#!/usr/bin/env sh # # Runs `go build` with flags configured for docker distribution. All # it does differently from `go build` is burn git commit and version # information into the binaries inside docker, so that we can track down user # issues. # ############################################################################ # # WARNING: Tailscale is not yet officially supported in container # environments, such as Docker and Kubernetes. Though it should work, we # don't regularly test it, and we know there are some feature limitations. # # See current bugs tagged "containers": # https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/labels/containers # ############################################################################ set -eu eval $(./build_dist.sh shellvars) docker build \ --build-arg VERSION_LONG=$VERSION_LONG \ --build-arg VERSION_SHORT=$VERSION_SHORT \ --build-arg VERSION_GIT_HASH=$VERSION_GIT_HASH \ -t tailscale:$VERSION_SHORT -t tailscale:latest .