client
ccAuto *controlclient.Auto // if cc is of type *controlclient.Auto
machinePrivKey key.MachinePrivate
tka *tkaState
state ipn.State
capFileSharing bool // whether netMap contains the file sharing capability
capTailnetLock bool // whether netMap contains the tailnet lock capability
// hostinfo is mutated in-place while mu is held.
hostinfo *tailcfg.Hostinfo
// netMap is the most recently set full netmap from the controlclient.
// It can't be mutated in place once set. Because it can't be mutated in place,
// delta updates from the control server don't apply to it. Instead, use
// the peers map to get up-to-date information on the state of peers.
// In general, avoid using the netMap.Peers slice. We'd like it to go away
// as of 2023-09-17.
netMap *netmap.NetworkMap
// peers is the set of current peers and their current values after applying
// delta node mutations as they come in (with mu held). The map values can
// be given out to callers, but the map itself must not escape the LocalBackend.
peers map[tailcfg.NodeID]tailcfg.NodeView
nodeByAddr map[netip.Addr]tailcfg.NodeID // by Node.Addresses only (not subnet routes)
nmExpiryTimer tstime.TimerController // for updating netMap on node expiry; can be nil
activeLogin string // last logged LoginName from netMap
engineStatus ipn.EngineStatus
endpoints []tailcfg.Endpoint
blocked bool
keyExpired bool
authURL string // non-empty if not Running
authURLTime time.Time // when the authURL was received from the control server
egg bool
prevIfState *netmon.State
peerAPIServer *peerAPIServer // or nil
peerAPIListeners []*peerAPIListener
loginFlags controlclient.LoginFlags
fileWaiters set.HandleSet[context.CancelFunc] // of wake-up funcs
notifyWatchers map[string]*watchSession // by session ID
lastStatusTime time.Time // status.AsOf value of the last processed status update
// directFileRoot, if non-empty, means to write received files
// directly to this directory, without staging them in an
// intermediate buffered directory for "pick-up" later. If
// empty, the files are received in a daemon-owned location
// and the localapi is used to enumerate, download, and delete
// them. This is used on macOS where the GUI lifetime is the
// same as the Network Extension lifetime and we can thus avoid
// double-copying files by writing them to the right location
// immediately.
// It's also used on several NAS platforms (Synology, TrueNAS, etc)
// but in that case DoFinalRename is also set true, which moves the
// *.partial file to its final name on completion.
directFileRoot string
componentLogUntil map[string]componentLogState
// c2nUpdateStatus is the status of c2n-triggered client update.
c2nUpdateStatus updateStatus
currentUser ipnauth.WindowsToken
selfUpdateProgress []ipnstate.UpdateProgress
lastSelfUpdateState ipnstate.SelfUpdateStatus
// capForcedNetfilter is the netfilter that control instructs Linux clients
// to use, unless overridden locally.
capForcedNetfilter string
// offlineAutoUpdateCancel stops offline auto-updates when called. It
// should be used via stopOfflineAutoUpdate and
// maybeStartOfflineAutoUpdate. It is nil when offline auto-updates are
// note running.
//lint:ignore U1000 only used in Linux and Windows builds in autoupdate.go
offlineAutoUpdateCancel func()
// ServeConfig fields. (also guarded by mu)
lastServeConfJSON mem.RO // last JSON that was parsed into serveConfig
serveConfig ipn.ServeConfigView // or !Valid if none
webClient webClient
webClientListeners map[netip.AddrPort]*localListener // listeners for local web client traffic
serveListeners map[netip.AddrPort]*localListener // listeners for local serve traffic
serveProxyHandlers sync.Map // string (HTTPHandler.Proxy) => *reverseProxy
// statusLock must be held before calling statusChanged.Wait() or
// statusChanged.Broadcast().
statusLock sync.Mutex
statusChanged *sync.Cond
// dialPlan is any dial plan that we've received from the control
// server during a previous connection; it is cleared on logout.
dialPlan atomic.Pointer[tailcfg.ControlDialPlan]
// tkaSyncLock is used to make tkaSyncIfNeeded an exclusive
// section. This is needed to stop two map-responses in quick succession
// from racing each other through TKA sync logic / RPCs.
// tkaSyncLock MUST be taken before mu (or inversely, mu must not be held
// at the moment that tkaSyncLock is taken).
tkaSyncLock sync.Mutex
clock tstime.Clock
// Last ClientVersion received in MapResponse, guarded by mu.
lastClientVersion *tailcfg.ClientVersion
// lastNotifiedDriveShares keeps track of the last set of shares that we
// notified about.
lastNotifiedDriveShares atomic.Pointer[views.SliceView[*drive.Share, drive.ShareView]]
// outgoingFiles keeps track of Taildrop outgoing files keyed to their OutgoingFile.ID
outgoingFiles map[string]*ipn.OutgoingFile
// lastSuggestedExitNode stores the last suggested exit node suggestion to
// avoid unnecessary churn between multiple equally-good options.
lastSuggestedExitNode tailcfg.StableNodeID
// HealthTracker returns the health tracker for the backend.
func (b *LocalBackend) HealthTracker() *health.Tracker {
// NetMon returns the network monitor for the backend.
func (b *LocalBackend) NetMon() *netmon.Monitor {
return b.sys.NetMon.Get()
type updateStatus struct {
started bool
// clientGen is a func that creates a control plane client.
// It's the type used by LocalBackend.SetControlClientGetterForTesting.
type clientGen func(controlclient.Options) (controlclient.Client, error)
// NewLocalBackend returns a new LocalBackend that is ready to run,
// but is not actually running.
// If dialer is nil, a new one is made.
func NewLocalBackend(logf logger.Logf, logID logid.PublicID, sys *tsd.System, loginFlags controlclient.LoginFlags) (*LocalBackend, error) {
e := sys.Engine.Get()
store := sys.StateStore.Get()
dialer := sys.Dialer.Get()
if dialer == nil {
return nil, errors.New("dialer to NewLocalBackend must be set")
if dialer.NetMon() == nil {
return nil, errors.New("dialer to NewLocalBackend must have a NetMon")
mConn := sys.MagicSock.Get()
goos := envknob.GOOS()
if loginFlags&controlclient.LocalBackendStartKeyOSNeutral != 0 {
goos = ""
pm, err := newProfileManagerWithGOOS(store, logf, sys.HealthTracker(), goos)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if sds, ok := store.(ipn.StateStoreDialerSetter); ok {
if sys.InitialConfig != nil {
p := pm.CurrentPrefs().AsStruct()
mp, err := sys.InitialConfig.Parsed.ToPrefs()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := pm.SetPrefs(p.View(), ipn.NetworkProfile{}); err != nil {
return nil, err
osshare.SetFileSharingEnabled(false, logf)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
clock := tstime.StdClock{}
b := &LocalBackend{
ctx: ctx,
ctxCancel: cancel,
logf: logf,
keyLogf: logger.LogOnChange(logf, 5*time.Minute, clock.Now),
statsLogf: logger.LogOnChange(logf, 5*time.Minute, clock.Now),
sys: sys,
health: sys.HealthTracker(),
conf: sys.InitialConfig,
e: e,
dialer: dialer,
store: store,
pm: pm,
backendLogID: logID,
state: ipn.NoState,
portpoll: new(portlist.Poller),
em: newExpiryManager(logf),
gotPortPollRes: make(chan struct{}),
loginFlags: loginFlags,
clock: clock,
selfUpdateProgress: make([]ipnstate.UpdateProgress, 0),
lastSelfUpdateState: ipnstate.UpdateFinished,
netMon := sys.NetMon.Get()
b.sockstatLogger, err = sockstatlog.NewLogger(logpolicy.LogsDir(logf), logf, logID, netMon, sys.HealthTracker())
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error setting up sockstat logger: %v", err)
// Enable sockstats logs only on non-mobile unstable builds
if version.IsUnstableBuild() && !version.IsMobile() && b.sockstatLogger != nil {
// Default filter blocks everything and logs nothing, until Start() is called.
noneFilter := filter.NewAllowNone(logf, &netipx.IPSet{})
b.statusChanged = sync.NewCond(&b.statusLock)
b.prevIfState = netMon.InterfaceState()
// Call our linkChange code once with the current state, and
// then also whenever it changes:
b.linkChange(&netmon.ChangeDelta{New: netMon.InterfaceState()})
b.unregisterNetMon = netMon.RegisterChangeCallback(b.linkChange)
b.unregisterHealthWatch =
if tunWrap, ok := b.sys.Tun.GetOK(); ok {
tunWrap.PeerAPIPort = b.GetPeerAPIPort
} else {
b.logf("[unexpected] failed to wire up PeerAPI port for engine %T", e)
for _, component := range ipn.DebuggableComponents {
key := componentStateKey(component)
if ut, err := ipn.ReadStoreInt(pm.Store(), key); err == nil {
if until := time.Unix(ut, 0); until.After(b.clock.Now()) {
// conditional to avoid log spam at start when off
b.SetComponentDebugLogging(component, until)
// initialize Taildrive shares from saved state
fs, ok := b.sys.DriveForRemote.GetOK()
if ok {
currentShares :=
if currentShares.Len() > 0 {
var shares []*drive.Share
for i := range currentShares.Len() {
shares = append(shares, currentShares.At(i).AsStruct())
return b, nil
type componentLogState struct {
until time.Time
timer tstime.TimerController // if non-nil, the AfterFunc to disable it
func componentStateKey(component string) ipn.StateKey {
return ipn.StateKey("_debug_" + component + "_until")
// SetComponentDebugLogging sets component's debug logging enabled until the until time.
// If until is in the past, the component's debug logging is disabled.
// The following components are recognized:
// - magicsock
// - sockstats
func (b *LocalBackend) SetComponentDebugLogging(component string, until time.Time) error {
var setEnabled func(bool)
switch component {
case "magicsock":
setEnabled = b.MagicConn().SetDebugLoggingEnabled
case "sockstats":
if b.sockstatLogger != nil {
setEnabled = func(v bool) {
// Flush (and thus upload) logs when the enabled period ends,
// so that the logs are available for debugging.
if !v {
if setEnabled == nil || !slices.Contains(ipn.DebuggableComponents, component) {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown component %q", component)
timeUnixOrZero := func(t time.Time) int64 {
if t.IsZero() {
return 0
return t.Unix()
ipn.PutStoreInt(, componentStateKey(component), timeUnixOrZero(until))
now := b.clock.Now()
on := now.Before(until)
var onFor time.Duration
if on {
onFor = until.Sub(now)
b.logf("debugging logging for component %q enabled for %v (until %v)", component, onFor.Round(time.Second), until.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339))
} else {
b.logf("debugging logging for component %q disabled", component)
if oldSt, ok := b.componentLogUntil[component]; ok && oldSt.timer != nil {
newSt := componentLogState{until: until}
if on {
newSt.timer = b.clock.AfterFunc(onFor, func() {
// Turn off logging after the timer fires, as long as the state is
// unchanged when the timer actually fires.
if ls := b.componentLogUntil[component]; ls.until.Equal(until) {
b.logf("debugging logging for component %q disabled (by timer)", component)
mak.Set(&b.componentLogUntil, component, newSt)
return nil
// GetComponentDebugLogging gets the time that component's debug logging is
// enabled until, or the zero time if component's time is not currently
// enabled.
func (b *LocalBackend) GetComponentDebugLogging(component string) time.Time {
now := b.clock.Now()
ls := b.componentLogUntil[component]
if ls.until.IsZero() || ls.until.Before(now) {
return time.Time{}
return ls.until
// Dialer returns the backend's dialer.
// It is always non-nil.
func (b *LocalBackend) Dialer() *tsdial.Dialer {
return b.dialer
// SetDirectFileRoot sets the directory to download files to directly,
// without buffering them through an intermediate daemon-owned
// tailcfg.UserID-specific directory.
// This must be called before the LocalBackend starts being used.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetDirectFileRoot(dir string) {
b.directFileRoot = dir
// ReloadConfig reloads the backend's config from disk.
// It returns (false, nil) if not running in declarative mode, (true, nil) on
// success, or (false, error) on failure.
func (b *LocalBackend) ReloadConfig() (ok bool, err error) {
if b.conf == nil {
return false, nil
conf, err := conffile.Load(b.conf.Path)
if err != nil {
return false, err
b.conf = conf
// TODO(bradfitz): apply things
return true, nil
var assumeNetworkUpdateForTest = envknob.RegisterBool("TS_ASSUME_NETWORK_UP_FOR_TEST")
// pauseOrResumeControlClientLocked pauses if there is no network available
// or if the LocalBackend is in Stopped state with a valid NetMap. In all other
// cases, it unpauses it. It is a no-op if is nil.
// must be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) pauseOrResumeControlClientLocked() {
if == nil {
networkUp := b.prevIfState.AnyInterfaceUp() == ipn.Stopped && b.netMap != nil) || (!networkUp && !testenv.InTest() && !assumeNetworkUpdateForTest()))
// linkChange is our network monitor callback, called whenever the network changes.
func (b *LocalBackend) linkChange(delta *netmon.ChangeDelta) {
ifst := delta.New
hadPAC := b.prevIfState.HasPAC()
b.prevIfState = ifst
// If the PAC-ness of the network changed, reconfig wireguard+route to
// add/remove subnets.
if hadPAC != ifst.HasPAC() {
b.logf("linkChange: in state %v; PAC changed from %v->%v", b.state, hadPAC, ifst.HasPAC())
switch b.state {
case ipn.NoState, ipn.Stopped:
// Do nothing.
go b.authReconfig()
// If the local network configuration has changed, our filter may
// need updating to tweak default routes.
updateExitNodeUsageWarning(, delta.New,
if peerAPIListenAsync && b.netMap != nil && b.state == ipn.Running {
want := b.netMap.GetAddresses().Len()
if len(b.peerAPIListeners) < want {
b.logf("linkChange: peerAPIListeners too low; trying again")
go b.initPeerAPIListener()
func (b *LocalBackend) onHealthChange(w *health.Warnable, us *health.UnhealthyState) {
if us == nil {
b.logf("health(warnable=%s): ok", w.Code)
} else {
b.logf("health(warnable=%s): error: %s", w.Code, us.Text)
// Whenever health changes, send the current health state to the frontend.
state :=
Health: state,
// Shutdown halts the backend and all its sub-components. The backend
// can no longer be used after Shutdown returns.
func (b *LocalBackend) Shutdown() {
if b.shutdownCalled {
b.shutdownCalled = true
if b.loginFlags&controlclient.LoginEphemeral != 0 {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(b.ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
t0 := time.Now()
err := b.Logout(ctx) // best effort
td := time.Since(t0).Round(time.Millisecond)
if err != nil {
b.logf("failed to log out ephemeral node on shutdown after %v: %v", td, err)
} else {
b.logf("logged out ephemeral node on shutdown")
cc :=
if b.sshServer != nil {
b.sshServer = nil
if b.debugSink != nil {
b.debugSink = nil
if b.notifyCancel != nil {
if b.sockstatLogger != nil {
if b.peerAPIServer != nil {
if cc != nil {
func stripKeysFromPrefs(p ipn.PrefsView) ipn.PrefsView {
if !p.Valid() || !p.Persist().Valid() {
return p
p2 := p.AsStruct()
p2.Persist.LegacyFrontendPrivateMachineKey = key.MachinePrivate{}
p2.Persist.PrivateNodeKey = key.NodePrivate{}
p2.Persist.OldPrivateNodeKey = key.NodePrivate{}
p2.Persist.NetworkLockKey = key.NLPrivate{}
return p2.View()
// Prefs returns a copy of b's current prefs, with any private keys removed.
func (b *LocalBackend) Prefs() ipn.PrefsView {
return b.sanitizedPrefsLocked()
func (b *LocalBackend) sanitizedPrefsLocked() ipn.PrefsView {
return stripKeysFromPrefs(
// Status returns the latest status of the backend and its
// sub-components.
func (b *LocalBackend) Status() *ipnstate.Status {
sb := &ipnstate.StatusBuilder{WantPeers: true}
return sb.Status()
// StatusWithoutPeers is like Status but omits any details
// of peers.
func (b *LocalBackend) StatusWithoutPeers() *ipnstate.Status {
sb := &ipnstate.StatusBuilder{WantPeers: false}
return sb.Status()
// UpdateStatus implements ipnstate.StatusUpdater.
func (b *LocalBackend) UpdateStatus(sb *ipnstate.StatusBuilder) {
b.e.UpdateStatus(sb) // does wireguard + magicsock status
sb.MutateStatus(func(s *ipnstate.Status) {
s.Version = version.Long()
s.TUN = !b.sys.IsNetstack()
s.BackendState = b.state.String()
s.AuthURL = b.authURL
if prefs :=; prefs.Valid() && prefs.AutoUpdate().Check {
s.ClientVersion = b.lastClientVersion
s.Health =
s.HaveNodeKey = b.hasNodeKeyLocked()
// TODO(bradfitz): move this health check into a health.Warnable
// and remove from here.
if m := b.sshOnButUnusableHealthCheckMessageLocked(); m != "" {
s.Health = append(s.Health, m)
if b.netMap != nil {
s.CertDomains = append([]string(nil), b.netMap.DNS.CertDomains...)
s.MagicDNSSuffix = b.netMap.MagicDNSSuffix()
if s.CurrentTailnet == nil {
s.CurrentTailnet = &ipnstate.TailnetStatus{}
s.CurrentTailnet.MagicDNSSuffix = b.netMap.MagicDNSSuffix()
s.CurrentTailnet.MagicDNSEnabled = b.netMap.DNS.Proxied
s.CurrentTailnet.Name = b.netMap.Domain
if prefs :=; prefs.Valid() {
if !prefs.RouteAll() && b.netMap.AnyPeersAdvertiseRoutes() {
s.Health = append(s.Health, healthmsg.WarnAcceptRoutesOff)
if !prefs.ExitNodeID().IsZero() {
if exitPeer, ok := b.netMap.PeerWithStableID(prefs.ExitNodeID()); ok {
online := false
if v := exitPeer.Online(); v != nil {
online = *v
s.ExitNodeStatus = &ipnstate.ExitNodeStatus{
ID: prefs.ExitNodeID(),
Online: online,
TailscaleIPs: exitPeer.Addresses().AsSlice(),
var tailscaleIPs []netip.Addr
if b.netMap != nil {
addrs := b.netMap.GetAddresses()
for i := range addrs.Len() {
if addr := addrs.At(i); addr.IsSingleIP() {
tailscaleIPs = append(tailscaleIPs, addr.Addr())
sb.MutateSelfStatus(func(ss *ipnstate.PeerStatus) {
ss.OS = version.OS()
ss.Online =
if b.netMap != nil {
ss.InNetworkMap = true
if hi := b.netMap.SelfNode.Hostinfo(); hi.Valid() {
ss.HostName = hi.Hostname()
ss.DNSName = b.netMap.Name
ss.UserID = b.netMap.User()
if sn := b.netMap.SelfNode; sn.Valid() {
peerStatusFromNode(ss, sn)
if cm := sn.CapMap(); cm.Len() > 0 {
ss.Capabilities = make([]tailcfg.NodeCapability, 1, cm.Len()+1)
ss.Capabilities[0] = "HTTPS://TAILSCALE.COM/s/DEPRECATED-NODE-CAPS#see-"
ss.CapMap = make(tailcfg.NodeCapMap, sn.CapMap().Len())
cm.Range(func(k tailcfg.NodeCapability, v views.Slice[tailcfg.RawMessage]) bool {
ss.CapMap[k] = v.AsSlice()
ss.Capabilities = append(ss.Capabilities, k)
return true
for _, addr := range tailscaleIPs {
ss.TailscaleIPs = append(ss.TailscaleIPs, addr)
} else {
ss.HostName, _ = os.Hostname()
for _, pln := range b.peerAPIListeners {
ss.PeerAPIURL = append(ss.PeerAPIURL, pln.urlStr)
// TODO: hostinfo, and its networkinfo
// TODO: EngineStatus copy (and deprecate it?)
if sb.WantPeers {
func (b *LocalBackend) populatePeerStatusLocked(sb *ipnstate.StatusBuilder) {
if b.netMap == nil {
for id, up := range b.netMap.UserProfiles {
sb.AddUser(id, up)
exitNodeID :=
for _, p := range b.peers {
var lastSeen time.Time
if p.LastSeen() != nil {
lastSeen = *p.LastSeen()
tailscaleIPs := make([]netip.Addr, 0, p.Addresses().Len())
for i := range p.Addresses().Len() {
addr := p.Addresses().At(i)
if addr.IsSingleIP() && tsaddr.IsTailscaleIP(addr.Addr()) {
tailscaleIPs = append(tailscaleIPs, addr.Addr())
online := p.Online()
ps := &ipnstate.PeerStatus{
InNetworkMap: true,
UserID: p.User(),
AltSharerUserID: p.Sharer(),
TailscaleIPs: tailscaleIPs,
HostName: p.Hostinfo().Hostname(),
DNSName: p.Name(),
OS: p.Hostinfo().OS(),
LastSeen: lastSeen,
Online: online != nil && *online,
ShareeNode: p.Hostinfo().ShareeNode(),
ExitNode: p.StableID() != "" && p.StableID() == exitNodeID,
SSH_HostKeys: p.Hostinfo().SSH_HostKeys().AsSlice(),
Location: p.Hostinfo().Location(),
Capabilities: p.Capabilities().AsSlice(),
if cm := p.CapMap(); cm.Len() > 0 {
ps.CapMap = make(tailcfg.NodeCapMap, cm.Len())
cm.Range(func(k tailcfg.NodeCapability, v views.Slice[tailcfg.RawMessage]) bool {
ps.CapMap[k] = v.AsSlice()
return true
peerStatusFromNode(ps, p)
p4, p6 := peerAPIPorts(p)
if u := peerAPIURL(nodeIP(p, netip.Addr.Is4), p4); u != "" {
ps.PeerAPIURL = append(ps.PeerAPIURL, u)
if u := peerAPIURL(nodeIP(p, netip.Addr.Is6), p6); u != "" {
ps.PeerAPIURL = append(ps.PeerAPIURL, u)
sb.AddPeer(p.Key(), ps)
// peerStatusFromNode copies fields that exist in the Node struct for
// current node and peers into the provided PeerStatus.
func peerStatusFromNode(ps *ipnstate.PeerStatus, n tailcfg.NodeView) {
ps.PublicKey = n.Key()
ps.ID = n.StableID()
ps.Created = n.Created()
ps.ExitNodeOption = tsaddr.ContainsExitRoutes(n.AllowedIPs())
if n.Tags().Len() != 0 {
v := n.Tags()
ps.Tags = &v
if n.PrimaryRoutes().Len() != 0 {
v := n.PrimaryRoutes()
ps.PrimaryRoutes = &v
if n.AllowedIPs().Len() != 0 {
v := n.AllowedIPs()
ps.AllowedIPs = &v
if n.Expired() {
ps.Expired = true
if t := n.KeyExpiry(); !t.IsZero() {
t = t.Round(time.Second)
ps.KeyExpiry = &t
// WhoIsNodeKey returns the peer info of given public key, if it exists.
func (b *LocalBackend) WhoIsNodeKey(k key.NodePublic) (n tailcfg.NodeView, u tailcfg.UserProfile, ok bool) {
// TODO(bradfitz): add nodeByKey like nodeByAddr instead of walking peers.
if b.netMap == nil {
return n, u, false
if self := b.netMap.SelfNode; self.Valid() && self.Key() == k {
return self, b.netMap.UserProfiles[self.User()], true
for _, n := range b.peers {
if n.Key() == k {
u, ok = b.netMap.UserProfiles[n.User()]
return n, u, ok
return n, u, false
// WhoIs reports the node and user who owns the node with the given IP:port.
// If the IP address is a Tailscale IP, the provided port may be 0.
// The 'proto' is used when looking up the IP:port in our proxy mapper; it
// tracks which local IP:ports correspond to connections proxied by tailscaled,
// and since tailscaled proxies both TCP and UDP, the 'proto' is needed to look
// up the correct IP:port based on the connection's protocol. If not provided,
// the lookup will be done for TCP and then UDP, in that order.
// If ok == true, n and u are valid.
func (b *LocalBackend) WhoIs(proto string, ipp netip.AddrPort) (n tailcfg.NodeView, u tailcfg.UserProfile, ok bool) {
var zero tailcfg.NodeView
nid, ok := b.nodeByAddr[ipp.Addr()]
if !ok {
var ip netip.Addr
if ipp.Port() != 0 {
var protos []string
if proto != "" {
protos = []string{proto}
} else {
// If the user didn't specify a protocol, try all of them
protos = []string{"tcp", "udp"}
for _, tryproto := range protos {
ip, ok = b.sys.ProxyMapper().WhoIsIPPort(tryproto, ipp)
if ok {
if !ok {
return zero, u, false
nid, ok = b.nodeByAddr[ip]
if !ok {
return zero, u, false
if b.netMap == nil {
return zero, u, false
n, ok = b.peers[nid]
if !ok {
// Check if this the self-node, which would not appear in peers.
if !b.netMap.SelfNode.Valid() || nid != b.netMap.SelfNode.ID() {
return zero, u, false
n = b.netMap.SelfNode
u, ok = b.netMap.UserProfiles[n.User()]
if !ok {
return zero, u, false
return n, u, true
// PeerCaps returns the capabilities that remote src IP has to
// ths current node.
func (b *LocalBackend) PeerCaps(src netip.Addr) tailcfg.PeerCapMap {
return b.peerCapsLocked(src)
func (b *LocalBackend) peerCapsLocked(src netip.Addr) tailcfg.PeerCapMap {
if b.netMap == nil {
return nil
filt := b.filterAtomic.Load()
if filt == nil {
return nil
addrs := b.netMap.GetAddresses()
for i := range addrs.Len() {
a := addrs.At(i)
if !a.IsSingleIP() {
dst := a.Addr()
if dst.BitLen() == src.BitLen() { // match on family
return filt.CapsWithValues(src, dst)
return nil
// SetControlClientStatus is the callback invoked by the control client whenever it posts a new status.
// Among other things, this is where we update the netmap, packet filters, DNS and DERP maps.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetControlClientStatus(c controlclient.Client, st controlclient.Status) {
unlock := b.lockAndGetUnlock()
defer unlock()
if != c {
b.logf("Ignoring SetControlClientStatus from old client")
if st.Err != nil {
// The following do not depend on any data for which we need b locked.
if errors.Is(st.Err, io.EOF) {
b.logf("[v1] Received error: EOF")
b.logf("Received error: %v", st.Err)
var uerr controlclient.UserVisibleError
if errors.As(st.Err, &uerr) {
s := uerr.UserVisibleError()
b.send(ipn.Notify{ErrMessage: &s})
// Track the number of calls
currCall := b.numClientStatusCalls.Add(1)
// Handle node expiry in the netmap
if st.NetMap != nil {
now := b.clock.Now()
b.em.flagExpiredPeers(st.NetMap, now)
// Always stop the existing netmap timer if we have a netmap;
// it's possible that we have no nodes expiring, so we should
// always cancel the timer and then possibly restart it below.
if b.nmExpiryTimer != nil {
// Ignore if we can't stop; the atomic check in the
// AfterFunc (below) will skip running.
// Nil so we don't attempt to stop on the next netmap
b.nmExpiryTimer = nil
// Figure out when the next node in the netmap is expiring so we can
// start a timer to reconfigure at that point.
nextExpiry := b.em.nextPeerExpiry(st.NetMap, now)
if !nextExpiry.IsZero() {
tmrDuration := nextExpiry.Sub(now) + 10*time.Second
b.nmExpiryTimer = b.clock.AfterFunc(tmrDuration, func() {
// Skip if the world has moved on past the
// saved call (e.g. if we race stopping this
// timer).
if b.numClientStatusCalls.Load() != currCall {
b.logf("setClientStatus: netmap expiry timer triggered after %v", tmrDuration)
// Call ourselves with the current status again; the logic in
// setClientStatus will take care of updating the expired field
// of peers in the netmap.
b.SetControlClientStatus(c, st)
wasBlocked := b.blocked
keyExpiryExtended := false
if st.NetMap != nil {
wasExpired := b.keyExpired
isExpired := !st.NetMap.Expiry.IsZero() && st.NetMap.Expiry.Before(b.clock.Now())
if wasExpired && !isExpired {
keyExpiryExtended = true
b.keyExpired = isExpired
if keyExpiryExtended && wasBlocked {
// Key extended, unblock the engine
if st.LoginFinished() && (wasBlocked || b.seamlessRenewalEnabled()) {
if wasBlocked {
// Auth completed, unblock the engine
b.send(ipn.Notify{LoginFinished: &empty.Message{}})
// Lock b again and do only the things that require locking.
prefsChanged := false
prefs :=
netMap := b.netMap
if prefs.ControlURL == "" {
// Once we get a message from the control plane, set
// our ControlURL pref explicitly. This causes a
// future "tailscale up" to start checking for
// implicit setting reverts, which it doesn't do when
// ControlURL is blank.
prefs.ControlURL = prefs.ControlURLOrDefault()
prefsChanged = true
if st.Persist.Valid() {
if !prefs.Persist.View().Equals(st.Persist) {
prefsChanged = true
prefs.Persist = st.Persist.AsStruct()
if st.URL != "" {
b.authURL = st.URL
b.authURLTime = b.clock.Now()
if (wasBlocked || b.seamlessRenewalEnabled()) && st.LoginFinished() {
// Interactive login finished successfully (URL visited).
// After an interactive login, the user always wants
// WantRunning.
if !prefs.WantRunning || prefs.LoggedOut {
prefsChanged = true
prefs.WantRunning = true
prefs.LoggedOut = false
if setExitNodeID(prefs, st.NetMap) {
prefsChanged = true
if applySysPolicy(prefs) {
prefsChanged = true
// Until recently, we did not store the account's tailnet name. So check if this is the case,
// and backfill it on incoming status update.
if && st.NetMap != nil && st.NetMap.Domain != "" {
prefsChanged = true
// Perform all mutations of prefs based on the netmap here.
if prefsChanged {
// Prefs will be written out if stale; this is not safe unless locked or cloned.
if err :=, ipn.NetworkProfile{
MagicDNSName: st.NetMap.MagicDNSSuffix(),
DomainName: st.NetMap.DomainName(),
}); err != nil {
b.logf("Failed to save new controlclient state: %v", err)
// initTKALocked is dependent on CurrentProfile.ID, which is initialized
// (for new profiles) on the first call to
if err := b.initTKALocked(); err != nil {
b.logf("initTKALocked: %v", err)
// Perform all reconfiguration based on the netmap here.
if st.NetMap != nil {
b.capTailnetLock = st.NetMap.HasCap(tailcfg.CapabilityTailnetLock)
b.setWebClientAtomicBoolLocked(st.NetMap) // respect locking rules for tkaSyncIfNeeded
if err := b.tkaSyncIfNeeded(st.NetMap, prefs.View()); err != nil {
b.logf("[v1] TKA sync error: %v", err)
// As we stepped outside of the lock, it's possible for
// to now be nil.
if != nil {
if b.tka != nil {
head, err := b.tka.authority.Head().MarshalText()
if err != nil {
b.logf("[v1] error marshalling tka head: %v", err)
} else {
} else {"")
if !envknob.TKASkipSignatureCheck() {
b.updateFilterLocked(st.NetMap, prefs.View())
// Now complete the lock-free parts of what we started while locked.
if prefsChanged {
b.send(ipn.Notify{Prefs: ptr.To(prefs.View())})
if st.NetMap != nil {
if envknob.NoLogsNoSupport() && st.NetMap.HasCap(tailcfg.CapabilityDataPlaneAuditLogs) {
msg := "tailnet requires logging to be enabled. Remove --no-logs-no-support from tailscaled command line."
// Connecting to this tailnet without logging is forbidden; boot us outta here.
prefs.WantRunning = false
p := prefs.View()
if err :=, ipn.NetworkProfile{
MagicDNSName: st.NetMap.MagicDNSSuffix(),
DomainName: st.NetMap.DomainName(),
}); err != nil {
b.logf("Failed to save new controlclient state: %v", err)
b.send(ipn.Notify{ErrMessage: &msg, Prefs: &p})
if netMap != nil {
diff := st.NetMap.ConciseDiffFrom(netMap)
if strings.TrimSpace(diff) == "" {
b.logf("[v1] netmap diff: (none)")
} else {
b.logf("[v1] netmap diff:\n%v", diff)
// Update our cached DERP map
dnsfallback.UpdateCache(st.NetMap.DERPMap, b.logf)
// Update the DERP map in the health package, which uses it for health notifications
b.send(ipn.Notify{NetMap: st.NetMap})
if st.URL != "" {
b.logf("Received auth URL: %.20v...", st.URL)
// This is currently (2020-07-28) necessary; conditionally disabling it is fragile!
// This is where netmap information gets propagated to router and magicsock.
type preferencePolicyInfo struct {
key syspolicy.Key
get func(ipn.PrefsView) bool
set func(*ipn.Prefs, bool)
var preferencePolicies = []preferencePolicyInfo{
key: syspolicy.EnableIncomingConnections,
// Allow Incoming (used by the UI) is the negation of ShieldsUp (used by the
// backend), so this has to convert between the two conventions.
get: func(p ipn.PrefsView) bool { return !p.ShieldsUp() },
set: func(p *ipn.Prefs, v bool) { p.ShieldsUp = !v },
key: syspolicy.EnableServerMode,
get: func(p ipn.PrefsView) bool { return p.ForceDaemon() },
set: func(p *ipn.Prefs, v bool) { p.ForceDaemon = v },
key: syspolicy.ExitNodeAllowLANAccess,
get: func(p ipn.PrefsView) bool { return p.ExitNodeAllowLANAccess() },
set: func(p *ipn.Prefs, v bool) { p.ExitNodeAllowLANAccess = v },
key: syspolicy.EnableTailscaleDNS,
get: func(p ipn.PrefsView) bool { return p.CorpDNS() },
set: func(p *ipn.Prefs, v bool) { p.CorpDNS = v },
key: syspolicy.EnableTailscaleSubnets,
get: func(p ipn.PrefsView) bool { return p.RouteAll() },
set: func(p *ipn.Prefs, v bool) { p.RouteAll = v },
key: syspolicy.CheckUpdates,
get: func(p ipn.PrefsView) bool { return p.AutoUpdate().Check },
set: func(p *ipn.Prefs, v bool) { p.AutoUpdate.Check = v },
key: syspolicy.ApplyUpdates,
get: func(p ipn.PrefsView) bool { v, _ := p.AutoUpdate().Apply.Get(); return v },
set: func(p *ipn.Prefs, v bool) { p.AutoUpdate.Apply.Set(v) },
key: syspolicy.EnableRunExitNode,
get: func(p ipn.PrefsView) bool { return p.AdvertisesExitNode() },
set: func(p *ipn.Prefs, v bool) { p.SetAdvertiseExitNode(v) },
// applySysPolicy overwrites configured preferences with policies that may be
// configured by the system administrator in an OS-specific way.
func applySysPolicy(prefs *ipn.Prefs) (anyChange bool) {
if controlURL, err := syspolicy.GetString(syspolicy.ControlURL, prefs.ControlURL); err == nil && prefs.ControlURL != controlURL {
prefs.ControlURL = controlURL
anyChange = true
for _, opt := range preferencePolicies {
if po, err := syspolicy.GetPreferenceOption(opt.key); err == nil {
curVal := opt.get(prefs.View())
newVal := po.ShouldEnable(curVal)
if curVal != newVal {
opt.set(prefs, newVal)
anyChange = true
return anyChange
var _ controlclient.NetmapDeltaUpdater = (*LocalBackend)(nil)
// UpdateNetmapDelta implements controlclient.NetmapDeltaUpdater.
func (b *LocalBackend) UpdateNetmapDelta(muts []netmap.NodeMutation) (handled bool) {
if !b.MagicConn().UpdateNetmapDelta(muts) {
return false
var notify *ipn.Notify // non-nil if we need to send a Notify
defer func() {
if notify != nil {
if !b.updateNetmapDeltaLocked(muts) {
return false
if b.netMap != nil && mutationsAreWorthyOfTellingIPNBus(muts) {
nm := ptr.To(*b.netMap) // shallow clone
nm.Peers = make([]tailcfg.NodeView, 0, len(b.peers))
for _, p := range b.peers {
nm.Peers = append(nm.Peers, p)
slices.SortFunc(nm.Peers, func(a, b tailcfg.NodeView) int {
return cmp.Compare(a.ID(), b.ID())
notify = &ipn.Notify{NetMap: nm}
} else if testenv.InTest() {
// In tests, send an empty Notify as a wake-up so end-to-end
// integration tests in another repo can check on the status of
// LocalBackend after processing deltas.
notify = new(ipn.Notify)
return true
// mutationsAreWorthyOfTellingIPNBus reports whether any mutation type in muts is
// worthy of spamming the IPN bus (the Windows & Mac GUIs, basically) to tell them
// about the update.
func mutationsAreWorthyOfTellingIPNBus(muts []netmap.NodeMutation) bool {
for _, m := range muts {
switch m.(type) {
case netmap.NodeMutationLastSeen,
// The GUI clients might render peers differently depending on whether
// they're online.
return true
return false
func (b *LocalBackend) updateNetmapDeltaLocked(muts []netmap.NodeMutation) (handled bool) {
if b.netMap == nil || len(b.peers) == 0 {
return false
// Locally cloned mutable nodes, to avoid calling AsStruct (clone)
// multiple times on a node if it's mutated multiple times in this
// call (e.g. its endpoints + online status both change)
var mutableNodes map[tailcfg.NodeID]*tailcfg.Node
for _, m := range muts {
n, ok := mutableNodes[m.NodeIDBeingMutated()]
if !ok {
nv, ok := b.peers[m.NodeIDBeingMutated()]
if !ok {
// TODO(bradfitz): unexpected metric?
return false
n = nv.AsStruct()
mak.Set(&mutableNodes, nv.ID(), n)
for nid, n := range mutableNodes {
b.peers[nid] = n.View()
return true
// setExitNodeID updates prefs to reference an exit node by ID, rather
// than by IP. It returns whether prefs was mutated.
func setExitNodeID(prefs *ipn.Prefs, nm *netmap.NetworkMap) (prefsChanged bool) {
if exitNodeIDStr, _ := syspolicy.GetString(syspolicy.ExitNodeID, ""); exitNodeIDStr != "" {
exitNodeID := tailcfg.StableNodeID(exitNodeIDStr)
changed := prefs.ExitNodeID != exitNodeID || prefs.ExitNodeIP.IsValid()
prefs.ExitNodeID = exitNodeID
prefs.ExitNodeIP = netip.Addr{}
return changed
oldExitNodeID := prefs.ExitNodeID
if exitNodeIPStr, _ := syspolicy.GetString(syspolicy.ExitNodeIP, ""); exitNodeIPStr != "" {
exitNodeIP, err := netip.ParseAddr(exitNodeIPStr)
if exitNodeIP.IsValid() && err == nil {
prefsChanged = prefs.ExitNodeID != "" || prefs.ExitNodeIP != exitNodeIP
prefs.ExitNodeID = ""
prefs.ExitNodeIP = exitNodeIP
if nm == nil {
// No netmap, can't resolve anything.
return false
// If we have a desired IP on file, try to find the corresponding
// node.
if !prefs.ExitNodeIP.IsValid() {
return false
// IP takes precedence over ID, so if both are set, clear ID.
if prefs.ExitNodeID != "" {
prefs.ExitNodeID = ""
prefsChanged = true
for _, peer := range nm.Peers {
for i := range peer.Addresses().Len() {
addr := peer.Addresses().At(i)
if !addr.IsSingleIP() || addr.Addr() != prefs.ExitNodeIP {
// Found the node being referenced, upgrade prefs to
// reference it directly for next time.
prefs.ExitNodeID = peer.StableID()
prefs.ExitNodeIP = netip.Addr{}
return oldExitNodeID != prefs.ExitNodeID
return prefsChanged
// setWgengineStatus is the callback by the wireguard engine whenever it posts a new status.
// This updates the endpoints both in the backend and in the control client.
func (b *LocalBackend) setWgengineStatus(s *wgengine.Status, err error) {
if err != nil {
b.logf("wgengine status error: %v", err)
if s == nil {
b.logf("[unexpected] non-error wgengine update with status=nil: %v", s)
if s.AsOf.Before(b.lastStatusTime) {
// Don't process a status update that is older than the one we have
// already processed. (corp#2579)
b.lastStatusTime = s.AsOf
es := b.parseWgStatusLocked(s)
cc :=
b.engineStatus = es
needUpdateEndpoints := !endpointsEqual(s.LocalAddrs, b.endpoints)
if needUpdateEndpoints {
b.endpoints = append([]tailcfg.Endpoint{}, s.LocalAddrs...)
if cc != nil {
if needUpdateEndpoints {
b.send(ipn.Notify{Engine: &es})
func (b *LocalBackend) broadcastStatusChanged() {
// The sync.Cond docs say: "It is allowed but not required for the caller to hold c.L during the call."
// In this particular case, we must acquire b.statusLock. Otherwise we might broadcast before
// the waiter (in requestEngineStatusAndWait) starts to wait, in which case
// the waiter can get stuck indefinitely. See PR 2865.
func endpointsEqual(x, y []tailcfg.Endpoint) bool {
if len(x) != len(y) {
return false
for i := range x {
if x[i] != y[i] {
return false
return true
// SetNotifyCallback sets the function to call when the backend has something to
// notify the frontend about. Only one callback can be set at a time, so calling
// this function will replace the previous callback.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetNotifyCallback(notify func(ipn.Notify)) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(b.ctx)
prevCancel := b.notifyCancel
b.notifyCancel = cancel
if prevCancel != nil {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go b.WatchNotifications(ctx, 0, wg.Done, func(n *ipn.Notify) bool {
return true
// SetHTTPTestClient sets an alternate HTTP client to use with
// connections to the coordination server. It exists for
// testing. Using nil means to use the default.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetHTTPTestClient(c *http.Client) {
b.httpTestClient = c
// SetControlClientGetterForTesting sets the func that creates a
// control plane client. It can be called at most once, before Start.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetControlClientGetterForTesting(newControlClient func(controlclient.Options) (controlclient.Client, error)) {
if b.ccGen != nil {
panic("invalid use of SetControlClientGetterForTesting after Start")
b.ccGen = newControlClient
// NodeViewByIDForTest returns the state of the node with the given ID
// for integration tests in another repo.
func (b *LocalBackend) NodeViewByIDForTest(id tailcfg.NodeID) (_ tailcfg.NodeView, ok bool) {
n, ok := b.peers[id]
return n, ok
// DisablePortMapperForTest disables the portmapper for tests.
// It must be called before Start.
func (b *LocalBackend) DisablePortMapperForTest() {
b.portpoll = nil
// PeersForTest returns all the current peers, sorted by Node.ID,
// for integration tests in another repo.
func (b *LocalBackend) PeersForTest() []tailcfg.NodeView {
ret := xmaps.Values(b.peers)
slices.SortFunc(ret, func(a, b tailcfg.NodeView) int {
return cmp.Compare(a.ID(), b.ID())
return ret
func (b *LocalBackend) getNewControlClientFuncLocked() clientGen {
if b.ccGen == nil {
// Initialize it rather than just returning the
// default to make any future call to
// SetControlClientGetterForTesting panic.
b.ccGen = func(opts controlclient.Options) (controlclient.Client, error) {
return controlclient.New(opts)
return b.ccGen
// Start applies the configuration specified in opts, and starts the
// state machine.
// TODO(danderson): this function is trying to do too many things at
// once: it loads state, or imports it, or updates prefs sometimes,
// contains some settings that are one-shot things done by `tailscale
// up` because we had nowhere else to put them, and there's no clear
// guarantee that switching from one user's state to another is
// actually a supported operation (it should be, but it's very unclear
// from the following whether or not that is a safe transition).
func (b *LocalBackend) Start(opts ipn.Options) error {
var clientToShutdown controlclient.Client
defer func() {
if clientToShutdown != nil {
unlock := b.lockAndGetUnlock()
defer unlock()
if opts.UpdatePrefs != nil {
if err := b.checkPrefsLocked(opts.UpdatePrefs); err != nil {
return err
if b.state != ipn.Running && b.conf != nil && b.conf.Parsed.AuthKey != nil && opts.AuthKey == "" {
v := *b.conf.Parsed.AuthKey
if filename, ok := strings.CutPrefix(v, "file:"); ok {
b, err := os.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error reading config file authKey: %w", err)
v = strings.TrimSpace(string(b))
opts.AuthKey = v
hostinfo := hostinfo.New()
applyConfigToHostinfo(hostinfo, b.conf)
hostinfo.BackendLogID = b.backendLogID.String()
hostinfo.FrontendLogID = opts.FrontendLogID
hostinfo.AppConnector.Set(b.appConnector != nil)
b.logf.JSON(1, "Hostinfo", hostinfo)
// TODO(apenwarr): avoid the need to reinit controlclient.
// This will trigger a full relogin/reconfigure cycle every
// time a Handle reconnects to the backend. Ideally, we
// would send the new Prefs and everything would get back
// into sync with the minimal changes. But that's not how it
// is right now, which is a sign that the code is still too
// complicated.
clientToShutdown = b.resetControlClientLocked()
httpTestClient := b.httpTestClient
if b.hostinfo != nil {
hostinfo.Services = b.hostinfo.Services // keep any previous services
b.hostinfo = hostinfo
b.state = ipn.NoState
if opts.UpdatePrefs != nil {
oldPrefs :=
newPrefs := opts.UpdatePrefs.Clone()
newPrefs.Persist = oldPrefs.Persist().AsStruct()
pv := newPrefs.View()
if err :=, ipn.NetworkProfile{
MagicDNSName: b.netMap.MagicDNSSuffix(),
DomainName: b.netMap.DomainName(),
}); err != nil {
b.logf("failed to save UpdatePrefs state: %v", err)
} else {
prefs :=
wantRunning := prefs.WantRunning()
if wantRunning {
if err := b.initMachineKeyLocked(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initMachineKeyLocked: %w", err)
loggedOut := prefs.LoggedOut()
serverURL := prefs.ControlURLOrDefault()
if inServerMode := prefs.ForceDaemon(); inServerMode || runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
b.logf("Start: serverMode=%v", inServerMode)
b.applyPrefsToHostinfoLocked(hostinfo, prefs)
persistv := prefs.Persist().AsStruct()
if persistv == nil {
persistv = new(persist.Persist)
b.updateFilterLocked(nil, ipn.PrefsView{})
if b.portpoll != nil {
b.portpollOnce.Do(func() {
go b.readPoller()
// Give the poller a second to get results to
// prevent it from restarting our map poll
// HTTP request (via doSetHostinfoFilterServices >
// cli.SetHostinfo). In practice this is very quick.
t0 := b.clock.Now()
timer, timerChannel := b.clock.NewTimer(time.Second)
select {
case <-b.gotPortPollRes:
b.logf("[v1] got initial portlist info in %v", b.clock.Since(t0).Round(time.Millisecond))
case <-timerChannel:
b.logf("timeout waiting for initial portlist")
discoPublic := b.MagicConn().DiscoPublicKey()
var err error
isNetstack := b.sys.IsNetstackRouter()
debugFlags := controlDebugFlags
if isNetstack {
debugFlags = append([]string{"netstack"}, debugFlags...)
// TODO(apenwarr): The only way to change the ServerURL is to
// re-run b.Start, because this is the only place we create a
// new controlclient. EditPrefs allows you to overwrite ServerURL,
// but it won't take effect until the next Start.
cc, err := b.getNewControlClientFuncLocked()(controlclient.Options{
GetMachinePrivateKey: b.createGetMachinePrivateKeyFunc(),
Logf: logger.WithPrefix(b.logf, "control: "),
Persist: *persistv,
ServerURL: serverURL,
AuthKey: opts.AuthKey,
Hostinfo: hostinfo,
HTTPTestClient: httpTestClient,
DiscoPublicKey: discoPublic,
DebugFlags: debugFlags,
Pinger: b,
PopBrowserURL: b.tellClientToBrowseToURL,
OnClientVersion: b.onClientVersion,
OnTailnetDefaultAutoUpdate: b.onTailnetDefaultAutoUpdate,
OnControlTime: b.em.onControlTime,
Dialer: b.Dialer(),
Observer: b,
C2NHandler: http.HandlerFunc(b.handleC2N),
DialPlan: &b.dialPlan, // pointer because it can't be copied
ControlKnobs: b.sys.ControlKnobs(),
// Don't warn about broken Linux IP forwarding when
// netstack is being used.
SkipIPForwardingCheck: isNetstack,
if err != nil {
return err
endpoints := b.endpoints
if err := b.initTKALocked(); err != nil {
b.logf("initTKALocked: %v", err)
var tkaHead string
if b.tka != nil {
head, err := b.tka.authority.Head().MarshalText()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("marshalling tka head: %w", err)
tkaHead = string(head)
confWantRunning := b.conf != nil && wantRunning
if endpoints != nil {
blid := b.backendLogID.String()
b.logf("Backend: logs: be:%v fe:%v", blid, opts.FrontendLogID)
BackendLogID: &blid,
Prefs: &prefs,
if !loggedOut && (b.hasNodeKeyLocked() || confWantRunning) {
// If we know that we're either logged in or meant to be
// running, tell the controlclient that it should also assume
// that we need to be logged in.
// Without this, the state machine transitions to "NeedsLogin" implying
// that user interaction is required, which is not the case and can
// regress tsnet.Server restarts.
return nil
// invalidPacketFilterWarnable is a Warnable to warn the user that the control server sent an invalid packet filter.
var invalidPacketFilterWarnable = health.Register(&health.Warnable{
Code: "invalid-packet-filter",
Title: "Invalid packet filter",
Severity: health.SeverityHigh,
Text: health.StaticMessage("The coordination server sent an invalid packet filter permitting traffic to unlocked nodes; rejecting all packets for safety"),
// updateFilterLocked updates the packet filter in wgengine based on the
// given netMap and user preferences.
// must be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) updateFilterLocked(netMap *netmap.NetworkMap, prefs ipn.PrefsView) {
// NOTE(danderson): keep change detection as the first thing in
// this function. Don't try to optimize by returning early, more
// likely than not you'll just end up breaking the change
// detection and end up with the wrong filter installed. This is
// quite hard to debug, so save yourself the trouble.
var (
haveNetmap = netMap != nil
addrs views.Slice[netip.Prefix]
packetFilter []filter.Match
localNetsB netipx.IPSetBuilder
logNetsB netipx.IPSetBuilder
shieldsUp = !prefs.Valid() || prefs.ShieldsUp() // Be conservative when not ready
// Log traffic for Tailscale IPs.
if haveNetmap {
addrs = netMap.GetAddresses()
for i := range addrs.Len() {
packetFilter = netMap.PacketFilter
if packetFilterPermitsUnlockedNodes(b.peers, packetFilter) {, nil)
packetFilter = nil
} else {
if prefs.Valid() {
ar := prefs.AdvertiseRoutes()
for i := range ar.Len() {
r := ar.At(i)
if r.Bits() == 0 {
// When offering a default route to the world, we
// filter out locally reachable LANs, so that the
// default route effectively appears to be a "guest
// wifi": you get internet access, but to additionally
// get LAN access the LAN(s) need to be offered
// explicitly as well.
localInterfaceRoutes, hostIPs, err := interfaceRoutes()
if err != nil {
b.logf("getting local interface routes: %v", err)
s, err := shrinkDefaultRoute(r, localInterfaceRoutes, hostIPs)
if err != nil {
b.logf("computing default route filter: %v", err)
} else {
// When advertising a non-default route, we assume
// this is a corporate subnet that should be present
// in the audit logs.
// App connectors handle DNS requests for app domains over PeerAPI (corp#11961),
// but a safety check verifies the requesting peer has at least permission
// to send traffic to (or 2000:: for IPv6) before handling the DNS
// request (see peerAPIHandler.replyToDNSQueries in peerapi.go).
// The correct filter rules are synthesized by the coordination server
// and sent down, but the address needs to be part of the 'local net' for the
// filter package to even bother checking the filter rules, so we set them here.
if prefs.AppConnector().Advertise {
localNets, _ := localNetsB.IPSet()
logNets, _ := logNetsB.IPSet()
var sshPol tailcfg.SSHPolicy
if haveNetmap && netMap.SSHPolicy != nil {
sshPol = *netMap.SSHPolicy
changed := deephash.Update(&b.filterHash, &struct {
HaveNetmap bool
Addrs views.Slice[netip.Prefix]
FilterMatch []filter.Match
LocalNets []netipx.IPRange
LogNets []netipx.IPRange
ShieldsUp bool
SSHPolicy tailcfg.SSHPolicy
}{haveNetmap, addrs, packetFilter, localNets.Ranges(), logNets.Ranges(), shieldsUp, sshPol})
if !changed {
if !haveNetmap {
b.logf("[v1] netmap packet filter: (not ready yet)")
noneFilter := filter.NewAllowNone(b.logf, logNets)
oldFilter := b.e.GetFilter()
if shieldsUp {
b.logf("[v1] netmap packet filter: (shields up)")
b.setFilter(filter.NewShieldsUpFilter(localNets, logNets, oldFilter, b.logf))
} else {
b.logf("[v1] netmap packet filter: %v filters", len(packetFilter))
b.setFilter(filter.New(packetFilter, b.srcIPHasCapForFilter, localNets, logNets, oldFilter, b.logf))
// The filter for a jailed node is the exact same as a ShieldsUp filter.
oldJailedFilter := b.e.GetJailedFilter()
b.e.SetJailedFilter(filter.NewShieldsUpFilter(localNets, logNets, oldJailedFilter, b.logf))
if b.sshServer != nil {
go b.sshServer.OnPolicyChange()
// packetFilterPermitsUnlockedNodes reports any peer in peers with the
// UnsignedPeerAPIOnly bool set true has any of its allowed IPs in the packet
// filter.
// If this reports true, the packet filter is invalid (the server is either broken
// or malicious) and should be ignored for safety.
func packetFilterPermitsUnlockedNodes(peers map[tailcfg.NodeID]tailcfg.NodeView, packetFilter []filter.Match) bool {
var b netipx.IPSetBuilder
var numUnlocked int
for _, p := range peers {
if !p.UnsignedPeerAPIOnly() {
for i := range p.AllowedIPs().Len() { // not only addresses!
if numUnlocked == 0 {
return false
s, err := b.IPSet()
if err != nil {
// Shouldn't happen, but if it does, fail closed.
return true
for _, m := range packetFilter {
for _, r := range m.Srcs {
if !s.OverlapsPrefix(r) {
if len(m.Dsts) != 0 {
return true
return false
func (b *LocalBackend) setFilter(f *filter.Filter) {
var removeFromDefaultRoute = []netip.Prefix{
// RFC1918 LAN ranges
// IPv4 link-local
// IPv4 multicast
// Tailscale IPv4 range
// IPv6 Link-local addresses
// IPv6 multicast
// Tailscale IPv6 range
// internalAndExternalInterfaces splits interface routes into "internal"
// and "external" sets. Internal routes are those of virtual ethernet
// network interfaces used by guest VMs and containers, such as WSL and
// Docker.
// Given that "internal" routes don't leave the device, we choose to
// trust them more, allowing access to them when an Exit Node is enabled.
func internalAndExternalInterfaces() (internal, external []netip.Prefix, err error) {
il, err := netmon.GetInterfaceList()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return internalAndExternalInterfacesFrom(il, runtime.GOOS)
func internalAndExternalInterfacesFrom(il netmon.InterfaceList, goos string) (internal, external []netip.Prefix, err error) {
// We use an IPSetBuilder here to canonicalize the prefixes
// and to remove any duplicate entries.
var internalBuilder, externalBuilder netipx.IPSetBuilder
if err := il.ForeachInterfaceAddress(func(iface netmon.Interface, pfx netip.Prefix) {
if tsaddr.IsTailscaleIP(pfx.Addr()) {
if pfx.IsSingleIP() {
if iface.IsLoopback() {
if goos == "windows" {
// Windows Hyper-V prefixes all MAC addresses with 00:15:5d.
// This includes WSL2 vEthernet.
// Importantly: by default WSL2 /etc/resolv.conf points to
// a stub resolver running on the host vEthernet IP.
// So enabling exit nodes with the default tailnet
// configuration breaks WSL2 DNS without this.
mac := iface.Interface.HardwareAddr
if len(mac) == 6 && mac[0] == 0x00 && mac[1] == 0x15 && mac[2] == 0x5d {
}); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
iSet, err := internalBuilder.IPSet()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
eSet, err := externalBuilder.IPSet()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return iSet.Prefixes(), eSet.Prefixes(), nil
func interfaceRoutes() (ips *netipx.IPSet, hostIPs []netip.Addr, err error) {
var b netipx.IPSetBuilder
if err := netmon.ForeachInterfaceAddress(func(_ netmon.Interface, pfx netip.Prefix) {
if tsaddr.IsTailscaleIP(pfx.Addr()) {
if pfx.IsSingleIP() {
hostIPs = append(hostIPs, pfx.Addr())
}); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
ipSet, _ := b.IPSet()
return ipSet, hostIPs, nil
// shrinkDefaultRoute returns an IPSet representing the IPs in route,
// minus those in removeFromDefaultRoute and localInterfaceRoutes,
// plus the IPs in hostIPs.
func shrinkDefaultRoute(route netip.Prefix, localInterfaceRoutes *netipx.IPSet, hostIPs []netip.Addr) (*netipx.IPSet, error) {
var b netipx.IPSetBuilder
// Add the default route.
// Remove the local interface routes.
// Having removed all the LAN subnets, re-add the hosts's own
// IPs. It's fine for clients to connect to an exit node's public
// IP address, just not the attached subnet.
// Truly forbidden subnets (in removeFromDefaultRoute) will still
// be stripped back out by the next step.
for _, ip := range hostIPs {
if route.Contains(ip) {
for _, pfx := range removeFromDefaultRoute {
return b.IPSet()
// readPoller is a goroutine that receives service lists from
// b.portpoll and propagates them into the controlclient's HostInfo.
func (b *LocalBackend) readPoller() {
isFirst := true
ticker, tickerChannel := b.clock.NewTicker(portlist.PollInterval())
defer ticker.Stop()
initChan := make(chan struct{})
for {
select {
case <-tickerChannel:
case <-b.ctx.Done():
case <-initChan:
// Preserving old behavior: readPoller should
// immediately poll the first time, then wait
// for a tick after.
initChan = nil
ports, changed, err := b.portpoll.Poll()
if err != nil {
b.logf("error polling for open ports: %v", err)
if !changed {
sl := []tailcfg.Service{}
for _, p := range ports {
s := tailcfg.Service{
Proto: tailcfg.ServiceProto(p.Proto),
Port: p.Port,
Description: p.Process,
if policy.IsInterestingService(s, version.OS()) {
sl = append(sl, s)
if b.hostinfo == nil {
b.hostinfo = new(tailcfg.Hostinfo)
b.hostinfo.Services = sl
if isFirst {
isFirst = false
// GetPushDeviceToken returns the push notification device token.
func (b *LocalBackend) GetPushDeviceToken() string {
return b.pushDeviceToken.Load()
// SetPushDeviceToken sets the push notification device token and informs the
// controlclient of the new value.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetPushDeviceToken(tk string) {
old := b.pushDeviceToken.Swap(tk)
if old == tk {
func applyConfigToHostinfo(hi *tailcfg.Hostinfo, c *conffile.Config) {
if c == nil {
if c.Parsed.Hostname != nil {
hi.Hostname = *c.Parsed.Hostname
// WatchNotifications subscribes to the ipn.Notify message bus notification
// messages.
// WatchNotifications blocks until ctx is done.
// The provided onWatchAdded, if non-nil, will be called once the watcher
// is installed.
// The provided fn will be called for each notification. It will only be
// called with non-nil pointers. The caller must not modify roNotify. If
// fn returns false, the watch also stops.
// Failure to consume many notifications in a row will result in dropped
// notifications. There is currently (2022-11-22) no mechanism provided to
// detect when a message has been dropped.
func (b *LocalBackend) WatchNotifications(ctx context.Context, mask ipn.NotifyWatchOpt, onWatchAdded func(), fn func(roNotify *ipn.Notify) (keepGoing bool)) {
ch := make(chan *ipn.Notify, 128)
sessionID := rands.HexString(16)
origFn := fn
if mask&ipn.NotifyNoPrivateKeys != 0 {
fn = func(n *ipn.Notify) bool {
if n.NetMap == nil || n.NetMap.PrivateKey.IsZero() {
return origFn(n)
// The netmap in n is shared across all watchers, so to mutate it for a
// single watcher we have to clone the notify and the netmap. We can
// make shallow clones, at least.
nm2 := *n.NetMap
n2 := *n
n2.NetMap = &nm2
n2.NetMap.PrivateKey = key.NodePrivate{}
return origFn(&n2)
var ini *ipn.Notify
const initialBits = ipn.NotifyInitialState | ipn.NotifyInitialPrefs | ipn.NotifyInitialNetMap | ipn.NotifyInitialDriveShares
if mask&initialBits != 0 {
ini = &ipn.Notify{Version: version.Long()}
if mask&ipn.NotifyInitialState != 0 {
ini.SessionID = sessionID
ini.State = ptr.To(b.state)
if b.state == ipn.NeedsLogin && b.authURL != "" {
ini.BrowseToURL = ptr.To(b.authURL)
if mask&ipn.NotifyInitialPrefs != 0 {
ini.Prefs = ptr.To(b.sanitizedPrefsLocked())
if mask&ipn.NotifyInitialNetMap != 0 {
ini.NetMap = b.netMap
if mask&ipn.NotifyInitialDriveShares != 0 && b.driveSharingEnabledLocked() {
ini.DriveShares =
if mask&ipn.NotifyInitialHealthState != 0 {
ini.Health = b.HealthTracker().CurrentState()
mak.Set(&b.notifyWatchers, sessionID, &watchSession{ch, sessionID})
defer func() {
delete(b.notifyWatchers, sessionID)
if onWatchAdded != nil {
if ini != nil {
if !fn(ini) {
// The GUI clients want to know when peers become active or inactive.
// They've historically got this information by polling for it, which is
// wasteful. As a step towards making it efficient, they now set this
// NotifyWatchEngineUpdates bit to ask for us to send it to them only on
// change. That's not yet (as of 2022-11-26) plumbed everywhere in
// tailscaled yet, so just do the polling here. This ends up causing all IPN
// bus watchers to get the notification every 2 seconds instead of just the
// GUI client's bus watcher, but in practice there's only 1 total connection
// anyway. And if we're polling, at least the client isn't making a new HTTP
// request every 2 seconds.
// TODO(bradfitz): plumb this further and only send a Notify on change.
if mask&ipn.NotifyWatchEngineUpdates != 0 {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
go b.pollRequestEngineStatus(ctx)
// TODO(marwan-at-work): check err
// TODO(marwan-at-work): streaming background logs?
defer b.DeleteForegroundSession(sessionID)
var lastURLPop string // to dup suppress URL popups
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case n, ok := <-ch:
// URLs flow into Notify.BrowseToURL via two means:
// 1. From MapResponse.PopBrowserURL, which already says they're dup
// suppressed if identical, and that's done by the controlclient,
// so this added later adds nothing.
// 2. From the controlclient auth routes, on register. This makes sure
// we don't tell clients (mac, windows, android) to pop the same URL
// multiple times.
if n != nil && n.BrowseToURL != nil {
if v := *n.BrowseToURL; v == lastURLPop {
n.BrowseToURL = nil
} else {
lastURLPop = v
if !ok || !fn(n) {
// pollRequestEngineStatus calls b.e.RequestStatus every 2 seconds until ctx
// is done.
func (b *LocalBackend) pollRequestEngineStatus(ctx context.Context) {
ticker, tickerChannel := b.clock.NewTicker(2 * time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-tickerChannel:
case <-ctx.Done():
// DebugNotify injects a fake notify message to clients.
// It should only be used via the LocalAPI's debug handler.
func (b *LocalBackend) DebugNotify(n ipn.Notify) {
// DebugNotifyLastNetMap injects a fake notify message to clients,
// repeating whatever the last netmap was.
// It should only be used via the LocalAPI's debug handler.
func (b *LocalBackend) DebugNotifyLastNetMap() {
nm := b.netMap
if nm != nil {
b.send(ipn.Notify{NetMap: nm})
// DebugForceNetmapUpdate forces a full no-op netmap update of the current
// netmap in all the various subsystems (wireguard, magicsock, LocalBackend).
// It exists for load testing reasons (for issue 1909), doing what would happen
// if a new MapResponse came in from the control server that couldn't be handled
// incrementally.
func (b *LocalBackend) DebugForceNetmapUpdate() {
nm := b.netMap
if nm != nil {
// DebugPickNewDERP forwards to magicsock.Conn.DebugPickNewDERP.
// See its docs.
func (b *LocalBackend) DebugPickNewDERP() error {
return b.sys.MagicSock.Get().DebugPickNewDERP()
// send delivers n to the connected frontend and any API watchers from
// LocalBackend.WatchNotifications (via the LocalAPI).
// If no frontend is connected or API watchers are backed up, the notification
// is dropped without being delivered.
// If n contains Prefs, those will be sanitized before being delivered.
// must not be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) send(n ipn.Notify) {
// sendLocked is like send, but assumes is already held.
func (b *LocalBackend) sendLocked(n ipn.Notify) {
if n.Prefs != nil {
n.Prefs = ptr.To(stripKeysFromPrefs(*n.Prefs))
if n.Version == "" {
n.Version = version.Long()
apiSrv := b.peerAPIServer
if mayDeref(apiSrv).taildrop.HasFilesWaiting() {
n.FilesWaiting = &empty.Message{}
for _, sess := range b.notifyWatchers {
select {
case <- &n:
// Drop the notification if the channel is full.
func (b *LocalBackend) sendFileNotify() {
var n ipn.Notify
for _, wakeWaiter := range b.fileWaiters {
apiSrv := b.peerAPIServer
if apiSrv == nil {
// Make sure we always set n.IncomingFiles non-nil so it gets encoded
// in JSON to clients. They distinguish between empty and non-nil
// to know whether a Notify should be able about files.
n.IncomingFiles = apiSrv.taildrop.IncomingFiles()
sort.Slice(n.IncomingFiles, func(i, j int) bool {
return n.IncomingFiles[i].Started.Before(n.IncomingFiles[j].Started)
// popBrowserAuthNow shuts down the data plane and sends an auth URL
// to the connected frontend, if any.
func (b *LocalBackend) popBrowserAuthNow() {
url := b.authURL
expired := b.keyExpired
b.logf("popBrowserAuthNow: url=%v, key-expired=%v, seamless-key-renewal=%v", url != "", expired, b.seamlessRenewalEnabled())
// Deconfigure the local network data plane if:
// - seamless key renewal is not enabled;
// - key is expired (in which case tailnet connectivity is down anyway).
if !b.seamlessRenewalEnabled() || expired {
if b.State() == ipn.Running {
// validPopBrowserURL reports whether urlStr is a valid value for a
// control server to send in a *URL field.
// must *not* be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) validPopBrowserURL(urlStr string) bool {
if urlStr == "" {
return false
u, err := url.Parse(urlStr)
if err != nil {
return false
serverURL := b.Prefs().ControlURLOrDefault()
if ipn.IsLoginServerSynonym(serverURL) {
// When connected to the official Tailscale control plane, only allow
// URLs from or its subdomains.
if h := u.Hostname(); h != "" && !strings.HasSuffix(u.Hostname(), "") {
return false
// When using a different ControlURL, we cannot be sure what legitimate
// PopBrowserURLs they will send. Allow any domain there to avoid
// breaking existing user setups.
switch u.Scheme {
case "https":
return true
case "http":
// If the control server is using plain HTTP (likely a dev server),
// then permit http://.
return strings.HasPrefix(serverURL, "http://")
return false
func (b *LocalBackend) tellClientToBrowseToURL(url string) {
if b.validPopBrowserURL(url) {
b.send(ipn.Notify{BrowseToURL: &url})
// onClientVersion is called on MapResponse updates when a MapResponse contains
// a non-nil ClientVersion message.
func (b *LocalBackend) onClientVersion(v *tailcfg.ClientVersion) {
b.lastClientVersion = v
b.send(ipn.Notify{ClientVersion: v})
func (b *LocalBackend) onTailnetDefaultAutoUpdate(au bool) {
unlock := b.lockAndGetUnlock()
defer unlock()
prefs :=
if !prefs.Valid() {
b.logf("[unexpected]: received tailnet default auto-update callback but current prefs are nil")
if _, ok := prefs.AutoUpdate().Apply.Get(); ok {
// Apply was already set from a previous default or manually by the
// user. Tailnet default should not affect us, even if it changes.
if au && b.hostinfo != nil && b.hostinfo.Container.EqualBool(true) {
// This is a containerized node, which is usually meant to be
// immutable. Do not enable auto-updates if the tailnet does. But users
// can still manually enable auto-updates on this node.
b.logf("using tailnet default auto-update setting: %v", au)
prefsClone := prefs.AsStruct()
prefsClone.AutoUpdate.Apply = opt.NewBool(au)
_, err := b.editPrefsLockedOnEntry(&ipn.MaskedPrefs{
Prefs: *prefsClone,
AutoUpdateSet: ipn.AutoUpdatePrefsMask{
ApplySet: true,
}, unlock)
if err != nil {
b.logf("failed to apply tailnet-wide default for auto-updates (%v): %v", au, err)
// For testing lazy machine key generation.
var panicOnMachineKeyGeneration = envknob.RegisterBool("TS_DEBUG_PANIC_MACHINE_KEY")
func (b *LocalBackend) createGetMachinePrivateKeyFunc() func() (key.MachinePrivate, error) {
var cache syncs.AtomicValue[key.MachinePrivate]
return func() (key.MachinePrivate, error) {
if panicOnMachineKeyGeneration() {
panic("machine key generated")
if v, ok := cache.LoadOk(); ok {
return v, nil
if v, ok := cache.LoadOk(); ok {
return v, nil
if err := b.initMachineKeyLocked(); err != nil {
return key.MachinePrivate{}, err
return b.machinePrivKey, nil
// initMachineKeyLocked is called to initialize b.machinePrivKey.
// b.prefs must already be initialized.
// b.stateKey should be set too, but just for nicer log messages.
// must be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) initMachineKeyLocked() (err error) {
if !b.machinePrivKey.IsZero() {
// Already set.
return nil
var legacyMachineKey key.MachinePrivate
if p :=; p.Valid() {
legacyMachineKey = p.LegacyFrontendPrivateMachineKey()
keyText, err :=
if err == nil {
if err := b.machinePrivKey.UnmarshalText(keyText); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid key in %s key of %v: %w", ipn.MachineKeyStateKey,, err)
if b.machinePrivKey.IsZero() {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid zero key stored in %v key of %v", ipn.MachineKeyStateKey,
if !legacyMachineKey.IsZero() && !legacyMachineKey.Equal(b.machinePrivKey) {
b.logf("frontend-provided legacy machine key ignored; used value from server state")
return nil
if err != ipn.ErrStateNotExist {
return fmt.Errorf("error reading %v key of %v: %w", ipn.MachineKeyStateKey,, err)
// If we didn't find one already on disk and the prefs already
// have a legacy machine key, use that. Otherwise generate a
// new one.
if !legacyMachineKey.IsZero() {
b.machinePrivKey = legacyMachineKey
} else {
b.logf("generating new machine key")
b.machinePrivKey = key.NewMachine()
keyText, _ = b.machinePrivKey.MarshalText()
if err := ipn.WriteState(, ipn.MachineKeyStateKey, keyText); err != nil {
b.logf("error writing machine key to store: %v", err)
return err
b.logf("machine key written to store")
return nil
// clearMachineKeyLocked is called to clear the persisted and in-memory
// machine key, so that initMachineKeyLocked (called as part of starting)
// generates a new machine key.
// must be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) clearMachineKeyLocked() error {
if err := ipn.WriteState(, ipn.MachineKeyStateKey, nil); err != nil {
return err
b.machinePrivKey = key.MachinePrivate{}
b.logf("machine key cleared")
return nil
// setTCPPortsIntercepted populates b.shouldInterceptTCPPortAtomic with an
// efficient func for ShouldInterceptTCPPort to use, which is called on every
// incoming packet.
func (b *LocalBackend) setTCPPortsIntercepted(ports []uint16) {
var f func(uint16) bool
switch len(ports) {
case 0:
f = func(uint16) bool { return false }
case 1:
f = func(p uint16) bool { return ports[0] == p }
case 2:
f = func(p uint16) bool { return ports[0] == p || ports[1] == p }
case 3:
f = func(p uint16) bool { return ports[0] == p || ports[1] == p || ports[2] == p }
if len(ports) > 16 {
m := map[uint16]bool{}
for _, p := range ports {
m[p] = true
f = func(p uint16) bool { return m[p] }
} else {
f = func(p uint16) bool {
for _, x := range ports {
if p == x {
return true
return false
// setAtomicValuesFromPrefsLocked populates sshAtomicBool, containsViaIPFuncAtomic,
// shouldInterceptTCPPortAtomic, and exposeRemoteWebClientAtomicBool from the prefs p,
// which may be !Valid().
func (b *LocalBackend) setAtomicValuesFromPrefsLocked(p ipn.PrefsView) {
b.sshAtomicBool.Store(p.Valid() && p.RunSSH() && envknob.CanSSHD())
if !p.Valid() {
b.lastServeConfJSON = mem.B(nil)
b.serveConfig = ipn.ServeConfigView{}
} else {
filtered := tsaddr.FilterPrefixesCopy(p.AdvertiseRoutes(), tsaddr.IsViaPrefix)
// State returns the backend state machine's current state.
func (b *LocalBackend) State() ipn.State {
return b.state
// InServerMode reports whether the Tailscale backend is explicitly running in
// "server mode" where it continues to run despite whatever the platform's
// default is. In practice, this is only used on Windows, where the default
// tailscaled behavior is to shut down whenever the GUI disconnects.
// On non-Windows platforms, this usually returns false (because people don't
// set unattended mode on other platforms) and also isn't checked on other
// platforms.
// TODO(bradfitz): rename to InWindowsUnattendedMode or something? Or make this
// return true on Linux etc and always be called? It's kinda messy now.
func (b *LocalBackend) InServerMode() bool {
// CheckIPNConnectionAllowed returns an error if the identity in ci should not
// be allowed to connect or make requests to the LocalAPI currently.
// Currently (as of 2022-11-23), this is only used on Windows to check if
// we started in server mode and ci is from an identity other than the one
// that started the server.
func (b *LocalBackend) CheckIPNConnectionAllowed(ci *ipnauth.ConnIdentity) error {
serverModeUid :=
if serverModeUid == "" {
// Either this platform isn't a "multi-user" platform or we're not yet
// running as one.
return nil
if ! {
return nil
// Always allow Windows SYSTEM user to connect,
// even if Tailscale is currently being used by another user.
if tok, err := ci.WindowsToken(); err == nil {
defer tok.Close()
if tok.IsLocalSystem() {
return nil
uid := ci.WindowsUserID()
if uid == "" {
return errors.New("empty user uid in connection identity")
if uid != serverModeUid {
return fmt.Errorf("Tailscale running in server mode (%q); connection from %q not allowed", b.tryLookupUserName(string(serverModeUid)), b.tryLookupUserName(string(uid)))
return nil
// tryLookupUserName tries to look up the username for the uid.
// It returns the username on success, or the UID on failure.
func (b *LocalBackend) tryLookupUserName(uid string) string {
u, err := ipnauth.LookupUserFromID(b.logf, uid)
if err != nil {
return uid
return u.Username
// StartLoginInteractive requests a new interactive login from controlclient,
// unless such a flow is already in progress, in which case
// StartLoginInteractive attempts to pick up the in-progress flow where it left
// off.
func (b *LocalBackend) StartLoginInteractive(ctx context.Context) error {
if == nil {
panic("LocalBackend.assertClient: == nil")
url := b.authURL
timeSinceAuthURLCreated := b.clock.Since(b.authURLTime)
cc :=
b.logf("StartLoginInteractive: url=%v", url != "")
// Only use an authURL if it was sent down from control in the last
// 6 days and 23 hours. Avoids using a stale URL that is no longer valid
// server-side. Server-side URLs expire after 7 days.
if url != "" && timeSinceAuthURLCreated < ((7*24*time.Hour)-(1*time.Hour)) {
} else {
cc.Login(b.loginFlags | controlclient.LoginInteractive)
return nil
func (b *LocalBackend) Ping(ctx context.Context, ip netip.Addr, pingType tailcfg.PingType, size int) (*ipnstate.PingResult, error) {
if pingType == tailcfg.PingPeerAPI {
t0 := b.clock.Now()
node, base, err := b.pingPeerAPI(ctx, ip)
if err != nil && ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, ctx.Err()
d := b.clock.Since(t0)
pr := &ipnstate.PingResult{
IP: ip.String(),
NodeIP: ip.String(),
LatencySeconds: d.Seconds(),
PeerAPIURL: base,
if err != nil {
pr.Err = err.Error()
if node.Valid() {
pr.NodeName = node.Name()
return pr, nil
ch := make(chan *ipnstate.PingResult, 1)
b.e.Ping(ip, pingType, size, func(pr *ipnstate.PingResult) {
select {
case ch <- pr:
select {
case pr := <-ch:
return pr, nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
func (b *LocalBackend) pingPeerAPI(ctx context.Context, ip netip.Addr) (peer tailcfg.NodeView, peerBase string, err error) {
var zero tailcfg.NodeView
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
nm := b.NetMap()
if nm == nil {
return zero, "", errors.New("no netmap")
peer, ok := nm.PeerByTailscaleIP(ip)
if !ok {
return zero, "", fmt.Errorf("no peer found with Tailscale IP %v", ip)
if peer.Expired() {
return zero, "", errors.New("peer's node key has expired")
base := peerAPIBase(nm, peer)
if base == "" {
return zero, "", fmt.Errorf("no PeerAPI base found for peer %v (%v)", peer.ID(), ip)
outReq, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "HEAD", base, nil)
if err != nil {
return zero, "", err
tr := b.Dialer().PeerAPITransport()
res, err := tr.RoundTrip(outReq)
if err != nil {
return zero, "", err
defer res.Body.Close() // but unnecessary on HEAD responses
if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return zero, "", fmt.Errorf("HTTP status %v", res.Status)
return peer, base, nil
// parseWgStatusLocked returns an EngineStatus based on s.
// must be held; mostly because the caller is about to anyway, and doing so
// gives us slightly better guarantees about the two peers stats lines not
// being intermixed if there are concurrent calls to our caller.
func (b *LocalBackend) parseWgStatusLocked(s *wgengine.Status) (ret ipn.EngineStatus) {
var peerStats, peerKeys strings.Builder
ret.LiveDERPs = s.DERPs
ret.LivePeers = map[key.NodePublic]ipnstate.PeerStatusLite{}
for _, p := range s.Peers {
if !p.LastHandshake.IsZero() {
fmt.Fprintf(&peerStats, "%d/%d ", p.RxBytes, p.TxBytes)
fmt.Fprintf(&peerKeys, "%s ", p.NodeKey.ShortString())
ret.LivePeers[p.NodeKey] = p
ret.RBytes += p.RxBytes
ret.WBytes += p.TxBytes
// [GRINDER STATS LINES] - please don't remove (used for log parsing)
if peerStats.Len() > 0 {
b.keyLogf("[v1] peer keys: %s", strings.TrimSpace(peerKeys.String()))
b.statsLogf("[v1] v%v peers: %v", version.Long(), strings.TrimSpace(peerStats.String()))
return ret
// shouldUploadServices reports whether this node should include services
// in Hostinfo. When the user preferences currently request "shields up"
// mode, all inbound connections are refused, so services are not reported.
// Otherwise, shouldUploadServices respects NetMap.CollectServices.
func (b *LocalBackend) shouldUploadServices() bool {
p :=
if !p.Valid() || b.netMap == nil {
return false // default to safest setting
return !p.ShieldsUp() && b.netMap.CollectServices
// SetCurrentUser is used to implement support for multi-user systems (only
// Windows 2022-11-25). On such systems, the uid is used to determine which
// user's state should be used. The current user is maintained by active
// connections open to the backend.
// When the backend initially starts it will typically start with no user. Then,
// the first connection to the backend from the GUI frontend will set the
// current user. Once set, the current user cannot be changed until all previous
// connections are closed. The user is also used to determine which
// LoginProfiles are accessible.
// In unattended mode, the backend will start with the user which enabled
// unattended mode. The user must disable unattended mode before the user can be
// changed.
// On non-multi-user systems, the token should be set to nil.
// SetCurrentUser returns the ipn.WindowsUserID associated with token
// when successful.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetCurrentUser(token ipnauth.WindowsToken) (ipn.WindowsUserID, error) {
var uid ipn.WindowsUserID
if token != nil {
var err error
uid, err = token.UID()
if err != nil {
return "", err
unlock := b.lockAndGetUnlock()
defer unlock()
if == uid {
return uid, nil
if err :=; err != nil {
return uid, nil
if b.currentUser != nil {
b.currentUser = token
return uid, nil
func (b *LocalBackend) CheckPrefs(p *ipn.Prefs) error {
return b.checkPrefsLocked(p)
// isConfigLocked_Locked reports whether the parsed config file is locked.
// must be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) isConfigLocked_Locked() bool {
// TODO(bradfitz,maisem): make this more fine-grained, permit changing
// some things if they're not explicitly set in the config. But for now
// (2023-10-16), just blanket disable everything.
return b.conf != nil && !b.conf.Parsed.Locked.EqualBool(false)
func (b *LocalBackend) checkPrefsLocked(p *ipn.Prefs) error {
if b.isConfigLocked_Locked() {
return errors.New("can't reconfigure tailscaled when using a config file; config file is locked")
var errs []error
if p.Hostname == "badhostname.tailscale." {
// Keep this one just for testing.
errs = append(errs, errors.New("bad hostname [test]"))
if err := b.checkProfileNameLocked(p); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
if err := b.checkSSHPrefsLocked(p); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
if err := b.checkExitNodePrefsLocked(p); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
if err := b.checkFunnelEnabledLocked(p); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
if err := b.checkAutoUpdatePrefsLocked(p); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
return multierr.New(errs...)
func (b *LocalBackend) checkSSHPrefsLocked(p *ipn.Prefs) error {
if !p.RunSSH {
return nil
if err := envknob.CanRunTailscaleSSH(); err != nil {
return err
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
if envknob.SSHIgnoreTailnetPolicy() || envknob.SSHPolicyFile() != "" {
return nil
if b.netMap != nil {
if !b.netMap.HasCap(tailcfg.CapabilitySSH) {
if b.isDefaultServerLocked() {
return errors.New("Unable to enable local Tailscale SSH server; not enabled on Tailnet. See")
return errors.New("Unable to enable local Tailscale SSH server; not enabled on Tailnet.")
return nil
func (b *LocalBackend) sshOnButUnusableHealthCheckMessageLocked() (healthMessage string) {
if p :=; !p.Valid() || !p.RunSSH() {
return ""
if envknob.SSHIgnoreTailnetPolicy() || envknob.SSHPolicyFile() != "" {
return "development SSH policy in use"
nm := b.netMap
if nm == nil {
return ""
if nm.SSHPolicy != nil && len(nm.SSHPolicy.Rules) > 0 {
return ""
isDefault := b.isDefaultServerLocked()
if !nm.HasCap(tailcfg.CapabilityAdmin) {
return healthmsg.TailscaleSSHOnBut + "access controls don't allow anyone to access this device. Ask your admin to update your tailnet's ACLs to allow access."
if !isDefault {
return healthmsg.TailscaleSSHOnBut + "access controls don't allow anyone to access this device. Update your tailnet's ACLs to allow access."
return healthmsg.TailscaleSSHOnBut + "access controls don't allow anyone to access this device. Update your tailnet's ACLs at"
func (b *LocalBackend) isDefaultServerLocked() bool {
prefs :=
if !prefs.Valid() {
return true // assume true until set otherwise
return prefs.ControlURLOrDefault() == ipn.DefaultControlURL
var exitNodeMisconfigurationWarnable = health.Register(&health.Warnable{
Code: "exit-node-misconfiguration",
Title: "Exit node misconfiguration",
Severity: health.SeverityMedium,
Text: func(args health.Args) string {
return "Exit node misconfiguration: " + args[health.ArgError]
// updateExitNodeUsageWarning updates a warnable meant to notify users of
// configuration issues that could break exit node usage.
func updateExitNodeUsageWarning(p ipn.PrefsView, state *netmon.State, healthTracker *health.Tracker) {
var msg string
if p.ExitNodeIP().IsValid() || p.ExitNodeID() != "" {
warn, _ := netutil.CheckReversePathFiltering(state)
const comment = "please set rp_filter=2 instead of rp_filter=1; see"
if len(warn) > 0 {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v, %s", healthmsg.WarnExitNodeUsage, warn, comment)
if len(msg) > 0 {
healthTracker.SetUnhealthy(exitNodeMisconfigurationWarnable, health.Args{health.ArgError: msg})
} else {
func (b *LocalBackend) checkExitNodePrefsLocked(p *ipn.Prefs) error {
if (p.ExitNodeIP.IsValid() || p.ExitNodeID != "") && p.AdvertisesExitNode() {
return errors.New("Cannot advertise an exit node and use an exit node at the same time.")
return nil
func (b *LocalBackend) checkFunnelEnabledLocked(p *ipn.Prefs) error {
if p.ShieldsUp && b.serveConfig.IsFunnelOn() {
return errors.New("Cannot enable shields-up when Funnel is enabled.")
return nil
func (b *LocalBackend) checkAutoUpdatePrefsLocked(p *ipn.Prefs) error {
if p.AutoUpdate.Apply.EqualBool(true) && !clientupdate.CanAutoUpdate() {
return errors.New("Auto-updates are not supported on this platform.")
return nil
// SetUseExitNodeEnabled turns on or off the most recently selected exit node.
// On success, it returns the resulting prefs (or current prefs, in the case of no change).
// Setting the value to false when use of an exit node is already false is not an error,
// nor is true when the exit node is already in use.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetUseExitNodeEnabled(v bool) (ipn.PrefsView, error) {
unlock := b.lockAndGetUnlock()
defer unlock()
p0 :=
if v && p0.ExitNodeID() != "" {
// Already on.
return p0, nil
if !v && p0.ExitNodeID() == "" {
// Already off.
return p0, nil
var zero ipn.PrefsView
if v && p0.InternalExitNodePrior() == "" {
if !p0.ExitNodeIP().IsValid() {
return zero, errors.New("no exit node IP to enable & prior exit node IP was never resolved an a node")
return zero, errors.New("no prior exit node to enable")
mp := &ipn.MaskedPrefs{}
if v {
mp.ExitNodeIDSet = true
mp.ExitNodeID = tailcfg.StableNodeID(p0.InternalExitNodePrior())
} else {
mp.ExitNodeIDSet = true
mp.ExitNodeID = ""
mp.InternalExitNodePriorSet = true
mp.InternalExitNodePrior = p0.ExitNodeID()
return b.editPrefsLockedOnEntry(mp, unlock)
// MaybeClearAppConnector clears the routes from any AppConnector if
// AdvertiseRoutes has been set in the MaskedPrefs.
func (b *LocalBackend) MaybeClearAppConnector(mp *ipn.MaskedPrefs) error {
var err error
if b.appConnector != nil && mp.AdvertiseRoutesSet {
err = b.appConnector.ClearRoutes()
if err != nil {
b.logf("appc: clear routes error: %v", err)
return err
func (b *LocalBackend) EditPrefs(mp *ipn.MaskedPrefs) (ipn.PrefsView, error) {
if mp.SetsInternal() {
return ipn.PrefsView{}, errors.New("can't set Internal fields")
// Zeroing the ExitNodeId via localAPI must also zero the prior exit node.
if mp.ExitNodeIDSet && mp.ExitNodeID == "" {
mp.InternalExitNodePrior = ""
mp.InternalExitNodePriorSet = true
unlock := b.lockAndGetUnlock()
defer unlock()
return b.editPrefsLockedOnEntry(mp, unlock)
// Warning: must be held on entry, but it unlocks it on the way out.
// TODO(bradfitz): redo the locking on all these weird methods like this.
func (b *LocalBackend) editPrefsLockedOnEntry(mp *ipn.MaskedPrefs, unlock unlockOnce) (ipn.PrefsView, error) {
defer unlock() // for error paths
if mp.EggSet {
mp.EggSet = false
b.egg = true
go b.doSetHostinfoFilterServices()
p0 :=
p1 :=
if err := b.checkPrefsLocked(p1); err != nil {
b.logf("EditPrefs check error: %v", err)
return ipn.PrefsView{}, err
if p1.RunSSH && !envknob.CanSSHD() {
b.logf("EditPrefs requests SSH, but disabled by envknob; returning error")
return ipn.PrefsView{}, errors.New("Tailscale SSH server administratively disabled.")
if p1.View().Equals(p0) {
return stripKeysFromPrefs(p0), nil
b.logf("EditPrefs: %v", mp.Pretty())
newPrefs := b.setPrefsLockedOnEntry(p1, unlock)
// Note: don't perform any actions for the new prefs here. Not
// every prefs change goes through EditPrefs. Put your actions
// in setPrefsLocksOnEntry instead.
// This should return the public prefs, not the private ones.
return stripKeysFromPrefs(newPrefs), nil
func (b *LocalBackend) checkProfileNameLocked(p *ipn.Prefs) error {
if p.ProfileName == "" {
// It is always okay to clear the profile name.
return nil
id :=
if id == "" {
// No profile with that name exists. That's fine.
return nil
if id != {
// Name is already in use by another profile.
return fmt.Errorf("profile name %q already in use", p.ProfileName)
return nil
// wantIngressLocked reports whether this node has ingress configured. This bool
// is sent to the coordination server (in Hostinfo.WireIngress) as an
// optimization hint to know primarily which nodes are NOT using ingress, to
// avoid doing work for regular nodes.
// Even if the user's ServeConfig.AllowFunnel map was manually edited in raw
// mode and contains map entries with false values, sending true (from Len > 0)
// is still fine. This is only an optimization hint for the control plane and
// doesn't affect security or correctness. And we also don't expect people to
// modify their ServeConfig in raw mode.
func (b *LocalBackend) wantIngressLocked() bool {
return b.serveConfig.Valid() && b.serveConfig.HasAllowFunnel()
// setPrefsLockedOnEntry requires be held to call it, but it
// unlocks when done. newp ownership passes to this function.
// It returns a readonly copy of the new prefs.
func (b *LocalBackend) setPrefsLockedOnEntry(newp *ipn.Prefs, unlock unlockOnce) ipn.PrefsView {
defer unlock()
netMap := b.netMap
oldp :=
if oldp.Valid() {
newp.Persist = oldp.Persist().AsStruct() // caller isn't allowed to override this
// setExitNodeID returns whether it updated b.prefs, but
// everything in this function treats b.prefs as completely new
// anyway. No-op if no exit node resolution is needed.
setExitNodeID(newp, netMap)
// applySysPolicy does likewise so we can also ignore its return value.
// We do this to avoid holding the lock while doing everything else.
oldHi := b.hostinfo
newHi := oldHi.Clone()
if newHi == nil {
newHi = new(tailcfg.Hostinfo)
b.applyPrefsToHostinfoLocked(newHi, newp.View())
b.hostinfo = newHi
hostInfoChanged := !oldHi.Equal(newHi)
cc :=
b.updateFilterLocked(netMap, newp.View())
if oldp.ShouldSSHBeRunning() && !newp.ShouldSSHBeRunning() {
if b.sshServer != nil {
go b.sshServer.Shutdown()
b.sshServer = nil
if netMap != nil {
newProfile := netMap.UserProfiles[netMap.User()]
if newLoginName := newProfile.LoginName; newLoginName != "" {
if !oldp.Persist().Valid() {
b.logf("active login: %s", newLoginName)
} else {
oldLoginName := oldp.Persist().UserProfile().LoginName
if oldLoginName != newLoginName {
b.logf("active login: %q (changed from %q)", newLoginName, oldLoginName)
newp.Persist.UserProfile = newProfile
prefs := newp.View()
if err :=, ipn.NetworkProfile{
MagicDNSName: b.netMap.MagicDNSSuffix(),
DomainName: b.netMap.DomainName(),
}); err != nil {
b.logf("failed to save new controlclient state: %v", err)
if newp.AutoUpdate.Apply.EqualBool(true) {
if b.state != ipn.Running {
} else {
if oldp.ShieldsUp() != newp.ShieldsUp || hostInfoChanged {
if netMap != nil {
if !oldp.WantRunning() && newp.WantRunning {
b.logf("transitioning to running; doing Login...")
if oldp.WantRunning() != newp.WantRunning {
} else {
b.send(ipn.Notify{Prefs: &prefs})
return prefs
// GetPeerAPIPort returns the port number for the peerapi server
// running on the provided IP.
func (b *LocalBackend) GetPeerAPIPort(ip netip.Addr) (port uint16, ok bool) {
for _, pln := range b.peerAPIListeners {
if pln.ip == ip {
return uint16(pln.port), true
return 0, false
// handlePeerAPIConn serves an already-accepted connection c.
// The remote parameter is the remote address.
// The local parameter is the local address (either a Tailscale IPv4
// or IPv6 IP and the peerapi port for that address).
// The connection will be closed by handlePeerAPIConn.
func (b *LocalBackend) handlePeerAPIConn(remote, local netip.AddrPort, c net.Conn) {
for _, pln := range b.peerAPIListeners {
if pln.ip == local.Addr() {
go pln.ServeConn(remote, c)
b.logf("[unexpected] no peerAPI listener found for %v", local)
func (b *LocalBackend) isLocalIP(ip netip.Addr) bool {
nm := b.NetMap()
return nm != nil && views.SliceContains(nm.GetAddresses(), netip.PrefixFrom(ip, ip.BitLen()))
var (
magicDNSIP = tsaddr.TailscaleServiceIP()
magicDNSIPv6 = tsaddr.TailscaleServiceIPv6()
// TCPHandlerForDst returns a TCP handler for connections to dst, or nil if
// no handler is needed. It also returns a list of TCP socket options to
// apply to the socket before calling the handler.
// TCPHandlerForDst is called both for connections to our node's local IP
// as well as to the service IP (quad 100).
func (b *LocalBackend) TCPHandlerForDst(src, dst netip.AddrPort) (handler func(c net.Conn) error, opts []tcpip.SettableSocketOption) {
// First handle internal connections to the service IP
hittingServiceIP := dst.Addr() == magicDNSIP || dst.Addr() == magicDNSIPv6
if hittingServiceIP {
switch dst.Port() {
case 80:
// TODO(mpminardi): do we want to show an error message if the web client
// has been disabled instead of the more "basic" web UI?
if b.ShouldRunWebClient() {
return b.handleWebClientConn, opts
return b.HandleQuad100Port80Conn, opts
case DriveLocalPort:
return b.handleDriveConn, opts
// Then handle external connections to the local IP.
if !b.isLocalIP(dst.Addr()) {
return nil, nil
if dst.Port() == 22 && b.ShouldRunSSH() {
// Use a higher keepalive idle time for SSH connections, as they are
// typically long lived and idle connections are more likely to be
// intentional. Ideally we would turn this off entirely, but we can't
// tell the difference between a long lived connection that is idle
// vs a connection that is dead because the peer has gone away.
// We pick 72h as that is typically sufficient for a long weekend.
opts = append(opts, ptr.To(tcpip.KeepaliveIdleOption(72*time.Hour)))
return b.handleSSHConn, opts
// TODO(will,sonia): allow customizing web client port ?
if dst.Port() == webClientPort && b.ShouldExposeRemoteWebClient() {
return b.handleWebClientConn, opts
if port, ok := b.GetPeerAPIPort(dst.Addr()); ok && dst.Port() == port {
return func(c net.Conn) error {
b.handlePeerAPIConn(src, dst, c)
return nil
}, opts
if handler := b.tcpHandlerForServe(dst.Port(), src); handler != nil {
return handler, opts
return nil, nil
func (b *LocalBackend) handleDriveConn(conn net.Conn) error {
fs, ok := b.sys.DriveForLocal.GetOK()
if !ok || !b.DriveAccessEnabled() {
return nil
return fs.HandleConn(conn, conn.RemoteAddr())
func (b *LocalBackend) peerAPIServicesLocked() (ret []tailcfg.Service) {
for _, pln := range b.peerAPIListeners {
proto := tailcfg.PeerAPI4
if pln.ip.Is6() {
proto = tailcfg.PeerAPI6
ret = append(ret, tailcfg.Service{
Proto: proto,
Port: uint16(pln.port),
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "linux", "freebsd", "openbsd", "illumos", "darwin", "windows", "android", "ios":
// These are the platforms currently supported by
// net/dns/resolver/tsdns.go:Resolver.HandleExitNodeDNSQuery.
ret = append(ret, tailcfg.Service{
Proto: tailcfg.PeerAPIDNS,
Port: 1, // version
return ret
// doSetHostinfoFilterServices calls SetHostinfo on the controlclient,
// possibly after mangling the given hostinfo.
// TODO(danderson): we shouldn't be mangling hostinfo here after
// painstakingly constructing it in twelvety other places.
func (b *LocalBackend) doSetHostinfoFilterServices() {
unlock := b.lockAndGetUnlock()
defer unlock()
cc :=
if cc == nil {
// Control client isn't up yet.
if b.hostinfo == nil {
b.logf("[unexpected] doSetHostinfoFilterServices with nil hostinfo")
peerAPIServices := b.peerAPIServicesLocked()
if b.egg {
peerAPIServices = append(peerAPIServices, tailcfg.Service{Proto: "egg", Port: 1})
// TODO(maisem,bradfitz): store hostinfo as a view, not as a mutable struct.
hi := *b.hostinfo // shallow copy
// Make a shallow copy of hostinfo so we can mutate
// at the Service field.
if !b.shouldUploadServices() {
hi.Services = []tailcfg.Service{}
// Don't mutate hi.Service's underlying array. Append to
// the slice with no free capacity.
c := len(hi.Services)
hi.Services = append(hi.Services[:c:c], peerAPIServices...)
hi.PushDeviceToken = b.pushDeviceToken.Load()
// NetMap returns the latest cached network map received from
// controlclient, or nil if no network map was received yet.
func (b *LocalBackend) NetMap() *netmap.NetworkMap {
return b.netMap
func (b *LocalBackend) isEngineBlocked() bool {
return b.blocked
// blockEngineUpdate sets b.blocked to block, while holding Its
// indirect effect is to turn b.authReconfig() into a no-op if block
// is true.
func (b *LocalBackend) blockEngineUpdates(block bool) {
b.logf("blockEngineUpdates(%v)", block)
b.blocked = block
// reconfigAppConnectorLocked updates the app connector state based on the
// current network map and preferences.
// must be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) reconfigAppConnectorLocked(nm *netmap.NetworkMap, prefs ipn.PrefsView) {
const appConnectorCapName = ""
defer func() {
if b.hostinfo != nil {
b.hostinfo.AppConnector.Set(b.appConnector != nil)
if !prefs.AppConnector().Advertise {
b.appConnector = nil
shouldAppCStoreRoutes := b.ControlKnobs().AppCStoreRoutes.Load()
if b.appConnector == nil || b.appConnector.ShouldStoreRoutes() != shouldAppCStoreRoutes {
var ri *appc.RouteInfo
var storeFunc func(*appc.RouteInfo) error
if shouldAppCStoreRoutes {
var err error
ri, err = b.readRouteInfoLocked()
if err != nil {
ri = &appc.RouteInfo{}
if err != ipn.ErrStateNotExist {
b.logf("Unsuccessful Read RouteInfo: ", err)
storeFunc = b.storeRouteInfo
b.appConnector = appc.NewAppConnector(b.logf, b, ri, storeFunc)
if nm == nil {
// TODO(raggi): rework the view infrastructure so the large deep clone is no
// longer required
sn := nm.SelfNode.AsStruct()
attrs, err := tailcfg.UnmarshalNodeCapJSON[appctype.AppConnectorAttr](sn.CapMap, appConnectorCapName)
if err != nil {
b.logf("[unexpected] error parsing app connector mapcap: %v", err)
// Geometric cost, assumes that the number of advertised tags is small
selfHasTag := func(attrTags []string) bool {
return nm.SelfNode.Tags().ContainsFunc(func(tag string) bool {
return slices.Contains(attrTags, tag)
var (
domains []string
routes []netip.Prefix
for _, attr := range attrs {
if slices.Contains(attr.Connectors, "*") || selfHasTag(attr.Connectors) {
domains = append(domains, attr.Domains...)
routes = append(routes, attr.Routes...)
slices.SortFunc(routes, func(i, j netip.Prefix) int { return i.Addr().Compare(j.Addr()) })
domains = slices.Compact(domains)
routes = slices.Compact(routes)
b.appConnector.UpdateDomainsAndRoutes(domains, routes)
// authReconfig pushes a new configuration into wgengine, if engine
// updates are not currently blocked, based on the cached netmap and
// user prefs.
func (b *LocalBackend) authReconfig() {
blocked := b.blocked
prefs :=
nm := b.netMap
hasPAC := b.prevIfState.HasPAC()
disableSubnetsIfPAC := nm.HasCap(tailcfg.NodeAttrDisableSubnetsIfPAC)
userDialUseRoutes := nm.HasCap(tailcfg.NodeAttrUserDialUseRoutes)
dohURL, dohURLOK := exitNodeCanProxyDNS(nm, b.peers, prefs.ExitNodeID())
dcfg := dnsConfigForNetmap(nm, b.peers, prefs, b.logf, version.OS())
// If the current node is an app connector, ensure the app connector machine is started
b.reconfigAppConnectorLocked(nm, prefs)
if blocked {
b.logf("[v1] authReconfig: blocked, skipping.")
if nm == nil {
b.logf("[v1] authReconfig: netmap not yet valid. Skipping.")
if !prefs.WantRunning() {
b.logf("[v1] authReconfig: skipping because !WantRunning.")
var flags netmap.WGConfigFlags
if prefs.RouteAll() {
flags |= netmap.AllowSubnetRoutes
if hasPAC && disableSubnetsIfPAC {
if flags&netmap.AllowSubnetRoutes != 0 {
b.logf("authReconfig: have PAC; disabling subnet routes")
flags &^= netmap.AllowSubnetRoutes
// Keep the dialer updated about whether we're supposed to use
// an exit node's DNS server (so SOCKS5/HTTP outgoing dials
// can use it for name resolution)
if dohURLOK {
} else {
cfg, err := nmcfg.WGCfg(nm, b.logf, flags, prefs.ExitNodeID())
if err != nil {
b.logf("wgcfg: %v", err)
oneCGNATRoute := shouldUseOneCGNATRoute(b.logf, b.sys.ControlKnobs(), version.OS())
rcfg := b.routerConfig(cfg, prefs, oneCGNATRoute)
err = b.e.Reconfig(cfg, rcfg, dcfg)
if err == wgengine.ErrNoChanges {
b.logf("[v1] authReconfig: ra=%v dns=%v 0x%02x: %v", prefs.RouteAll(), prefs.CorpDNS(), flags, err)
if userDialUseRoutes {
b.dialer.SetRoutes(rcfg.Routes, rcfg.LocalRoutes)
} else {
b.dialer.SetRoutes(nil, nil)
// shouldUseOneCGNATRoute reports whether we should prefer to make one big
// CGNAT /10 route rather than a /32 per peer.
// The versionOS is a Tailscale-style version ("iOS", "macOS") and not
// a runtime.GOOS.
func shouldUseOneCGNATRoute(logf logger.Logf, controlKnobs *controlknobs.Knobs, versionOS string) bool {
if controlKnobs != nil {
// Explicit enabling or disabling always take precedence.
if v, ok := controlKnobs.OneCGNAT.Load().Get(); ok {
logf("[v1] shouldUseOneCGNATRoute: explicit=%v", v)
return v
// Also prefer to do this on the Mac, so that we don't need to constantly
// update the network extension configuration (which is disruptive to
// Chrome, see Only
// use fine-grained routes if another interfaces is also using the CGNAT
// IP range.
if versionOS == "macOS" {
hasCGNATInterface, err := netmon.HasCGNATInterface()
if err != nil {
logf("shouldUseOneCGNATRoute: Could not determine if any interfaces use CGNAT: %v", err)
return false
logf("[v1] shouldUseOneCGNATRoute: macOS automatic=%v", !hasCGNATInterface)
if !hasCGNATInterface {
return true
return false
// dnsConfigForNetmap returns a *dns.Config for the given netmap,
// prefs, client OS version, and cloud hosting environment.
// The versionOS is a Tailscale-style version ("iOS", "macOS") and not
// a runtime.GOOS.
func dnsConfigForNetmap(nm *netmap.NetworkMap, peers map[tailcfg.NodeID]tailcfg.NodeView, prefs ipn.PrefsView, logf logger.Logf, versionOS string) *dns.Config {
if nm == nil {
return nil
dcfg := &dns.Config{
Routes: map[dnsname.FQDN][]*dnstype.Resolver{},
Hosts: map[dnsname.FQDN][]netip.Addr{},
// selfV6Only is whether we only have IPv6 addresses ourselves.
selfV6Only := nm.GetAddresses().ContainsFunc(tsaddr.PrefixIs6) &&
dcfg.OnlyIPv6 = selfV6Only
// Populate MagicDNS records. We do this unconditionally so that
// quad-100 can always respond to MagicDNS queries, even if the OS
// isn't configured to make MagicDNS resolution truly
// magic. Details in
set := func(name string, addrs views.Slice[netip.Prefix]) {
if addrs.Len() == 0 || name == "" {
fqdn, err := dnsname.ToFQDN(name)
if err != nil {
return // TODO: propagate error?
var have4 bool
for i := range addrs.Len() {
if addrs.At(i).Addr().Is4() {
have4 = true
var ips []netip.Addr
for i := range addrs.Len() {
addr := addrs.At(i)
if selfV6Only {
if addr.Addr().Is6() {
ips = append(ips, addr.Addr())
// If this node has an IPv4 address, then
// remove peers' IPv6 addresses for now, as we
// don't guarantee that the peer node actually
// can speak IPv6 correctly.
// tracks adding the right capability reporting to
// enable AAAA in MagicDNS.
if addr.Addr().Is6() && have4 {
ips = append(ips, addr.Addr())
dcfg.Hosts[fqdn] = ips
set(nm.Name, nm.GetAddresses())
for _, peer := range peers {
set(peer.Name(), peer.Addresses())
for _, rec := range nm.DNS.ExtraRecords {
switch rec.Type {
case "", "A", "AAAA":
// Treat these all the same for now: infer from the value
// TODO: more
ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(rec.Value)
if err != nil {
// Ignore.
fqdn, err := dnsname.ToFQDN(rec.Name)
if err != nil {
dcfg.Hosts[fqdn] = append(dcfg.Hosts[fqdn], ip)
if !prefs.CorpDNS() {
return dcfg
for _, dom := range nm.DNS.Domains {
fqdn, err := dnsname.ToFQDN(dom)
if err != nil {
logf("[unexpected] non-FQDN search domain %q", dom)
dcfg.SearchDomains = append(dcfg.SearchDomains, fqdn)
if nm.DNS.Proxied { // actually means "enable MagicDNS"
for _, dom := range magicDNSRootDomains(nm) {
dcfg.Routes[dom] = nil // resolve internally with dcfg.Hosts
addDefault := func(resolvers []*dnstype.Resolver) {
dcfg.DefaultResolvers = append(dcfg.DefaultResolvers, resolvers...)
// If we're using an exit node and that exit node is new enough (1.19.x+)
// to run a DoH DNS proxy, then send all our DNS traffic through it.
if dohURL, ok := exitNodeCanProxyDNS(nm, peers, prefs.ExitNodeID()); ok {
addDefault([]*dnstype.Resolver{{Addr: dohURL}})
return dcfg
// If the user has set default resolvers ("override local DNS"), prefer to
// use those resolvers as the default, otherwise if there are WireGuard exit
// node resolvers, use those as the default.
if len(nm.DNS.Resolvers) > 0 {
} else {
if resolvers, ok := wireguardExitNodeDNSResolvers(nm, peers, prefs.ExitNodeID()); ok {
for suffix, resolvers := range nm.DNS.Routes {
fqdn, err := dnsname.ToFQDN(suffix)
if err != nil {
logf("[unexpected] non-FQDN route suffix %q", suffix)
// Create map entry even if len(resolvers) == 0; Issue 2706.
// This lets the control plane send ExtraRecords for which we
// can authoritatively answer "name not exists" for when the
// control plane also sends this explicit but empty route
// making it as something we handle.
// While we're already populating it, might as well size the
// slice appropriately.
// Per #9498 the exact requirements of nil vs empty slice remain
// unclear, this is a haunted graveyard to be resolved.
dcfg.Routes[fqdn] = make([]*dnstype.Resolver, 0, len(resolvers))
dcfg.Routes[fqdn] = append(dcfg.Routes[fqdn], resolvers...)
// Set FallbackResolvers as the default resolvers in the
// scenarios that can't handle a purely split-DNS config. See
// for
// details.
switch {
case len(dcfg.DefaultResolvers) != 0:
// Default resolvers already set.
case !prefs.ExitNodeID().IsZero():
// When using an exit node, we send all DNS traffic to the exit node, so
// we don't need a fallback resolver.
// However, if the exit node is too old to run a DoH DNS proxy, then we
// need to use a fallback resolver as it's very likely the LAN resolvers
// will become unreachable.
// This is especially important on Apple OSes, where
// adding the default route to the tunnel interface makes
// it "primary", and we MUST provide VPN-sourced DNS
// settings or we break all DNS resolution.
case len(dcfg.Routes) == 0:
// No settings requiring split DNS, no problem.
return dcfg
// SetTCPHandlerForFunnelFlow sets the TCP handler for Funnel flows.
// It should only be called before the LocalBackend is used.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetTCPHandlerForFunnelFlow(h func(src netip.AddrPort, dstPort uint16) (handler func(net.Conn))) {
b.getTCPHandlerForFunnelFlow = h
// SetVarRoot sets the root directory of Tailscale's writable
// storage area . (e.g. "/var/lib/tailscale")
// It should only be called before the LocalBackend is used.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetVarRoot(dir string) {
b.varRoot = dir
// SetLogFlusher sets a func to be called to flush log uploads.
// It should only be called before the LocalBackend is used.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetLogFlusher(flushFunc func()) {
b.logFlushFunc = flushFunc
// TryFlushLogs calls the log flush function. It returns false if a log flush
// function was never initialized with SetLogFlusher.
// TryFlushLogs should not block.
func (b *LocalBackend) TryFlushLogs() bool {
if b.logFlushFunc == nil {
return false
return true
// TailscaleVarRoot returns the root directory of Tailscale's writable
// storage area. (e.g. "/var/lib/tailscale")
// It returns an empty string if there's no configured or discovered
// location.
func (b *LocalBackend) TailscaleVarRoot() string {
if b.varRoot != "" {
return b.varRoot
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "ios", "android", "darwin":
return paths.AppSharedDir.Load()
case "linux":
if distro.Get() == distro.Gokrazy {
return "/perm/tailscaled"
return ""
func (b *LocalBackend) fileRootLocked(uid tailcfg.UserID) string {
if v := b.directFileRoot; v != "" {
return v
varRoot := b.TailscaleVarRoot()
if varRoot == "" {
b.logf("Taildrop disabled; no state directory")
return ""
baseDir := fmt.Sprintf("%s-uid-%d",
strings.ReplaceAll(b.activeLogin, "@", "-"),
dir := filepath.Join(varRoot, "files", baseDir)
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0700); err != nil {
b.logf("Taildrop disabled; error making directory: %v", err)
return ""
return dir
// closePeerAPIListenersLocked closes any existing PeerAPI listeners
// and clears out the PeerAPI server state.
// It does not kick off any Hostinfo update with new services.
// must be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) closePeerAPIListenersLocked() {
b.peerAPIServer = nil
for _, pln := range b.peerAPIListeners {
b.peerAPIListeners = nil
// peerAPIListenAsync is whether the operating system requires that we
// retry listening on the peerAPI ip/port for whatever reason.
// On Windows, see Issue 1620.
// On Android, see Issue 1960.
const peerAPIListenAsync = runtime.GOOS == "windows" || runtime.GOOS == "android"
func (b *LocalBackend) initPeerAPIListener() {
if b.shutdownCalled {
if b.netMap == nil {
// We're called from authReconfig which checks that
// netMap is non-nil, but if a concurrent Logout,
// ResetForClientDisconnect, or Start happens when its
// mutex was released, the netMap could be
// nil'ed out (Issue 1996). Bail out early here if so.
addrs := b.netMap.GetAddresses()
if addrs.Len() == len(b.peerAPIListeners) {
allSame := true
for i, pln := range b.peerAPIListeners {
if pln.ip != addrs.At(i).Addr() {
allSame = false
if allSame {
// Nothing to do.
selfNode := b.netMap.SelfNode
if !selfNode.Valid() || b.netMap.GetAddresses().Len() == 0 {
fileRoot := b.fileRootLocked(selfNode.User())
if fileRoot == "" {
b.logf("peerapi starting without Taildrop directory configured")
ps := &peerAPIServer{
b: b,
taildrop: taildrop.ManagerOptions{
Logf: b.logf,
Clock: tstime.DefaultClock{Clock: b.clock},
Dir: fileRoot,
DirectFileMode: b.directFileRoot != "",
SendFileNotify: b.sendFileNotify,
if dm, ok := b.sys.DNSManager.GetOK(); ok {
ps.resolver = dm.Resolver()
b.peerAPIServer = ps
isNetstack := b.sys.IsNetstack()
for i := range addrs.Len() {
a := addrs.At(i)
var ln net.Listener
var err error
skipListen := i > 0 && isNetstack
if !skipListen {
ln, err = ps.listen(a.Addr(), b.prevIfState)
if err != nil {
if peerAPIListenAsync {
// Expected. But we fix it later in linkChange
// ("peerAPIListeners too low").
b.logf("[unexpected] peerapi listen(%q) error: %v", a.Addr(), err)
pln := &peerAPIListener{
ps: ps,
ip: a.Addr(),
ln: ln, // nil for 2nd+ on netstack
lb: b,
if skipListen {
pln.port = b.peerAPIListeners[0].port
} else {
pln.port = ln.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port
pln.urlStr = "http://" + net.JoinHostPort(a.Addr().String(), strconv.Itoa(pln.port))
b.logf("peerapi: serving on %s", pln.urlStr)
go pln.serve()
b.peerAPIListeners = append(b.peerAPIListeners, pln)
go b.doSetHostinfoFilterServices()
// magicDNSRootDomains returns the subset of nm.DNS.Domains that are the search domains for MagicDNS.
func magicDNSRootDomains(nm *netmap.NetworkMap) []dnsname.FQDN {
if v := nm.MagicDNSSuffix(); v != "" {
fqdn, err := dnsname.ToFQDN(v)
if err != nil {
// TODO: propagate error
return nil
ret := []dnsname.FQDN{
for i := 64; i <= 127; i++ {
fqdn, err = dnsname.ToFQDN(fmt.Sprintf("", i))
if err != nil {
// TODO: propagate error
ret = append(ret, fqdn)
return ret
return nil
var (
ipv4Default = netip.MustParsePrefix("")
ipv6Default = netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0")
// peerRoutes returns the routerConfig.Routes to access peers.
// If there are over cgnatThreshold CGNAT routes, one big CGNAT route
// is used instead.
func peerRoutes(logf logger.Logf, peers []wgcfg.Peer, cgnatThreshold int) (routes []netip.Prefix) {
tsULA := tsaddr.TailscaleULARange()
cgNAT := tsaddr.CGNATRange()
var didULA bool
var cgNATIPs []netip.Prefix
for _, peer := range peers {
for _, aip := range peer.AllowedIPs {
aip = unmapIPPrefix(aip)
// Ensure that we're only accepting properly-masked
// prefixes; the control server should be masking
// these, so if we get them, skip.
if mm := aip.Masked(); aip != mm {
// To avoid a DoS where a peer could cause all
// reconfigs to fail by sending a bad prefix, we just
// skip, but don't error, on an unmasked route.
logf("advertised route %s from %s has non-address bits set; expected %s", aip, peer.PublicKey.ShortString(), mm)
// Only add the Tailscale IPv6 ULA once, if we see anybody using part of it.
if aip.Addr().Is6() && aip.IsSingleIP() && tsULA.Contains(aip.Addr()) {
if !didULA {
didULA = true
routes = append(routes, tsULA)
if aip.IsSingleIP() && cgNAT.Contains(aip.Addr()) {
cgNATIPs = append(cgNATIPs, aip)
} else {
routes = append(routes, aip)
if len(cgNATIPs) > cgnatThreshold {
// Probably the hello server. Just append one big route.
routes = append(routes, cgNAT)
} else {
routes = append(routes, cgNATIPs...)
return routes
// routerConfig produces a router.Config from a wireguard config and IPN prefs.
func (b *LocalBackend) routerConfig(cfg *wgcfg.Config, prefs ipn.PrefsView, oneCGNATRoute bool) *router.Config {
singleRouteThreshold := 10_000
if oneCGNATRoute {
singleRouteThreshold = 1
netfilterKind := b.capForcedNetfilter // protected by
if prefs.NetfilterKind() != "" {
if netfilterKind != "" {
b.logf("nodeattr netfilter preference %s overridden by c2n pref %s", netfilterKind, prefs.NetfilterKind())
netfilterKind = prefs.NetfilterKind()
var doStatefulFiltering bool
if v, ok := prefs.NoStatefulFiltering().Get(); ok && !v {
// The preferences explicitly "do stateful filtering" is turned
// off, or to expand the double negative, to do stateful
// filtering. Do so.
doStatefulFiltering = true
rs := &router.Config{
LocalAddrs: unmapIPPrefixes(cfg.Addresses),
SubnetRoutes: unmapIPPrefixes(prefs.AdvertiseRoutes().AsSlice()),
SNATSubnetRoutes: !prefs.NoSNAT(),
StatefulFiltering: doStatefulFiltering,
NetfilterMode: prefs.NetfilterMode(),
Routes: peerRoutes(b.logf, cfg.Peers, singleRouteThreshold),
NetfilterKind: netfilterKind,
if distro.Get() == distro.Synology {
// Issue 1995: we don't use iptables on Synology.
rs.NetfilterMode = preftype.NetfilterOff
// Sanity check: we expect the control server to program both a v4
// and a v6 default route, if default routing is on. Fill in
// blackhole routes appropriately if we're missing some. This is
// likely to break some functionality, but if the user expressed a
// preference for routing remotely, we want to avoid leaking
// traffic at the expense of functionality.
if prefs.ExitNodeID() != "" || prefs.ExitNodeIP().IsValid() {
var default4, default6 bool
for _, route := range rs.Routes {
switch route {
case ipv4Default:
default4 = true
case ipv6Default:
default6 = true
if default4 && default6 {
if !default4 {
rs.Routes = append(rs.Routes, ipv4Default)
if !default6 {
rs.Routes = append(rs.Routes, ipv6Default)
internalIPs, externalIPs, err := internalAndExternalInterfaces()
if err != nil {
b.logf("failed to discover interface ips: %v", err)
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "linux", "windows", "darwin", "ios", "android":
rs.LocalRoutes = internalIPs // unconditionally allow access to guest VM networks
if prefs.ExitNodeAllowLANAccess() {
rs.LocalRoutes = append(rs.LocalRoutes, externalIPs...)
} else {
// Explicitly add routes to the local network so that we do not
// leak any traffic.
rs.Routes = append(rs.Routes, externalIPs...)
b.logf("allowing exit node access to local IPs: %v", rs.LocalRoutes)
if prefs.ExitNodeAllowLANAccess() {
b.logf("warning: ExitNodeAllowLANAccess has no effect on " + runtime.GOOS)
if slices.ContainsFunc(rs.LocalAddrs, tsaddr.PrefixIs4) {
rs.Routes = append(rs.Routes, netip.PrefixFrom(tsaddr.TailscaleServiceIP(), 32))
return rs
func unmapIPPrefix(ipp netip.Prefix) netip.Prefix {
return netip.PrefixFrom(ipp.Addr().Unmap(), ipp.Bits())
func unmapIPPrefixes(ippsList ...[]netip.Prefix) (ret []netip.Prefix) {
for _, ipps := range ippsList {
for _, ipp := range ipps {
ret = append(ret, unmapIPPrefix(ipp))
return ret
// must be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) applyPrefsToHostinfoLocked(hi *tailcfg.Hostinfo, prefs ipn.PrefsView) {
if h := prefs.Hostname(); h != "" {
hi.Hostname = h
hi.RoutableIPs = prefs.AdvertiseRoutes().AsSlice()
hi.RequestTags = prefs.AdvertiseTags().AsSlice()
hi.ShieldsUp = prefs.ShieldsUp()
hi.AllowsUpdate = envknob.AllowsRemoteUpdate() || prefs.AutoUpdate().Apply.EqualBool(true)
var sshHostKeys []string
if prefs.RunSSH() && envknob.CanSSHD() {
// TODO(bradfitz): this is called with held. Not ideal.
// If the filesystem gets wedged or something we could block for
// a long time. But probably fine.
var err error
sshHostKeys, err = b.getSSHHostKeyPublicStrings()
if err != nil {
b.logf("warning: unable to get SSH host keys, SSH will appear as disabled for this node: %v", err)
hi.SSH_HostKeys = sshHostKeys
// The Hostinfo.WantIngress field tells control whether this node wants to
// be wired up for ingress connections. If harmless if it's accidentally
// true; the actual policy is controlled in tailscaled by ServeConfig. But
// if this is accidentally false, then control may not configure DNS
// properly. This exists as an optimization to control to program fewer DNS
// records that have ingress enabled but are not actually being used.
hi.WireIngress = b.wantIngressLocked()
// enterState transitions the backend into newState, updating internal
// state and propagating events out as needed.
// TODO(danderson): while this isn't a lie, exactly, a ton of other
// places twiddle IPN internal state without going through here, so
// really this is more "one of several places in which random things
// happen".
func (b *LocalBackend) enterState(newState ipn.State) {
unlock := b.lockAndGetUnlock()
b.enterStateLockedOnEntry(newState, unlock)
// enterStateLockedOnEntry is like enterState but requires be held to call
// it, but it unlocks when done (via unlock, a once func).
func (b *LocalBackend) enterStateLockedOnEntry(newState ipn.State, unlock unlockOnce) {
oldState := b.state
b.state = newState
prefs :=
// Some temporary (2024-05-05) debugging code to help us catch
// in the act.
if prefs.WantRunning() &&
prefs.ControlURLOrDefault() == ipn.DefaultControlURL &&
panic("[unexpected] use of main control server in integration test")
netMap := b.netMap
activeLogin := b.activeLogin
authURL := b.authURL
if newState == ipn.Running {
b.authURL = ""
b.authURLTime = time.Time{}
} else if oldState == ipn.Running {
// Transitioning away from running.
if newState == ipn.Running {
} else {
// prefs may change irrespective of state; WantRunning should be explicitly
// set before potential early return even if the state is unchanged., prefs.Valid() && prefs.WantRunning())
if oldState == newState {
b.logf("Switching ipn state %v -> %v (WantRunning=%v, nm=%v)",
oldState, newState, prefs.WantRunning(), netMap != nil)
b.send(ipn.Notify{State: &newState})
switch newState {
case ipn.NeedsLogin:
systemd.Status("Needs login: %s", authURL)
if b.seamlessRenewalEnabled() {
case ipn.Stopped:
err := b.e.Reconfig(&wgcfg.Config{}, &router.Config{}, &dns.Config{})
if err != nil {
b.logf("Reconfig(down): %v", err)
if authURL == "" {
systemd.Status("Stopped; run 'tailscale up' to log in")
case ipn.Starting, ipn.NeedsMachineAuth:
// Needed so that UpdateEndpoints can run
case ipn.Running:
var addrStrs []string
addrs := netMap.GetAddresses()
for i := range addrs.Len() {
addrStrs = append(addrStrs, addrs.At(i).Addr().String())
systemd.Status("Connected; %s; %s", activeLogin, strings.Join(addrStrs, " "))
case ipn.NoState:
// Do nothing.
b.logf("[unexpected] unknown newState %#v", newState)
func (b *LocalBackend) hasNodeKeyLocked() bool {
// we can't use b.Prefs(), because it strips the keys, oops!
p :=
return p.Valid() && p.Persist().Valid() && !p.Persist().PrivateNodeKey().IsZero()
// NodeKey returns the public node key.
func (b *LocalBackend) NodeKey() key.NodePublic {
if !b.hasNodeKeyLocked() {
return key.NodePublic{}
// nextStateLocked returns the state the backend seems to be in, based on
// its internal state.
// must be held
func (b *LocalBackend) nextStateLocked() ipn.State {
var (
cc =
netMap = b.netMap
state = b.state
blocked = b.blocked
st = b.engineStatus
keyExpired = b.keyExpired
wantRunning = false
loggedOut = false
if p :=; p.Valid() {
wantRunning = p.WantRunning()
loggedOut = p.LoggedOut()
switch {
case !wantRunning && !loggedOut && !blocked && b.hasNodeKeyLocked():
return ipn.Stopped
case netMap == nil:
if (cc != nil && cc.AuthCantContinue()) || loggedOut {
// Auth was interrupted or waiting for URL visit,
// so it won't proceed without human help.
return ipn.NeedsLogin
switch state {
case ipn.Stopped:
// If we were already in the Stopped state, then
// we can assume auth is in good shape (or we would
// have been in NeedsLogin), so transition to Starting
// right away.
return ipn.Starting
case ipn.NoState:
// Our first time connecting to control, and we
// don't know if we'll NeedsLogin or not yet.
// UIs should print "Loading..." in this state.
return ipn.NoState
case ipn.Starting, ipn.Running, ipn.NeedsLogin:
return state
b.logf("unexpected no-netmap state transition for %v", state)
return state
case !wantRunning:
return ipn.Stopped
case keyExpired:
// NetMap must be non-nil for us to get here.
// The node key expired, need to relogin.
return ipn.NeedsLogin
case netMap.GetMachineStatus() != tailcfg.MachineAuthorized:
// TODO(crawshaw): handle tailcfg.MachineInvalid
return ipn.NeedsMachineAuth
case state == ipn.NeedsMachineAuth:
// (if we get here, we know MachineAuthorized == true)
return ipn.Starting
case state == ipn.Starting:
if st.NumLive > 0 || st.LiveDERPs > 0 {
return ipn.Running
} else {
return state
case state == ipn.Running:
return ipn.Running
return ipn.Starting
// stateMachine updates the state machine state based on other things
// that have happened. It is invoked from the various callbacks that
// feed events into LocalBackend.
// TODO(apenwarr): use a channel or something to prevent reentrancy?
// Or maybe just call the state machine from fewer places.
func (b *LocalBackend) stateMachine() {
unlock := b.lockAndGetUnlock()
// stateMachineLockedOnEntry is like stateMachine but requires be held to
// call it, but it unlocks when done (via unlock, a once func).
func (b *LocalBackend) stateMachineLockedOnEntry(unlock unlockOnce) {
b.enterStateLockedOnEntry(b.nextStateLocked(), unlock)
// lockAndGetUnlock locks and returns a sync.OnceFunc function that will
// unlock it at most once.
// This is all very unfortunate but exists as a guardrail against the
// unfortunate "lockedOnEntry" methods in this package (primarily
// enterStateLockedOnEntry) that require held to be locked on entry to the
// function but unlock the mutex on their way out. As a stepping stone to
// cleaning things up (as of 2024-04-06), we at least pass the unlock func
// around now and defer unlock in the caller to avoid missing unlocks and double
// unlocks. TODO(bradfitz,maisem): make the locking in this package more
// traditional (simple). See
func (b *LocalBackend) lockAndGetUnlock() (unlock unlockOnce) {
var unlocked atomic.Bool
return func() bool {
if unlocked.CompareAndSwap(false, true) {
return true
return false
// unlockOnce is a func that unlocks only the first time it's called.
// Therefore it can be safely deferred to catch error paths, without worrying
// about double unlocks if a different point in the code later needs to explicitly
// unlock it first as well. It reports whether it was unlocked.
type unlockOnce func() bool
// UnlockEarly unlocks the It panics if u returns false,
// indicating that this unlocker was already used.
// We're using this method to help us document & find the places that have
// atypical locking patterns. See
// for background.
// A normal unlock is a deferred one or an explicit a few lines
// after the lock, without lots of control flow in-between. An "early" unlock is
// one that happens in weird places, like in various "LockedOnEntry" methods in
// this package that require the mutex to be locked on entry but unlock it
// somewhere in the middle (maybe several calls away) and then sometimes proceed
// to lock it again.
// The reason UnlockeEarly panics if already called is because these are the
// points at which it's assumed that the mutex is already held and it now needs
// to be released. If somebody already released it, that invariant was violated.
// On the other hand, simply calling u only returns false instead of panicking
// so you can defer it without care, confident you got all the error return
// paths which were previously done by hand.
func (u unlockOnce) UnlockEarly() {
if !u() {
panic("Unlock on already-called unlockOnce")
// stopEngineAndWait deconfigures the local network data plane, and
// waits for it to deliver a status update before returning.
// TODO(danderson): this may be racy. We could unblock upon receiving
// a status update that predates the "I've shut down" update.
func (b *LocalBackend) stopEngineAndWait() {
b.e.Reconfig(&wgcfg.Config{}, &router.Config{}, &dns.Config{})
b.logf("stopEngineAndWait: done.")
// Requests the wgengine status, and does not return until the status
// was delivered (to the usual callback).
func (b *LocalBackend) requestEngineStatusAndWait() {
defer b.statusLock.Unlock()
go b.e.RequestStatus()
b.logf("requestEngineStatusAndWait: waiting...")
b.statusChanged.Wait() // temporarily releases lock while waiting
b.logf("requestEngineStatusAndWait: got status update.")
// setControlClientLocked sets the control client to cc,
// which may be nil.
// must be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) setControlClientLocked(cc controlclient.Client) { = cc
b.ccAuto, _ = cc.(*controlclient.Auto)
// resetControlClientLocked sets to nil and returns the old value. If the
// returned value is non-nil, the caller must call Shutdown on it after
// releasing
func (b *LocalBackend) resetControlClientLocked() controlclient.Client {
if == nil {
return nil
b.authURL = ""
// When we clear the control client, stop any outstanding netmap expiry
// timer; synthesizing a new netmap while we don't have a control
// client will break things.
// See
if b.nmExpiryTimer != nil {
b.nmExpiryTimer = nil
// Also bump the epoch to ensure that if the timer started, it
// will abort.
prev :=
return prev
// ResetForClientDisconnect resets the backend for GUI clients running
// in interactive (non-headless) mode. This is currently used only by
// Windows. This causes all state to be cleared, lest an unrelated user
// connect to tailscaled next. But it does not trigger a logout; we
// don't want to the user to have to reauthenticate in the future
// when they restart the GUI.
func (b *LocalBackend) ResetForClientDisconnect() {
unlock := b.lockAndGetUnlock()
defer unlock()
prevCC := b.resetControlClientLocked()
if prevCC != nil {
// Needs to happen without held.
defer prevCC.Shutdown()
if b.currentUser != nil {
b.currentUser = nil
b.keyExpired = false
b.authURL = ""
b.authURLTime = time.Time{}
b.activeLogin = ""
b.enterStateLockedOnEntry(ipn.Stopped, unlock)
func (b *LocalBackend) ShouldRunSSH() bool { return b.sshAtomicBool.Load() && envknob.CanSSHD() }
// ShouldRunWebClient reports whether the web client is being run
// within this tailscaled instance. ShouldRunWebClient is safe to
// call regardless of whether is held or not.
func (b *LocalBackend) ShouldRunWebClient() bool { return b.webClientAtomicBool.Load() }
// ShouldExposeRemoteWebClient reports whether the web client should
// accept connections via [tailscale IP]:5252 in addition to the default
// behaviour of accepting local connections over
// This function checks both the web client user pref via
// exposeRemoteWebClientAtomicBool and the disable-web-client node attr
// via ShouldRunWebClient to determine whether the web client should be
// exposed.
func (b *LocalBackend) ShouldExposeRemoteWebClient() bool {
return b.ShouldRunWebClient() && b.exposeRemoteWebClientAtomicBool.Load()
// setWebClientAtomicBoolLocked sets webClientAtomicBool based on whether
// tailcfg.NodeAttrDisableWebClient has been set in the netmap.NetworkMap.
// must be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) setWebClientAtomicBoolLocked(nm *netmap.NetworkMap) {
shouldRun := !nm.HasCap(tailcfg.NodeAttrDisableWebClient)
wasRunning := b.webClientAtomicBool.Swap(shouldRun)
if wasRunning && !shouldRun {
go b.webClientShutdown() // stop web client
// setExposeRemoteWebClientAtomicBoolLocked sets exposeRemoteWebClientAtomicBool
// based on whether the RunWebClient pref is set.
// must be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) setExposeRemoteWebClientAtomicBoolLocked(prefs ipn.PrefsView) {
shouldExpose := prefs.Valid() && prefs.RunWebClient()
// ShouldHandleViaIP reports whether ip is an IPv6 address in the
// Tailscale ULA's v6 "via" range embedding an IPv4 address to be forwarded to
// by Tailscale.
func (b *LocalBackend) ShouldHandleViaIP(ip netip.Addr) bool {
if f, ok := b.containsViaIPFuncAtomic.LoadOk(); ok {
return f(ip)
return false
// Logout logs out the current profile, if any, and waits for the logout to
// complete.
func (b *LocalBackend) Logout(ctx context.Context) error {
unlock := b.lockAndGetUnlock()
defer unlock()
if !b.hasNodeKeyLocked() {
// Already logged out.
return nil
cc :=
// Grab the current profile before we unlock the mutex, so that we can
// delete it later.
profile :=
_, err := b.editPrefsLockedOnEntry(&ipn.MaskedPrefs{
WantRunningSet: true,
LoggedOutSet: true,
Prefs: ipn.Prefs{WantRunning: false, LoggedOut: true},
}, unlock)
if err != nil {
return err
// is now unlocked, after editPrefsLockedOnEntry.
// Clear any previous dial plan(s), if set.
if cc == nil {
// Double Logout can happen via repeated IPN
// connections to ipnserver making it repeatedly
// transition from 1->0 total connections, which on
// Windows by default ("client mode") causes a Logout
// on the transition to zero.
// Previously this crashed when we asserted that c was non-nil
// here.
return errors.New("no controlclient")
if err := cc.Logout(ctx); err != nil {
return err
unlock = b.lockAndGetUnlock()
defer unlock()
if err :=; err != nil {
b.logf("error deleting profile: %v", err)
return err
return b.resetForProfileChangeLockedOnEntry(unlock)
// setNetInfo sets b.hostinfo.NetInfo to ni, and passes ni along to the
// controlclient, if one exists.
func (b *LocalBackend) setNetInfo(ni *tailcfg.NetInfo) {
cc :=
if cc == nil {
// setNetMapLocked updates the LocalBackend state to reflect the newly
// received nm. If nm is nil, it resets all configuration as though
// Tailscale is turned off.
func (b *LocalBackend) setNetMapLocked(nm *netmap.NetworkMap) {
if ns, ok := b.sys.Netstack.GetOK(); ok {
var login string
if nm != nil {
login = cmp.Or(nm.UserProfiles[nm.User()].LoginName, "<missing-profile>")
b.netMap = nm
if login != b.activeLogin {
b.logf("active login: %v", login)
b.activeLogin = login
if nm != nil {
} else {
// Determine if file sharing is enabled
fs := nm.HasCap(tailcfg.CapabilityFileSharing)
if fs != b.capFileSharing {
osshare.SetFileSharingEnabled(fs, b.logf)
b.capFileSharing = fs
if nm.HasCap(tailcfg.NodeAttrLinuxMustUseIPTables) {
b.capForcedNetfilter = "iptables"
} else if nm.HasCap(tailcfg.NodeAttrLinuxMustUseNfTables) {
b.capForcedNetfilter = "nftables"
} else {
b.capForcedNetfilter = "" // empty string means client can auto-detect
// See the netns package for documentation on what this capability does.
if nm == nil {
b.nodeByAddr = nil
// Update the nodeByAddr index.
if b.nodeByAddr == nil {
b.nodeByAddr = map[netip.Addr]tailcfg.NodeID{}
// First pass, mark everything unwanted.
for k := range b.nodeByAddr {
b.nodeByAddr[k] = 0
addNode := func(n tailcfg.NodeView) {
for i := range n.Addresses().Len() {
if ipp := n.Addresses().At(i); ipp.IsSingleIP() {
b.nodeByAddr[ipp.Addr()] = n.ID()
if nm.SelfNode.Valid() {
for _, p := range nm.Peers {
// Third pass, actually delete the unwanted items.
for k, v := range b.nodeByAddr {
if v == 0 {
delete(b.nodeByAddr, k)
func (b *LocalBackend) updatePeersFromNetmapLocked(nm *netmap.NetworkMap) {
if nm == nil {
b.peers = nil
// First pass, mark everything unwanted.
for k := range b.peers {
b.peers[k] = tailcfg.NodeView{}
// Second pass, add everything wanted.
for _, p := range nm.Peers {
mak.Set(&b.peers, p.ID(), p)
// Third pass, remove deleted things.
for k, v := range b.peers {
if !v.Valid() {
delete(b.peers, k)
// responseBodyWrapper wraps an io.ReadCloser and stores
// the number of bytesRead.
type responseBodyWrapper struct {
bytesRx int64
bytesTx int64
log logger.Logf
method string
statusCode int
contentType string
fileExtension string
shareNodeKey string
selfNodeKey string
contentLength int64
// logAccess logs the taildrive: access: log line. If the logger is nil,
// the log will not be written.
func (rbw *responseBodyWrapper) logAccess(err string) {
if rbw.log == nil {
// Some operating systems create and copy lots of 0 length hidden files for
// tracking various states. Omit these to keep logs from being too verbose.
if rbw.contentLength > 0 {
rbw.log("taildrive: access: %s from %s to %s: status-code=%d ext=%q content-type=%q content-length=%.f tx=%.f rx=%.f err=%q", rbw.method, rbw.selfNodeKey, rbw.shareNodeKey, rbw.statusCode, rbw.fileExtension, rbw.contentType, roundTraffic(rbw.contentLength), roundTraffic(rbw.bytesTx), roundTraffic(rbw.bytesRx), err)
// Read implements the io.Reader interface.
func (rbw *responseBodyWrapper) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := rbw.ReadCloser.Read(b)
rbw.bytesRx += int64(n)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
return n, err
// Close implements the io.Close interface.
func (rbw *responseBodyWrapper) Close() error {
err := rbw.ReadCloser.Close()
var errStr string
if err != nil {
errStr = err.Error()
return err
// driveTransport is an http.RoundTripper that wraps
// b.Dialer().PeerAPITransport() with metrics tracking.
type driveTransport struct {
b *LocalBackend
tr *http.Transport
func (b *LocalBackend) newDriveTransport() *driveTransport {
return &driveTransport{
b: b,
tr: b.Dialer().PeerAPITransport(),
func (dt *driveTransport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
// Some WebDAV clients include origin and refer headers, which peerapi does
// not like. Remove them.
bw := &requestBodyWrapper{}
if req.Body != nil {
bw.ReadCloser = req.Body
req.Body = bw
defer func() {
contentType := "unknown"
switch req.Method {
case httpm.PUT:
if ct := req.Header.Get("Content-Type"); ct != "" {
contentType = ct
case httpm.GET:
if ct := resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"); ct != "" {
contentType = ct
selfNodeKey := dt.b.netMap.SelfNode.Key().ShortString()
n, _, ok := dt.b.WhoIs("tcp", netip.MustParseAddrPort(req.URL.Host))
shareNodeKey := "unknown"
if ok {
shareNodeKey = string(n.Key().ShortString())
rbw := responseBodyWrapper{
log: dt.b.logf,
method: req.Method,
bytesTx: int64(bw.bytesRead),
selfNodeKey: selfNodeKey,
shareNodeKey: shareNodeKey,
contentType: contentType,
contentLength: resp.ContentLength,
fileExtension: parseDriveFileExtensionForLog(req.URL.Path),
statusCode: resp.StatusCode,
ReadCloser: resp.Body,
if resp.StatusCode >= 400 {
// in case of error response, just log immediately
} else {
resp.Body = &rbw
// roundTraffic rounds bytes. This is used to preserve user privacy within logs.
func roundTraffic(bytes int64) float64 {
var x float64
switch {
case bytes <= 5:
return float64(bytes)
case bytes < 1000:
x = 10
case bytes < 10_000:
x = 100
case bytes < 100_000:
x = 1000
case bytes < 1_000_000:
x = 10_000
case bytes < 10_000_000:
x = 100_000
case bytes < 100_000_000:
x = 1_000_000
case bytes < 1_000_000_000:
x = 10_000_000
x = 100_000_000
return math.Round(float64(bytes)/x) * x
// setDebugLogsByCapabilityLocked sets debug logging based on the self node's
// capabilities in the provided NetMap.
func (b *LocalBackend) setDebugLogsByCapabilityLocked(nm *netmap.NetworkMap) {
// These are sufficiently cheap (atomic bools) that we don't need to
// store state and compare.
if nm.HasCap(tailcfg.CapabilityDebugTSDNSResolution) {
} else {
// reloadServeConfigLocked reloads the serve config from the store or resets the
// serve config to nil if not logged in. The "changed" parameter, when false, instructs
// the method to only run the reset-logic and not reload the store from memory to ensure
// foreground sessions are not removed if they are not saved on disk.
func (b *LocalBackend) reloadServeConfigLocked(prefs ipn.PrefsView) {
if b.netMap == nil || !b.netMap.SelfNode.Valid() || !prefs.Valid() || == "" {
// We're not logged in, so we don't have a profile.
// Don't try to load the serve config.
b.lastServeConfJSON = mem.B(nil)
b.serveConfig = ipn.ServeConfigView{}
confKey := ipn.ServeConfigKey(
// TODO(maisem,bradfitz): prevent reading the config from disk
// if the profile has not changed.
confj, err :=
if err != nil {
b.lastServeConfJSON = mem.B(nil)
b.serveConfig = ipn.ServeConfigView{}
if b.lastServeConfJSON.Equal(mem.B(confj)) {
b.lastServeConfJSON = mem.B(confj)
var conf ipn.ServeConfig
if err := json.Unmarshal(confj, &conf); err != nil {
b.logf("invalid ServeConfig %q in StateStore: %v", confKey, err)
b.serveConfig = ipn.ServeConfigView{}
// remove inactive sessions
maps.DeleteFunc(conf.Foreground, func(sessionID string, sc *ipn.ServeConfig) bool {
_, ok := b.notifyWatchers[sessionID]
return !ok
b.serveConfig = conf.View()
// setTCPPortsInterceptedFromNetmapAndPrefsLocked calls setTCPPortsIntercepted with
// the ports that tailscaled should handle as a function of b.netMap and b.prefs.
// must be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) setTCPPortsInterceptedFromNetmapAndPrefsLocked(prefs ipn.PrefsView) {
handlePorts := make([]uint16, 0, 4)
if prefs.Valid() && prefs.RunSSH() && envknob.CanSSHD() {
handlePorts = append(handlePorts, 22)
if b.ShouldExposeRemoteWebClient() {
handlePorts = append(handlePorts, webClientPort)
// don't listen on netmap addresses if we're in userspace mode
if !b.sys.IsNetstack() {
if b.serveConfig.Valid() {
servePorts := make([]uint16, 0, 3)
b.serveConfig.RangeOverTCPs(func(port uint16, _ ipn.TCPPortHandlerView) bool {
if port > 0 {
servePorts = append(servePorts, uint16(port))
return true
handlePorts = append(handlePorts, servePorts...)
// don't listen on netmap addresses if we're in userspace mode
if !b.sys.IsNetstack() {
// Kick off a Hostinfo update to control if WireIngress changed.
if wire := b.wantIngressLocked(); b.hostinfo != nil && b.hostinfo.WireIngress != wire {
b.logf("Hostinfo.WireIngress changed to %v", wire)
b.hostinfo.WireIngress = wire
go b.doSetHostinfoFilterServices()
// setServeProxyHandlersLocked ensures there is an http proxy handler for each
// backend specified in serveConfig. It expects serveConfig to be valid and
// up-to-date, so should be called after reloadServeConfigLocked.
func (b *LocalBackend) setServeProxyHandlersLocked() {
if !b.serveConfig.Valid() {
var backends map[string]bool
b.serveConfig.RangeOverWebs(func(_ ipn.HostPort, conf ipn.WebServerConfigView) (cont bool) {
conf.Handlers().Range(func(_ string, h ipn.HTTPHandlerView) (cont bool) {
backend := h.Proxy()
if backend == "" {
// Only create proxy handlers for servers with a proxy backend.
return true
mak.Set(&backends, backend, true)
if _, ok := b.serveProxyHandlers.Load(backend); ok {
return true
b.logf("serve: creating a new proxy handler for %s", backend)
p, err := b.proxyHandlerForBackend(backend)
if err != nil {
// The backend endpoint (h.Proxy) should have been validated by expandProxyTarget
// in the CLI, so just log the error here.
b.logf("[unexpected] could not create proxy for %v: %s", backend, err)
return true
b.serveProxyHandlers.Store(backend, p)
return true
return true
// Clean up handlers for proxy backends that are no longer present
// in configuration.
b.serveProxyHandlers.Range(func(key, value any) bool {
backend := key.(string)
if !backends[backend] {
b.logf("serve: closing idle connections to %s", backend)
return true
// operatorUserName returns the current pref's OperatorUser's name, or the
// empty string if none.
func (b *LocalBackend) operatorUserName() string {
prefs :=
if !prefs.Valid() {
return ""
return prefs.OperatorUser()
// OperatorUserID returns the current pref's OperatorUser's ID (in
// os/user.User.Uid string form), or the empty string if none.
func (b *LocalBackend) OperatorUserID() string {
opUserName := b.operatorUserName()
if opUserName == "" {
return ""
u, err := osuser.LookupByUsername(opUserName)
if err != nil {
b.logf("error looking up operator %q uid: %v", opUserName, err)
return ""
return u.Uid
// TestOnlyPublicKeys returns the current machine and node public
// keys. Used in tests only to facilitate automated node authorization
// in the test harness.
func (b *LocalBackend) TestOnlyPublicKeys() (machineKey key.MachinePublic, nodeKey key.NodePublic) {
machinePrivKey := b.machinePrivKey
prefs :=
if !prefs.Valid() || machinePrivKey.IsZero() {
mk := machinePrivKey.Public()
nk := prefs.Persist().PublicNodeKey()
return mk, nk
func (b *LocalBackend) removeFileWaiter(handle set.Handle) {
delete(b.fileWaiters, handle)
func (b *LocalBackend) addFileWaiter(wakeWaiter context.CancelFunc) set.Handle {
return b.fileWaiters.Add(wakeWaiter)
func (b *LocalBackend) WaitingFiles() ([]apitype.WaitingFile, error) {
apiSrv := b.peerAPIServer
return mayDeref(apiSrv).taildrop.WaitingFiles()
// AwaitWaitingFiles is like WaitingFiles but blocks while ctx is not done,
// waiting for any files to be available.
// On return, exactly one of the results will be non-empty or non-nil,
// respectively.
func (b *LocalBackend) AwaitWaitingFiles(ctx context.Context) ([]apitype.WaitingFile, error) {
if ff, err := b.WaitingFiles(); err != nil || len(ff) > 0 {
return ff, err
for {
gotFile, gotFileCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer gotFileCancel()
handle := b.addFileWaiter(gotFileCancel)
defer b.removeFileWaiter(handle)
// Now that we've registered ourselves, check again, in case
// of race. Otherwise there's a small window where we could
// miss a file arrival and wait forever.
if ff, err := b.WaitingFiles(); err != nil || len(ff) > 0 {
return ff, err
select {
case <-gotFile.Done():
if ff, err := b.WaitingFiles(); err != nil || len(ff) > 0 {
return ff, err
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
func (b *LocalBackend) DeleteFile(name string) error {
apiSrv := b.peerAPIServer
return mayDeref(apiSrv).taildrop.DeleteFile(name)
func (b *LocalBackend) OpenFile(name string) (rc io.ReadCloser, size int64, err error) {
apiSrv := b.peerAPIServer
return mayDeref(apiSrv).taildrop.OpenFile(name)
// hasCapFileSharing reports whether the current node has the file
// sharing capability enabled.
func (b *LocalBackend) hasCapFileSharing() bool {
return b.capFileSharing
// FileTargets lists nodes that the current node can send files to.
func (b *LocalBackend) FileTargets() ([]*apitype.FileTarget, error) {
var ret []*apitype.FileTarget
nm := b.netMap
if b.state != ipn.Running || nm == nil {
return nil, errors.New("not connected to the tailnet")
if !b.capFileSharing {
return nil, errors.New("file sharing not enabled by Tailscale admin")
for _, p := range b.peers {
if !b.peerIsTaildropTargetLocked(p) {
if p.Hostinfo().OS() == "tvOS" {
peerAPI := peerAPIBase(b.netMap, p)
if peerAPI == "" {
ret = append(ret, &apitype.FileTarget{
Node: p.AsStruct(),
PeerAPIURL: peerAPI,
slices.SortFunc(ret, func(a, b *apitype.FileTarget) int {
return cmp.Compare(a.Node.Name, b.Node.Name)
return ret, nil
// peerIsTaildropTargetLocked reports whether p is a valid Taildrop file
// recipient from this node according to its ownership and the capabilities in
// the netmap.
// must be locked.
func (b *LocalBackend) peerIsTaildropTargetLocked(p tailcfg.NodeView) bool {
if b.netMap == nil || !p.Valid() {
return false
if b.netMap.User() == p.User() {
return true
if p.Addresses().Len() > 0 &&
b.peerHasCapLocked(p.Addresses().At(0).Addr(), tailcfg.PeerCapabilityFileSharingTarget) {
// Explicitly noted in the netmap ACL caps as a target.
return true
return false
func (b *LocalBackend) peerHasCapLocked(addr netip.Addr, wantCap tailcfg.PeerCapability) bool {
return b.peerCapsLocked(addr).HasCapability(wantCap)
// SetDNS adds a DNS record for the given domain name & TXT record
// value.
// It's meant for use with dns-01 ACME (LetsEncrypt) challenges.
// This is the low-level interface. Other layers will provide more
// friendly options to get HTTPS certs.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetDNS(ctx context.Context, name, value string) error {
req := &tailcfg.SetDNSRequest{
Version: 1, // TODO(bradfitz,maisem): use tailcfg.CurrentCapabilityVersion when using the Noise transport
Type: "TXT",
Name: name,
Value: value,
cc := b.ccAuto
if prefs :=; prefs.Valid() && prefs.Persist().Valid() {
req.NodeKey = prefs.Persist().PrivateNodeKey().Public()
if cc == nil {
return errors.New("not connected")
if req.NodeKey.IsZero() {
return errors.New("no nodekey")
if name == "" {
return errors.New("missing 'name'")
if value == "" {
return errors.New("missing 'value'")
return cc.SetDNS(ctx, req)
func peerAPIPorts(peer tailcfg.NodeView) (p4, p6 uint16) {
svcs := peer.Hostinfo().Services()
for i := range svcs.Len() {
s := svcs.At(i)
switch s.Proto {
case tailcfg.PeerAPI4:
p4 = s.Port
case tailcfg.PeerAPI6:
p6 = s.Port
// peerAPIURL returns an HTTP URL for the peer's peerapi service,
// without a trailing slash.
// If ip or port is the zero value then it returns the empty string.
func peerAPIURL(ip netip.Addr, port uint16) string {
if port == 0 || !ip.IsValid() {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("http://%v", netip.AddrPortFrom(ip, port))
// peerAPIBase returns the "http://ip:port" URL base to reach peer's peerAPI.
// It returns the empty string if the peer doesn't support the peerapi
// or there's no matching address family based on the netmap's own addresses.
func peerAPIBase(nm *netmap.NetworkMap, peer tailcfg.NodeView) string {
if nm == nil || !peer.Valid() || !peer.Hostinfo().Valid() {
return ""
var have4, have6 bool
addrs := nm.GetAddresses()
for i := range addrs.Len() {
a := addrs.At(i)
if !a.IsSingleIP() {
switch {
case a.Addr().Is4():
have4 = true
case a.Addr().Is6():
have6 = true
p4, p6 := peerAPIPorts(peer)
switch {
case have4 && p4 != 0:
return peerAPIURL(nodeIP(peer, netip.Addr.Is4), p4)
case have6 && p6 != 0:
return peerAPIURL(nodeIP(peer, netip.Addr.Is6), p6)
return ""
func nodeIP(n tailcfg.NodeView, pred func(netip.Addr) bool) netip.Addr {
for i := range n.Addresses().Len() {
a := n.Addresses().At(i)
if a.IsSingleIP() && pred(a.Addr()) {
return a.Addr()
return netip.Addr{}
func (b *LocalBackend) CheckIPForwarding() error {
if b.sys.IsNetstackRouter() {
return nil
// TODO: let the caller pass in the ranges.
warn, err := netutil.CheckIPForwarding(tsaddr.ExitRoutes(), b.sys.NetMon.Get().InterfaceState())
if err != nil {
return err
return warn
// CheckUDPGROForwarding checks if the machine is optimally configured to
// forward UDP packets between the default route and Tailscale TUN interfaces.
// It returns an error if the check fails or if suboptimal configuration is
// detected. No error is returned if we are unable to gather the interface
// names from the relevant subsystems.
func (b *LocalBackend) CheckUDPGROForwarding() error {
if b.sys.IsNetstackRouter() {
return nil
// We return nil when the interface name or subsystem it's tied to can't be
// fetched. This is intentional as answering the question "are netdev
// features optimal for performance?" is a low priority in that situation.
tunSys, ok := b.sys.Tun.GetOK()
if !ok {
return nil
tunInterface, err := tunSys.Name()
if err != nil {
return nil
netmonSys, ok := b.sys.NetMon.GetOK()
if !ok {
return nil
state := netmonSys.InterfaceState()
if state == nil {
return nil
// We return warn or err. If err is non-nil there was a problem
// communicating with the kernel via ethtool semantics/ioctl. ethtool ioctl
// errors are interesting for our future selves as we consider tweaking
// netdev features automatically using similar API infra.
warn, err := netkernelconf.CheckUDPGROForwarding(tunInterface, state.DefaultRouteInterface)
if err != nil {
return err
return warn
// SetUDPGROForwarding enables UDP GRO forwarding for the default network
// interface of this machine. It can be done to improve performance for nodes
// acting as Tailscale subnet routers or exit nodes. Currently (9/5/2024) this
// functionality is considered experimental and only safe to use via explicit
// user opt-in for ephemeral devices, such as containers.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetUDPGROForwarding() error {
if b.sys.IsNetstackRouter() {
return errors.New("UDP GRO forwarding cannot be enabled in userspace mode")
tunSys, ok := b.sys.Tun.GetOK()
if !ok {
return errors.New("[unexpected] unable to retrieve tun device configuration")
tunInterface, err := tunSys.Name()
if err != nil {
return errors.New("[unexpected] unable to determine name of the tun device")
netmonSys, ok := b.sys.NetMon.GetOK()
if !ok {
return errors.New("[unexpected] unable to retrieve tailscale netmon configuration")
state := netmonSys.InterfaceState()
if state == nil {
return errors.New("[unexpected] unable to retrieve machine's network interface state")
if err := netkernelconf.SetUDPGROForwarding(tunInterface, state.DefaultRouteInterface); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error enabling UDP GRO forwarding: %w", err)
return nil
// DERPMap returns the current DERPMap in use, or nil if not connected.
func (b *LocalBackend) DERPMap() *tailcfg.DERPMap {
if b.netMap == nil {
return nil
return b.netMap.DERPMap
// OfferingExitNode reports whether b is currently offering exit node
// access.
func (b *LocalBackend) OfferingExitNode() bool {
if ! {
return false
var def4, def6 bool
ar :=
for i := range ar.Len() {
r := ar.At(i)
if r.Bits() != 0 {
if r.Addr().Is4() {
def4 = true
} else if r.Addr().Is6() {
def6 = true
return def4 && def6
// OfferingAppConnector reports whether b is currently offering app
// connector services.
func (b *LocalBackend) OfferingAppConnector() bool {
return b.appConnector != nil
// allowExitNodeDNSProxyToServeName reports whether the Exit Node DNS
// proxy is allowed to serve responses for the provided DNS name.
func (b *LocalBackend) allowExitNodeDNSProxyToServeName(name string) bool {
nm := b.netMap
if nm == nil {
return false
name = strings.ToLower(name)
for _, bad := range nm.DNS.ExitNodeFilteredSet {
if bad == "" {
// Invalid, ignore.
if bad[0] == '.' {
// Entries beginning with a dot are suffix matches.
if dnsname.HasSuffix(name, bad) {
return false
// Otherwise entries are exact matches. They're
// guaranteed to be lowercase already.
if name == bad {
return false
return true
// SetExpiry updates the expiry of the current node key to t, as long as it's
// only sooner than the old expiry.
// If t is in the past, the key is expired immediately.
// If t is after the current expiry, an error is returned.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetExpirySooner(ctx context.Context, expiry time.Time) error {
cc := b.ccAuto
if cc == nil {
return errors.New("not running")
return cc.SetExpirySooner(ctx, expiry)
// exitNodeCanProxyDNS reports the DoH base URL ("http://foo/dns-query") without query parameters
// to exitNodeID's DoH service, if available.
// If exitNodeID is the zero valid, it returns "", false.
func exitNodeCanProxyDNS(nm *netmap.NetworkMap, peers map[tailcfg.NodeID]tailcfg.NodeView, exitNodeID tailcfg.StableNodeID) (dohURL string, ok bool) {
if exitNodeID.IsZero() {
return "", false
for _, p := range peers {
if p.StableID() == exitNodeID && peerCanProxyDNS(p) {
return peerAPIBase(nm, p) + "/dns-query", true
return "", false
// wireguardExitNodeDNSResolvers returns the DNS resolvers to use for a
// WireGuard-only exit node, if it has resolver addresses.
func wireguardExitNodeDNSResolvers(nm *netmap.NetworkMap, peers map[tailcfg.NodeID]tailcfg.NodeView, exitNodeID tailcfg.StableNodeID) ([]*dnstype.Resolver, bool) {
if exitNodeID.IsZero() {
return nil, false
for _, p := range peers {
if p.StableID() == exitNodeID {
if p.IsWireGuardOnly() {
resolvers := p.ExitNodeDNSResolvers()
if !resolvers.IsNil() && resolvers.Len() > 0 {
copies := make([]*dnstype.Resolver, resolvers.Len())
for i := range resolvers.Len() {
copies[i] = resolvers.At(i).AsStruct()
return copies, true
return nil, false
return nil, false
func peerCanProxyDNS(p tailcfg.NodeView) bool {
if p.Cap() >= 26 {
// Actually added at 25
// (
// so anything >= 26 can do it.
return true
// If p.Cap is not populated (e.g. older control server), then do the old
// thing of searching through services.
services := p.Hostinfo().Services()
for i := range services.Len() {
if s := services.At(i); s.Proto == tailcfg.PeerAPIDNS && s.Port >= 1 {
return true
return false
func (b *LocalBackend) DebugRebind() error {
return nil
func (b *LocalBackend) DebugReSTUN() error {
return nil
// ControlKnobs returns the node's control knobs.
func (b *LocalBackend) ControlKnobs() *controlknobs.Knobs {
return b.sys.ControlKnobs()
// MagicConn returns the backend's *magicsock.Conn.
func (b *LocalBackend) MagicConn() *magicsock.Conn {
return b.sys.MagicSock.Get()
type keyProvingNoiseRoundTripper struct {
b *LocalBackend
func (n keyProvingNoiseRoundTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
b := n.b
var priv key.NodePrivate
cc := b.ccAuto
if nm := b.netMap; nm != nil {
priv = nm.PrivateKey
if cc == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no client")
if priv.IsZero() {
return nil, errors.New("no netmap or private key")
rt, ep, err := cc.GetSingleUseNoiseRoundTripper(req.Context())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ep == nil || ep.NodeKeyChallenge.IsZero() {
go rt.RoundTrip(new(http.Request)) // return our reservation with a bogus request
return nil, errors.New("this coordination server does not support API calls over the Noise channel")
// QueryEscape the node key since it has a colon in it.
nk := url.QueryEscape(priv.Public().String())
req.SetBasicAuth(nk, "")
// genNodeProofHeaderValue returns the Tailscale-Node-Proof header's value to prove
// to chalPub that we control claimedPrivate.
genNodeProofHeaderValue := func(claimedPrivate key.NodePrivate, chalPub key.ChallengePublic) string {
// TODO(bradfitz): cache this somewhere?
box := claimedPrivate.SealToChallenge(chalPub, []byte(chalPub.String()))
return claimedPrivate.Public().String() + " " + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(box)
// And prove we have the private key corresponding to the public key sent
// tin the basic auth username.
req.Header.Set("Tailscale-Node-Proof", genNodeProofHeaderValue(priv, ep.NodeKeyChallenge))
return rt.RoundTrip(req)
// KeyProvingNoiseRoundTripper returns an http.RoundTripper that uses the LocalBackend's
// DoNoiseRequest method and mutates the request to add an authorization header
// to prove the client's nodekey.
func (b *LocalBackend) KeyProvingNoiseRoundTripper() http.RoundTripper {
return keyProvingNoiseRoundTripper{b}
// DoNoiseRequest sends a request to URL over the control plane
// Noise connection.
func (b *LocalBackend) DoNoiseRequest(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
cc := b.ccAuto
if cc == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no client")
return cc.DoNoiseRequest(req)
func (b *LocalBackend) sshServerOrInit() (_ SSHServer, err error) {
if b.sshServer != nil {
return b.sshServer, nil
if newSSHServer == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no SSH server support")
b.sshServer, err = newSSHServer(b.logf, b)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("newSSHServer: %w", err)
return b.sshServer, nil
var warnSSHSELinuxWarnable = health.Register(&health.Warnable{
Code: "ssh-unavailable-selinux-enabled",
Title: "Tailscale SSH and SELinux",
Severity: health.SeverityLow,
Text: health.StaticMessage("SELinux is enabled; Tailscale SSH may not work. See"),
func (b *LocalBackend) updateSELinuxHealthWarning() {
if hostinfo.IsSELinuxEnforcing() {, nil)
} else {
func (b *LocalBackend) handleSSHConn(c net.Conn) (err error) {
s, err := b.sshServerOrInit()
if err != nil {
return err
return s.HandleSSHConn(c)
// HandleQuad100Port80Conn serves on port 80 (and
// the equivalent tsaddr.TailscaleServiceIPv6 address).
func (b *LocalBackend) HandleQuad100Port80Conn(c net.Conn) error {
var s http.Server
s.Handler = http.HandlerFunc(b.handleQuad100Port80Conn)
return s.Serve(netutil.NewOneConnListener(c, nil))
func validQuad100Host(h string) bool {
switch h {
case "",
"[" + tsaddr.TailscaleServiceIPv6String + "]":
return true
return false
func (b *LocalBackend) handleQuad100Port80Conn(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("X-Frame-Options", "DENY")
w.Header().Set("Content-Security-Policy", "default-src 'self';")
if r.Method != "GET" && r.Method != "HEAD" {
http.Error(w, "method not allowed", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
if !validQuad100Host(r.Host) {
http.Error(w, "bad request", http.StatusBadRequest)
io.WriteString(w, "<h1>Tailscale</h1>\n")
if b.netMap == nil {
io.WriteString(w, "No netmap.\n")
addrs := b.netMap.GetAddresses()
if addrs.Len() == 0 {
io.WriteString(w, "No local addresses.\n")
io.WriteString(w, "<p>Local addresses:</p><ul>\n")
for i := range addrs.Len() {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<li>%v</li>\n", addrs.At(i).Addr())
io.WriteString(w, "</ul>\n")
func (b *LocalBackend) Doctor(ctx context.Context, logf logger.Logf) {
// We can write logs too fast for logtail to handle, even when
// opting-out of rate limits. Limit ourselves to at most one message
// per 20ms and a burst of 60 log lines, which should be fast enough to
// not block for too long but slow enough that we can upload all lines.
logf = logger.SlowLoggerWithClock(ctx, logf, 20*time.Millisecond, 60, b.clock.Now)
var checks []doctor.Check
checks = append(checks,
// Print a log message if any of the global DNS resolvers are Tailscale
// IPs; this can interfere with our ability to connect to the Tailscale
// controlplane.
checks = append(checks, doctor.CheckFunc("dns-resolvers", func(_ context.Context, logf logger.Logf) error {
nm := b.netMap
if nm == nil {
return nil
for i, resolver := range nm.DNS.Resolvers {
ipp, ok := resolver.IPPort()
if ok && tsaddr.IsTailscaleIP(ipp.Addr()) {
logf("resolver %d is a Tailscale address: %v", i, resolver)
for i, resolver := range nm.DNS.FallbackResolvers {
ipp, ok := resolver.IPPort()
if ok && tsaddr.IsTailscaleIP(ipp.Addr()) {
logf("fallback resolver %d is a Tailscale address: %v", i, resolver)
return nil
// TODO(andrew): more
numChecks := len(checks)
checks = append(checks, doctor.CheckFunc("numchecks", func(_ context.Context, log logger.Logf) error {
log("%d checks", numChecks)
return nil
doctor.RunChecks(ctx, logf, checks...)
// SetDevStateStore updates the LocalBackend's state storage to the provided values.
// It's meant only for development.
func (b *LocalBackend) SetDevStateStore(key, value string) error {
if == nil {
return errors.New("no state store")
err := ipn.WriteState(, ipn.StateKey(key), []byte(value))
b.logf("SetDevStateStore(%q, %q) = %v", key, value, err)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ShouldInterceptTCPPort reports whether the given TCP port number to a
// Tailscale IP (not a subnet router, service IP, etc) should be intercepted by
// Tailscaled and handled in-process.
func (b *LocalBackend) ShouldInterceptTCPPort(port uint16) bool {
return b.shouldInterceptTCPPortAtomic.Load()(port)
// SwitchProfile switches to the profile with the given id.
// It will restart the backend on success.
// If the profile is not known, it returns an errProfileNotFound.
func (b *LocalBackend) SwitchProfile(profile ipn.ProfileID) error {
if b.CurrentProfile().ID == profile {
return nil
unlock := b.lockAndGetUnlock()
defer unlock()
oldControlURL :=
if err :=; err != nil {
return err
// As an optimization, only reset the dialPlan if the control URL
// changed; we treat an empty URL as "unknown" and always reset.
newControlURL :=
if oldControlURL != newControlURL || oldControlURL == "" || newControlURL == "" {
return b.resetForProfileChangeLockedOnEntry(unlock)
func (b *LocalBackend) initTKALocked() error {
cp :=
if cp.ID == "" {
b.tka = nil
return nil
if b.tka != nil {
if b.tka.profile == cp.ID {
// Already initialized.
return nil
// As we're switching profiles, we need to reset the TKA to nil.
b.tka = nil
root := b.TailscaleVarRoot()
if root == "" {
b.tka = nil
b.logf("network-lock unavailable; no state directory")
return nil
chonkDir := b.chonkPathLocked()
if _, err := os.Stat(chonkDir); err == nil {
// The directory exists, which means network-lock has been initialized.
storage, err := tka.ChonkDir(chonkDir)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("opening tailchonk: %v", err)
authority, err := tka.Open(storage)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initializing tka: %v", err)
if err := authority.Compact(storage, tkaCompactionDefaults); err != nil {
b.logf("tka compaction failed: %v", err)
b.tka = &tkaState{
profile: cp.ID,
authority: authority,
storage: storage,
b.logf("tka initialized at head %x", authority.Head())
return nil
// resetDialPlan resets the dialPlan for this LocalBackend. It will log if
// anything is reset.
// It is safe to call this concurrently, with or without held.
func (b *LocalBackend) resetDialPlan() {
old := b.dialPlan.Swap(nil)
if old != nil {
b.logf("resetDialPlan: did reset")
// resetForProfileChangeLockedOnEntry resets the backend for a profile change.
// must held on entry. It is released on exit.
func (b *LocalBackend) resetForProfileChangeLockedOnEntry(unlock unlockOnce) error {
defer unlock()
if b.shutdownCalled {
// Prevent a call back to Start during Shutdown, which calls Logout for
// ephemeral nodes, which can then call back here. But we're shutting
// down, so no need to do any work.
return nil
b.setNetMapLocked(nil) // Reset netmap.
// Reset the NetworkMap in the engine
if err := b.initTKALocked(); err != nil {
return err
b.lastServeConfJSON = mem.B(nil)
b.serveConfig = ipn.ServeConfigView{}
b.lastSuggestedExitNode = ""
b.enterStateLockedOnEntry(ipn.NoState, unlock) // Reset state; releases
return b.Start(ipn.Options{})
// DeleteProfile deletes a profile with the given ID.
// If the profile is not known, it is a no-op.
func (b *LocalBackend) DeleteProfile(p ipn.ProfileID) error {
unlock := b.lockAndGetUnlock()
defer unlock()
needToRestart := == p
if err :=; err != nil {
if err == errProfileNotFound {
return nil
return err
if !needToRestart {
return nil
return b.resetForProfileChangeLockedOnEntry(unlock)
// CurrentProfile returns the current LoginProfile.
// The value may be zero if the profile is not persisted.
func (b *LocalBackend) CurrentProfile() ipn.LoginProfile {
// NewProfile creates and switches to the new profile.
func (b *LocalBackend) NewProfile() error {
unlock := b.lockAndGetUnlock()
defer unlock()
// The new profile doesn't yet have a ControlURL because it hasn't been
// set. Conservatively reset the dialPlan.
return b.resetForProfileChangeLockedOnEntry(unlock)
// ListProfiles returns a list of all LoginProfiles.
func (b *LocalBackend) ListProfiles() []ipn.LoginProfile {
// ResetAuth resets the authentication state, including persisted keys. Also
// has the side effect of removing all profiles and reseting preferences. The
// backend is left with a new profile, ready for StartLoginInterative to be
// called to register it as new node.
func (b *LocalBackend) ResetAuth() error {
unlock := b.lockAndGetUnlock()
defer unlock()
prevCC := b.resetControlClientLocked()
if prevCC != nil {
defer prevCC.Shutdown() // call must happen after release
if err := b.clearMachineKeyLocked(); err != nil {
return err
if err :=; err != nil {
return err
b.resetDialPlan() // always reset if we're removing everything
return b.resetForProfileChangeLockedOnEntry(unlock)
// StreamDebugCapture writes a pcap stream of packets traversing
// tailscaled to the provided response writer.
func (b *LocalBackend) StreamDebugCapture(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) error {
var s *capture.Sink
if b.debugSink == nil {
s = capture.New()
b.debugSink = s
} else {
s = b.debugSink
unregister := s.RegisterOutput(w)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-s.WaitCh():
// Shut down & uninstall the sink if there are no longer
// any outputs on it.
select {
case <-b.ctx.Done():
return nil
if b.debugSink != nil && b.debugSink.NumOutputs() == 0 {
s := b.debugSink
b.debugSink = nil
return s.Close()
return nil
func (b *LocalBackend) GetPeerEndpointChanges(ctx context.Context, ip netip.Addr) ([]magicsock.EndpointChange, error) {
pip, ok := b.e.PeerForIP(ip)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no matching peer")
if pip.IsSelf {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v is local Tailscale IP", ip)
peer := pip.Node
chs, err := b.MagicConn().GetEndpointChanges(peer)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getting endpoint changes: %w", err)
return chs, nil
var breakTCPConns func() error
func (b *LocalBackend) DebugBreakTCPConns() error {
if breakTCPConns == nil {
return errors.New("TCP connection breaking not available on this platform")
return breakTCPConns()
func (b *LocalBackend) DebugBreakDERPConns() error {
return b.MagicConn().DebugBreakDERPConns()
func (b *LocalBackend) pushSelfUpdateProgress(up ipnstate.UpdateProgress) {
b.selfUpdateProgress = append(b.selfUpdateProgress, up)
b.lastSelfUpdateState = up.Status
func (b *LocalBackend) clearSelfUpdateProgress() {
b.selfUpdateProgress = make([]ipnstate.UpdateProgress, 0)
b.lastSelfUpdateState = ipnstate.UpdateFinished
func (b *LocalBackend) GetSelfUpdateProgress() []ipnstate.UpdateProgress {
res := make([]ipnstate.UpdateProgress, len(b.selfUpdateProgress))
copy(res, b.selfUpdateProgress)
return res
func (b *LocalBackend) DoSelfUpdate() {
updateState := b.lastSelfUpdateState
// don't start an update if one is already in progress
if updateState == ipnstate.UpdateInProgress {
b.pushSelfUpdateProgress(ipnstate.NewUpdateProgress(ipnstate.UpdateInProgress, ""))
up, err := clientupdate.NewUpdater(clientupdate.Arguments{
Logf: func(format string, args ...any) {
b.pushSelfUpdateProgress(ipnstate.NewUpdateProgress(ipnstate.UpdateInProgress, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)))
if err != nil {
b.pushSelfUpdateProgress(ipnstate.NewUpdateProgress(ipnstate.UpdateFailed, err.Error()))
err = up.Update()
if err != nil {
b.pushSelfUpdateProgress(ipnstate.NewUpdateProgress(ipnstate.UpdateFailed, err.Error()))
} else {
b.pushSelfUpdateProgress(ipnstate.NewUpdateProgress(ipnstate.UpdateFinished, "tailscaled did not restart; please restart Tailscale manually."))
// ObserveDNSResponse passes a DNS response from the PeerAPI DNS server to the
// App Connector to enable route discovery.
func (b *LocalBackend) ObserveDNSResponse(res []byte) {
var appConnector *appc.AppConnector
if b.appConnector == nil {
appConnector = b.appConnector
// ErrDisallowedAutoRoute is returned by AdvertiseRoute when a route that is not allowed is requested.
var ErrDisallowedAutoRoute = errors.New("route is not allowed")
// AdvertiseRoute implements the appc.RouteAdvertiser interface. It sets a new
// route advertisement if one is not already present in the existing routes.
// If the route is disallowed, ErrDisallowedAutoRoute is returned.
func (b *LocalBackend) AdvertiseRoute(ipps ...netip.Prefix) error {
finalRoutes := b.Prefs().AdvertiseRoutes().AsSlice()
newRoutes := false
for _, ipp := range ipps {
if !allowedAutoRoute(ipp) {
if slices.Contains(finalRoutes, ipp) {
// If the new prefix is already contained by existing routes, skip it.
if coveredRouteRangeNoDefault(finalRoutes, ipp) {
finalRoutes = append(finalRoutes, ipp)
newRoutes = true
if !newRoutes {
return nil
_, err := b.EditPrefs(&ipn.MaskedPrefs{
Prefs: ipn.Prefs{
AdvertiseRoutes: finalRoutes,
AdvertiseRoutesSet: true,
return err
// coveredRouteRangeNoDefault checks if a route is already included in a slice of
// prefixes, ignoring default routes in the range.
func coveredRouteRangeNoDefault(finalRoutes []netip.Prefix, ipp netip.Prefix) bool {
for _, r := range finalRoutes {
if r == tsaddr.AllIPv4() || r == tsaddr.AllIPv6() {
if ipp.IsSingleIP() {
if r.Contains(ipp.Addr()) {
return true
} else {
if r.Contains(ipp.Addr()) && r.Contains(netipx.PrefixLastIP(ipp)) {
return true
return false
// UnadvertiseRoute implements the appc.RouteAdvertiser interface. It removes
// a route advertisement if one is present in the existing routes.
func (b *LocalBackend) UnadvertiseRoute(toRemove ...netip.Prefix) error {
currentRoutes := b.Prefs().AdvertiseRoutes().AsSlice()
finalRoutes := currentRoutes[:0]
for _, ipp := range currentRoutes {
if slices.Contains(toRemove, ipp) {
finalRoutes = append(finalRoutes, ipp)
_, err := b.EditPrefs(&ipn.MaskedPrefs{
Prefs: ipn.Prefs{
AdvertiseRoutes: finalRoutes,
AdvertiseRoutesSet: true,
return err
// namespace a key with the profile manager's current profile key, if any
func namespaceKeyForCurrentProfile(pm *profileManager, key ipn.StateKey) ipn.StateKey {
return pm.CurrentProfile().Key + "||" + key
const routeInfoStateStoreKey ipn.StateKey = "_routeInfo"
func (b *LocalBackend) storeRouteInfo(ri *appc.RouteInfo) error {
if == "" {
return nil
key := namespaceKeyForCurrentProfile(, routeInfoStateStoreKey)
bs, err := json.Marshal(ri)
if err != nil {
return err
return, bs)
func (b *LocalBackend) readRouteInfoLocked() (*appc.RouteInfo, error) {
if == "" {
return &appc.RouteInfo{}, nil
key := namespaceKeyForCurrentProfile(, routeInfoStateStoreKey)
bs, err :=
ri := &appc.RouteInfo{}
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := json.Unmarshal(bs, ri); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ri, nil
// seamlessRenewalEnabled reports whether seamless key renewals are enabled
// (i.e. we saw our self node with the SeamlessKeyRenewal attr in a netmap).
// This enables beta functionality of renewing node keys without breaking
// connections.
func (b *LocalBackend) seamlessRenewalEnabled() bool {
return b.ControlKnobs().SeamlessKeyRenewal.Load()
var (
disallowedAddrs = []netip.Addr{
disallowedRanges = []netip.Prefix{
// allowedAutoRoute determines if the route being added via AdvertiseRoute (the app connector featuge) should be allowed.
func allowedAutoRoute(ipp netip.Prefix) bool {
// Note: blocking the addrs for globals, not solely the prefixes.
for _, addr := range disallowedAddrs {
if ipp.Addr() == addr {
return false
for _, pfx := range disallowedRanges {
if pfx.Overlaps(ipp) {
return false
// TODO(raggi): exclude tailscale service IPs and so on as well.
return true
// mayDeref dereferences p if non-nil, otherwise it returns the zero value.
func mayDeref[T any](p *T) (v T) {
if p == nil {
return v
return *p
var ErrNoPreferredDERP = errors.New("no preferred DERP, try again later")
var ErrCannotSuggestExitNode = errors.New("unable to suggest an exit node, try again later")
// SuggestExitNode computes a suggestion based on the current netmap and last netcheck report. If
// there are multiple equally good options, one is selected at random, so the result is not stable. To be
// eligible for consideration, the peer must have NodeAttrSuggestExitNode in its CapMap.
// Currently, peers with a DERP home are preferred over those without (typically this means Mullvad).
// Peers are selected based on having a DERP home that is the lowest latency to this device. For peers
// without a DERP home, we look for geographic proximity to this device's DERP home.
func (b *LocalBackend) SuggestExitNode() (response apitype.ExitNodeSuggestionResponse, err error) {
lastReport := b.MagicConn().GetLastNetcheckReport(b.ctx)
netMap := b.netMap
prevSuggestion := b.lastSuggestedExitNode
res, err := suggestExitNode(lastReport, netMap, prevSuggestion, randomRegion, randomNode, getAllowedSuggestions())
if err != nil {
return res, err
b.lastSuggestedExitNode = res.ID
return res, err
// selectRegionFunc returns a DERP region from the slice of candidate regions.
// The value is returned, not the slice index.
type selectRegionFunc func(views.Slice[int]) int
// selectNodeFunc returns a node from the slice of candidate nodes. The last
// selected node is provided for when that information is needed to make a better
// choice.
type selectNodeFunc func(nodes views.Slice[tailcfg.NodeView], last tailcfg.StableNodeID) tailcfg.NodeView
var getAllowedSuggestions = lazy.SyncFunc(fillAllowedSuggestions)
func fillAllowedSuggestions() set.Set[tailcfg.StableNodeID] {
nodes, err := syspolicy.GetStringArray(syspolicy.AllowedSuggestedExitNodes, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("fillAllowedSuggestions: unable to look up %q policy: %v", syspolicy.AllowedSuggestedExitNodes, err)
return nil
if nodes == nil {
return nil
s := make(set.Set[tailcfg.StableNodeID], len(nodes))
for _, n := range nodes {
return s
func suggestExitNode(report *netcheck.Report, netMap *netmap.NetworkMap, prevSuggestion tailcfg.StableNodeID, selectRegion selectRegionFunc, selectNode selectNodeFunc, allowList set.Set[tailcfg.StableNodeID]) (res apitype.ExitNodeSuggestionResponse, err error) {
if report.PreferredDERP == 0 || netMap == nil || netMap.DERPMap == nil {
return res, ErrNoPreferredDERP
candidates := make([]tailcfg.NodeView, 0, len(netMap.Peers))
for _, peer := range netMap.Peers {
if !peer.Valid() {
if allowList != nil && !allowList.Contains(peer.StableID()) {
if peer.CapMap().Contains(tailcfg.NodeAttrSuggestExitNode) && tsaddr.ContainsExitRoutes(peer.AllowedIPs()) {
candidates = append(candidates, peer)
if len(candidates) == 0 {
return res, nil
if len(candidates) == 1 {
peer := candidates[0]
if hi := peer.Hostinfo(); hi.Valid() {
if loc := hi.Location(); loc != nil {
res.Location = loc.View()
res.ID = peer.StableID()
res.Name = peer.Name()
return res, nil
candidatesByRegion := make(map[int][]tailcfg.NodeView, len(netMap.DERPMap.Regions))
preferredDERP, ok := netMap.DERPMap.Regions[report.PreferredDERP]
if !ok {
return res, ErrNoPreferredDERP
var minDistance float64 = math.MaxFloat64
type nodeDistance struct {
nv tailcfg.NodeView
distance float64 // in meters, approximately
distances := make([]nodeDistance, 0, len(candidates))
for _, c := range candidates {
if c.DERP() != "" {
ipp, err := netip.ParseAddrPort(c.DERP())
if err != nil {
if ipp.Addr() != tailcfg.DerpMagicIPAddr {
regionID := int(ipp.Port())
candidatesByRegion[regionID] = append(candidatesByRegion[regionID], c)
if len(candidatesByRegion) > 0 {
// Since a candidate exists that does have a DERP home, skip this candidate. We never select
// a candidate without a DERP home if there is a candidate available with a DERP home.
// This candidate does not have a DERP home.
// Use geographic distance from our DERP home to estimate how good this candidate is.
hi := c.Hostinfo()
if !hi.Valid() {
loc := hi.Location()
if loc == nil {
distance := longLatDistance(preferredDERP.Latitude, preferredDERP.Longitude, loc.Latitude, loc.Longitude)
if distance < minDistance {
minDistance = distance
distances = append(distances, nodeDistance{nv: c, distance: distance})
// First, try to select an exit node that has the closest DERP home, based on lastReport's DERP latency.
// If there are no latency values, it returns an arbitrary region
if len(candidatesByRegion) > 0 {
minRegion := minLatencyDERPRegion(xmaps.Keys(candidatesByRegion), report)
if minRegion == 0 {
minRegion = selectRegion(views.SliceOf(xmaps.Keys(candidatesByRegion)))
regionCandidates, ok := candidatesByRegion[minRegion]
if !ok {
return res, errors.New("no candidates in expected region: this is a bug")
chosen := selectNode(views.SliceOf(regionCandidates), prevSuggestion)
res.ID = chosen.StableID()
res.Name = chosen.Name()
if hi := chosen.Hostinfo(); hi.Valid() {
if loc := hi.Location(); loc != nil {
res.Location = loc.View()
return res, nil
// None of the candidates have a DERP home, so proceed to select based on geographical distance from our preferred DERP region.
// allowanceMeters is the extra distance that will be permitted when considering peers. By this point, there
// are multiple approximations taking place (DERP location standing in for this device's location, the peer's
// location may only be city granularity, the distance algorithm assumes a spherical planet, etc.) so it is
// reasonable to consider peers that are similar distances. Those peers are good enough to be within
// measurement error. 100km corresponds to approximately 1ms of additional round trip light
// propagation delay in a fiber optic cable and seems like a reasonable heuristic. It may be adjusted in
// future.
const allowanceMeters = 100000
pickFrom := make([]tailcfg.NodeView, 0, len(distances))
for _, candidate := range distances {
if candidate.nv.Valid() && candidate.distance <= minDistance+allowanceMeters {
pickFrom = append(pickFrom, candidate.nv)
bestCandidates := pickWeighted(pickFrom)
chosen := selectNode(views.SliceOf(bestCandidates), prevSuggestion)
if !chosen.Valid() {
return res, errors.New("chosen candidate invalid: this is a bug")
res.ID = chosen.StableID()
res.Name = chosen.Name()
if hi := chosen.Hostinfo(); hi.Valid() {
if loc := hi.Location(); loc != nil {
res.Location = loc.View()
return res, nil
// pickWeighted chooses the node with highest priority given a list of mullvad nodes.
func pickWeighted(candidates []tailcfg.NodeView) []tailcfg.NodeView {
maxWeight := 0
best := make([]tailcfg.NodeView, 0, 1)
for _, c := range candidates {
hi := c.Hostinfo()
if !hi.Valid() {
loc := hi.Location()
if loc == nil || loc.Priority < maxWeight {
if maxWeight != loc.Priority {
best = best[:0]
maxWeight = loc.Priority
best = append(best, c)
return best
// randomRegion is a selectRegionFunc that selects a uniformly random region.
func randomRegion(regions views.Slice[int]) int {
return regions.At(rand.IntN(regions.Len()))
// randomNode is a selectNodeFunc that will return the node matching prefer if
// present, otherwise a uniformly random node will be selected.
func randomNode(nodes views.Slice[tailcfg.NodeView], prefer tailcfg.StableNodeID) tailcfg.NodeView {
if !prefer.IsZero() {
for i := range nodes.Len() {
nv := nodes.At(i)
if nv.StableID() == prefer {
return nv
return nodes.At(rand.IntN(nodes.Len()))
// minLatencyDERPRegion returns the region with the lowest latency value given the last netcheck report.
// If there are no latency values, it returns 0.
func minLatencyDERPRegion(regions []int, report *netcheck.Report) int {
min := slices.MinFunc(regions, func(i, j int) int {
const largeDuration time.Duration = math.MaxInt64
iLatency, ok := report.RegionLatency[i]
if !ok {
iLatency = largeDuration
jLatency, ok := report.RegionLatency[j]
if !ok {
jLatency = largeDuration
if c := cmp.Compare(iLatency, jLatency); c != 0 {
return c
return cmp.Compare(i, j)
latency, ok := report.RegionLatency[min]
if !ok || latency == 0 {
return 0
} else {
return min
// longLatDistance returns an estimated distance given the geographic coordinates of two locations, in degrees.
// The coordinates are separated into four separate float64 values.
// Value is returned in meters.
func longLatDistance(fromLat, fromLong, toLat, toLong float64) float64 {
const toRadians = math.Pi / 180
diffLat := (fromLat - toLat) * toRadians
diffLong := (fromLong - toLong) * toRadians
lat1 := fromLat * toRadians
lat2 := toLat * toRadians
a := math.Pow(math.Sin(diffLat/2), 2) + math.Cos(lat1)*math.Cos(lat2)*math.Pow(math.Sin(diffLong/2), 2)
const earthRadiusMeters = 6371000
c := 2 * math.Atan2(math.Sqrt(a), math.Sqrt(1-a))
return earthRadiusMeters * c
// startAutoUpdate triggers an auto-update attempt. The actual update happens
// asynchronously. If another update is in progress, an error is returned.
func (b *LocalBackend) startAutoUpdate(logPrefix string) (retErr error) {
// Check if update was already started, and mark as started.
if !b.trySetC2NUpdateStarted() {
return errors.New("update already started")
defer func() {
// Clear the started flag if something failed.
if retErr != nil {
cmdTS, err := findCmdTailscale()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to find cmd/tailscale binary: %w", err)
var ver struct {
Long string `json:"long"`
out, err := exec.Command(cmdTS, "version", "--json").Output()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to find cmd/tailscale binary: %w", err)
if err := json.Unmarshal(out, &ver); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid JSON from cmd/tailscale version --json: %w", err)
if ver.Long != version.Long() {
return fmt.Errorf("cmd/tailscale version %q does not match tailscaled version %q", ver.Long, version.Long())
cmd := tailscaleUpdateCmd(cmdTS)
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
cmd.Stdout = buf
cmd.Stderr = buf
b.logf("%s: running %q", logPrefix, strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "))
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to start cmd/tailscale update: %w", err)
go func() {
if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
b.logf("%s: update command failed: %v, output: %s", logPrefix, err, buf)
} else {
b.logf("%s: update attempt complete", logPrefix)
return nil
// srcIPHasCapForFilter is called by the packet filter when evaluating firewall
// rules that require a source IP to have a certain node capability.
// TODO(bradfitz): optimize this later if/when it matters.
func (b *LocalBackend) srcIPHasCapForFilter(srcIP netip.Addr, cap tailcfg.NodeCapability) bool {
if cap == "" {
// Shouldn't happen, but just in case.
// But the empty cap also shouldn't be found in Node.CapMap.
return false
nodeID, ok := b.nodeByAddr[srcIP]
if !ok {
return false
n, ok := b.peers[nodeID]
if !ok {
return false
return n.HasCap(cap)