@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ SYNO_ARCH ?= "amd64"
SYNO_DSM ?= "7"
TAGS ?= "latest"
PLATFORM ?= "flyio" ## flyio==linux/amd64. Set to "" to build all platforms.
vet : ## Run go vet
./tool/go vet ./...
@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ publishdevimage: ## Build and publish tailscale image to location specified by $
@test " ${ REPO } " != "ghcr.io/tailscale/tailscale" || ( echo "REPO=... must not be ghcr.io/tailscale/tailscale" && exit 1)
@test " ${ REPO } " != "tailscale/k8s-operator" || ( echo "REPO=... must not be tailscale/k8s-operator" && exit 1)
@test " ${ REPO } " != "ghcr.io/tailscale/k8s-operator" || ( echo "REPO=... must not be ghcr.io/tailscale/k8s-operator" && exit 1)
TAGS = " ${ TAGS } " REPOS = ${ REPO } P USH= true TARGET = client ./build_docker.sh
TAGS = " ${ TAGS } " REPOS = ${ REPO } P LATFORM= ${ PLATFORM } P USH= true TARGET = client ./build_docker.sh
publishdevoperator : ## Build and publish k8s-operator image to location specified by ${REPO}
@test -n " ${ REPO } " || ( echo " REPO=... required; e.g. REPO=ghcr.io/ ${ USER } /tailscale " && exit 1)
@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ publishdevoperator: ## Build and publish k8s-operator image to location specifie
@test " ${ REPO } " != "ghcr.io/tailscale/tailscale" || ( echo "REPO=... must not be ghcr.io/tailscale/tailscale" && exit 1)
@test " ${ REPO } " != "tailscale/k8s-operator" || ( echo "REPO=... must not be tailscale/k8s-operator" && exit 1)
@test " ${ REPO } " != "ghcr.io/tailscale/k8s-operator" || ( echo "REPO=... must not be ghcr.io/tailscale/k8s-operator" && exit 1)
TAGS = " ${ TAGS } " REPOS = ${ REPO } P USH= true TARGET = operator ./build_docker.sh
TAGS = " ${ TAGS } " REPOS = ${ REPO } P LATFORM= ${ PLATFORM } P USH= true TARGET = operator ./build_docker.sh
help : ## Show this help
@echo "\nSpecify a command. The choices are:\n"