{{ with .Profile }}


{{ end }}
{{ with .Profile.ProfilePicURL }}
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .IP }}



Debug info: Tailscale {{ .IPNVersion }}, tun={{.TUNMode}}{{ if .IsSynology }}, DSM{{ .DSMVersion}} {{if not .TUNMode}} (outgoing access not configured) {{end}} {{end}}

{{ end }} {{ if or (eq .Status "NeedsLogin") (eq .Status "NoState") }} {{ if .IP }}

Your device's key has expired. Reauthenticate this device by logging in again, or learn more.

{{ else }}

Log in

Get started by logging in to your Tailscale network. Or, learn more at tailscale.com.

{{ end }} {{ else if eq .Status "NeedsMachineAuth" }}
This device is authorized, but needs approval from a network admin before it can connect to the network.
{{ else }}

You are connected! Access this device over Tailscale using the device name or IP address above.

{{if .AdvertiseExitNode}} {{else}} {{end}}
{{ end }}