// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause // The wasm package builds a WebAssembly module that provides a subset of // Tailscale APIs to JavaScript. // // When run in the browser, a newIPN(config) function is added to the global JS // namespace. When called it returns an ipn object with the methods // run(callbacks), login(), logout(), and ssh(...). package main import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "fmt" "log" "math/rand/v2" "net" "net/http" "net/netip" "strings" "syscall/js" "time" "golang.org/x/crypto/ssh" "tailscale.com/control/controlclient" "tailscale.com/ipn" "tailscale.com/ipn/ipnlocal" "tailscale.com/ipn/ipnserver" "tailscale.com/ipn/store/mem" "tailscale.com/logpolicy" "tailscale.com/logtail" "tailscale.com/net/netns" "tailscale.com/net/tsdial" "tailscale.com/safesocket" "tailscale.com/tailcfg" "tailscale.com/tsd" "tailscale.com/types/views" "tailscale.com/wgengine" "tailscale.com/wgengine/netstack" "tailscale.com/words" ) // ControlURL defines the URL to be used for connection to Control. var ControlURL = ipn.DefaultControlURL func main() { js.Global().Set("newIPN", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any { if len(args) != 1 { log.Fatal("Usage: newIPN(config)") return nil } return newIPN(args[0]) })) // Keep Go runtime alive, otherwise it will be shut down before newIPN gets // called. <-make(chan bool) } func newIPN(jsConfig js.Value) map[string]any { netns.SetEnabled(false) var store ipn.StateStore if jsStateStorage := jsConfig.Get("stateStorage"); !jsStateStorage.IsUndefined() { store = &jsStateStore{jsStateStorage} } else { store = new(mem.Store) } controlURL := ControlURL if jsControlURL := jsConfig.Get("controlURL"); jsControlURL.Type() == js.TypeString { controlURL = jsControlURL.String() } var authKey string if jsAuthKey := jsConfig.Get("authKey"); jsAuthKey.Type() == js.TypeString { authKey = jsAuthKey.String() } var hostname string if jsHostname := jsConfig.Get("hostname"); jsHostname.Type() == js.TypeString { hostname = jsHostname.String() } else { hostname = generateHostname() } lpc := getOrCreateLogPolicyConfig(store) c := logtail.Config{ Collection: lpc.Collection, PrivateID: lpc.PrivateID, // Compressed requests set HTTP headers that are not supported by the // no-cors fetching mode: CompressLogs: false, HTTPC: &http.Client{Transport: &noCORSTransport{http.DefaultTransport}}, } logtail := logtail.NewLogger(c, log.Printf) logf := logtail.Logf sys := new(tsd.System) sys.Set(store) dialer := &tsdial.Dialer{Logf: logf} eng, err := wgengine.NewUserspaceEngine(logf, wgengine.Config{ Dialer: dialer, SetSubsystem: sys.Set, ControlKnobs: sys.ControlKnobs(), HealthTracker: sys.HealthTracker(), }) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } sys.Set(eng) ns, err := netstack.Create(logf, sys.Tun.Get(), eng, sys.MagicSock.Get(), dialer, sys.DNSManager.Get(), sys.ProxyMapper(), nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("netstack.Create: %v", err) } sys.Set(ns) ns.ProcessLocalIPs = true ns.ProcessSubnets = true dialer.UseNetstackForIP = func(ip netip.Addr) bool { return true } dialer.NetstackDialTCP = func(ctx context.Context, dst netip.AddrPort) (net.Conn, error) { return ns.DialContextTCP(ctx, dst) } sys.NetstackRouter.Set(true) sys.Tun.Get().Start() logid := lpc.PublicID srv := ipnserver.New(logf, logid, sys.NetMon.Get()) lb, err := ipnlocal.NewLocalBackend(logf, logid, sys, controlclient.LoginEphemeral) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("ipnlocal.NewLocalBackend: %v", err) } if err := ns.Start(lb); err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to start netstack: %v", err) } srv.SetLocalBackend(lb) jsIPN := &jsIPN{ dialer: dialer, srv: srv, lb: lb, controlURL: controlURL, authKey: authKey, hostname: hostname, } return map[string]any{ "run": js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any { if len(args) != 1 { log.Fatal(`Usage: run({ notifyState(state: int): void, notifyNetMap(netMap: object): void, notifyBrowseToURL(url: string): void, notifyPanicRecover(err: string): void, })`) return nil } jsIPN.run(args[0]) return nil }), "login": js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any { if len(args) != 0 { log.Printf("Usage: login()") return nil } jsIPN.login() return nil }), "logout": js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any { if len(args) != 0 { log.Printf("Usage: logout()") return nil } jsIPN.logout() return nil }), "ssh": js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any { if len(args) != 3 { log.Printf("Usage: ssh(hostname, userName, termConfig)") return nil } return jsIPN.ssh( args[0].String(), args[1].String(), args[2]) }), "fetch": js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any { if len(args) != 1 { log.Printf("Usage: fetch(url)") return nil } url := args[0].String() return jsIPN.fetch(url) }), } } type jsIPN struct { dialer *tsdial.Dialer srv *ipnserver.Server lb *ipnlocal.LocalBackend controlURL string authKey string hostname string } var jsIPNState = map[ipn.State]string{ ipn.NoState: "NoState", ipn.InUseOtherUser: "InUseOtherUser", ipn.NeedsLogin: "NeedsLogin", ipn.NeedsMachineAuth: "NeedsMachineAuth", ipn.Stopped: "Stopped", ipn.Starting: "Starting", ipn.Running: "Running", } var jsMachineStatus = map[tailcfg.MachineStatus]string{ tailcfg.MachineUnknown: "MachineUnknown", tailcfg.MachineUnauthorized: "MachineUnauthorized", tailcfg.MachineAuthorized: "MachineAuthorized", tailcfg.MachineInvalid: "MachineInvalid", } func (i *jsIPN) run(jsCallbacks js.Value) { notifyState := func(state ipn.State) { jsCallbacks.Call("notifyState", jsIPNState[state]) } notifyState(ipn.NoState) i.lb.SetNotifyCallback(func(n ipn.Notify) { // Panics in the notify callback are likely due to be due to bugs in // this bridging module (as opposed to actual bugs in Tailscale) and // thus may be recoverable. Let the UI know, and allow the user to // choose if they want to reload the page. defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { fmt.Println("Panic recovered:", r) jsCallbacks.Call("notifyPanicRecover", fmt.Sprint(r)) } }() log.Printf("NOTIFY: %+v", n) if n.State != nil { notifyState(*n.State) } if nm := n.NetMap; nm != nil { jsNetMap := jsNetMap{ Self: jsNetMapSelfNode{ jsNetMapNode: jsNetMapNode{ Name: nm.Name, Addresses: mapSliceView(nm.GetAddresses(), func(a netip.Prefix) string { return a.Addr().String() }), NodeKey: nm.NodeKey.String(), MachineKey: nm.MachineKey.String(), }, MachineStatus: jsMachineStatus[nm.GetMachineStatus()], }, Peers: mapSlice(nm.Peers, func(p tailcfg.NodeView) jsNetMapPeerNode { name := p.Name() if name == "" { // In practice this should only happen for Hello. name = p.Hostinfo().Hostname() } addrs := make([]string, p.Addresses().Len()) for i := range p.Addresses().Len() { addrs[i] = p.Addresses().At(i).Addr().String() } return jsNetMapPeerNode{ jsNetMapNode: jsNetMapNode{ Name: name, Addresses: addrs, MachineKey: p.Machine().String(), NodeKey: p.Key().String(), }, Online: p.Online(), TailscaleSSHEnabled: p.Hostinfo().TailscaleSSHEnabled(), } }), LockedOut: nm.TKAEnabled && nm.SelfNode.KeySignature().Len() == 0, } if jsonNetMap, err := json.Marshal(jsNetMap); err == nil { jsCallbacks.Call("notifyNetMap", string(jsonNetMap)) } else { log.Printf("Could not generate JSON netmap: %v", err) } } if n.BrowseToURL != nil { jsCallbacks.Call("notifyBrowseToURL", *n.BrowseToURL) } }) go func() { err := i.lb.Start(ipn.Options{ UpdatePrefs: &ipn.Prefs{ ControlURL: i.controlURL, RouteAll: false, WantRunning: true, Hostname: i.hostname, }, AuthKey: i.authKey, }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Start error: %v", err) } }() go func() { ln, err := safesocket.Listen("") if err != nil { log.Fatalf("safesocket.Listen: %v", err) } err = i.srv.Run(context.Background(), ln) log.Fatalf("ipnserver.Run exited: %v", err) }() } func (i *jsIPN) login() { go i.lb.StartLoginInteractive(context.Background()) } func (i *jsIPN) logout() { if i.lb.State() == ipn.NoState { log.Printf("Backend not running") } go func() { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second) defer cancel() i.lb.Logout(ctx) }() } func (i *jsIPN) ssh(host, username string, termConfig js.Value) map[string]any { jsSSHSession := &jsSSHSession{ jsIPN: i, host: host, username: username, termConfig: termConfig, } go jsSSHSession.Run() return map[string]any{ "close": js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any { return jsSSHSession.Close() != nil }), "resize": js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any { rows := args[0].Int() cols := args[1].Int() return jsSSHSession.Resize(rows, cols) != nil }), } } type jsSSHSession struct { jsIPN *jsIPN host string username string termConfig js.Value session *ssh.Session pendingResizeRows int pendingResizeCols int } func (s *jsSSHSession) Run() { writeFn := s.termConfig.Get("writeFn") writeErrorFn := s.termConfig.Get("writeErrorFn") setReadFn := s.termConfig.Get("setReadFn") rows := s.termConfig.Get("rows").Int() cols := s.termConfig.Get("cols").Int() timeoutSeconds := 5.0 if jsTimeoutSeconds := s.termConfig.Get("timeoutSeconds"); jsTimeoutSeconds.Type() == js.TypeNumber { timeoutSeconds = jsTimeoutSeconds.Float() } onConnectionProgress := s.termConfig.Get("onConnectionProgress") onConnected := s.termConfig.Get("onConnected") onDone := s.termConfig.Get("onDone") defer onDone.Invoke() writeError := func(label string, err error) { writeErrorFn.Invoke(fmt.Sprintf("%s Error: %v\r\n", label, err)) } reportProgress := func(message string) { onConnectionProgress.Invoke(message) } ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(timeoutSeconds*float64(time.Second))) defer cancel() reportProgress(fmt.Sprintf("Connecting to %s…", strings.Split(s.host, ".")[0])) c, err := s.jsIPN.dialer.UserDial(ctx, "tcp", net.JoinHostPort(s.host, "22")) if err != nil { writeError("Dial", err) return } defer c.Close() config := &ssh.ClientConfig{ HostKeyCallback: func(hostname string, remote net.Addr, key ssh.PublicKey) error { // Host keys are not used with Tailscale SSH, but we can use this // callback to know that the connection has been established. reportProgress("SSH connection established…") return nil }, User: s.username, } reportProgress("Starting SSH client…") sshConn, _, _, err := ssh.NewClientConn(c, s.host, config) if err != nil { writeError("SSH Connection", err) return } defer sshConn.Close() sshClient := ssh.NewClient(sshConn, nil, nil) defer sshClient.Close() session, err := sshClient.NewSession() if err != nil { writeError("SSH Session", err) return } s.session = session defer session.Close() stdin, err := session.StdinPipe() if err != nil { writeError("SSH Stdin", err) return } session.Stdout = termWriter{writeFn} session.Stderr = termWriter{writeFn} setReadFn.Invoke(js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any { input := args[0].String() _, err := stdin.Write([]byte(input)) if err != nil { writeError("Write Input", err) } return nil })) // We might have gotten a resize notification since we started opening the // session, pick up the latest size. if s.pendingResizeRows != 0 { rows = s.pendingResizeRows } if s.pendingResizeCols != 0 { cols = s.pendingResizeCols } err = session.RequestPty("xterm", rows, cols, ssh.TerminalModes{}) if err != nil { writeError("Pseudo Terminal", err) return } err = session.Shell() if err != nil { writeError("Shell", err) return } onConnected.Invoke() err = session.Wait() if err != nil { writeError("Wait", err) return } } func (s *jsSSHSession) Close() error { if s.session == nil { // We never had a chance to open the session, ignore the close request. return nil } return s.session.Close() } func (s *jsSSHSession) Resize(rows, cols int) error { if s.session == nil { s.pendingResizeRows = rows s.pendingResizeCols = cols return nil } return s.session.WindowChange(rows, cols) } func (i *jsIPN) fetch(url string) js.Value { return makePromise(func() (any, error) { c := &http.Client{ Transport: &http.Transport{ DialContext: i.dialer.UserDial, }, } res, err := c.Get(url) if err != nil { return nil, err } return map[string]any{ "status": res.StatusCode, "statusText": res.Status, "text": js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any { return makePromise(func() (any, error) { defer res.Body.Close() buf := new(bytes.Buffer) if _, err := buf.ReadFrom(res.Body); err != nil { return nil, err } return buf.String(), nil }) }), // TODO: populate a more complete JS Response object }, nil }) } type termWriter struct { f js.Value } func (w termWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { r := bytes.Replace(p, []byte("\n"), []byte("\n\r"), -1) w.f.Invoke(string(r)) return len(p), nil } type jsNetMap struct { Self jsNetMapSelfNode `json:"self"` Peers []jsNetMapPeerNode `json:"peers"` LockedOut bool `json:"lockedOut"` } type jsNetMapNode struct { Name string `json:"name"` Addresses []string `json:"addresses"` MachineKey string `json:"machineKey"` NodeKey string `json:"nodeKey"` } type jsNetMapSelfNode struct { jsNetMapNode MachineStatus string `json:"machineStatus"` } type jsNetMapPeerNode struct { jsNetMapNode Online *bool `json:"online,omitempty"` TailscaleSSHEnabled bool `json:"tailscaleSSHEnabled"` } type jsStateStore struct { jsStateStorage js.Value } func (s *jsStateStore) ReadState(id ipn.StateKey) ([]byte, error) { jsValue := s.jsStateStorage.Call("getState", string(id)) if jsValue.String() == "" { return nil, ipn.ErrStateNotExist } return hex.DecodeString(jsValue.String()) } func (s *jsStateStore) WriteState(id ipn.StateKey, bs []byte) error { s.jsStateStorage.Call("setState", string(id), hex.EncodeToString(bs)) return nil } func mapSlice[T any, M any](a []T, f func(T) M) []M { n := make([]M, len(a)) for i, e := range a { n[i] = f(e) } return n } func mapSliceView[T any, M any](a views.Slice[T], f func(T) M) []M { n := make([]M, a.Len()) for i := range a.Len() { n[i] = f(a.At(i)) } return n } func filterSlice[T any](a []T, f func(T) bool) []T { n := make([]T, 0, len(a)) for _, e := range a { if f(e) { n = append(n, e) } } return n } func generateHostname() string { tails := words.Tails() scales := words.Scales() if rand.IntN(2) == 0 { // JavaScript tails = filterSlice(tails, func(s string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(s, "j") }) scales = filterSlice(scales, func(s string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(s, "s") }) } else { // WebAssembly tails = filterSlice(tails, func(s string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(s, "w") }) scales = filterSlice(scales, func(s string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(s, "a") }) } tail := tails[rand.IntN(len(tails))] scale := scales[rand.IntN(len(scales))] return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", tail, scale) } // makePromise handles the boilerplate of wrapping goroutines with JS promises. // f is run on a goroutine and its return value is used to resolve the promise // (or reject it if an error is returned). func makePromise(f func() (any, error)) js.Value { handler := js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any { resolve := args[0] reject := args[1] go func() { if res, err := f(); err == nil { resolve.Invoke(res) } else { reject.Invoke(err.Error()) } }() return nil }) promiseConstructor := js.Global().Get("Promise") return promiseConstructor.New(handler) } const logPolicyStateKey = "log-policy" func getOrCreateLogPolicyConfig(state ipn.StateStore) *logpolicy.Config { if configBytes, err := state.ReadState(logPolicyStateKey); err == nil { if config, err := logpolicy.ConfigFromBytes(configBytes); err == nil { return config } else { log.Printf("Could not parse log policy config: %v", err) } } else if err != ipn.ErrStateNotExist { log.Printf("Could not get log policy config from state store: %v", err) } config := logpolicy.NewConfig(logtail.CollectionNode) if err := state.WriteState(logPolicyStateKey, config.ToBytes()); err != nil { log.Printf("Could not save log policy config to state store: %v", err) } return config } // noCORSTransport wraps a RoundTripper and forces the no-cors mode on requests, // so that we can use it with non-CORS-aware servers. type noCORSTransport struct { http.RoundTripper } func (t *noCORSTransport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { req.Header.Set("js.fetch:mode", "no-cors") resp, err := t.RoundTripper.RoundTrip(req) if err == nil { // In no-cors mode no response properties are returned. Populate just // the status so that callers do not think this was an error. resp.StatusCode = http.StatusOK resp.Status = http.StatusText(http.StatusOK) } return resp, err }