control/controlclient: use dnscache.Resolver for Noise client

This passes the *dnscache.Resolver down from the Direct client into the
Noise client and from there into the controlhttp client. This retains
the Resolver so that it can share state across calls instead of creating
a new resolver.

Updates #4845
Updates #6110

Signed-off-by: Andrew Dunham <>
Change-Id: Ia5d6af1870f3b5b5d7dd5685d775dcf300aec7af
Andrew Dunham 1 year ago
parent 979d29b5f5
commit 42fd964090

@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ import (
type Direct struct {
httpc *http.Client // HTTP client used to talk to tailcontrol
dialer *tsdial.Dialer
dnsCache *dnscache.Resolver
serverURL string // URL of the tailcontrol server
timeNow func() time.Time
lastPrintMap time.Time
@ -199,6 +200,14 @@ func NewDirect(opts Options) (*Direct, error) {
opts.Logf = log.Printf
dnsCache := &dnscache.Resolver{
Forward: dnscache.Get().Forward, // use default cache's forwarder
UseLastGood: true,
LookupIPFallback: dnsfallback.MakeLookupFunc(opts.Logf, opts.NetMon),
Logf: opts.Logf,
NetMon: opts.NetMon,
httpc := opts.HTTPTestClient
if httpc == nil && runtime.GOOS == "js" {
// In js/wasm, net/http.Transport (as of Go 1.18) will
@ -208,13 +217,6 @@ func NewDirect(opts Options) (*Direct, error) {
httpc = http.DefaultClient
if httpc == nil {
dnsCache := &dnscache.Resolver{
Forward: dnscache.Get().Forward, // use default cache's forwarder
UseLastGood: true,
LookupIPFallback: dnsfallback.MakeLookupFunc(opts.Logf, opts.NetMon),
Logf: opts.Logf,
NetMon: opts.NetMon,
tr := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Clone()
tr.Proxy = tshttpproxy.ProxyFromEnvironment
@ -250,6 +252,7 @@ func NewDirect(opts Options) (*Direct, error) {
onControlTime: opts.OnControlTime,
c2nHandler: opts.C2NHandler,
dialer: opts.Dialer,
dnsCache: dnsCache,
dialPlan: opts.DialPlan,
if opts.Hostinfo == nil {
@ -1509,7 +1512,16 @@ func (c *Direct) getNoiseClient() (*NoiseClient, error) {
return nil, err
c.logf("creating new noise client")
nc, err := NewNoiseClient(k, serverNoiseKey, c.serverURL, c.dialer, c.logf, c.netMon, dp)
nc, err := NewNoiseClient(NoiseOpts{
PrivKey: k,
ServerPubKey: serverNoiseKey,
ServerURL: c.serverURL,
Dialer: c.dialer,
DNSCache: c.dnsCache,
Logf: c.logf,
NetMon: c.netMon,
DialPlan: dp,
if err != nil {
return nil, err

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import (
@ -158,6 +159,7 @@ type NoiseClient struct {
sfDial singleflight.Group[struct{}, *noiseConn]
dialer *tsdial.Dialer
dnsCache *dnscache.Resolver
privKey key.MachinePrivate
serverPubKey key.MachinePublic
host string // the host part of serverURL
@ -179,13 +181,39 @@ type NoiseClient struct {
connPool map[int]*noiseConn // active connections not yet closed; see noiseConn.Close
// NoiseOpts contains options for the NewNoiseClient function. All fields are
// required unless otherwise specified.
type NoiseOpts struct {
// PrivKey is this node's private key.
PrivKey key.MachinePrivate
// ServerPubKey is the public key of the server.
ServerPubKey key.MachinePublic
// ServerURL is the URL of the server to connect to.
ServerURL string
// Dialer's SystemDial function is used to connect to the server.
Dialer *tsdial.Dialer
// DNSCache is the caching Resolver to use to connect to the server.
// This field can be nil.
DNSCache *dnscache.Resolver
// Logf is the log function to use. This field can be nil.
Logf logger.Logf
// NetMon is the network monitor that, if set, will be used to get the
// network interface state. This field can be nil; if so, the current
// state will be looked up dynamically.
NetMon *netmon.Monitor
// DialPlan, if set, is a function that should return an explicit plan
// on how to connect to the server.
DialPlan func() *tailcfg.ControlDialPlan
// NewNoiseClient returns a new noiseClient for the provided server and machine key.
// serverURL is of the form https://<host>:<port> (no trailing slash).
// netMon may be nil, if non-nil it's used to do faster interface lookups.
// dialPlan may be nil
func NewNoiseClient(privKey key.MachinePrivate, serverPubKey key.MachinePublic, serverURL string, dialer *tsdial.Dialer, logf logger.Logf, netMon *netmon.Monitor, dialPlan func() *tailcfg.ControlDialPlan) (*NoiseClient, error) {
u, err := url.Parse(serverURL)
func NewNoiseClient(opts NoiseOpts) (*NoiseClient, error) {
u, err := url.Parse(opts.ServerURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -205,16 +233,18 @@ func NewNoiseClient(privKey key.MachinePrivate, serverPubKey key.MachinePublic,
httpPort = "80"
httpsPort = "443"
np := &NoiseClient{
serverPubKey: serverPubKey,
privKey: privKey,
serverPubKey: opts.ServerPubKey,
privKey: opts.PrivKey,
host: u.Hostname(),
httpPort: httpPort,
httpsPort: httpsPort,
dialer: dialer,
dialPlan: dialPlan,
logf: logf,
netMon: netMon,
dialer: opts.Dialer,
dnsCache: opts.DNSCache,
dialPlan: opts.DialPlan,
logf: opts.Logf,
netMon: opts.NetMon,
// Create the HTTP/2 Transport using a net/http.Transport
@ -373,6 +403,7 @@ func (nc *NoiseClient) dial() (*noiseConn, error) {
ControlKey: nc.serverPubKey,
ProtocolVersion: uint16(tailcfg.CurrentCapabilityVersion),
Dialer: nc.dialer.SystemDial,
DNSCache: nc.dnsCache,
DialPlan: dialPlan,
Logf: nc.logf,
NetMon: nc.netMon,

@ -74,7 +74,12 @@ func (tt noiseClientTest) run(t *testing.T) {
defer hs.Close()
dialer := new(tsdial.Dialer)
nc, err := NewNoiseClient(clientPrivate, serverPrivate.Public(), hs.URL, dialer, nil, nil, nil)
nc, err := NewNoiseClient(NoiseOpts{
PrivKey: clientPrivate,
ServerPubKey: serverPrivate.Public(),
ServerURL: hs.URL,
Dialer: dialer,
if err != nil {

@ -374,6 +374,22 @@ func (a *Dialer) dialURL(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL, addr netip.Addr) (*Cli
}, nil
// resolver returns a.DNSCache if non-nil or a new *dnscache.Resolver
// otherwise.
func (a *Dialer) resolver() *dnscache.Resolver {
if a.DNSCache != nil {
return a.DNSCache
return &dnscache.Resolver{
Forward: dnscache.Get().Forward,
LookupIPFallback: dnsfallback.MakeLookupFunc(a.logf, a.NetMon),
UseLastGood: true,
Logf: a.Logf, // not a.logf method; we want to propagate nil-ness
NetMon: a.NetMon,
// tryURLUpgrade connects to u, and tries to upgrade it to a net.Conn. If addr
// is valid, then no DNS is used and the connection will be made to the
// provided address.
@ -392,13 +408,7 @@ func (a *Dialer) tryURLUpgrade(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL, addr netip.Addr,
NetMon: a.NetMon,
} else {
dns = &dnscache.Resolver{
Forward: dnscache.Get().Forward,
LookupIPFallback: dnsfallback.MakeLookupFunc(a.logf, a.NetMon),
UseLastGood: true,
Logf: a.Logf, // not a.logf method; we want to propagate nil-ness
NetMon: a.NetMon,
dns = a.resolver()
var dialer dnscache.DialContextFunc

@ -67,6 +67,11 @@ type Dialer struct {
// If not specified, this defaults to net.Dialer.DialContext.
Dialer dnscache.DialContextFunc
// DNSCache is the caching Resolver used by this Dialer.
// If not specified, a new Resolver is created per attempt.
DNSCache *dnscache.Resolver
// Logf, if set, is a logging function to use; if unset, logs are
// dropped.
Logf logger.Logf
