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/// <reference types="vitest" />
import { createLogger, defineConfig } from "vite"
import svgr from "vite-plugin-svgr"
import paths from "vite-tsconfig-paths"
// Use a custom logger that filters out Vite's logging of server URLs, since
// they are an attractive nuisance (we run a proxy in front of Vite, and the
// tailscale web client should be accessed through that).
// Unfortunately there's no option to disable this logging, so the best we can
// do it to ignore calls from a specific function.
const filteringLogger = createLogger(undefined, { allowClearScreen: false })
const originalInfoLog = = (...args) => {
if (new Error("ignored").stack?.includes("printServerUrls")) {
originalInfoLog.apply(filteringLogger, args)
export default defineConfig({
base: "./",
plugins: [
build: {
outDir: "build",
sourcemap: false,
esbuild: {
logOverride: {
// Silence a warning about `this` being undefined in ESM when at the
// top-level. The way JSX is transpiled causes this to happen, but it
// isn't a problem.
// See:
"this-is-undefined-in-esm": "silent",
server: {
// This needs to be instead of localhost, because of how our
// Go proxy connects to it.
host: "",
// If you change the port, be sure to update the proxy in assets.go too.
port: 4000,
test: {
exclude: ["**/node_modules/**", "**/dist/**"],
testTimeout: 20000,
environment: "jsdom",
deps: {
inline: ["date-fns", /\.wasm\?url$/],
clearScreen: false,
customLogger: filteringLogger,