// Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package derp // TODO(crawshaw): with predefined serverKey in clients and HMAC on packets we could skip TLS import ( "bufio" "context" "crypto/ed25519" crand "crypto/rand" "crypto/x509" "crypto/x509/pkix" "encoding/json" "errors" "expvar" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "log" "math" "math/big" "math/rand" "net/http" "os" "os/exec" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "go4.org/mem" "golang.org/x/sync/errgroup" "golang.org/x/time/rate" "inet.af/netaddr" "tailscale.com/client/tailscale" "tailscale.com/disco" "tailscale.com/metrics" "tailscale.com/syncs" "tailscale.com/types/key" "tailscale.com/types/logger" "tailscale.com/types/pad32" "tailscale.com/version" ) var debug, _ = strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv("DERP_DEBUG_LOGS")) // verboseDropKeys is the set of destination public keys that should // verbosely log whenever DERP drops a packet. var verboseDropKeys = map[key.NodePublic]bool{} func init() { keys := os.Getenv("TS_DEBUG_VERBOSE_DROPS") if keys == "" { return } for _, keyStr := range strings.Split(keys, ",") { k, err := key.ParseNodePublicUntyped(mem.S(keyStr)) if err != nil { log.Printf("ignoring invalid debug key %q: %v", keyStr, err) } else { verboseDropKeys[k] = true } } } func init() { rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) } const ( perClientSendQueueDepth = 32 // packets buffered for sending writeTimeout = 2 * time.Second ) // dupPolicy is a temporary (2021-08-30) mechanism to change the policy // of how duplicate connection for the same key are handled. type dupPolicy int8 const ( // lastWriterIsActive is a dupPolicy where the connection // to send traffic for a peer is the active one. lastWriterIsActive dupPolicy = iota // disableFighters is a dupPolicy that detects if peers // are trying to send interleaved with each other and // then disables all of them. disableFighters ) // Server is a DERP server. type Server struct { // WriteTimeout, if non-zero, specifies how long to wait // before failing when writing to a client. WriteTimeout time.Duration privateKey key.NodePrivate publicKey key.NodePublic logf logger.Logf memSys0 uint64 // runtime.MemStats.Sys at start (or early-ish) meshKey string limitedLogf logger.Logf metaCert []byte // the encoded x509 cert to send after LetsEncrypt cert+intermediate dupPolicy dupPolicy // Counters: packetsSent, bytesSent expvar.Int packetsRecv, bytesRecv expvar.Int packetsRecvByKind metrics.LabelMap packetsRecvDisco *expvar.Int packetsRecvOther *expvar.Int _ pad32.Four packetsDropped expvar.Int packetsDroppedReason metrics.LabelMap packetsDroppedReasonCounters []*expvar.Int // indexed by dropReason packetsDroppedType metrics.LabelMap packetsDroppedTypeDisco *expvar.Int packetsDroppedTypeOther *expvar.Int _ pad32.Four packetsForwardedOut expvar.Int packetsForwardedIn expvar.Int peerGoneFrames expvar.Int // number of peer gone frames sent accepts expvar.Int curClients expvar.Int curHomeClients expvar.Int // ones with preferred dupClientKeys expvar.Int // current number of public keys we have 2+ connections for dupClientConns expvar.Int // current number of connections sharing a public key dupClientConnTotal expvar.Int // total number of accepted connections when a dup key existed unknownFrames expvar.Int homeMovesIn expvar.Int // established clients announce home server moves in homeMovesOut expvar.Int // established clients announce home server moves out multiForwarderCreated expvar.Int multiForwarderDeleted expvar.Int removePktForwardOther expvar.Int avgQueueDuration *uint64 // In milliseconds; accessed atomically // verifyClients only accepts client connections to the DERP server if the clientKey is a // known peer in the network, as specified by a running tailscaled's client's local api. verifyClients bool mu sync.Mutex closed bool netConns map[Conn]chan struct{} // chan is closed when conn closes clients map[key.NodePublic]clientSet watchers map[*sclient]bool // mesh peer -> true // clientsMesh tracks all clients in the cluster, both locally // and to mesh peers. If the value is nil, that means the // peer is only local (and thus in the clients Map, but not // remote). If the value is non-nil, it's remote (+ maybe also // local). clientsMesh map[key.NodePublic]PacketForwarder // sentTo tracks which peers have sent to which other peers, // and at which connection number. This isn't on sclient // because it includes intra-region forwarded packets as the // src. sentTo map[key.NodePublic]map[key.NodePublic]int64 // src => dst => dst's latest sclient.connNum // maps from netaddr.IPPort to a client's public key keyOfAddr map[netaddr.IPPort]key.NodePublic } // clientSet represents 1 or more *sclients. // // The two implementations are singleClient and *dupClientSet. // // In the common case, client should only have one connection to the // DERP server for a given key. When they're connected multiple times, // we record their set of connections in dupClientSet and keep their // connections open to make them happy (to keep them from spinning, // etc) and keep track of which is the latest connection. If only the last // is sending traffic, that last one is the active connection and it // gets traffic. Otherwise, in the case of a cloned node key, the // whole set of dups doesn't receive data frames. // // All methods should only be called while holding Server.mu. // // TODO(bradfitz): Issue 2746: in the future we'll send some sort of // "health_error" frame to them that'll communicate to the end users // that they cloned a device key, and we'll also surface it in the // admin panel, etc. type clientSet interface { // ActiveClient returns the most recently added client to // the set, as long as it hasn't been disabled, in which // case it returns nil. ActiveClient() *sclient // Len returns the number of clients in the set. Len() int // ForeachClient calls f for each client in the set. ForeachClient(f func(*sclient)) } // singleClient is a clientSet of a single connection. // This is the common case. type singleClient struct{ c *sclient } func (s singleClient) ActiveClient() *sclient { return s.c } func (s singleClient) Len() int { return 1 } func (s singleClient) ForeachClient(f func(*sclient)) { f(s.c) } // A dupClientSet is a clientSet of more than 1 connection. // // This can occur in some reasonable cases (temporarily while users // are changing networks) or in the case of a cloned key. In the // cloned key case, both peers are speaking and the clients get // disabled. // // All fields are guarded by Server.mu. type dupClientSet struct { // set is the set of connected clients for sclient.key. // The values are all true. set map[*sclient]bool // last is the most recent addition to set, or nil if the most // recent one has since disconnected and nobody else has send // data since. last *sclient // sendHistory is a log of which members of set have sent // frames to the derp server, with adjacent duplicates // removed. When a member of set is removed, the same // element(s) are removed from sendHistory. sendHistory []*sclient } func (s *dupClientSet) ActiveClient() *sclient { if s.last != nil && !s.last.isDisabled.Get() { return s.last } return nil } func (s *dupClientSet) Len() int { return len(s.set) } func (s *dupClientSet) ForeachClient(f func(*sclient)) { for c := range s.set { f(c) } } // removeClient removes c from s and reports whether it was in s // to begin with. func (s *dupClientSet) removeClient(c *sclient) bool { n := len(s.set) delete(s.set, c) if s.last == c { s.last = nil } if len(s.set) == n { return false } trim := s.sendHistory[:0] for _, v := range s.sendHistory { if s.set[v] && (len(trim) == 0 || trim[len(trim)-1] != v) { trim = append(trim, v) } } for i := len(trim); i < len(s.sendHistory); i++ { s.sendHistory[i] = nil } s.sendHistory = trim if s.last == nil && len(s.sendHistory) > 0 { s.last = s.sendHistory[len(s.sendHistory)-1] } return true } // PacketForwarder is something that can forward packets. // // It's mostly an interface for circular dependency reasons; the // typical implementation is derphttp.Client. The other implementation // is a multiForwarder, which this package creates as needed if a // public key gets more than one PacketForwarder registered for it. type PacketForwarder interface { ForwardPacket(src, dst key.NodePublic, payload []byte) error } // Conn is the subset of the underlying net.Conn the DERP Server needs. // It is a defined type so that non-net connections can be used. type Conn interface { io.WriteCloser // The *Deadline methods follow the semantics of net.Conn. SetDeadline(time.Time) error SetReadDeadline(time.Time) error SetWriteDeadline(time.Time) error } // NewServer returns a new DERP server. It doesn't listen on its own. // Connections are given to it via Server.Accept. func NewServer(privateKey key.NodePrivate, logf logger.Logf) *Server { var ms runtime.MemStats runtime.ReadMemStats(&ms) s := &Server{ privateKey: privateKey, publicKey: privateKey.Public(), logf: logf, limitedLogf: logger.RateLimitedFn(logf, 30*time.Second, 5, 100), packetsRecvByKind: metrics.LabelMap{Label: "kind"}, packetsDroppedReason: metrics.LabelMap{Label: "reason"}, packetsDroppedType: metrics.LabelMap{Label: "type"}, clients: map[key.NodePublic]clientSet{}, clientsMesh: map[key.NodePublic]PacketForwarder{}, netConns: map[Conn]chan struct{}{}, memSys0: ms.Sys, watchers: map[*sclient]bool{}, sentTo: map[key.NodePublic]map[key.NodePublic]int64{}, avgQueueDuration: new(uint64), keyOfAddr: map[netaddr.IPPort]key.NodePublic{}, } s.initMetacert() s.packetsRecvDisco = s.packetsRecvByKind.Get("disco") s.packetsRecvOther = s.packetsRecvByKind.Get("other") s.packetsDroppedReasonCounters = []*expvar.Int{ s.packetsDroppedReason.Get("unknown_dest"), s.packetsDroppedReason.Get("unknown_dest_on_fwd"), s.packetsDroppedReason.Get("gone"), s.packetsDroppedReason.Get("queue_head"), s.packetsDroppedReason.Get("queue_tail"), s.packetsDroppedReason.Get("write_error"), } s.packetsDroppedTypeDisco = s.packetsDroppedType.Get("disco") s.packetsDroppedTypeOther = s.packetsDroppedType.Get("other") return s } // SetMesh sets the pre-shared key that regional DERP servers used to mesh // amongst themselves. // // It must be called before serving begins. func (s *Server) SetMeshKey(v string) { s.meshKey = v } // SetVerifyClients sets whether this DERP server verifies clients through tailscaled. // // It must be called before serving begins. func (s *Server) SetVerifyClient(v bool) { s.verifyClients = v } // HasMeshKey reports whether the server is configured with a mesh key. func (s *Server) HasMeshKey() bool { return s.meshKey != "" } // MeshKey returns the configured mesh key, if any. func (s *Server) MeshKey() string { return s.meshKey } // PrivateKey returns the server's private key. func (s *Server) PrivateKey() key.NodePrivate { return s.privateKey } // PublicKey returns the server's public key. func (s *Server) PublicKey() key.NodePublic { return s.publicKey } // Close closes the server and waits for the connections to disconnect. func (s *Server) Close() error { s.mu.Lock() wasClosed := s.closed s.closed = true s.mu.Unlock() if wasClosed { return nil } var closedChs []chan struct{} s.mu.Lock() for nc, closed := range s.netConns { nc.Close() closedChs = append(closedChs, closed) } s.mu.Unlock() for _, closed := range closedChs { <-closed } return nil } func (s *Server) isClosed() bool { s.mu.Lock() defer s.mu.Unlock() return s.closed } // Accept adds a new connection to the server and serves it. // // The provided bufio ReadWriter must be already connected to nc. // Accept blocks until the Server is closed or the connection closes // on its own. // // Accept closes nc. func (s *Server) Accept(nc Conn, brw *bufio.ReadWriter, remoteAddr string) { closed := make(chan struct{}) s.mu.Lock() s.accepts.Add(1) // while holding s.mu for connNum read on next line connNum := s.accepts.Value() // expvar sadly doesn't return new value on Add(1) s.netConns[nc] = closed s.mu.Unlock() defer func() { nc.Close() close(closed) s.mu.Lock() delete(s.netConns, nc) s.mu.Unlock() }() if err := s.accept(nc, brw, remoteAddr, connNum); err != nil && !s.isClosed() { s.logf("derp: %s: %v", remoteAddr, err) } } // initMetacert initialized s.metaCert with a self-signed x509 cert // encoding this server's public key and protocol version. cmd/derper // then sends this after the Let's Encrypt leaf + intermediate certs // after the ServerHello (encrypted in TLS 1.3, not that it matters // much). // // Then the client can save a round trip getting that and can start // speaking DERP right away. (We don't use ALPN because that's sent in // the clear and we're being paranoid to not look too weird to any // middleboxes, given that DERP is an ultimate fallback path). But // since the post-ServerHello certs are encrypted we can have the // client also use them as a signal to be able to start speaking DERP // right away, starting with its identity proof, encrypted to the // server's public key. // // This RTT optimization fails where there's a corp-mandated // TLS proxy with corp-mandated root certs on employee machines and // and TLS proxy cleans up unnecessary certs. In that case we just fall // back to the extra RTT. func (s *Server) initMetacert() { pub, priv, err := ed25519.GenerateKey(crand.Reader) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } tmpl := &x509.Certificate{ SerialNumber: big.NewInt(ProtocolVersion), Subject: pkix.Name{ CommonName: fmt.Sprintf("derpkey%s", s.publicKey.UntypedHexString()), }, // Windows requires NotAfter and NotBefore set: NotAfter: time.Now().Add(30 * 24 * time.Hour), NotBefore: time.Now().Add(-30 * 24 * time.Hour), } cert, err := x509.CreateCertificate(crand.Reader, tmpl, tmpl, pub, priv) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("CreateCertificate: %v", err) } s.metaCert = cert } // MetaCert returns the server metadata cert that can be sent by the // TLS server to let the client skip a round trip during start-up. func (s *Server) MetaCert() []byte { return s.metaCert } // registerClient notes that client c is now authenticated and ready for packets. // // If c.key is connected more than once, the earlier connection(s) are // placed in a non-active state where we read from them (primarily to // observe EOFs/timeouts) but won't send them frames on the assumption // that they're dead. func (s *Server) registerClient(c *sclient) { s.mu.Lock() defer s.mu.Unlock() set := s.clients[c.key] switch set := set.(type) { case nil: s.clients[c.key] = singleClient{c} case singleClient: s.dupClientKeys.Add(1) s.dupClientConns.Add(2) // both old and new count s.dupClientConnTotal.Add(1) old := set.ActiveClient() old.isDup.Set(true) c.isDup.Set(true) s.clients[c.key] = &dupClientSet{ last: c, set: map[*sclient]bool{ old: true, c: true, }, sendHistory: []*sclient{old}, } case *dupClientSet: s.dupClientConns.Add(1) // the gauge s.dupClientConnTotal.Add(1) // the counter c.isDup.Set(true) set.set[c] = true set.last = c set.sendHistory = append(set.sendHistory, c) } if _, ok := s.clientsMesh[c.key]; !ok { s.clientsMesh[c.key] = nil // just for varz of total users in cluster } s.keyOfAddr[c.remoteIPPort] = c.key s.curClients.Add(1) s.broadcastPeerStateChangeLocked(c.key, true) } // broadcastPeerStateChangeLocked enqueues a message to all watchers // (other DERP nodes in the region, or trusted clients) that peer's // presence changed. // // s.mu must be held. func (s *Server) broadcastPeerStateChangeLocked(peer key.NodePublic, present bool) { for w := range s.watchers { w.peerStateChange = append(w.peerStateChange, peerConnState{peer: peer, present: present}) go w.requestMeshUpdate() } } // unregisterClient removes a client from the server. func (s *Server) unregisterClient(c *sclient) { s.mu.Lock() defer s.mu.Unlock() set := s.clients[c.key] switch set := set.(type) { case nil: c.logf("[unexpected]; clients map is empty") case singleClient: c.logf("removing connection") delete(s.clients, c.key) if v, ok := s.clientsMesh[c.key]; ok && v == nil { delete(s.clientsMesh, c.key) s.notePeerGoneFromRegionLocked(c.key) } s.broadcastPeerStateChangeLocked(c.key, false) case *dupClientSet: if set.removeClient(c) { s.dupClientConns.Add(-1) } else { c.logf("[unexpected]; dup client set didn't shrink") } if set.Len() == 1 { s.dupClientConns.Add(-1) // again; for the original one's s.dupClientKeys.Add(-1) var remain *sclient for remain = range set.set { break } if remain == nil { panic("unexpected nil remain from single element dup set") } remain.isDisabled.Set(false) remain.isDup.Set(false) s.clients[c.key] = singleClient{remain} } } if c.canMesh { delete(s.watchers, c) } delete(s.keyOfAddr, c.remoteIPPort) s.curClients.Add(-1) if c.preferred { s.curHomeClients.Add(-1) } } // notePeerGoneFromRegionLocked sends peerGone frames to parties that // key has sent to previously (whether those sends were from a local // client or forwarded). It must only be called after the key has // been removed from clientsMesh. func (s *Server) notePeerGoneFromRegionLocked(key key.NodePublic) { if _, ok := s.clientsMesh[key]; ok { panic("usage") } // Find still-connected peers and either notify that we've gone away // so they can drop their route entries to us (issue 150) // or move them over to the active client (in case a replaced client // connection is being unregistered). for pubKey, connNum := range s.sentTo[key] { set, ok := s.clients[pubKey] if !ok { continue } set.ForeachClient(func(peer *sclient) { if peer.connNum == connNum { go peer.requestPeerGoneWrite(key) } }) } delete(s.sentTo, key) } func (s *Server) addWatcher(c *sclient) { if !c.canMesh { panic("invariant: addWatcher called without permissions") } if c.key == s.publicKey { // We're connecting to ourself. Do nothing. return } s.mu.Lock() defer s.mu.Unlock() // Queue messages for each already-connected client. for peer := range s.clients { c.peerStateChange = append(c.peerStateChange, peerConnState{peer: peer, present: true}) } // And enroll the watcher in future updates (of both // connections & disconnections). s.watchers[c] = true go c.requestMeshUpdate() } func (s *Server) accept(nc Conn, brw *bufio.ReadWriter, remoteAddr string, connNum int64) error { br := brw.Reader nc.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(10 * time.Second)) bw := &lazyBufioWriter{w: nc, lbw: brw.Writer} if err := s.sendServerKey(bw); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("send server key: %v", err) } nc.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(10 * time.Second)) clientKey, clientInfo, err := s.recvClientKey(br) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("receive client key: %v", err) } if err := s.verifyClient(clientKey, clientInfo); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("client %x rejected: %v", clientKey, err) } // At this point we trust the client so we don't time out. nc.SetDeadline(time.Time{}) ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() remoteIPPort, _ := netaddr.ParseIPPort(remoteAddr) c := &sclient{ connNum: connNum, s: s, key: clientKey, nc: nc, br: br, bw: bw, logf: logger.WithPrefix(s.logf, fmt.Sprintf("derp client %v/%x: ", remoteAddr, clientKey)), done: ctx.Done(), remoteAddr: remoteAddr, remoteIPPort: remoteIPPort, connectedAt: time.Now(), sendQueue: make(chan pkt, perClientSendQueueDepth), discoSendQueue: make(chan pkt, perClientSendQueueDepth), peerGone: make(chan key.NodePublic), canMesh: clientInfo.MeshKey != "" && clientInfo.MeshKey == s.meshKey, } if c.canMesh { c.meshUpdate = make(chan struct{}) } if clientInfo != nil { c.info = *clientInfo } s.registerClient(c) defer s.unregisterClient(c) err = s.sendServerInfo(c.bw, clientKey) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("send server info: %v", err) } return c.run(ctx) } // for testing var ( timeSleep = time.Sleep timeNow = time.Now ) // run serves the client until there's an error. // If the client hangs up or the server is closed, run returns nil, otherwise run returns an error. func (c *sclient) run(ctx context.Context) error { // Launch sender, but don't return from run until sender goroutine is done. var grp errgroup.Group sendCtx, cancelSender := context.WithCancel(ctx) grp.Go(func() error { return c.sendLoop(sendCtx) }) defer func() { cancelSender() if err := grp.Wait(); err != nil && !c.s.isClosed() { c.logf("sender failed: %v", err) } }() for { ft, fl, err := readFrameHeader(c.br) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { c.logf("read EOF") return nil } if c.s.isClosed() { c.logf("closing; server closed") return nil } return fmt.Errorf("client %x: readFrameHeader: %w", c.key, err) } c.s.noteClientActivity(c) switch ft { case frameNotePreferred: err = c.handleFrameNotePreferred(ft, fl) case frameSendPacket: err = c.handleFrameSendPacket(ft, fl) case frameForwardPacket: err = c.handleFrameForwardPacket(ft, fl) case frameWatchConns: err = c.handleFrameWatchConns(ft, fl) case frameClosePeer: err = c.handleFrameClosePeer(ft, fl) default: err = c.handleUnknownFrame(ft, fl) } if err != nil { return err } } } func (c *sclient) handleUnknownFrame(ft frameType, fl uint32) error { _, err := io.CopyN(ioutil.Discard, c.br, int64(fl)) return err } func (c *sclient) handleFrameNotePreferred(ft frameType, fl uint32) error { if fl != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("frameNotePreferred wrong size") } v, err := c.br.ReadByte() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("frameNotePreferred ReadByte: %v", err) } c.setPreferred(v != 0) return nil } func (c *sclient) handleFrameWatchConns(ft frameType, fl uint32) error { if fl != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("handleFrameWatchConns wrong size") } if !c.canMesh { return fmt.Errorf("insufficient permissions") } c.s.addWatcher(c) return nil } func (c *sclient) handleFrameClosePeer(ft frameType, fl uint32) error { if fl != keyLen { return fmt.Errorf("handleFrameClosePeer wrong size") } if !c.canMesh { return fmt.Errorf("insufficient permissions") } var targetKey key.NodePublic if err := targetKey.ReadRawWithoutAllocating(c.br); err != nil { return err } s := c.s s.mu.Lock() defer s.mu.Unlock() if set, ok := s.clients[targetKey]; ok { if set.Len() == 1 { c.logf("frameClosePeer closing peer %x", targetKey) } else { c.logf("frameClosePeer closing peer %x (%d connections)", targetKey, set.Len()) } set.ForeachClient(func(target *sclient) { go target.nc.Close() }) } else { c.logf("frameClosePeer failed to find peer %x", targetKey) } return nil } // handleFrameForwardPacket reads a "forward packet" frame from the client // (which must be a trusted client, a peer in our mesh). func (c *sclient) handleFrameForwardPacket(ft frameType, fl uint32) error { if !c.canMesh { return fmt.Errorf("insufficient permissions") } s := c.s srcKey, dstKey, contents, err := s.recvForwardPacket(c.br, fl) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("client %x: recvForwardPacket: %v", c.key, err) } s.packetsForwardedIn.Add(1) var dstLen int var dst *sclient s.mu.Lock() if set, ok := s.clients[dstKey]; ok { dstLen = set.Len() dst = set.ActiveClient() } if dst != nil { s.notePeerSendLocked(srcKey, dst) } s.mu.Unlock() if dst == nil { reason := dropReasonUnknownDestOnFwd if dstLen > 1 { reason = dropReasonDupClient } s.recordDrop(contents, srcKey, dstKey, reason) return nil } return c.sendPkt(dst, pkt{ bs: contents, enqueuedAt: time.Now(), src: srcKey, }) } // notePeerSendLocked records that src sent to dst. We keep track of // that so when src disconnects, we can tell dst (if it's still // around) that src is gone (a peerGone frame). func (s *Server) notePeerSendLocked(src key.NodePublic, dst *sclient) { m, ok := s.sentTo[src] if !ok { m = map[key.NodePublic]int64{} s.sentTo[src] = m } m[dst.key] = dst.connNum } // handleFrameSendPacket reads a "send packet" frame from the client. func (c *sclient) handleFrameSendPacket(ft frameType, fl uint32) error { s := c.s dstKey, contents, err := s.recvPacket(c.br, fl) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("client %x: recvPacket: %v", c.key, err) } var fwd PacketForwarder var dstLen int var dst *sclient s.mu.Lock() if set, ok := s.clients[dstKey]; ok { dstLen = set.Len() dst = set.ActiveClient() } if dst != nil { s.notePeerSendLocked(c.key, dst) } else if dstLen < 1 { fwd = s.clientsMesh[dstKey] } s.mu.Unlock() if dst == nil { if fwd != nil { s.packetsForwardedOut.Add(1) if err := fwd.ForwardPacket(c.key, dstKey, contents); err != nil { // TODO: return nil } return nil } reason := dropReasonUnknownDest if dstLen > 1 { reason = dropReasonDupClient } s.recordDrop(contents, c.key, dstKey, reason) return nil } p := pkt{ bs: contents, enqueuedAt: time.Now(), src: c.key, } return c.sendPkt(dst, p) } // dropReason is why we dropped a DERP frame. type dropReason int //go:generate go run tailscale.com/cmd/addlicense -year 2021 -file dropreason_string.go go run golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer -type=dropReason -trimprefix=dropReason const ( dropReasonUnknownDest dropReason = iota // unknown destination pubkey dropReasonUnknownDestOnFwd // unknown destination pubkey on a derp-forwarded packet dropReasonGone // destination tailscaled disconnected before we could send dropReasonQueueHead // destination queue is full, dropped packet at queue head dropReasonQueueTail // destination queue is full, dropped packet at queue tail dropReasonWriteError // OS write() failed dropReasonDupClient // the public key is connected 2+ times (active/active, fighting) ) func (s *Server) recordDrop(packetBytes []byte, srcKey, dstKey key.NodePublic, reason dropReason) { s.packetsDropped.Add(1) s.packetsDroppedReasonCounters[reason].Add(1) if disco.LooksLikeDiscoWrapper(packetBytes) { s.packetsDroppedTypeDisco.Add(1) } else { s.packetsDroppedTypeOther.Add(1) } if verboseDropKeys[dstKey] { // Preformat the log string prior to calling limitedLogf. The // limiter acts based on the format string, and we want to // rate-limit per src/dst keys, not on the generic "dropped // stuff" message. msg := fmt.Sprintf("drop (%s) %s -> %s", srcKey.ShortString(), reason, dstKey.ShortString()) s.limitedLogf(msg) } if debug { s.logf("dropping packet reason=%s dst=%s disco=%v", reason, dstKey, disco.LooksLikeDiscoWrapper(packetBytes)) } } func (c *sclient) sendPkt(dst *sclient, p pkt) error { s := c.s dstKey := dst.key // Attempt to queue for sending up to 3 times. On each attempt, if // the queue is full, try to drop from queue head to prioritize // fresher packets. sendQueue := dst.sendQueue if disco.LooksLikeDiscoWrapper(p.bs) { sendQueue = dst.discoSendQueue } for attempt := 0; attempt < 3; attempt++ { select { case <-dst.done: s.recordDrop(p.bs, c.key, dstKey, dropReasonGone) return nil default: } select { case sendQueue <- p: return nil default: } select { case pkt := <-sendQueue: s.recordDrop(pkt.bs, c.key, dstKey, dropReasonQueueHead) c.recordQueueTime(pkt.enqueuedAt) default: } } // Failed to make room for packet. This can happen in a heavily // contended queue with racing writers. Give up and tail-drop in // this case to keep reader unblocked. s.recordDrop(p.bs, c.key, dstKey, dropReasonQueueTail) return nil } // requestPeerGoneWrite sends a request to write a "peer gone" frame // that the provided peer has disconnected. It blocks until either the // write request is scheduled, or the client has closed. func (c *sclient) requestPeerGoneWrite(peer key.NodePublic) { select { case c.peerGone <- peer: case <-c.done: } } func (c *sclient) requestMeshUpdate() { if !c.canMesh { panic("unexpected requestMeshUpdate") } select { case c.meshUpdate <- struct{}{}: case <-c.done: } } func (s *Server) verifyClient(clientKey key.NodePublic, info *clientInfo) error { if !s.verifyClients { return nil } status, err := tailscale.Status(context.TODO()) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to query local tailscaled status: %w", err) } if clientKey == status.Self.PublicKey { return nil } if _, exists := status.Peer[clientKey]; !exists { return fmt.Errorf("client %v not in set of peers", clientKey) } // TODO(bradfitz): add policy for configurable bandwidth rate per client? return nil } func (s *Server) sendServerKey(lw *lazyBufioWriter) error { buf := make([]byte, 0, len(magic)+s.publicKey.RawLen()) buf = append(buf, magic...) buf = s.publicKey.AppendTo(buf) err := writeFrame(lw.bw(), frameServerKey, buf) lw.Flush() // redundant (no-op) flush to release bufio.Writer return err } func (s *Server) noteClientActivity(c *sclient) { if !c.isDup.Get() { // Fast path for clients that aren't in a dup set. return } if c.isDisabled.Get() { // If they're already disabled, no point checking more. return } s.mu.Lock() defer s.mu.Unlock() ds, ok := s.clients[c.key].(*dupClientSet) if !ok { // It became unduped in between the isDup fast path check above // and the mutex check. Nothing to do. return } if s.dupPolicy == lastWriterIsActive { ds.last = c } else if ds.last == nil { // If we didn't have a primary, let the current // speaker be the primary. ds.last = c } if sh := ds.sendHistory; len(sh) != 0 && sh[len(sh)-1] == c { // The client c was the last client to make activity // in this set and it was already recorded. Nothing to // do. return } // If we saw this connection send previously, then consider // the group fighting and disable them all. if s.dupPolicy == disableFighters { for _, prior := range ds.sendHistory { if prior == c { ds.ForeachClient(func(c *sclient) { c.isDisabled.Set(true) }) break } } } // Append this client to the list of clients who spoke last. ds.sendHistory = append(ds.sendHistory, c) } type serverInfo struct { Version int `json:"version,omitempty"` TokenBucketBytesPerSecond int `json:",omitempty"` TokenBucketBytesBurst int `json:",omitempty"` } func (s *Server) sendServerInfo(bw *lazyBufioWriter, clientKey key.NodePublic) error { msg, err := json.Marshal(serverInfo{Version: ProtocolVersion}) if err != nil { return err } msgbox := s.privateKey.SealTo(clientKey, msg) if err := writeFrameHeader(bw.bw(), frameServerInfo, uint32(len(msgbox))); err != nil { return err } if _, err := bw.Write(msgbox); err != nil { return err } return bw.Flush() } // recvClientKey reads the frameClientInfo frame from the client (its // proof of identity) upon its initial connection. It should be // considered especially untrusted at this point. func (s *Server) recvClientKey(br *bufio.Reader) (clientKey key.NodePublic, info *clientInfo, err error) { fl, err := readFrameTypeHeader(br, frameClientInfo) if err != nil { return zpub, nil, err } const minLen = keyLen + nonceLen if fl < minLen { return zpub, nil, errors.New("short client info") } // We don't trust the client at all yet, so limit its input size to limit // things like JSON resource exhausting (http://github.com/golang/go/issues/31789). if fl > 256<<10 { return zpub, nil, errors.New("long client info") } if err := clientKey.ReadRawWithoutAllocating(br); err != nil { return zpub, nil, err } msgLen := int(fl - keyLen) msgbox := make([]byte, msgLen) if _, err := io.ReadFull(br, msgbox); err != nil { return zpub, nil, fmt.Errorf("msgbox: %v", err) } msg, ok := s.privateKey.OpenFrom(clientKey, msgbox) if !ok { return zpub, nil, fmt.Errorf("msgbox: cannot open len=%d with client key %s", msgLen, clientKey) } info = new(clientInfo) if err := json.Unmarshal(msg, info); err != nil { return zpub, nil, fmt.Errorf("msg: %v", err) } return clientKey, info, nil } func (s *Server) recvPacket(br *bufio.Reader, frameLen uint32) (dstKey key.NodePublic, contents []byte, err error) { if frameLen < keyLen { return zpub, nil, errors.New("short send packet frame") } if err := dstKey.ReadRawWithoutAllocating(br); err != nil { return zpub, nil, err } packetLen := frameLen - keyLen if packetLen > MaxPacketSize { return zpub, nil, fmt.Errorf("data packet longer (%d) than max of %v", packetLen, MaxPacketSize) } contents = make([]byte, packetLen) if _, err := io.ReadFull(br, contents); err != nil { return zpub, nil, err } s.packetsRecv.Add(1) s.bytesRecv.Add(int64(len(contents))) if disco.LooksLikeDiscoWrapper(contents) { s.packetsRecvDisco.Add(1) } else { s.packetsRecvOther.Add(1) } return dstKey, contents, nil } // zpub is the key.NodePublic zero value. var zpub key.NodePublic func (s *Server) recvForwardPacket(br *bufio.Reader, frameLen uint32) (srcKey, dstKey key.NodePublic, contents []byte, err error) { if frameLen < keyLen*2 { return zpub, zpub, nil, errors.New("short send packet frame") } if err := srcKey.ReadRawWithoutAllocating(br); err != nil { return zpub, zpub, nil, err } if err := dstKey.ReadRawWithoutAllocating(br); err != nil { return zpub, zpub, nil, err } packetLen := frameLen - keyLen*2 if packetLen > MaxPacketSize { return zpub, zpub, nil, fmt.Errorf("data packet longer (%d) than max of %v", packetLen, MaxPacketSize) } contents = make([]byte, packetLen) if _, err := io.ReadFull(br, contents); err != nil { return zpub, zpub, nil, err } // TODO: was s.packetsRecv.Add(1) // TODO: was s.bytesRecv.Add(int64(len(contents))) return srcKey, dstKey, contents, nil } // sclient is a client connection to the server. // // (The "s" prefix is to more explicitly distinguish it from Client in derp_client.go) type sclient struct { // Static after construction. connNum int64 // process-wide unique counter, incremented each Accept s *Server nc Conn key key.NodePublic info clientInfo logf logger.Logf done <-chan struct{} // closed when connection closes remoteAddr string // usually ip:port from net.Conn.RemoteAddr().String() remoteIPPort netaddr.IPPort // zero if remoteAddr is not ip:port. sendQueue chan pkt // packets queued to this client; never closed discoSendQueue chan pkt // important packets queued to this client; never closed peerGone chan key.NodePublic // write request that a previous sender has disconnected (not used by mesh peers) meshUpdate chan struct{} // write request to write peerStateChange canMesh bool // clientInfo had correct mesh token for inter-region routing isDup syncs.AtomicBool // whether more than 1 sclient for key is connected isDisabled syncs.AtomicBool // whether sends to this peer are disabled due to active/active dups // replaceLimiter controls how quickly two connections with // the same client key can kick each other off the server by // taking over ownership of a key. replaceLimiter *rate.Limiter // Owned by run, not thread-safe. br *bufio.Reader connectedAt time.Time preferred bool // Owned by sender, not thread-safe. bw *lazyBufioWriter // Guarded by s.mu // // peerStateChange is used by mesh peers (a set of regional // DERP servers) and contains records that need to be sent to // the client for them to update their map of who's connected // to this node. peerStateChange []peerConnState } // peerConnState represents whether a peer is connected to the server // or not. type peerConnState struct { peer key.NodePublic present bool } // pkt is a request to write a data frame to an sclient. type pkt struct { // src is the who's the sender of the packet. src key.NodePublic // enqueuedAt is when a packet was put onto a queue before it was sent, // and is used for reporting metrics on the duration of packets in the queue. enqueuedAt time.Time // bs is the data packet bytes. // The memory is owned by pkt. bs []byte } func (c *sclient) setPreferred(v bool) { if c.preferred == v { return } c.preferred = v var homeMove *expvar.Int if v { c.s.curHomeClients.Add(1) homeMove = &c.s.homeMovesIn } else { c.s.curHomeClients.Add(-1) homeMove = &c.s.homeMovesOut } // Keep track of varz for home serve moves in/out. But ignore // the initial packet set when a client connects, which we // assume happens within 5 seconds. In any case, just for // graphs, so not important to miss a move. But it shouldn't: // the netcheck/re-STUNs in magicsock only happen about every // 30 seconds. if time.Since(c.connectedAt) > 5*time.Second { homeMove.Add(1) } } // expMovingAverage returns the new moving average given the previous average, // a new value, and an alpha decay factor. // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_average#Exponential_moving_average func expMovingAverage(prev, newValue, alpha float64) float64 { return alpha*newValue + (1-alpha)*prev } // recordQueueTime updates the average queue duration metric after a packet has been sent. func (c *sclient) recordQueueTime(enqueuedAt time.Time) { elapsed := float64(time.Since(enqueuedAt).Milliseconds()) for { old := atomic.LoadUint64(c.s.avgQueueDuration) newAvg := expMovingAverage(math.Float64frombits(old), elapsed, 0.1) if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(c.s.avgQueueDuration, old, math.Float64bits(newAvg)) { break } } } func (c *sclient) sendLoop(ctx context.Context) error { defer func() { // If the sender shuts down unilaterally due to an error, close so // that the receive loop unblocks and cleans up the rest. c.nc.Close() // Drain the send queue to count dropped packets for { select { case pkt := <-c.sendQueue: c.s.recordDrop(pkt.bs, pkt.src, c.key, dropReasonGone) case pkt := <-c.discoSendQueue: c.s.recordDrop(pkt.bs, pkt.src, c.key, dropReasonGone) default: return } } }() jitter := time.Duration(rand.Intn(5000)) * time.Millisecond keepAliveTick := time.NewTicker(keepAlive + jitter) defer keepAliveTick.Stop() var werr error // last write error for { if werr != nil { return werr } // First, a non-blocking select (with a default) that // does as many non-flushing writes as possible. select { case <-ctx.Done(): return nil case peer := <-c.peerGone: werr = c.sendPeerGone(peer) continue case <-c.meshUpdate: werr = c.sendMeshUpdates() continue case msg := <-c.sendQueue: werr = c.sendPacket(msg.src, msg.bs) c.recordQueueTime(msg.enqueuedAt) continue case msg := <-c.discoSendQueue: werr = c.sendPacket(msg.src, msg.bs) c.recordQueueTime(msg.enqueuedAt) continue case <-keepAliveTick.C: werr = c.sendKeepAlive() continue default: // Flush any writes from the 3 sends above, or from // the blocking loop below. if werr = c.bw.Flush(); werr != nil { return werr } } // Then a blocking select with same: select { case <-ctx.Done(): return nil case peer := <-c.peerGone: werr = c.sendPeerGone(peer) case <-c.meshUpdate: werr = c.sendMeshUpdates() continue case msg := <-c.sendQueue: werr = c.sendPacket(msg.src, msg.bs) c.recordQueueTime(msg.enqueuedAt) case msg := <-c.discoSendQueue: werr = c.sendPacket(msg.src, msg.bs) c.recordQueueTime(msg.enqueuedAt) case <-keepAliveTick.C: werr = c.sendKeepAlive() } } } func (c *sclient) setWriteDeadline() { c.nc.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(writeTimeout)) } // sendKeepAlive sends a keep-alive frame, without flushing. func (c *sclient) sendKeepAlive() error { c.setWriteDeadline() return writeFrameHeader(c.bw.bw(), frameKeepAlive, 0) } // sendPeerGone sends a peerGone frame, without flushing. func (c *sclient) sendPeerGone(peer key.NodePublic) error { c.s.peerGoneFrames.Add(1) c.setWriteDeadline() if err := writeFrameHeader(c.bw.bw(), framePeerGone, keyLen); err != nil { return err } _, err := c.bw.Write(peer.AppendTo(nil)) return err } // sendPeerPresent sends a peerPresent frame, without flushing. func (c *sclient) sendPeerPresent(peer key.NodePublic) error { c.setWriteDeadline() if err := writeFrameHeader(c.bw.bw(), framePeerPresent, keyLen); err != nil { return err } _, err := c.bw.Write(peer.AppendTo(nil)) return err } // sendMeshUpdates drains as many mesh peerStateChange entries as // possible into the write buffer WITHOUT flushing or otherwise // blocking (as it holds c.s.mu while working). If it can't drain them // all, it schedules itself to be called again in the future. func (c *sclient) sendMeshUpdates() error { c.s.mu.Lock() defer c.s.mu.Unlock() writes := 0 for _, pcs := range c.peerStateChange { if c.bw.Available() <= frameHeaderLen+keyLen { break } var err error if pcs.present { err = c.sendPeerPresent(pcs.peer) } else { err = c.sendPeerGone(pcs.peer) } if err != nil { // Shouldn't happen, though, as we're writing // into available buffer space, not the // network. return err } writes++ } remain := copy(c.peerStateChange, c.peerStateChange[writes:]) c.peerStateChange = c.peerStateChange[:remain] // Did we manage to write them all into the bufio buffer without flushing? if len(c.peerStateChange) == 0 { if cap(c.peerStateChange) > 16 { c.peerStateChange = nil } } else { // Didn't finish in the buffer space provided; schedule a future run. go c.requestMeshUpdate() } return nil } // sendPacket writes contents to the client in a RecvPacket frame. If // srcKey.IsZero, uses the old DERPv1 framing format, otherwise uses // DERPv2. The bytes of contents are only valid until this function // returns, do not retain slices. // It does not flush its bufio.Writer. func (c *sclient) sendPacket(srcKey key.NodePublic, contents []byte) (err error) { defer func() { // Stats update. if err != nil { c.s.recordDrop(contents, srcKey, c.key, dropReasonWriteError) } else { c.s.packetsSent.Add(1) c.s.bytesSent.Add(int64(len(contents))) } }() c.setWriteDeadline() withKey := !srcKey.IsZero() pktLen := len(contents) if withKey { pktLen += srcKey.RawLen() } if err = writeFrameHeader(c.bw.bw(), frameRecvPacket, uint32(pktLen)); err != nil { return err } if withKey { if err := srcKey.WriteRawWithoutAllocating(c.bw.bw()); err != nil { return err } } _, err = c.bw.Write(contents) return err } // AddPacketForwarder registers fwd as a packet forwarder for dst. // fwd must be comparable. func (s *Server) AddPacketForwarder(dst key.NodePublic, fwd PacketForwarder) { s.mu.Lock() defer s.mu.Unlock() if prev, ok := s.clientsMesh[dst]; ok { if prev == fwd { // Duplicate registration of same forwarder. Ignore. return } if m, ok := prev.(multiForwarder); ok { if _, ok := m[fwd]; ok { // Duplicate registration of same forwarder in set; ignore. return } m[fwd] = m.maxVal() + 1 return } if prev != nil { // Otherwise, the existing value is not a set, // not a dup, and not local-only (nil) so make // it a set. fwd = multiForwarder{ prev: 1, // existed 1st, higher priority fwd: 2, // the passed in fwd is in 2nd place } s.multiForwarderCreated.Add(1) } } s.clientsMesh[dst] = fwd } // RemovePacketForwarder removes fwd as a packet forwarder for dst. // fwd must be comparable. func (s *Server) RemovePacketForwarder(dst key.NodePublic, fwd PacketForwarder) { s.mu.Lock() defer s.mu.Unlock() v, ok := s.clientsMesh[dst] if !ok { return } if m, ok := v.(multiForwarder); ok { if len(m) < 2 { panic("unexpected") } delete(m, fwd) // If fwd was in m and we no longer need to be a // multiForwarder, replace the entry with the // remaining PacketForwarder. if len(m) == 1 { var remain PacketForwarder for k := range m { remain = k } s.clientsMesh[dst] = remain s.multiForwarderDeleted.Add(1) } return } if v != fwd { s.removePktForwardOther.Add(1) // Delete of an entry that wasn't in the // map. Harmless, so ignore. // (This might happen if a user is moving around // between nodes and/or the server sent duplicate // connection change broadcasts.) return } if _, isLocal := s.clients[dst]; isLocal { s.clientsMesh[dst] = nil } else { delete(s.clientsMesh, dst) s.notePeerGoneFromRegionLocked(dst) } } // multiForwarder is a PacketForwarder that represents a set of // forwarding options. It's used in the rare cases that a client is // connected to multiple DERP nodes in a region. That shouldn't really // happen except for perhaps during brief moments while the client is // reconfiguring, in which case we don't want to forget where the // client is. The map value is unique connection number; the lowest // one has been seen the longest. It's used to make sure we forward // packets consistently to the same node and don't pick randomly. type multiForwarder map[PacketForwarder]uint8 func (m multiForwarder) maxVal() (max uint8) { for _, v := range m { if v > max { max = v } } return } func (m multiForwarder) ForwardPacket(src, dst key.NodePublic, payload []byte) error { var fwd PacketForwarder var lowest uint8 for k, v := range m { if fwd == nil || v < lowest { fwd = k lowest = v } } return fwd.ForwardPacket(src, dst, payload) } func (s *Server) expVarFunc(f func() interface{}) expvar.Func { return expvar.Func(func() interface{} { s.mu.Lock() defer s.mu.Unlock() return f() }) } // ExpVar returns an expvar variable suitable for registering with expvar.Publish. func (s *Server) ExpVar() expvar.Var { m := new(metrics.Set) m.Set("gauge_memstats_sys0", expvar.Func(func() interface{} { return int64(s.memSys0) })) m.Set("gauge_watchers", s.expVarFunc(func() interface{} { return len(s.watchers) })) m.Set("gauge_current_file_descriptors", expvar.Func(func() interface{} { return metrics.CurrentFDs() })) m.Set("gauge_current_connections", &s.curClients) m.Set("gauge_current_home_connections", &s.curHomeClients) m.Set("gauge_clients_total", expvar.Func(func() interface{} { return len(s.clientsMesh) })) m.Set("gauge_clients_local", expvar.Func(func() interface{} { return len(s.clients) })) m.Set("gauge_clients_remote", expvar.Func(func() interface{} { return len(s.clientsMesh) - len(s.clients) })) m.Set("gauge_current_dup_client_keys", &s.dupClientKeys) m.Set("gauge_current_dup_client_conns", &s.dupClientConns) m.Set("counter_total_dup_client_conns", &s.dupClientConnTotal) m.Set("accepts", &s.accepts) m.Set("bytes_received", &s.bytesRecv) m.Set("bytes_sent", &s.bytesSent) m.Set("packets_dropped", &s.packetsDropped) m.Set("counter_packets_dropped_reason", &s.packetsDroppedReason) m.Set("counter_packets_dropped_type", &s.packetsDroppedType) m.Set("counter_packets_received_kind", &s.packetsRecvByKind) m.Set("packets_sent", &s.packetsSent) m.Set("packets_received", &s.packetsRecv) m.Set("unknown_frames", &s.unknownFrames) m.Set("home_moves_in", &s.homeMovesIn) m.Set("home_moves_out", &s.homeMovesOut) m.Set("peer_gone_frames", &s.peerGoneFrames) m.Set("packets_forwarded_out", &s.packetsForwardedOut) m.Set("packets_forwarded_in", &s.packetsForwardedIn) m.Set("multiforwarder_created", &s.multiForwarderCreated) m.Set("multiforwarder_deleted", &s.multiForwarderDeleted) m.Set("packet_forwarder_delete_other_value", &s.removePktForwardOther) m.Set("average_queue_duration_ms", expvar.Func(func() interface{} { return math.Float64frombits(atomic.LoadUint64(s.avgQueueDuration)) })) var expvarVersion expvar.String expvarVersion.Set(version.Long) m.Set("version", &expvarVersion) return m } func (s *Server) ConsistencyCheck() error { s.mu.Lock() defer s.mu.Unlock() var errs []string var nilMeshNotInClient int for k, f := range s.clientsMesh { if f == nil { if _, ok := s.clients[k]; !ok { nilMeshNotInClient++ } } } if nilMeshNotInClient != 0 { errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("%d s.clientsMesh keys not in s.clients", nilMeshNotInClient)) } var clientNotInMesh int for k := range s.clients { if _, ok := s.clientsMesh[k]; !ok { clientNotInMesh++ } } if clientNotInMesh != 0 { errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("%d s.clients keys not in s.clientsMesh", clientNotInMesh)) } if s.curClients.Value() != int64(len(s.clients)) { errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("expvar connections = %d != clients map says of %d", s.curClients.Value(), len(s.clients))) } if len(errs) == 0 { return nil } return errors.New(strings.Join(errs, ", ")) } const minTimeBetweenLogs = 2 * time.Second // BytesSentRecv records the number of bytes that have been sent since the last traffic check // for a given process, as well as the public key of the process sending those bytes. type BytesSentRecv struct { Sent uint64 Recv uint64 // Key is the public key of the client which sent/received these bytes. Key key.NodePublic } // parseSSOutput parses the output from the specific call to ss in ServeDebugTraffic. // Separated out for ease of testing. func parseSSOutput(raw string) map[netaddr.IPPort]BytesSentRecv { newState := map[netaddr.IPPort]BytesSentRecv{} // parse every 2 lines and get src and dst ips, and kv pairs lines := strings.Split(raw, "\n") for i := 0; i < len(lines); i += 2 { ipInfo := strings.Fields(strings.TrimSpace(lines[i])) if len(ipInfo) < 5 { continue } src, err := netaddr.ParseIPPort(ipInfo[4]) if err != nil { continue } stats := strings.Fields(strings.TrimSpace(lines[i+1])) stat := BytesSentRecv{} for _, s := range stats { if strings.Contains(s, "bytes_sent") { sent, err := strconv.Atoi(s[strings.Index(s, ":")+1:]) if err == nil { stat.Sent = uint64(sent) } } else if strings.Contains(s, "bytes_received") { recv, err := strconv.Atoi(s[strings.Index(s, ":")+1:]) if err == nil { stat.Recv = uint64(recv) } } } newState[src] = stat } return newState } func (s *Server) ServeDebugTraffic(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { prevState := map[netaddr.IPPort]BytesSentRecv{} enc := json.NewEncoder(w) for r.Context().Err() == nil { output, err := exec.Command("ss", "-i", "-H", "-t").Output() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(w, "ss failed: %v", err) return } newState := parseSSOutput(string(output)) s.mu.Lock() for k, next := range newState { prev := prevState[k] if prev.Sent < next.Sent || prev.Recv < next.Recv { if pkey, ok := s.keyOfAddr[k]; ok { next.Key = pkey if err := enc.Encode(next); err != nil { s.mu.Unlock() return } } } } s.mu.Unlock() prevState = newState if _, err := fmt.Fprintln(w); err != nil { return } if f, ok := w.(http.Flusher); ok { f.Flush() } time.Sleep(minTimeBetweenLogs) } } var bufioWriterPool = &sync.Pool{ New: func() interface{} { return bufio.NewWriterSize(ioutil.Discard, 2<<10) }, } // lazyBufioWriter is a bufio.Writer-like wrapping writer that lazily // allocates its actual bufio.Writer from a sync.Pool, releasing it to // the pool upon flush. // // We do this to reduce memory overhead; most DERP connections are // idle and the idle bufio.Writers were 30% of overall memory usage. type lazyBufioWriter struct { w io.Writer // underlying lbw *bufio.Writer // lazy; nil means it needs an associated buffer } func (w *lazyBufioWriter) bw() *bufio.Writer { if w.lbw == nil { w.lbw = bufioWriterPool.Get().(*bufio.Writer) w.lbw.Reset(w.w) } return w.lbw } func (w *lazyBufioWriter) Available() int { return w.bw().Available() } func (w *lazyBufioWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { return w.bw().Write(p) } func (w *lazyBufioWriter) Flush() error { if w.lbw == nil { return nil } err := w.lbw.Flush() w.lbw.Reset(ioutil.Discard) bufioWriterPool.Put(w.lbw) w.lbw = nil return err }