@ -20,43 +20,43 @@ import (
const viewTemplateStr = ` { { define "common" } }
// View returns a readonly view of {{.StructName}}.
func ( p * { { . StructName } } ) View ( ) { { . ViewName } } {
return { { . ViewName } } { ж : p }
func ( p * { { . StructName } } {{ . TypeParamNames } } ) View ( ) { { . ViewName } } { { . TypeParamNames } } {
return { { . ViewName } } { { . TypeParamNames } } { ж : p }
// {{.ViewName}} provides a read-only view over {{.StructName}}.
// {{.ViewName}} {{.TypeParamNames}} provides a read-only view over {{.StructName}}{{.TypeParamNames }}.
// Its methods should only be called if ` + "`Valid()`" + ` returns true.
type { { . ViewName } } struct {
type { { . ViewName } } { { . TypeParams } } struct {
// ж is the underlying mutable value, named with a hard-to-type
// character that looks pointy like a pointer.
// It is named distinctively to make you think of how dangerous it is to escape
// to callers. You must not let callers be able to mutate it.
ж * { { . StructName } }
ж * { { . StructName } } { { . TypeParamNames } }
// Valid reports whether underlying value is non-nil.
func ( v { { . ViewName } } ) Valid ( ) bool { return v . ж != nil }
func ( v { { . ViewName } } {{ . TypeParamNames } } ) Valid ( ) bool { return v . ж != nil }
// AsStruct returns a clone of the underlying value which aliases no memory with
// the original.
func ( v { { . ViewName } } ) AsStruct ( ) * { { . StructName } } {
func ( v { { . ViewName } } {{ . TypeParamNames } } ) AsStruct ( ) * { { . StructName } } { { . TypeParamNames } } {
if v . ж == nil {
return nil
return v . ж . Clone ( )
func ( v { { . ViewName } } ) MarshalJSON ( ) ( [ ] byte , error ) { return json . Marshal ( v . ж ) }
func ( v { { . ViewName } } {{ . TypeParamNames } } ) MarshalJSON ( ) ( [ ] byte , error ) { return json . Marshal ( v . ж ) }
func ( v * { { . ViewName } } ) UnmarshalJSON ( b [ ] byte ) error {
func ( v * { { . ViewName } } {{ . TypeParamNames } } ) UnmarshalJSON ( b [ ] byte ) error {
if v . ж != nil {
return errors . New ( "already initialized" )
if len ( b ) == 0 {
return nil
var x { { . StructName } }
var x { { . StructName } } { { . TypeParamNames } }
if err := json . Unmarshal ( b , & x ) ; err != nil {
return err
@ -65,17 +65,17 @@ func (v *{{.ViewName}}) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
{ { end } }
{ { define "valueField" } } func ( v { { . ViewName } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) { { . FieldType } } { return v . ж . { { . FieldName } } }
{ { define "valueField" } } func ( v { { . ViewName } } {{ . TypeParamNames } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) { { . FieldType } } { return v . ж . { { . FieldName } } }
{ { end } }
{ { define "byteSliceField" } } func ( v { { . ViewName } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) views . ByteSlice [ { { . FieldType } } ] { return views . ByteSliceOf ( v . ж . { { . FieldName } } ) }
{ { define "byteSliceField" } } func ( v { { . ViewName } } {{ . TypeParamNames } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) views . ByteSlice [ { { . FieldType } } ] { return views . ByteSliceOf ( v . ж . { { . FieldName } } ) }
{ { end } }
{ { define "sliceField" } } func ( v { { . ViewName } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) views . Slice [ { { . FieldType } } ] { return views . SliceOf ( v . ж . { { . FieldName } } ) }
{ { define "sliceField" } } func ( v { { . ViewName } } {{ . TypeParamNames } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) views . Slice [ { { . FieldType } } ] { return views . SliceOf ( v . ж . { { . FieldName } } ) }
{ { end } }
{ { define "viewSliceField" } } func ( v { { . ViewName } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) views . SliceView [ { { . FieldType } } , { { . FieldViewName } } ] { return views . SliceOfViews [ { { . FieldType } } , { { . FieldViewName } } ] ( v . ж . { { . FieldName } } ) }
{ { define "viewSliceField" } } func ( v { { . ViewName } } {{ . TypeParamNames } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) views . SliceView [ { { . FieldType } } , { { . FieldViewName } } ] { return views . SliceOfViews [ { { . FieldType } } , { { . FieldViewName } } ] ( v . ж . { { . FieldName } } ) }
{ { end } }
{ { define "viewField" } } func ( v { { . ViewName } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) { { . Field Type} } View { return v . ж . { { . FieldName } } . View ( ) }
{ { define "viewField" } } func ( v { { . ViewName } } {{ . TypeParamNames } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) { { . Field ViewName} } { return v . ж . { { . FieldName } } . View ( ) }
{ { end } }
{ { define "valuePointerField" } } func ( v { { . ViewName } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) { { . FieldType } } {
{ { define "valuePointerField" } } func ( v { { . ViewName } } {{ . TypeParamNames } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) { { . FieldType } } {
if v . ж . { { . FieldName } } == nil {
return nil
@ -85,21 +85,21 @@ func (v *{{.ViewName}}) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
{ { end } }
{ { define "mapField" } }
func ( v { { . ViewName } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) views . Map [ { { . MapKeyType } } , { { . MapValueType } } ] { return views . MapOf ( v . ж . { { . FieldName } } ) }
func ( v { { . ViewName } } {{ . TypeParamNames } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) views . Map [ { { . MapKeyType } } , { { . MapValueType } } ] { return views . MapOf ( v . ж . { { . FieldName } } ) }
{ { end } }
{ { define "mapFnField" } }
func ( v { { . ViewName } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) views . MapFn [ { { . MapKeyType } } , { { . MapValueType } } , { { . MapValueView } } ] { return views . MapFnOf ( v . ж . { { . FieldName } } , func ( t { { . MapValueType } } ) { { . MapValueView } } {
func ( v { { . ViewName } } {{ . TypeParamNames } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) views . MapFn [ { { . MapKeyType } } , { { . MapValueType } } , { { . MapValueView } } ] { return views . MapFnOf ( v . ж . { { . FieldName } } , func ( t { { . MapValueType } } ) { { . MapValueView } } {
return { { . MapFn } }
} ) }
{ { end } }
{ { define "mapSliceField" } }
func ( v { { . ViewName } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) views . MapSlice [ { { . MapKeyType } } , { { . MapValueType } } ] { return views . MapSliceOf ( v . ж . { { . FieldName } } ) }
func ( v { { . ViewName } } {{ . TypeParamNames } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) views . MapSlice [ { { . MapKeyType } } , { { . MapValueType } } ] { return views . MapSliceOf ( v . ж . { { . FieldName } } ) }
{ { end } }
{ { define "unsupportedField" } } func ( v { { . ViewName } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) { { . FieldType } } { panic ( "unsupported" ) }
{ { define "unsupportedField" } } func ( v { { . ViewName } } {{ . TypeParamNames } } ) { { . FieldName } } ( ) { { . FieldType } } { panic ( "unsupported" ) }
{ { end } }
{ { define "stringFunc" } } func ( v { { . ViewName } } ) String ( ) string { return v . ж . String ( ) }
{ { define "stringFunc" } } func ( v { { . ViewName } } {{ . TypeParamNames } } ) String ( ) string { return v . ж . String ( ) }
{ { end } }
{ { define "equalFunc" } } func ( v { { . ViewName } } ) Equal ( v2 { { . ViewName } } ) bool { return v . ж . Equal ( v2 . ж ) }
{ { define "equalFunc" } } func ( v { { . ViewName } } {{ . TypeParamNames } } ) Equal ( v2 { { . ViewName } } { { . TypeParamNames } } ) bool { return v . ж . Equal ( v2 . ж ) }
{ { end } }
@ -131,8 +131,11 @@ func genView(buf *bytes.Buffer, it *codegen.ImportTracker, typ *types.Named, thi
it . Import ( "errors" )
args := struct {
StructName string
ViewName string
StructName string
ViewName string
TypeParams string // e.g. [T constraints.Integer]
TypeParamNames string // e.g. [T]
FieldName string
FieldType string
FieldViewName string
@ -143,9 +146,12 @@ func genView(buf *bytes.Buffer, it *codegen.ImportTracker, typ *types.Named, thi
MapFn string
} {
StructName : typ . Obj ( ) . Name ( ) ,
ViewName : typ . O bj( ) . Name ( ) + "View" ,
ViewName : typ . O rigin( ) . O bj( ) . Name ( ) + "View" ,
typeParams := typ . Origin ( ) . TypeParams ( )
args . TypeParams , args . TypeParamNames = codegen . FormatTypeParams ( typeParams , it )
writeTemplate := func ( name string ) {
if err := viewTemplate . ExecuteTemplate ( buf , name , args ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( err )
@ -182,19 +188,35 @@ func genView(buf *bytes.Buffer, it *codegen.ImportTracker, typ *types.Named, thi
it . Import ( "tailscale.com/types/views" )
shallow , deep , base := requiresCloning ( elem )
if deep {
if _ , isPtr := elem . ( * types . Pointer ) ; isPtr {
args . FieldViewName = it . QualifiedName ( base ) + "View"
writeTemplate ( "viewSliceField" )
} else {
writeTemplate ( "unsupportedField" )
switch elem . Underlying ( ) . ( type ) {
case * types . Pointer :
if _ , isIface := base . Underlying ( ) . ( * types . Interface ) ; ! isIface {
args . FieldViewName = appendNameSuffix ( it . QualifiedName ( base ) , "View" )
writeTemplate ( "viewSliceField" )
} else {
writeTemplate ( "unsupportedField" )
case * types . Interface :
if viewType := viewTypeForValueType ( elem ) ; viewType != nil {
args . FieldViewName = it . QualifiedName ( viewType )
writeTemplate ( "viewSliceField" )
writeTemplate ( "unsupportedField" )
} else if shallow {
if _ , isBasic := base . ( * types . Basic ) ; isBasic {
switch base . Underlying ( ) . ( type ) {
case * types . Basic , * types . Interface :
writeTemplate ( "unsupportedField" )
} else {
args . FieldViewName = it . QualifiedName ( base ) + "View"
writeTemplate ( "viewSliceField" )
default :
if _ , isIface := base . Underlying ( ) . ( * types . Interface ) ; ! isIface {
args . FieldViewName = appendNameSuffix ( it . QualifiedName ( base ) , "View" )
writeTemplate ( "viewSliceField" )
} else {
writeTemplate ( "unsupportedField" )
@ -205,6 +227,7 @@ func genView(buf *bytes.Buffer, it *codegen.ImportTracker, typ *types.Named, thi
strucT := underlying
args . FieldType = it . QualifiedName ( fieldType )
if codegen . ContainsPointers ( strucT ) {
args . FieldViewName = appendNameSuffix ( args . FieldType , "View" )
writeTemplate ( "viewField" )
@ -229,7 +252,7 @@ func genView(buf *bytes.Buffer, it *codegen.ImportTracker, typ *types.Named, thi
args . MapFn = "t.View()"
template = "mapFnField"
args . MapValueType = it . QualifiedName ( mElem )
args . MapValueView = args . MapValueType + "View"
args . MapValueView = appendNameSuffix ( args . MapValueType , "View" )
} else {
template = "mapField"
args . MapValueType = it . QualifiedName ( mElem )
@ -249,15 +272,20 @@ func genView(buf *bytes.Buffer, it *codegen.ImportTracker, typ *types.Named, thi
case * types . Pointer :
ptr := x
pElem := ptr . Elem ( )
switch pElem . ( type ) {
case * types . Struct , * types . Named :
ptrType := it . QualifiedName ( ptr )
viewType := it . QualifiedName ( pElem ) + "View"
args . MapFn = fmt . Sprintf ( "views.SliceOfViews[%v,%v](t)" , ptrType , viewType )
args . MapValueView = fmt . Sprintf ( "views.SliceView[%v,%v]" , ptrType , viewType )
args . MapValueType = "[]" + ptrType
template = "mapFnField"
default :
template = "unsupportedField"
if _ , isIface := pElem . Underlying ( ) . ( * types . Interface ) ; ! isIface {
switch pElem . ( type ) {
case * types . Struct , * types . Named :
ptrType := it . QualifiedName ( ptr )
viewType := appendNameSuffix ( it . QualifiedName ( pElem ) , "View" )
args . MapFn = fmt . Sprintf ( "views.SliceOfViews[%v,%v](t)" , ptrType , viewType )
args . MapValueView = fmt . Sprintf ( "views.SliceView[%v,%v]" , ptrType , viewType )
args . MapValueType = "[]" + ptrType
template = "mapFnField"
default :
template = "unsupportedField"
} else {
template = "unsupportedField"
default :
@ -266,13 +294,29 @@ func genView(buf *bytes.Buffer, it *codegen.ImportTracker, typ *types.Named, thi
case * types . Pointer :
ptr := u
pElem := ptr . Elem ( )
switch pElem . ( type ) {
case * types . Struct , * types . Named :
args . MapValueType = it . QualifiedName ( ptr )
args . MapValueView = it . QualifiedName ( pElem ) + "View"
if _ , isIface := pElem . Underlying ( ) . ( * types . Interface ) ; ! isIface {
switch pElem . ( type ) {
case * types . Struct , * types . Named :
args . MapValueType = it . QualifiedName ( ptr )
args . MapValueView = appendNameSuffix ( it . QualifiedName ( pElem ) , "View" )
args . MapFn = "t.View()"
template = "mapFnField"
default :
template = "unsupportedField"
} else {
template = "unsupportedField"
case * types . Interface , * types . TypeParam :
if viewType := viewTypeForValueType ( u ) ; viewType != nil {
args . MapValueType = it . QualifiedName ( u )
args . MapValueView = it . QualifiedName ( viewType )
args . MapFn = "t.View()"
template = "mapFnField"
default :
} else if ! codegen . ContainsPointers ( u ) {
args . MapValueType = it . QualifiedName ( mElem )
template = "mapField"
} else {
template = "unsupportedField"
default :
@ -283,14 +327,28 @@ func genView(buf *bytes.Buffer, it *codegen.ImportTracker, typ *types.Named, thi
case * types . Pointer :
ptr := underlying
_ , deep , base := requiresCloning ( ptr )
if deep {
args . FieldType = it . QualifiedName ( base )
writeTemplate ( "viewField" )
if _ , isIface := base . Underlying ( ) . ( * types . Interface ) ; ! isIface {
args . FieldType = it . QualifiedName ( base )
args . FieldViewName = appendNameSuffix ( args . FieldType , "View" )
writeTemplate ( "viewField" )
} else {
writeTemplate ( "unsupportedField" )
} else {
args . FieldType = it . QualifiedName ( ptr )
writeTemplate ( "valuePointerField" )
case * types . Interface :
// If fieldType is an interface with a "View() {ViewType}" method, it can be used to clone the field.
// This includes scenarios where fieldType is a constrained type parameter.
if viewType := viewTypeForValueType ( underlying ) ; viewType != nil {
args . FieldViewName = it . QualifiedName ( viewType )
writeTemplate ( "viewField" )
writeTemplate ( "unsupportedField" )
@ -318,7 +376,27 @@ func genView(buf *bytes.Buffer, it *codegen.ImportTracker, typ *types.Named, thi
fmt . Fprintf ( buf , "\n" )
buf . Write ( codegen . AssertStructUnchanged ( t , args . StructName , "View" , it ) )
buf . Write ( codegen . AssertStructUnchanged ( t , args . StructName , typeParams , "View" , it ) )
func appendNameSuffix ( name , suffix string ) string {
if idx := strings . IndexRune ( name , '[' ) ; idx != - 1 {
// Insert suffix after the type name, but before type parameters.
return name [ : idx ] + suffix + name [ idx : ]
return name + suffix
func viewTypeForValueType ( typ types . Type ) types . Type {
viewMethod := codegen . LookupMethod ( typ , "View" )
if viewMethod == nil {
return nil
sig , ok := viewMethod . Type ( ) . ( * types . Signature )
if ! ok || sig . Results ( ) . Len ( ) != 1 {
return nil
return sig . Results ( ) . At ( 0 ) . Type ( )
var (