#!/bin/sh # Updates SRI hashes for flake.nix. set -eu REV=$(cat go.toolchain.rev) OUT=$(mktemp -d -t nar-hash-XXXXXX) rm -rf $OUT go mod vendor -o $OUT go run tailscale.com/cmd/nardump --sri $OUT >go.mod.sri rm -rf $OUT # nix-direnv only watches the top-level nix file for changes. As a # result, when we change a referenced SRI file, we have to cause some # change to shell.nix and flake.nix as well, so that nix-direnv # notices and reevaluates everything. Sigh. perl -pi -e "s,# nix-direnv cache busting line:.*,# nix-direnv cache busting line: $(cat go.mod.sri)," shell.nix perl -pi -e "s,# nix-direnv cache busting line:.*,# nix-direnv cache busting line: $(cat go.mod.sri)," flake.nix