// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause //go:build !windows package vms import ( "context" "testing" "time" "github.com/pkg/sftp" expect "github.com/tailscale/goexpect" ) func TestRunUbuntu1804(t *testing.T) { testOneDistribution(t, 0, Distros[0]) } func TestRunUbuntu2004(t *testing.T) { testOneDistribution(t, 1, Distros[1]) } func TestRunNixos2111(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() testOneDistribution(t, 2, Distros[2]) } // TestMITMProxy is a smoke test for derphttp through a MITM proxy. // Encountering such proxies is unfortunately commonplace in more // traditional enterprise networks. // // We invoke tailscale netcheck because the networking check is done // by tailscale rather than tailscaled, making it easier to configure // the proxy. // // To provide the actual MITM server, we use squid. func TestMITMProxy(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() setupTests(t) distro := Distros[2] // nixos-21.11 if distroRex.Unwrap().MatchString(distro.Name) { t.Logf("%s matches %s", distro.Name, distroRex.Unwrap()) } else { t.Skip("regex not matched") } ctx, done := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) t.Cleanup(done) h := newHarness(t) err := ramsem.sem.Acquire(ctx, int64(distro.MemoryMegs)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("can't acquire ram semaphore: %v", err) } t.Cleanup(func() { ramsem.sem.Release(int64(distro.MemoryMegs)) }) vm := h.mkVM(t, 2, distro, h.pubKey, h.loginServerURL, t.TempDir()) vm.waitStartup(t) ipm := h.waitForIPMap(t, vm, distro) _, cli := h.setupSSHShell(t, distro, ipm) sftpCli, err := sftp.NewClient(cli) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("can't connect over sftp to copy binaries: %v", err) } defer sftpCli.Close() // Initialize a squid installation. // // A few things of note here: // - The first thing we do is append the nsslcrtd_program stanza to the config. // This must be an absolute path and is based on the nix path of the squid derivation, // so we compute and write it out here. // - Squid expects a pre-initialized directory layout, so we create that in /tmp/squid then // invoke squid with -z to have it fill in the rest. // - Doing a meddler-in-the-middle attack requires using some fake keys, so we create // them using openssl and then use the security_file_certgen tool to setup squids' ssl_db. // - There were some perms issues, so i yeeted 0777. Its only a test anyway copyFile(t, sftpCli, "squid.conf", "/tmp/squid.conf") runTestCommands(t, 30*time.Second, cli, []expect.Batcher{ &expect.BSnd{S: "echo -e \"\\nsslcrtd_program $(nix eval --raw nixpkgs.squid)/libexec/security_file_certgen -s /tmp/squid/ssl_db -M 4MB\\n\" >> /tmp/squid.conf\n"}, &expect.BSnd{S: "mkdir -p /tmp/squid/{cache,core}\n"}, &expect.BSnd{S: "openssl req -batch -new -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -x509 -keyout /tmp/squid/myca-mitm.pem -out /tmp/squid/myca-mitm.pem\n"}, &expect.BExp{R: `writing new private key to '/tmp/squid/myca-mitm.pem'`}, &expect.BSnd{S: "$(nix eval --raw nixpkgs.squid)/libexec/security_file_certgen -c -s /tmp/squid/ssl_db -M 4MB\n"}, &expect.BExp{R: `Done`}, &expect.BSnd{S: "sudo chmod -R 0777 /tmp/squid\n"}, &expect.BSnd{S: "squid --foreground -YCs -z -f /tmp/squid.conf\n"}, &expect.BSnd{S: "echo Success.\n"}, &expect.BExp{R: `Success.`}, }) // Start the squid server. runTestCommands(t, 10*time.Second, cli, []expect.Batcher{ &expect.BSnd{S: "daemonize -v -c /tmp/squid $(nix eval --raw nixpkgs.squid)/bin/squid --foreground -YCs -f /tmp/squid.conf\n"}, // start daemon // NOTE(tom): Writing to /dev/tcp/* is bash magic, not a file. This // eldritchian incantation lets us wait till squid is up. &expect.BSnd{S: "while ! timeout 5 bash -c 'echo > /dev/tcp/localhost/3128'; do sleep 1; done\n"}, &expect.BSnd{S: "echo Success.\n"}, &expect.BExp{R: `Success.`}, }) // Uncomment to help debugging this test if it fails. // // runTestCommands(t, 30 * time.Second, cli, []expect.Batcher{ // &expect.BSnd{S: "sudo ifconfig\n"}, // &expect.BSnd{S: "sudo ip link\n"}, // &expect.BSnd{S: "sudo ip route\n"}, // &expect.BSnd{S: "ps -aux\n"}, // &expect.BSnd{S: "netstat -a\n"}, // &expect.BSnd{S: "cat /tmp/squid/access.log && cat /tmp/squid/cache.log && cat /tmp/squid.conf && echo Success.\n"}, // &expect.BExp{R: `Success.`}, // }) runTestCommands(t, 30*time.Second, cli, []expect.Batcher{ &expect.BSnd{S: "SSL_CERT_FILE=/tmp/squid/myca-mitm.pem HTTPS_PROXY= tailscale netcheck\n"}, &expect.BExp{R: `IPv4: yes`}, }) }