// Copyright (c) 2022 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package prober import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "strings" "sync" "testing" "time" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" "tailscale.com/syncs" "tailscale.com/tstest" "tailscale.com/tsweb" ) const ( probeInterval = 8 * time.Second // So expvars that are integer numbers of seconds change halfProbeInterval = probeInterval / 2 quarterProbeInterval = probeInterval / 4 convergenceTimeout = time.Second convergenceSleep = time.Millisecond aFewMillis = 20 * time.Millisecond ) var epoch = time.Unix(0, 0) func TestProberTiming(t *testing.T) { clk := newFakeTime() p := newForTest(clk.Now, clk.NewTicker) invoked := make(chan struct{}, 1) notCalled := func() { t.Helper() select { case <-invoked: t.Fatal("probe was invoked earlier than expected") default: } } called := func() { t.Helper() select { case <-invoked: case <-time.After(2 * time.Second): t.Fatal("probe wasn't invoked as expected") } } p.Run("test-probe", probeInterval, nil, func(context.Context) error { invoked <- struct{}{} return nil }) waitActiveProbes(t, p, 1) called() notCalled() clk.Advance(probeInterval + halfProbeInterval) called() notCalled() clk.Advance(quarterProbeInterval) notCalled() clk.Advance(probeInterval) called() notCalled() } func TestProberRun(t *testing.T) { clk := newFakeTime() p := newForTest(clk.Now, clk.NewTicker) var ( mu sync.Mutex cnt int ) const startingProbes = 100 var probes []*Probe for i := 0; i < startingProbes; i++ { probes = append(probes, p.Run(fmt.Sprintf("probe%d", i), probeInterval, nil, func(context.Context) error { mu.Lock() defer mu.Unlock() cnt++ return nil })) } checkCnt := func(want int) { t.Helper() err := tstest.WaitFor(convergenceTimeout, func() error { mu.Lock() defer mu.Unlock() if cnt == want { cnt = 0 return nil } return fmt.Errorf("wrong number of probe counter increments, got %d want %d", cnt, want) }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } waitActiveProbes(t, p, startingProbes) checkCnt(startingProbes) clk.Advance(probeInterval + halfProbeInterval) checkCnt(startingProbes) keep := startingProbes / 2 for i := keep; i < startingProbes; i++ { probes[i].Close() } waitActiveProbes(t, p, keep) clk.Advance(probeInterval) checkCnt(keep) } func TestExpvar(t *testing.T) { clk := newFakeTime() p := newForTest(clk.Now, clk.NewTicker) var succeed syncs.AtomicBool p.Run("probe", probeInterval, map[string]string{"label": "value"}, func(context.Context) error { clk.Advance(aFewMillis) if succeed.Get() { return nil } return errors.New("failing, as instructed by test") }) waitActiveProbes(t, p, 1) check := func(name string, want probeInfo) { t.Helper() err := tstest.WaitFor(convergenceTimeout, func() error { vars := probeExpvar(t, p) if got, want := len(vars), 1; got != want { return fmt.Errorf("wrong probe count in expvar, got %d want %d", got, want) } for k, v := range vars { if k != name { return fmt.Errorf("wrong probe name in expvar, got %q want %q", k, name) } if diff := cmp.Diff(v, &want); diff != "" { return fmt.Errorf("wrong probe stats (-got+want):\n%s", diff) } } return nil }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } check("probe", probeInfo{ Labels: map[string]string{"label": "value"}, Start: epoch, End: epoch.Add(aFewMillis), Latency: aFewMillis.String(), Result: false, }) succeed.Set(true) clk.Advance(probeInterval + halfProbeInterval) st := epoch.Add(probeInterval + halfProbeInterval + aFewMillis) check("probe", probeInfo{ Labels: map[string]string{"label": "value"}, Start: st, End: st.Add(aFewMillis), Latency: aFewMillis.String(), Result: true, }) } func TestPrometheus(t *testing.T) { clk := newFakeTime() p := newForTest(clk.Now, clk.NewTicker) var succeed syncs.AtomicBool p.Run("testprobe", probeInterval, map[string]string{"label": "value"}, func(context.Context) error { clk.Advance(aFewMillis) if succeed.Get() { return nil } return errors.New("failing, as instructed by test") }) waitActiveProbes(t, p, 1) err := tstest.WaitFor(convergenceTimeout, func() error { var b bytes.Buffer p.Expvar().(tsweb.PrometheusVar).WritePrometheus(&b, "probe") want := strings.TrimSpace(fmt.Sprintf(` probe_interval_secs{name="testprobe",label="value"} %f probe_start_secs{name="testprobe",label="value"} %d probe_end_secs{name="testprobe",label="value"} %d probe_latency_millis{name="testprobe",label="value"} %d probe_result{name="testprobe",label="value"} 0 `, probeInterval.Seconds(), epoch.Unix(), epoch.Add(aFewMillis).Unix(), aFewMillis.Milliseconds())) if diff := cmp.Diff(strings.TrimSpace(b.String()), want); diff != "" { return fmt.Errorf("wrong probe stats (-got+want):\n%s", diff) } return nil }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } succeed.Set(true) clk.Advance(probeInterval + halfProbeInterval) err = tstest.WaitFor(convergenceTimeout, func() error { var b bytes.Buffer p.Expvar().(tsweb.PrometheusVar).WritePrometheus(&b, "probe") start := epoch.Add(probeInterval + halfProbeInterval) end := start.Add(aFewMillis) want := strings.TrimSpace(fmt.Sprintf(` probe_interval_secs{name="testprobe",label="value"} %f probe_start_secs{name="testprobe",label="value"} %d probe_end_secs{name="testprobe",label="value"} %d probe_latency_millis{name="testprobe",label="value"} %d probe_result{name="testprobe",label="value"} 1 `, probeInterval.Seconds(), start.Unix(), end.Unix(), aFewMillis.Milliseconds())) if diff := cmp.Diff(strings.TrimSpace(b.String()), want); diff != "" { return fmt.Errorf("wrong probe stats (-got+want):\n%s", diff) } return nil }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } type fakeTicker struct { ch chan time.Time interval time.Duration sync.Mutex next time.Time stopped bool } func (t *fakeTicker) Chan() <-chan time.Time { return t.ch } func (t *fakeTicker) Stop() { t.Lock() defer t.Unlock() t.stopped = true } func (t *fakeTicker) fire(now time.Time) { t.Lock() defer t.Unlock() // Slight deviation from the stdlib ticker: time.Ticker will // adjust t.next to make up for missed ticks, whereas we tick on a // fixed interval regardless of receiver behavior. In our case // this is fine, since we're using the ticker as a wakeup // mechanism and not a precise timekeeping system. select { case t.ch <- now: default: } for now.After(t.next) { t.next = t.next.Add(t.interval) } } type fakeTime struct { sync.Mutex *sync.Cond curTime time.Time tickers []*fakeTicker } func newFakeTime() *fakeTime { ret := &fakeTime{ curTime: epoch, } ret.Cond = &sync.Cond{L: &ret.Mutex} return ret } func (t *fakeTime) Now() time.Time { t.Lock() defer t.Unlock() ret := t.curTime return ret } func (t *fakeTime) NewTicker(d time.Duration) ticker { t.Lock() defer t.Unlock() ret := &fakeTicker{ ch: make(chan time.Time, 1), interval: d, next: t.curTime.Add(d), } t.tickers = append(t.tickers, ret) t.Cond.Broadcast() return ret } func (t *fakeTime) Advance(d time.Duration) { t.Lock() defer t.Unlock() t.curTime = t.curTime.Add(d) for _, tick := range t.tickers { if t.curTime.After(tick.next) { tick.fire(t.curTime) } } } func probeExpvar(t *testing.T, p *Prober) map[string]*probeInfo { t.Helper() s := p.Expvar().String() ret := map[string]*probeInfo{} if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), &ret); err != nil { t.Fatalf("expvar json decode failed: %v", err) } return ret } func waitActiveProbes(t *testing.T, p *Prober, want int) { t.Helper() err := tstest.WaitFor(convergenceTimeout, func() error { if got := p.activeProbes(); got != want { return fmt.Errorf("active probe count is %d, want %d", got, want) } return nil }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } }