wgengine/router: explicitly detect and complain about busybox's `ip`.

Defensive programming against #368 in environments other than Docker,
e.g. if you try using Tailscale in Alpine Linux directly, sans

Signed-off-by: David Anderson <danderson@tailscale.com>
David Anderson 4 years ago committed by Dave Anderson
parent e00b814a24
commit 21ac65d3da

@ -391,6 +391,14 @@ func (r *linuxRouter) addBypassRule() error {
func (r *linuxRouter) delBypassRule() error {
out, err := exec.Command("ip", "rule", "list", "priority", "10000").CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
// Busybox ships an `ip` binary that doesn't understand
// uncommon rules. Try to detect this explicitly, and steer
// the user towards the correct fix. See
// https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/issues/368 for an
// example of this issue.
if bytes.Contains(out, []byte("ip: ignoring all arguments")) {
return errors.New("cannot list ip rules, `ip` appears to be the busybox implementation. Please install iproute2")
return fmt.Errorf("listing ip rules: %v\n%s", err, out)
if len(out) == 0 {
