#!/usr/bin/env sh # Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # # gocross-wrapper.sh is a wrapper that can be aliased to 'go', which # transparently builds gocross using a "bootstrap" Go toolchain, and # then invokes gocross. set -eu if [ "${CI:-}" = "true" ]; then set -x fi # Locate a bootstrap toolchain and (re)build gocross if necessary. We run all of # this in a subshell because posix shell semantics make it very easy to # accidentally mutate the input environment that will get passed to gocross at # the bottom of this script. ( repo_root="$(dirname $0)/../.." toolchain="$HOME/.cache/tailscale-go" if [ -d "$toolchain" ]; then # A toolchain exists, but is it recent enough to compile gocross? If not, # wipe it out so that the next if block fetches a usable one. want_go_minor=$(egrep '^go ' "$repo_root/go.mod" | cut -f2 -d'.') have_go_minor=$(cut -f2 -d'.' <$toolchain/VERSION) if [ -z "$have_go_minor" -o "$have_go_minor" -lt "$want_go_minor" ]; then rm -rf "$toolchain" "$toolchain.extracted" fi fi if [ ! -d "$toolchain" ]; then mkdir -p "$HOME/.cache" # We need any Go toolchain to build gocross, but the toolchain also has to # be reasonably recent because we upgrade eagerly and gocross might not # build with Go N-1. So, if we have no cached tailscale toolchain at all, # fetch the initial one in shell. Once gocross is built, it'll manage # updates. read -r REV <$repo_root/go.toolchain.rev case "$REV" in /*) toolchain="$REV" ;; *) # This works for linux and darwin, which is sufficient # (we do not build tailscale-go for other targets). HOST_OS=$(uname -s | tr A-Z a-z) HOST_ARCH="$(uname -m)" if [ "$HOST_ARCH" = "aarch64" ]; then # Go uses the name "arm64". HOST_ARCH="arm64" elif [ "$HOST_ARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then # Go uses the name "amd64". HOST_ARCH="amd64" fi rm -rf "$toolchain" "$toolchain.extracted" curl -f -L -o "$toolchain.tar.gz" "https://github.com/tailscale/go/releases/download/build-${REV}/${HOST_OS}-${HOST_ARCH}.tar.gz" mkdir -p "$toolchain" (cd "$toolchain" && tar --strip-components=1 -xf "$toolchain.tar.gz") echo "$REV" >"$toolchain.extracted" ;; esac fi # Binaries run with `gocross run` can reinvoke gocross, resulting in a # potentially fancy build that invokes external linkers, might be # cross-building for other targets, and so forth. In one hilarious # case, cmd/cloner invokes go with GO111MODULE=off at some stage. # # Anyway, build gocross in a stripped down universe. gocross_path="$repo_root/gocross" gocross_ok=0 if [ -x "$gocross_path" ]; then gotver="$($gocross_path gocross-version 2>/dev/null || echo '')" wantver="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" if [ "$gotver" = "$wantver" ]; then gocross_ok=1 fi fi if [ "$gocross_ok" = "0" ]; then unset GOOS unset GOARCH unset GO111MODULE unset GOROOT export CGO_ENABLED=0 "$toolchain/bin/go" build -o "$gocross_path" -ldflags='-X tailscale.com/version/gitCommitStamp=$wantver' tailscale.com/tool/gocross fi ) # End of the subshell execution. exec "$(dirname $0)/../../gocross" "$@"