/* Copyright (c) 2022 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved. */ /* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style */ /* license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */ @import "xterm/css/xterm.css"; @tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities; .link { @apply text-blue-600; } .link:hover { @apply underline; } .button { @apply font-medium py-1 px-2 rounded-md border border-transparent text-center cursor-pointer; transition-property: background-color, border-color, color, box-shadow; transition-duration: 120ms; box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04); min-width: 80px; } .button:focus { @apply outline-none ring; } .button:disabled { @apply pointer-events-none select-none; } .input { @apply appearance-none leading-tight rounded-md bg-white border border-gray-300 hover:border-gray-400 transition-colors px-3; height: 2.375rem; } .input::placeholder { @apply text-gray-400; } .input:disabled { @apply border-gray-200; @apply bg-gray-50; @apply cursor-not-allowed; } .input:focus { @apply outline-none ring border-transparent; } .select { @apply appearance-none py-2 px-3 leading-tight rounded-md bg-white border border-gray-300; } .select-with-arrow { @apply relative; } .select-with-arrow .select { width: 100%; } .select-with-arrow::after { @apply absolute; content: ""; top: 50%; right: 0.5rem; transform: translate(-0.3em, -0.15em); width: 0.6em; height: 0.4em; opacity: 0.6; background-color: currentColor; clip-path: polygon(100% 0%, 0 0%, 50% 100%); }