@ -297,9 +297,11 @@ func (d *Dialer) clock() tstime.Clock {
var debugNoiseDial = envknob.RegisterBool("TS_DEBUG_NOISE_DIAL")
// dialHost connects to the configured Dialer.Hostname and upgrades the
// connection into a controlbase.Conn. If addr is valid, then no DNS is used
// and the connection will be made to the provided address.
func (a *Dialer) dialHost(ctx context.Context, addr netip.Addr) (*ClientConn, error) {
// connection into a controlbase.Conn.
// If optAddr is valid, then no DNS is used and the connection will be made to the
// provided address.
func (a *Dialer) dialHost(ctx context.Context, optAddr netip.Addr) (*ClientConn, error) {
// Create one shared context used by both port 80 and port 443 dials.
// If port 80 is still in flight when 443 returns, this deferred cancel
// will stop the port 80 dial.
@ -330,11 +332,11 @@ func (a *Dialer) dialHost(ctx context.Context, addr netip.Addr) (*ClientConn, er
ch := make(chan tryURLRes) // must be unbuffered
try := func(u *url.URL) {
if debugNoiseDial() {
a.logf("trying noise dial (%v, %v) ...", u, addr)
a.logf("trying noise dial (%v, %v) ...", u, optAddr)
cbConn, err := a.dialURL(ctx, u, addr)
cbConn, err := a.dialURL(ctx, u, optAddr)
if debugNoiseDial() {
a.logf("noise dial (%v, %v) = (%v, %v)", u, addr, cbConn, err)
a.logf("noise dial (%v, %v) = (%v, %v)", u, optAddr, cbConn, err)
select {
case ch <- tryURLRes{u, cbConn, err}:
@ -388,12 +390,15 @@ func (a *Dialer) dialHost(ctx context.Context, addr netip.Addr) (*ClientConn, er
// dialURL attempts to connect to the given URL.
func (a *Dialer) dialURL(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL, addr netip.Addr) (*ClientConn, error) {
// If optAddr is valid, then no DNS is used and the connection will be made to the
// provided address.
func (a *Dialer) dialURL(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL, optAddr netip.Addr) (*ClientConn, error) {
init, cont, err := controlbase.ClientDeferred(a.MachineKey, a.ControlKey, a.ProtocolVersion)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
netConn, err := a.tryURLUpgrade(ctx, u, addr, init)
netConn, err := a.tryURLUpgrade(ctx, u, optAddr, init)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -439,19 +444,20 @@ var macOSScreenTime = health.Register(&health.Warnable{
ImpactsConnectivity: true,
// tryURLUpgrade connects to u, and tries to upgrade it to a net.Conn. If addr
// is valid, then no DNS is used and the connection will be made to the
// provided address.
// tryURLUpgrade connects to u, and tries to upgrade it to a net.Conn.
// If optAddr is valid, then no DNS is used and the connection will be made to
// the provided address.
// Only the provided ctx is used, not a.ctx.
func (a *Dialer) tryURLUpgrade(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL, addr netip.Addr, init []byte) (_ net.Conn, retErr error) {
func (a *Dialer) tryURLUpgrade(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL, optAddr netip.Addr, init []byte) (_ net.Conn, retErr error) {
var dns *dnscache.Resolver
// If we were provided an address to dial, then create a resolver that just
// returns that value; otherwise, fall back to DNS.
if addr.IsValid() {
if optAddr.IsValid() {
dns = &dnscache.Resolver{
SingleHostStaticResult: []netip.Addr{addr},
SingleHostStaticResult: []netip.Addr{optAddr},
SingleHost: u.Hostname(),
Logf: a.Logf, // not a.logf method; we want to propagate nil-ness