// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause package art import ( crand "crypto/rand" "fmt" "math/rand" "net/netip" "runtime" "strconv" "testing" "time" "tailscale.com/types/ptr" ) func TestInsert(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() pfxs := randomPrefixes(10_000) slow := slowPrefixTable[int]{pfxs} fast := Table[int]{} for _, pfx := range pfxs { fast.Insert(pfx.pfx, pfx.val) } t.Logf(fast.debugSummary()) seenVals4 := map[*int]bool{} seenVals6 := map[*int]bool{} for i := 0; i < 10_000; i++ { a := randomAddr() slowVal := slow.get(a) fastVal := fast.Get(a) if a.Is6() { seenVals6[fastVal] = true } else { seenVals4[fastVal] = true } if slowVal != fastVal { t.Errorf("get(%q) = %p, want %p", a, fastVal, slowVal) } } // Empirically, 10k probes into 5k v4 prefixes and 5k v6 prefixes results in // ~1k distinct values for v4 and ~300 for v6. distinct routes. This sanity // check that we didn't just return a single route for everything should be // very generous indeed. if cnt := len(seenVals4); cnt < 10 { t.Fatalf("saw %d distinct v4 route results, statistically expected ~1000", cnt) } if cnt := len(seenVals6); cnt < 10 { t.Fatalf("saw %d distinct v6 route results, statistically expected ~300", cnt) } } func TestInsertShuffled(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() pfxs := randomPrefixes(10_000) rt := Table[int]{} for _, pfx := range pfxs { rt.Insert(pfx.pfx, pfx.val) } for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { pfxs2 := append([]slowPrefixEntry[int](nil), pfxs...) rand.Shuffle(len(pfxs2), func(i, j int) { pfxs2[i], pfxs2[j] = pfxs2[j], pfxs2[i] }) rt2 := Table[int]{} for _, pfx := range pfxs2 { rt2.Insert(pfx.pfx, pfx.val) } // Diffing a deep tree of tables gives cmp.Diff a nervous breakdown, so // test for equivalence statistically with random probes instead. for i := 0; i < 10_000; i++ { a := randomAddr() val1 := rt.Get(a) val2 := rt2.Get(a) if (val1 == nil && val2 != nil) || (val1 != nil && val2 == nil) || (*val1 != *val2) { t.Errorf("get(%q) = %s, want %s", a, printIntPtr(val2), printIntPtr(val1)) } } } } func TestDelete(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() const ( numPrefixes = 10_000 // total prefixes to insert (test deletes 50% of them) numPerFamily = numPrefixes / 2 deleteCut = numPerFamily / 2 numProbes = 10_000 // random addr lookups to do ) // We have to do this little dance instead of just using allPrefixes, // because we want pfxs and toDelete to be non-overlapping sets. all4, all6 := randomPrefixes4(numPerFamily), randomPrefixes6(numPerFamily) pfxs := append([]slowPrefixEntry[int](nil), all4[:deleteCut]...) pfxs = append(pfxs, all6[:deleteCut]...) toDelete := append([]slowPrefixEntry[int](nil), all4[deleteCut:]...) toDelete = append(toDelete, all6[deleteCut:]...) slow := slowPrefixTable[int]{pfxs} fast := Table[int]{} for _, pfx := range pfxs { fast.Insert(pfx.pfx, pfx.val) } for _, pfx := range toDelete { fast.Insert(pfx.pfx, pfx.val) } for _, pfx := range toDelete { fast.Delete(pfx.pfx) } seenVals4 := map[*int]bool{} seenVals6 := map[*int]bool{} for i := 0; i < numProbes; i++ { a := randomAddr() slowVal := slow.get(a) fastVal := fast.Get(a) if a.Is6() { seenVals6[fastVal] = true } else { seenVals4[fastVal] = true } if slowVal != fastVal { t.Fatalf("get(%q) = %p, want %p", a, fastVal, slowVal) } } // Empirically, 10k probes into 5k v4 prefixes and 5k v6 prefixes results in // ~1k distinct values for v4 and ~300 for v6. distinct routes. This sanity // check that we didn't just return a single route for everything should be // very generous indeed. if cnt := len(seenVals4); cnt < 10 { t.Fatalf("saw %d distinct v4 route results, statistically expected ~1000", cnt) } if cnt := len(seenVals6); cnt < 10 { t.Fatalf("saw %d distinct v6 route results, statistically expected ~300", cnt) } } func TestDeleteShuffled(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() const ( numPrefixes = 10_000 // prefixes to insert (test deletes 50% of them) numPerFamily = numPrefixes / 2 deleteCut = numPerFamily / 2 numProbes = 10_000 // random addr lookups to do ) // We have to do this little dance instead of just using allPrefixes, // because we want pfxs and toDelete to be non-overlapping sets. all4, all6 := randomPrefixes4(numPerFamily), randomPrefixes6(numPerFamily) pfxs := append([]slowPrefixEntry[int](nil), all4[:deleteCut]...) pfxs = append(pfxs, all6[:deleteCut]...) toDelete := append([]slowPrefixEntry[int](nil), all4[deleteCut:]...) toDelete = append(toDelete, all6[deleteCut:]...) rt := Table[int]{} for _, pfx := range pfxs { rt.Insert(pfx.pfx, pfx.val) } for _, pfx := range toDelete { rt.Insert(pfx.pfx, pfx.val) } for _, pfx := range toDelete { rt.Delete(pfx.pfx) } for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { pfxs2 := append([]slowPrefixEntry[int](nil), pfxs...) toDelete2 := append([]slowPrefixEntry[int](nil), toDelete...) rand.Shuffle(len(toDelete2), func(i, j int) { toDelete2[i], toDelete2[j] = toDelete2[j], toDelete2[i] }) rt2 := Table[int]{} for _, pfx := range pfxs2 { rt2.Insert(pfx.pfx, pfx.val) } for _, pfx := range toDelete2 { rt2.Insert(pfx.pfx, pfx.val) } for _, pfx := range toDelete2 { rt2.Delete(pfx.pfx) } // Diffing a deep tree of tables gives cmp.Diff a nervous breakdown, so // test for equivalence statistically with random probes instead. for i := 0; i < numProbes; i++ { a := randomAddr() val1 := rt.Get(a) val2 := rt2.Get(a) if val1 == nil && val2 == nil { continue } if (val1 == nil && val2 != nil) || (val1 != nil && val2 == nil) || (*val1 != *val2) { t.Errorf("get(%q) = %s, want %s", a, printIntPtr(val2), printIntPtr(val1)) } } } } var benchRouteCount = []int{10, 100, 1000, 10_000, 100_000} // forFamilyAndCount runs the benchmark fn with different sets of // routes. // // fn is called once for each combination of {addr_family, num_routes}, // where addr_family is ipv4 or ipv6, num_routes is the values in // benchRouteCount. func forFamilyAndCount(b *testing.B, fn func(b *testing.B, routes []slowPrefixEntry[int])) { for _, fam := range []string{"ipv4", "ipv6"} { rng := randomPrefixes4 if fam == "ipv6" { rng = randomPrefixes6 } b.Run(fam, func(b *testing.B) { for _, nroutes := range benchRouteCount { routes := rng(nroutes) b.Run(fmt.Sprint(nroutes), func(b *testing.B) { fn(b, routes) }) } }) } } func BenchmarkTableInsertion(b *testing.B) { forFamilyAndCount(b, func(b *testing.B, routes []slowPrefixEntry[int]) { b.StopTimer() b.ResetTimer() var startMem, endMem runtime.MemStats runtime.ReadMemStats(&startMem) b.StartTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { var rt Table[int] for _, route := range routes { rt.Insert(route.pfx, route.val) } } b.StopTimer() runtime.ReadMemStats(&endMem) inserts := float64(b.N) * float64(len(routes)) allocs := float64(endMem.Mallocs - startMem.Mallocs) bytes := float64(endMem.TotalAlloc - startMem.TotalAlloc) elapsed := float64(b.Elapsed().Nanoseconds()) elapsedSec := b.Elapsed().Seconds() b.ReportMetric(elapsed/inserts, "ns/op") b.ReportMetric(inserts/elapsedSec, "routes/s") b.ReportMetric(roundFloat64(allocs/inserts), "avg-allocs/op") b.ReportMetric(roundFloat64(bytes/inserts), "avg-B/op") }) } func BenchmarkTableDelete(b *testing.B) { forFamilyAndCount(b, func(b *testing.B, routes []slowPrefixEntry[int]) { // Collect memstats for one round of insertions, so we can remove it // from the total at the end and get only the deletion alloc count. insertAllocs, insertBytes := getMemCost(func() { var rt Table[int] for _, route := range routes { rt.Insert(route.pfx, route.val) } }) insertAllocs *= float64(b.N) insertBytes *= float64(b.N) var t runningTimer allocs, bytes := getMemCost(func() { for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { var rt Table[int] for _, route := range routes { rt.Insert(route.pfx, route.val) } t.Start() for _, route := range routes { rt.Delete(route.pfx) } t.Stop() } }) inserts := float64(b.N) * float64(len(routes)) allocs -= insertAllocs bytes -= insertBytes elapsed := float64(t.Elapsed().Nanoseconds()) elapsedSec := t.Elapsed().Seconds() b.ReportMetric(elapsed/inserts, "ns/op") b.ReportMetric(inserts/elapsedSec, "routes/s") b.ReportMetric(roundFloat64(allocs/inserts), "avg-allocs/op") b.ReportMetric(roundFloat64(bytes/inserts), "avg-B/op") }) } var addrSink netip.Addr func BenchmarkTableGet(b *testing.B) { forFamilyAndCount(b, func(b *testing.B, routes []slowPrefixEntry[int]) { genAddr := randomAddr4 if routes[0].pfx.Addr().Is6() { genAddr = randomAddr6 } var rt Table[int] for _, route := range routes { rt.Insert(route.pfx, route.val) } addrAllocs, addrBytes := getMemCost(func() { // Have to run genAddr more than once, otherwise the reported // cost is 16 bytes - presumably due to some amortized costs in // the memory allocator? Either way, empirically 100 iterations // reliably reports the correct cost. for i := 0; i < 100; i++ { _ = genAddr() } }) addrAllocs /= 100 addrBytes /= 100 var t runningTimer allocs, bytes := getMemCost(func() { for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { addr := genAddr() t.Start() writeSink = rt.Get(addr) t.Stop() } }) b.ReportAllocs() // Enables the output, but we report manually below allocs -= (addrAllocs * float64(b.N)) bytes -= (addrBytes * float64(b.N)) lookups := float64(b.N) elapsed := float64(t.Elapsed().Nanoseconds()) elapsedSec := float64(t.Elapsed().Seconds()) b.ReportMetric(elapsed/lookups, "ns/op") b.ReportMetric(lookups/elapsedSec, "addrs/s") b.ReportMetric(allocs/lookups, "allocs/op") b.ReportMetric(bytes/lookups, "B/op") }) } // getMemCost runs fn 100 times and returns the number of allocations and bytes // allocated by each call to fn. // // Note that if your fn allocates very little memory (less than ~16 bytes), you // should make fn run its workload ~100 times and divide the results of // getMemCost yourself. Otherwise, the byte count you get will be rounded up due // to the memory allocator's bucketing granularity. func getMemCost(fn func()) (allocs, bytes float64) { var start, end runtime.MemStats runtime.ReadMemStats(&start) fn() runtime.ReadMemStats(&end) return float64(end.Mallocs - start.Mallocs), float64(end.TotalAlloc - start.TotalAlloc) } // runningTimer is a timer that keeps track of the cumulative time it's spent // running since creation. A newly created runningTimer is stopped. // // This timer exists because some of our benchmarks have to interleave costly // ancillary logic in each benchmark iteration, rather than being able to // front-load all the work before a single b.ResetTimer(). // // As it turns out, b.StartTimer() and b.StopTimer() are expensive function // calls, because they do costly memory allocation accounting on every call. // Starting and stopping the benchmark timer in every b.N loop iteration slows // the benchmarks down by orders of magnitude. // // So, rather than rely on testing.B's timing facility, we use this very // lightweight timer combined with getMemCost to do our own accounting more // efficiently. type runningTimer struct { cumulative time.Duration start time.Time } func (t *runningTimer) Start() { t.Stop() t.start = time.Now() } func (t *runningTimer) Stop() { if t.start.IsZero() { return } t.cumulative += time.Since(t.start) t.start = time.Time{} } func (t *runningTimer) Elapsed() time.Duration { return t.cumulative } // slowPrefixTable is a routing table implemented as a set of prefixes that are // explicitly scanned in full for every route lookup. It is very slow, but also // reasonably easy to verify by inspection, and so a good correctness reference // for Table. type slowPrefixTable[T any] struct { prefixes []slowPrefixEntry[T] } type slowPrefixEntry[T any] struct { pfx netip.Prefix val *T } func (t *slowPrefixTable[T]) delete(pfx netip.Prefix) { ret := make([]slowPrefixEntry[T], 0, len(t.prefixes)) for _, ent := range t.prefixes { if ent.pfx == pfx { continue } ret = append(ret, ent) } t.prefixes = ret } func (t *slowPrefixTable[T]) insert(pfx netip.Prefix, val *T) { for _, ent := range t.prefixes { if ent.pfx == pfx { ent.val = val return } } t.prefixes = append(t.prefixes, slowPrefixEntry[T]{pfx, val}) } func (t *slowPrefixTable[T]) get(addr netip.Addr) *T { var ( ret *T bestLen = -1 ) for _, pfx := range t.prefixes { if pfx.pfx.Contains(addr) && pfx.pfx.Bits() > bestLen { ret = pfx.val bestLen = pfx.pfx.Bits() } } return ret } // randomPrefixes returns n randomly generated prefixes and associated values, // distributed equally between IPv4 and IPv6. func randomPrefixes(n int) []slowPrefixEntry[int] { pfxs := randomPrefixes4(n / 2) pfxs = append(pfxs, randomPrefixes6(n-len(pfxs))...) return pfxs } // randomPrefixes4 returns n randomly generated IPv4 prefixes and associated values. func randomPrefixes4(n int) []slowPrefixEntry[int] { pfxs := map[netip.Prefix]bool{} for len(pfxs) < n { len := rand.Intn(33) pfx, err := randomAddr4().Prefix(len) if err != nil { panic(err) } pfxs[pfx] = true } ret := make([]slowPrefixEntry[int], 0, len(pfxs)) for pfx := range pfxs { ret = append(ret, slowPrefixEntry[int]{pfx, ptr.To(rand.Int())}) } return ret } // randomPrefixes6 returns n randomly generated IPv4 prefixes and associated values. func randomPrefixes6(n int) []slowPrefixEntry[int] { pfxs := map[netip.Prefix]bool{} for len(pfxs) < n { len := rand.Intn(129) pfx, err := randomAddr6().Prefix(len) if err != nil { panic(err) } pfxs[pfx] = true } ret := make([]slowPrefixEntry[int], 0, len(pfxs)) for pfx := range pfxs { ret = append(ret, slowPrefixEntry[int]{pfx, ptr.To(rand.Int())}) } return ret } // randomAddr returns a randomly generated IP address. func randomAddr() netip.Addr { if rand.Intn(2) == 1 { return randomAddr6() } else { return randomAddr4() } } // randomAddr4 returns a randomly generated IPv4 address. func randomAddr4() netip.Addr { var b [4]byte if _, err := crand.Read(b[:]); err != nil { panic(err) } return netip.AddrFrom4(b) } // randomAddr6 returns a randomly generated IPv6 address. func randomAddr6() netip.Addr { var b [16]byte if _, err := crand.Read(b[:]); err != nil { panic(err) } return netip.AddrFrom16(b) } // printIntPtr returns *v as a string, or the literal "" if v is nil. func printIntPtr(v *int) string { if v == nil { return "" } return fmt.Sprint(*v) } // roundFloat64 rounds f to 2 decimal places, for display. // // It round-trips through a float->string->float conversion, so should not be // used in a performance critical setting. func roundFloat64(f float64) float64 { s := fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", f) ret, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64) if err != nil { panic(err) } return ret }