// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause package main import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "io" "net" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "net/netip" "net/url" "reflect" "testing" "tailscale.com/tstest" "tailscale.com/tstest/nettest" ) func BenchmarkHandleBootstrapDNS(b *testing.B) { tstest.Replace(b, bootstrapDNS, "log.tailscale.io,login.tailscale.com,controlplane.tailscale.com,login.us.tailscale.com") refreshBootstrapDNS() w := new(bitbucketResponseWriter) req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://localhost/bootstrap-dns?q="+url.QueryEscape("log.tailscale.io"), nil) b.ReportAllocs() b.ResetTimer() b.RunParallel(func(b *testing.PB) { for b.Next() { handleBootstrapDNS(w, req) } }) } type bitbucketResponseWriter struct{} func (b *bitbucketResponseWriter) Header() http.Header { return make(http.Header) } func (b *bitbucketResponseWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { return len(p), nil } func (b *bitbucketResponseWriter) WriteHeader(statusCode int) {} func getBootstrapDNS(t *testing.T, q string) map[string][]net.IP { t.Helper() req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://localhost/bootstrap-dns?q="+url.QueryEscape(q), nil) w := httptest.NewRecorder() handleBootstrapDNS(w, req) res := w.Result() if res.StatusCode != 200 { t.Fatalf("got status=%d; want %d", res.StatusCode, 200) } var m map[string][]net.IP var buf bytes.Buffer if err := json.NewDecoder(io.TeeReader(res.Body, &buf)).Decode(&m); err != nil { t.Fatalf("error decoding response body %q: %v", buf.Bytes(), err) } return m } func TestUnpublishedDNS(t *testing.T) { nettest.SkipIfNoNetwork(t) const published = "login.tailscale.com" const unpublished = "log.tailscale.io" prev1, prev2 := *bootstrapDNS, *unpublishedDNS *bootstrapDNS = published *unpublishedDNS = unpublished t.Cleanup(func() { *bootstrapDNS = prev1 *unpublishedDNS = prev2 }) refreshBootstrapDNS() refreshUnpublishedDNS() hasResponse := func(q string) bool { _, found := getBootstrapDNS(t, q)[q] return found } if !hasResponse(published) { t.Errorf("expected response for: %s", published) } if !hasResponse(unpublished) { t.Errorf("expected response for: %s", unpublished) } // Verify that querying for a random query or a real query does not // leak our unpublished domain m1 := getBootstrapDNS(t, published) if _, found := m1[unpublished]; found { t.Errorf("found unpublished domain %s: %+v", unpublished, m1) } m2 := getBootstrapDNS(t, "random.example.com") if _, found := m2[unpublished]; found { t.Errorf("found unpublished domain %s: %+v", unpublished, m2) } } func resetMetrics() { publishedDNSHits.Set(0) publishedDNSMisses.Set(0) unpublishedDNSHits.Set(0) unpublishedDNSMisses.Set(0) bootstrapLookupMap.Clear() } // Verify that we don't count an empty list in the unpublishedDNSCache as a // cache hit in our metrics. func TestUnpublishedDNSEmptyList(t *testing.T) { pub := &dnsEntryMap{ IPs: map[string][]net.IP{"tailscale.com": {net.IPv4(10, 10, 10, 10)}}, } dnsCache.Store(pub) dnsCacheBytes.Store([]byte(`{"tailscale.com":[""]}`)) unpublishedDNSCache.Store(&dnsEntryMap{ IPs: map[string][]net.IP{ "log.tailscale.io": {}, "controlplane.tailscale.com": {net.IPv4(1, 2, 3, 4)}, }, Percent: map[string]float64{ "log.tailscale.io": 1.0, "controlplane.tailscale.com": 1.0, }, }) t.Run("CacheMiss", func(t *testing.T) { // One domain in map but empty, one not in map at all for _, q := range []string{"log.tailscale.io", "login.tailscale.com"} { resetMetrics() ips := getBootstrapDNS(t, q) // Expected our public map to be returned on a cache miss if !reflect.DeepEqual(ips, pub.IPs) { t.Errorf("got ips=%+v; want %+v", ips, pub.IPs) } if v := unpublishedDNSHits.Value(); v != 0 { t.Errorf("got hits=%d; want 0", v) } if v := unpublishedDNSMisses.Value(); v != 1 { t.Errorf("got misses=%d; want 1", v) } } }) // Verify that we do get a valid response and metric. t.Run("CacheHit", func(t *testing.T) { resetMetrics() ips := getBootstrapDNS(t, "controlplane.tailscale.com") want := map[string][]net.IP{"controlplane.tailscale.com": {net.IPv4(1, 2, 3, 4)}} if !reflect.DeepEqual(ips, want) { t.Errorf("got ips=%+v; want %+v", ips, want) } if v := unpublishedDNSHits.Value(); v != 1 { t.Errorf("got hits=%d; want 1", v) } if v := unpublishedDNSMisses.Value(); v != 0 { t.Errorf("got misses=%d; want 0", v) } }) } func TestLookupMetric(t *testing.T) { d := []string{"a.io", "b.io", "c.io", "d.io", "e.io", "e.io", "e.io", "a.io"} resetMetrics() for _, q := range d { _ = getBootstrapDNS(t, q) } // {"a.io": true, "b.io": true, "c.io": true, "d.io": true, "e.io": true} if bootstrapLookupMap.Len() != 5 { t.Errorf("bootstrapLookupMap.Len() want=5, got %v", bootstrapLookupMap.Len()) } } func TestRemoteAddrMatchesPercent(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { remoteAddr string percent float64 want bool }{ // 0% and 100%. {"", 0.0, false}, {"", 1.0, true}, // Invalid IP. {"", 1.0, true}, {"", 0.0, false}, {"", 0.5, false}, // Small manual sample at 50%. The func uses a deterministic PRNG seed. {"", 0.5, true}, {"", 0.5, true}, {"", 0.5, false}, {"", 0.5, true}, {"", 0.5, false}, {"", 0.5, true}, {"", 0.5, true}, } for _, tt := range tests { got := remoteAddrMatchesPercent(tt.remoteAddr, tt.percent) if got != tt.want { t.Errorf("remoteAddrMatchesPercent(%q, %v) = %v; want %v", tt.remoteAddr, tt.percent, got, tt.want) } } var match, all int const wantPercent = 0.5 for a := range 256 { for b := range 256 { all++ if remoteAddrMatchesPercent( netip.AddrPortFrom(netip.AddrFrom4([4]byte{1, 2, byte(a), byte(b)}), 12345).String(), wantPercent) { match++ } } } gotPercent := float64(match) / float64(all) const tolerance = 0.005 t.Logf("got percent %v (goal %v)", gotPercent, wantPercent) if gotPercent < wantPercent-tolerance || gotPercent > wantPercent+tolerance { t.Errorf("got %v; want %v ± %v", gotPercent, wantPercent, tolerance) } }