// Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Package jsonutil provides utilities to improve JSON performance. // It includes an Unmarshal wrapper that amortizes allocated garbage over subsequent runs // and a Bytes type to reduce allocations when unmarshalling a non-hex-encoded string into a []byte. package jsonutil import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "sync" ) // decoder is a re-usable json decoder. type decoder struct { dec *json.Decoder r *bytes.Reader } var readerPool = sync.Pool{ New: func() any { return bytes.NewReader(nil) }, } var decoderPool = sync.Pool{ New: func() any { var d decoder d.r = readerPool.Get().(*bytes.Reader) d.dec = json.NewDecoder(d.r) return &d }, } // Unmarshal is similar to encoding/json.Unmarshal. // There are three major differences: // // On error, encoding/json.Unmarshal zeros v. // This Unmarshal may leave partial data in v. // Always check the error before using v! // (Future improvements may remove this bug.) // // The errors they return don't always match perfectly. // If you do error matching more precise than err != nil, // don't use this Unmarshal. // // This Unmarshal allocates considerably less memory. func Unmarshal(b []byte, v any) error { d := decoderPool.Get().(*decoder) d.r.Reset(b) off := d.dec.InputOffset() err := d.dec.Decode(v) d.r.Reset(nil) // don't keep a reference to b // In case of error, report the offset in this byte slice, // instead of in the totality of all bytes this decoder has processed. // It is not possible to make all errors match json.Unmarshal exactly, // but we can at least try. switch jsonerr := err.(type) { case *json.SyntaxError: jsonerr.Offset -= off case *json.UnmarshalTypeError: jsonerr.Offset -= off case nil: // json.Unmarshal fails if there's any extra junk in the input. // json.Decoder does not; see https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36225. // We need to check for anything left over in the buffer. if d.dec.More() { // TODO: Provide a better error message. // Unfortunately, we can't set the msg field. // The offset doesn't perfectly match json: // Ours is at the end of the valid data, // and theirs is at the beginning of the extra data after whitespace. // Close enough, though. err = &json.SyntaxError{Offset: d.dec.InputOffset() - off} // TODO: zero v. This is hard; see encoding/json.indirect. } } if err == nil { decoderPool.Put(d) } else { // There might be junk left in the decoder's buffer. // There's no way to flush it, no Reset method. // Abandoned the decoder but reuse the reader. readerPool.Put(d.r) } return err }