// Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build (go1.16 && !ios) || (!go1.16 && !darwin) || (!go1.16 && !arm64) // +build go1.16,!ios !go1.16,!darwin !go1.16,!arm64 package portlist import ( "sort" "strconv" "strings" ) func parsePort(s string) int { // a.b.c.d:1234 or [a:b:c:d]:1234 i1 := strings.LastIndexByte(s, ':') // a.b.c.d.1234 or [a:b:c:d].1234 i2 := strings.LastIndexByte(s, '.') i := i1 if i2 > i { i = i2 } if i < 0 { // no match; weird return -1 } portstr := s[i+1:] if portstr == "*" { return 0 } port, err := strconv.ParseUint(portstr, 10, 16) if err != nil { // invalid port; weird return -1 } return int(port) } func isLoopbackAddr(s string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(s, "127.") || strings.HasPrefix(s, "[::1]:") || strings.HasPrefix(s, "::1.") } type nothing struct{} // Lowest common denominator parser for "netstat -na" format. // All of Linux, Windows, and macOS support -na and give similar-ish output // formats that we can parse without special detection logic. // Unfortunately, options to filter by proto or state are non-portable, // so we'll filter for ourselves. func parsePortsNetstat(output string) List { m := map[Port]nothing{} lines := strings.Split(string(output), "\n") var lastline string var lastport Port for _, line := range lines { trimline := strings.TrimSpace(line) cols := strings.Fields(trimline) if len(cols) < 1 { continue } protos := strings.ToLower(cols[0]) var proto, laddr, raddr string if strings.HasPrefix(protos, "tcp") { if len(cols) < 4 { continue } proto = "tcp" laddr = cols[len(cols)-3] raddr = cols[len(cols)-2] state := cols[len(cols)-1] if !strings.HasPrefix(state, "LISTEN") { // not interested in non-listener sockets continue } if isLoopbackAddr(laddr) { // not interested in loopback-bound listeners continue } } else if strings.HasPrefix(protos, "udp") { if len(cols) < 3 { continue } proto = "udp" laddr = cols[len(cols)-2] raddr = cols[len(cols)-1] if isLoopbackAddr(laddr) { // not interested in loopback-bound listeners continue } } else if protos[0] == '[' && len(trimline) > 2 { // Windows: with netstat -nab, appends a line like: // [description] // after the port line. p := lastport delete(m, lastport) proc := trimline[1 : len(trimline)-1] if proc == "svchost.exe" && lastline != "" { p.Process = argvSubject(lastline) } else { p.Process = argvSubject(proc) } m[p] = nothing{} } else { // not interested in other protocols lastline = trimline continue } lport := parsePort(laddr) rport := parsePort(raddr) if rport != 0 || lport <= 0 { // not interested in "connected" sockets continue } p := Port{ Proto: proto, Port: uint16(lport), } m[p] = nothing{} lastport = p lastline = "" } l := []Port{} for p := range m { l = append(l, p) } sort.Slice(l, func(i, j int) bool { return (&l[i]).lessThan(&l[j]) }) return l }