@ -26,40 +26,29 @@ repo_root="${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/../.."
# being invoked from somewhere else.
cd " $repo_root "
toolchain = " $HOME /.cache/tailscale-go "
# toolchain, set below, is the root of the Go toolchain we'll use to build
# gocross.
# It's set to either an explicit Go toolchain directory (if go.toolchain.rev has
# a value with a leading slash, for testing new toolchains), or otherwise in the
# common case it'll be "$HOME/.cache/tsgo/GITHASH" where GITHASH is the contents
# of the go.toolchain.rev file and the git commit of the
# https://github.com/tailscale/go release artifact to download.
toolchain = ""
if [ [ -d " $toolchain " ] ] ; then
# A toolchain exists, but is it recent enough to compile gocross? If not,
# wipe it out so that the next if block fetches a usable one.
want_go_minor = $( grep -E '^go ' "go.mod" | cut -f2 -d'.' )
have_go_minor = ""
if [ [ -f " $toolchain /VERSION " ] ] ; then
have_go_minor = $( head -1 " $toolchain /VERSION " | cut -f2 -d'.' )
# Shortly before stable releases, we run release candidate
# toolchains, which have a non-numeric suffix on the version
# number. Remove the rc qualifier, we just care about the minor
# version.
have_go_minor = " ${ have_go_minor %rc* } "
if [ [ -z " $have_go_minor " || " $have_go_minor " -lt " $want_go_minor " ] ] ; then
read -r REV <go.toolchain.rev
case " $REV " in
toolchain = " $REV "
; ;
toolchain = " $HOME /.cache/tsgo/ $REV "
if [ [ ! -f " $toolchain .extracted " ] ] ; then
mkdir -p " $HOME /.cache/tsgo "
rm -rf " $toolchain " " $toolchain .extracted "
if [ [ ! -d " $toolchain " ] ] ; then
mkdir -p " $HOME /.cache "
# We need any Go toolchain to build gocross, but the toolchain also has to
# be reasonably recent because we upgrade eagerly and gocross might not
# build with Go N-1. So, if we have no cached tailscale toolchain at all,
# fetch the initial one in shell. Once gocross is built, it'll manage
# updates.
read -r REV <go.toolchain.rev
echo " # Downloading Go toolchain $REV " >& 2
case " $REV " in
toolchain = " $REV "
; ;
# This works for linux and darwin, which is sufficient
# (we do not build tailscale-go for other targets).
HOST_OS = $( uname -s | tr A-Z a-z)
@ -71,15 +60,38 @@ if [[ ! -d "$toolchain" ]]; then
# Go uses the name "amd64".
HOST_ARCH = "amd64"
rm -rf " $toolchain " " $toolchain .extracted "
curl -f -L -o " $toolchain .tar.gz " " https://github.com/tailscale/go/releases/download/build- ${ REV } / ${ HOST_OS } - ${ HOST_ARCH } .tar.gz "
mkdir -p " $toolchain "
( cd " $toolchain " && tar --strip-components= 1 -xf " $toolchain .tar.gz " )
echo " $REV " >" $toolchain .extracted "
rm -f " $toolchain .tar.gz "
; ;
# Do some cleanup of old toolchains while we're here.
for hash in $( find " $HOME /.cache/tsgo " -type f -maxdepth 1 -name '*.extracted' -mtime 90 -exec basename { } \; | sed 's/.extracted$//' ) ; do
echo " # Cleaning up old Go toolchain $hash " >& 2
rm -rf " $HOME /.cache/tsgo/ $hash "
rm -rf " $HOME /.cache/tsgo/ $hash .extracted "
; ;
if [ [ -d " $toolchain " ] ] ; then
# A toolchain exists, but is it recent enough to compile gocross? If not,
# wipe it out so that the next if block fetches a usable one.
want_go_minor = " $( grep -E '^go ' "go.mod" | cut -f2 -d'.' ) "
have_go_minor = ""
if [ [ -f " $toolchain /VERSION " ] ] ; then
have_go_minor = " $( head -1 " $toolchain /VERSION " | cut -f2 -d'.' ) "
# Shortly before stable releases, we run release candidate
# toolchains, which have a non-numeric suffix on the version
# number. Remove the rc qualifier, we just care about the minor
# version.
have_go_minor = " ${ have_go_minor %rc* } "
if [ [ -z " $have_go_minor " || " $have_go_minor " -lt " $want_go_minor " ] ] ; then
rm -rf " $toolchain " " $toolchain .extracted "
# Binaries run with `gocross run` can reinvoke gocross, resulting in a