cmd/cloner: generate a package-level Clone function

This Clone function knows how to clone any types
for which it has generated Clone methods.
This allows callers to efficiently clone
an inbound interface{} that might contain one of these types.

Signed-off-by: Josh Bleecher Snyder <>
Josh Bleecher Snyder 4 years ago committed by Josh Bleecher Snyder
parent 99d223130c
commit 7bd89359c9

@ -95,6 +95,29 @@ func main() {
w := func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, format+"\n", args...)
w("// Clone duplicates src into dst and reports whether it succeeded.")
w("// To succeed, <src, dst> must be of types <*T, *T> or <*T, **T>,")
w("// where T is one of %s.", *flagTypes)
w("func Clone(dst, src interface{}) bool {")
w(" switch src := src.(type) {")
for _, typeName := range typeNames {
w(" case *%s:", typeName)
w(" switch dst := dst.(type) {")
w(" case *%s:", typeName)
w(" *dst = *src.Clone()")
w(" return true")
w(" case **%s:", typeName)
w(" *dst = src.Clone()")
w(" return true")
w(" }")
w(" }")
w(" return false")
contents := new(bytes.Buffer)
fmt.Fprintf(contents, header, *flagTypes, pkg.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(contents, "import (\n")
