// Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Package tsdns provides a Resolver capable of resolving // domains on a Tailscale network. package tsdns import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/hex" "errors" "sync" "time" dns "golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage" "inet.af/netaddr" "tailscale.com/net/netns" "tailscale.com/types/logger" ) // maxResponseSize is the maximum size of a response from a Resolver. const maxResponseSize = 512 // queueSize is the maximal number of DNS requests that can be pending at a time. // If EnqueueRequest is called when this many requests are already pending, // the request will be dropped to avoid blocking the caller. const queueSize = 8 // delegateTimeout is the maximal amount of time Resolver will wait // for upstream nameservers to process a query. const delegateTimeout = 5 * time.Second // defaultTTL is the TTL of all responses from Resolver. const defaultTTL = 600 * time.Second // ErrClosed indicates that the resolver has been closed and readers should exit. var ErrClosed = errors.New("closed") var ( errAllFailed = errors.New("all upstream nameservers failed") errFullQueue = errors.New("request queue full") errNoNameservers = errors.New("no upstream nameservers set") errMapNotSet = errors.New("domain map not set") errNotImplemented = errors.New("query type not implemented") errNotQuery = errors.New("not a DNS query") ) // Packet represents a DNS payload together with the address of its origin. type Packet struct { // Payload is the application layer DNS payload. // Resolver assumes ownership of the request payload when it is enqueued // and cedes ownership of the response payload when it is returned from NextResponse. Payload []byte // Addr is the source address for a request and the destination address for a response. Addr netaddr.IPPort } // Resolver is a DNS resolver for nodes on the Tailscale network, // associating them with domain names of the form ... // If it is asked to resolve a domain that is not of that form, // it delegates to upstream nameservers if any are set. type Resolver struct { logf logger.Logf // The asynchronous interface is due to the fact that resolution may potentially // block for a long time (if the upstream nameserver is slow to reach). // queue is a buffered channel holding DNS requests queued for resolution. queue chan Packet // responses is an unbuffered channel to which responses are sent. responses chan Packet // errors is an unbuffered channel to which errors are sent. errors chan error // closed notifies the poll goroutines to stop. closed chan struct{} // pollGroup signals when all poll goroutines have stopped. pollGroup sync.WaitGroup // rootDomain is in ... rootDomain []byte // dialer is the netns.Dialer used for delegation. dialer netns.Dialer // mu guards the following fields from being updated while used. mu sync.Mutex // dnsMap is the map most recently received from the control server. dnsMap *Map // nameservers is the list of nameserver addresses that should be used // if the received query is not for a Tailscale node. // The addresses are strings of the form ip:port, as expected by Dial. nameservers []string } // NewResolver constructs a resolver associated with the given root domain. // The root domain must be in canonical form (with a trailing period). func NewResolver(logf logger.Logf, rootDomain string) *Resolver { r := &Resolver{ logf: logger.WithPrefix(logf, "tsdns: "), queue: make(chan Packet, queueSize), responses: make(chan Packet), errors: make(chan error), closed: make(chan struct{}), rootDomain: []byte(rootDomain), dialer: netns.NewDialer(), } return r } func (r *Resolver) Start() { // TODO(dmytro): spawn more than one goroutine? They block on delegation. r.pollGroup.Add(1) go r.poll() } // Close shuts down the resolver and ensures poll goroutines have exited. // The Resolver cannot be used again after Close is called. func (r *Resolver) Close() { select { case <-r.closed: return default: // continue } close(r.closed) r.pollGroup.Wait() } // SetMap sets the resolver's DNS map, taking ownership of it. func (r *Resolver) SetMap(m *Map) { r.mu.Lock() oldMap := r.dnsMap r.dnsMap = m r.mu.Unlock() r.logf("map diff:\n%s", m.PrettyDiffFrom(oldMap)) } // SetUpstreamNameservers sets the addresses of the resolver's // upstream nameservers, taking ownership of the argument. // The addresses should be strings of the form ip:port, // matching what Dial("udp", addr) expects as addr. func (r *Resolver) SetNameservers(nameservers []string) { r.mu.Lock() r.nameservers = nameservers r.mu.Unlock() } // EnqueueRequest places the given DNS request in the resolver's queue. // It takes ownership of the payload and does not block. // If the queue is full, the request will be dropped and an error will be returned. func (r *Resolver) EnqueueRequest(request Packet) error { select { case r.queue <- request: return nil default: return errFullQueue } } // NextResponse returns a DNS response to a previously enqueued request. // It blocks until a response is available and gives up ownership of the response payload. func (r *Resolver) NextResponse() (Packet, error) { select { case resp := <-r.responses: return resp, nil case err := <-r.errors: return Packet{}, err case <-r.closed: return Packet{}, ErrClosed } } // Resolve maps a given domain name to the IP address of the host that owns it. // The domain name must be in canonical form (with a trailing period). func (r *Resolver) Resolve(domain string) (netaddr.IP, dns.RCode, error) { r.mu.Lock() dnsMap := r.dnsMap r.mu.Unlock() if dnsMap == nil { return netaddr.IP{}, dns.RCodeServerFailure, errMapNotSet } addr, found := dnsMap.nameToIP[domain] if !found { return netaddr.IP{}, dns.RCodeNameError, nil } return addr, dns.RCodeSuccess, nil } // ResolveReverse returns the unique domain name that maps to the given address. // The returned domain name is in canonical form (with a trailing period). func (r *Resolver) ResolveReverse(ip netaddr.IP) (string, dns.RCode, error) { r.mu.Lock() dnsMap := r.dnsMap r.mu.Unlock() if dnsMap == nil { return "", dns.RCodeServerFailure, errMapNotSet } name, found := dnsMap.ipToName[ip] if !found { return "", dns.RCodeNameError, nil } return name, dns.RCodeSuccess, nil } func (r *Resolver) poll() { defer r.pollGroup.Done() var ( packet Packet err error ) for { select { case packet = <-r.queue: // continue case <-r.closed: return } packet.Payload, err = r.respond(packet.Payload) if err != nil { select { case r.errors <- err: // continue case <-r.closed: return } } else { select { case r.responses <- packet: // continue case <-r.closed: return } } } } // queryServer obtains a DNS response by querying the given server. func (r *Resolver) queryServer(ctx context.Context, server string, query []byte) ([]byte, error) { conn, err := r.dialer.DialContext(ctx, "udp", server) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer conn.Close() // Interrupt the current operation when the context is cancelled. go func() { <-ctx.Done() conn.SetDeadline(time.Unix(1, 0)) }() _, err = conn.Write(query) if err != nil { return nil, err } out := make([]byte, maxResponseSize) n, err := conn.Read(out) if err != nil { return nil, err } return out[:n], nil } // delegate forwards the query to all upstream nameservers and returns the first response. func (r *Resolver) delegate(query []byte) ([]byte, error) { r.mu.Lock() nameservers := r.nameservers r.mu.Unlock() if len(nameservers) == 0 { return nil, errNoNameservers } ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), delegateTimeout) defer cancel() // Common case, don't spawn goroutines. if len(nameservers) == 1 { return r.queryServer(ctx, nameservers[0], query) } datach := make(chan []byte) for _, server := range nameservers { go func(s string) { resp, err := r.queryServer(ctx, s, query) // Only print errors not due to cancelation after first response. if err != nil && ctx.Err() != context.Canceled { r.logf("querying %s: %v", s, err) } datach <- resp }(server) } var response []byte for range nameservers { cur := <-datach if cur != nil && response == nil { // Received first successful response response = cur cancel() } } if response == nil { return nil, errAllFailed } return response, nil } type response struct { Header dns.Header Question dns.Question // Name is the response to a PTR query. Name string // IP is the response to an A, AAAA, or ANY query. IP netaddr.IP } // parseQuery parses the query in given packet into a response struct. func (r *Resolver) parseQuery(query []byte, resp *response) error { var parser dns.Parser var err error resp.Header, err = parser.Start(query) if err != nil { return err } if resp.Header.Response { return errNotQuery } resp.Question, err = parser.Question() if err != nil { return err } return nil } // marshalARecord serializes an A record into an active builder. // The caller may continue using the builder following the call. func marshalARecord(name dns.Name, ip netaddr.IP, builder *dns.Builder) error { var answer dns.AResource answerHeader := dns.ResourceHeader{ Name: name, Type: dns.TypeA, Class: dns.ClassINET, TTL: uint32(defaultTTL / time.Second), } ipbytes := ip.As4() copy(answer.A[:], ipbytes[:]) return builder.AResource(answerHeader, answer) } // marshalAAAARecord serializes an AAAA record into an active builder. // The caller may continue using the builder following the call. func marshalAAAARecord(name dns.Name, ip netaddr.IP, builder *dns.Builder) error { var answer dns.AAAAResource answerHeader := dns.ResourceHeader{ Name: name, Type: dns.TypeAAAA, Class: dns.ClassINET, TTL: uint32(defaultTTL / time.Second), } ipbytes := ip.As16() copy(answer.AAAA[:], ipbytes[:]) return builder.AAAAResource(answerHeader, answer) } // marshalPTRRecord serializes a PTR record into an active builder. // The caller may continue using the builder following the call. func marshalPTRRecord(queryName dns.Name, name string, builder *dns.Builder) error { var answer dns.PTRResource var err error answerHeader := dns.ResourceHeader{ Name: queryName, Type: dns.TypePTR, Class: dns.ClassINET, TTL: uint32(defaultTTL / time.Second), } answer.PTR, err = dns.NewName(name) if err != nil { return err } return builder.PTRResource(answerHeader, answer) } // marshalResponse serializes the DNS response into a new buffer. func marshalResponse(resp *response) ([]byte, error) { resp.Header.Response = true resp.Header.Authoritative = true if resp.Header.RecursionDesired { resp.Header.RecursionAvailable = true } builder := dns.NewBuilder(nil, resp.Header) err := builder.StartQuestions() if err != nil { return nil, err } err = builder.Question(resp.Question) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Only successful responses contain answers. if resp.Header.RCode != dns.RCodeSuccess { return builder.Finish() } err = builder.StartAnswers() if err != nil { return nil, err } switch resp.Question.Type { case dns.TypeA, dns.TypeAAAA, dns.TypeALL: if resp.IP.Is4() { err = marshalARecord(resp.Question.Name, resp.IP, &builder) } else { err = marshalAAAARecord(resp.Question.Name, resp.IP, &builder) } case dns.TypePTR: err = marshalPTRRecord(resp.Question.Name, resp.Name, &builder) } if err != nil { return nil, err } return builder.Finish() } var ( rdnsv4Suffix = []byte(".in-addr.arpa.") rdnsv6Suffix = []byte(".ip6.arpa.") ) // ptrNameToIPv4 transforms a PTR name representing an IPv4 address to said address. // Such names are IPv4 labels in reverse order followed by .in-addr.arpa. // For example, // // is transformed to // func rdnsNameToIPv4(name []byte) (ip netaddr.IP, ok bool) { name = bytes.TrimSuffix(name, rdnsv4Suffix) ip, err := netaddr.ParseIP(string(name)) if err != nil { return netaddr.IP{}, false } if !ip.Is4() { return netaddr.IP{}, false } b := ip.As4() return netaddr.IPv4(b[3], b[2], b[1], b[0]), true } // ptrNameToIPv6 transforms a PTR name representing an IPv6 address to said address. // Such names are dot-separated nibbles in reverse order followed by .ip6.arpa. // For example, // b.a. // is transformed to // 2001:db8::567:89ab func rdnsNameToIPv6(name []byte) (ip netaddr.IP, ok bool) { var b [32]byte var ipb [16]byte name = bytes.TrimSuffix(name, rdnsv6Suffix) // 32 nibbles and 31 dots between them. if len(name) != 63 { return netaddr.IP{}, false } // Dots and hex digits alternate. prevDot := true // i ranges over name backward; j ranges over b forward. for i, j := len(name)-1, 0; i >= 0; i-- { thisDot := (name[i] == '.') if prevDot == thisDot { return netaddr.IP{}, false } prevDot = thisDot if !thisDot { // This is safe assuming alternation. // We do not check that non-dots are hex digits: hex.Decode below will do that. b[j] = name[i] j++ } } _, err := hex.Decode(ipb[:], b[:]) if err != nil { return netaddr.IP{}, false } return netaddr.IPFrom16(ipb), true } // respondReverse returns a DNS response to a PTR query. // It is assumed that resp.Question is populated by respond before this is called. func (r *Resolver) respondReverse(query []byte, resp *response) ([]byte, error) { name := resp.Question.Name.Data[:resp.Question.Name.Length] shouldDelegate := false var ip netaddr.IP var ok bool var err error switch { case bytes.HasSuffix(name, rdnsv4Suffix): ip, ok = rdnsNameToIPv4(name) case bytes.HasSuffix(name, rdnsv6Suffix): ip, ok = rdnsNameToIPv6(name) default: shouldDelegate = true } // It is more likely that we failed in parsing the name than that it is actually malformed. // To avoid frustrating users, just log and delegate. if !ok { // Without this conversion, escape analysis rules that resp escapes. r.logf("parsing rdns: malformed name: %s", resp.Question.Name.String()) shouldDelegate = true } if !shouldDelegate { resp.Name, resp.Header.RCode, err = r.ResolveReverse(ip) if err != nil { r.logf("resolving rdns: %v", ip, err) } shouldDelegate = (resp.Header.RCode == dns.RCodeNameError) } if shouldDelegate { out, err := r.delegate(query) if err != nil { r.logf("delegating rdns: %v", err) resp.Header.RCode = dns.RCodeServerFailure return marshalResponse(resp) } return out, nil } return marshalResponse(resp) } // respond returns a DNS response to query. func (r *Resolver) respond(query []byte) ([]byte, error) { resp := new(response) // ParseQuery is sufficiently fast to run on every DNS packet. // This is considerably simpler than extracting the name by hand // to shave off microseconds in case of delegation. err := r.parseQuery(query, resp) // We will not return this error: it is the sender's fault. if err != nil { r.logf("parsing query: %v", err) resp.Header.RCode = dns.RCodeFormatError return marshalResponse(resp) } // Always try to handle reverse lookups; delegate inside when not found. // This way, queries for exitent nodes do not leak, // but we behave gracefully if non-Tailscale nodes exist in CGNATRange. if resp.Question.Type == dns.TypePTR { return r.respondReverse(query, resp) } // Delegate forward lookups when not a subdomain of rootDomain. // We do this on bytes because Name.String() allocates. rawName := resp.Question.Name.Data[:resp.Question.Name.Length] if !bytes.HasSuffix(rawName, r.rootDomain) { out, err := r.delegate(query) if err != nil { r.logf("delegating: %v", err) resp.Header.RCode = dns.RCodeServerFailure return marshalResponse(resp) } return out, nil } switch resp.Question.Type { case dns.TypeA, dns.TypeAAAA, dns.TypeALL: name := resp.Question.Name.String() resp.IP, resp.Header.RCode, err = r.Resolve(name) default: resp.Header.RCode = dns.RCodeNotImplemented err = errNotImplemented } // We will not return this error: it is the sender's fault. if err != nil { r.logf("resolving: %v", err) } return marshalResponse(resp) }