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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
//go:build linux
package linuxfw
import (
// isNotExistError needs to be overridden in tests that rely on distinguishing
// this error, because we don't have a good way how to create a new
// iptables.Error of that type.
var isNotExistError = func(err error) bool {
var e *iptables.Error
return errors.As(err, &e) && e.IsNotExist()
type iptablesInterface interface {
// Adding this interface for testing purposes so we can mock out
// the iptables library, in reality this is a wrapper to *iptables.IPTables.
Insert(table, chain string, pos int, args ...string) error
Append(table, chain string, args ...string) error
Exists(table, chain string, args ...string) (bool, error)
Delete(table, chain string, args ...string) error
List(table, chain string) ([]string, error)
ClearChain(table, chain string) error
NewChain(table, chain string) error
DeleteChain(table, chain string) error
type iptablesRunner struct {
ipt4 iptablesInterface
ipt6 iptablesInterface
v6Available bool
v6NATAvailable bool
v6FilterAvailable bool
func checkIP6TablesExists() error {
// Some distros ship ip6tables separately from iptables.
if _, err := exec.LookPath("ip6tables"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("path not found: %w", err)
return nil
// newIPTablesRunner constructs a NetfilterRunner that programs iptables rules.
// If the underlying iptables library fails to initialize, that error is
// returned. The runner probes for IPv6 support once at initialization time and
// if not found, no IPv6 rules will be modified for the lifetime of the runner.
func newIPTablesRunner(logf logger.Logf) (*iptablesRunner, error) {
ipt4, err := iptables.NewWithProtocol(iptables.ProtocolIPv4)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
supportsV6, supportsV6NAT, supportsV6Filter := false, false, false
v6err := CheckIPv6(logf)
ip6terr := checkIP6TablesExists()
var ipt6 *iptables.IPTables
switch {
case v6err != nil:
logf("disabling tunneled IPv6 due to system IPv6 config: %v", v6err)
case ip6terr != nil:
logf("disabling tunneled IPv6 due to missing ip6tables: %v", ip6terr)
supportsV6 = true
ipt6, err = iptables.NewWithProtocol(iptables.ProtocolIPv6)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
supportsV6Filter = checkSupportsV6Filter(ipt6, logf)
supportsV6NAT = checkSupportsV6NAT(ipt6, logf)
logf("netfilter running in iptables mode v6 = %v, v6filter = %v, v6nat = %v", supportsV6, supportsV6Filter, supportsV6NAT)
return &iptablesRunner{
ipt4: ipt4,
ipt6: ipt6,
v6Available: supportsV6,
v6NATAvailable: supportsV6NAT,
v6FilterAvailable: supportsV6Filter}, nil
// checkSupportsV6Filter returns whether the system has a "filter" table in the
// IPv6 tables. Some container environments such as GitHub codespaces have
// limited local IPv6 support, and containers containing ip6tables, but do not
// have kernel support for IPv6 filtering.
// We will not set ip6tables rules in these instances.
func checkSupportsV6Filter(ipt *iptables.IPTables, logf logger.Logf) bool {
if ipt == nil {
return false
_, filterListErr := ipt.ListChains("filter")
if filterListErr == nil {
return true
logf("ip6tables filtering is not supported on this host: %v", filterListErr)
return false
// checkSupportsV6NAT returns whether the system has a "nat" table in the
// IPv6 netfilter stack.
// The nat table was added after the initial release of ipv6
// netfilter, so some older distros ship a kernel that can't NAT IPv6
// traffic.
// ipt must be initialized for IPv6.
func checkSupportsV6NAT(ipt *iptables.IPTables, logf logger.Logf) bool {
if ipt == nil || ipt.Proto() != iptables.ProtocolIPv6 {
return false
_, natListErr := ipt.ListChains("nat")
if natListErr == nil {
return true
// TODO (irbekrm): the following two checks were added before the check
// above that verifies that nat chains can be listed. It is a
// container-friendly check (see
//, but also should
// be good enough on its own in other environments. If we never observe
// it falsely succeed, let's remove the other two checks.
bs, err := os.ReadFile("/proc/net/ip6_tables_names")
if err != nil {
return false
if bytes.Contains(bs, []byte("nat\n")) {
logf("[unexpected] listing nat chains failed, but /proc/net/ip6_tables_name reports a nat table existing")
return true
if exec.Command("modprobe", "ip6table_nat").Run() == nil {
logf("[unexpected] listing nat chains failed, but modprobe ip6table_nat succeeded")
return true
return false
// HasIPV6 reports true if the system supports IPv6.
func (i *iptablesRunner) HasIPV6() bool {
return i.v6Available
// HasIPV6Filter reports true if the system supports ip6tables filter table.
func (i *iptablesRunner) HasIPV6Filter() bool {
return i.v6FilterAvailable
// HasIPV6NAT reports true if the system supports IPv6 NAT.
func (i *iptablesRunner) HasIPV6NAT() bool {
return i.v6NATAvailable
// getIPTByAddr returns the iptablesInterface with correct IP family
// that we will be using for the given address.
func (i *iptablesRunner) getIPTByAddr(addr netip.Addr) iptablesInterface {
nf := i.ipt4
if addr.Is6() {
nf = i.ipt6
return nf
// AddLoopbackRule adds an iptables rule to permit loopback traffic to
// a local Tailscale IP.
func (i *iptablesRunner) AddLoopbackRule(addr netip.Addr) error {
if err := i.getIPTByAddr(addr).Insert("filter", "ts-input", 1, "-i", "lo", "-s", addr.String(), "-j", "ACCEPT"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("adding loopback allow rule for %q: %w", addr, err)
return nil
// tsChain returns the name of the tailscale sub-chain corresponding
// to the given "parent" chain (e.g. INPUT, FORWARD, ...).
func tsChain(chain string) string {
return "ts-" + strings.ToLower(chain)
// DelLoopbackRule removes the iptables rule permitting loopback
// traffic to a Tailscale IP.
func (i *iptablesRunner) DelLoopbackRule(addr netip.Addr) error {
if err := i.getIPTByAddr(addr).Delete("filter", "ts-input", "-i", "lo", "-s", addr.String(), "-j", "ACCEPT"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("deleting loopback allow rule for %q: %w", addr, err)
return nil
// getTables gets the available iptablesInterface in iptables runner.
func (i *iptablesRunner) getTables() []iptablesInterface {
if i.HasIPV6Filter() {
return []iptablesInterface{i.ipt4, i.ipt6}
return []iptablesInterface{i.ipt4}
// getNATTables gets the available iptablesInterface in iptables runner.
// If the system does not support IPv6 NAT, only the IPv4 iptablesInterface
// is returned.
func (i *iptablesRunner) getNATTables() []iptablesInterface {
if i.HasIPV6NAT() {
return i.getTables()
return []iptablesInterface{i.ipt4}
// AddHooks inserts calls to tailscale's netfilter chains in
// the relevant main netfilter chains. The tailscale chains must
// already exist. If they do not, an error is returned.
func (i *iptablesRunner) AddHooks() error {
// divert inserts a jump to the tailscale chain in the given table/chain.
// If the jump already exists, it is a no-op.
divert := func(ipt iptablesInterface, table, chain string) error {
tsChain := tsChain(chain)
args := []string{"-j", tsChain}
exists, err := ipt.Exists(table, chain, args...)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("checking for %v in %s/%s: %w", args, table, chain, err)
if exists {
return nil
if err := ipt.Insert(table, chain, 1, args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("adding %v in %s/%s: %w", args, table, chain, err)
return nil
for _, ipt := range i.getTables() {
if err := divert(ipt, "filter", "INPUT"); err != nil {
return err
if err := divert(ipt, "filter", "FORWARD"); err != nil {
return err
for _, ipt := range i.getNATTables() {
if err := divert(ipt, "nat", "POSTROUTING"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// AddChains creates custom Tailscale chains in netfilter via iptables
// if the ts-chain doesn't already exist.
func (i *iptablesRunner) AddChains() error {
// create creates a chain in the given table if it doesn't already exist.
// If the chain already exists, it is a no-op.
create := func(ipt iptablesInterface, table, chain string) error {
err := ipt.ClearChain(table, chain)
if isNotExistError(err) {
// nonexistent chain. let's create it!
return ipt.NewChain(table, chain)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("setting up %s/%s: %w", table, chain, err)
return nil
for _, ipt := range i.getTables() {
if err := create(ipt, "filter", "ts-input"); err != nil {
return err
if err := create(ipt, "filter", "ts-forward"); err != nil {
return err
for _, ipt := range i.getNATTables() {
if err := create(ipt, "nat", "ts-postrouting"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// AddBase adds some basic processing rules to be supplemented by
// later calls to other helpers.
func (i *iptablesRunner) AddBase(tunname string) error {
if err := i.addBase4(tunname); err != nil {
return err
if i.HasIPV6Filter() {
if err := i.addBase6(tunname); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// addBase4 adds some basic IPv4 processing rules to be
// supplemented by later calls to other helpers.
func (i *iptablesRunner) addBase4(tunname string) error {
// Only allow CGNAT range traffic to come from tailscale0. There
// is an exception carved out for ranges used by ChromeOS, for
// which we fall out of the Tailscale chain.
// Note, this will definitely break nodes that end up using the
// CGNAT range for other purposes :(.
args := []string{"!", "-i", tunname, "-s", tsaddr.ChromeOSVMRange().String(), "-j", "RETURN"}
if err := i.ipt4.Append("filter", "ts-input", args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("adding %v in v4/filter/ts-input: %w", args, err)
args = []string{"!", "-i", tunname, "-s", tsaddr.CGNATRange().String(), "-j", "DROP"}
if err := i.ipt4.Append("filter", "ts-input", args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("adding %v in v4/filter/ts-input: %w", args, err)
// Explicitly allow all other inbound traffic to the tun interface
args = []string{"-i", tunname, "-j", "ACCEPT"}
if err := i.ipt4.Append("filter", "ts-input", args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("adding %v in v4/filter/ts-input: %w", args, err)
// Forward all traffic from the Tailscale interface, and drop
// traffic to the tailscale interface by default. We use packet
// marks here so both filter/FORWARD and nat/POSTROUTING can match
// on these packets of interest.
// In particular, we only want to apply SNAT rules in
// nat/POSTROUTING to packets that originated from the Tailscale
// interface, but we can't match on the inbound interface in
// POSTROUTING. So instead, we match on the inbound interface in
// filter/FORWARD, and set a packet mark that nat/POSTROUTING can
// use to effectively run that same test again.
args = []string{"-i", tunname, "-j", "MARK", "--set-mark", TailscaleSubnetRouteMark + "/" + TailscaleFwmarkMask}
if err := i.ipt4.Append("filter", "ts-forward", args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("adding %v in v4/filter/ts-forward: %w", args, err)
args = []string{"-m", "mark", "--mark", TailscaleSubnetRouteMark + "/" + TailscaleFwmarkMask, "-j", "ACCEPT"}
if err := i.ipt4.Append("filter", "ts-forward", args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("adding %v in v4/filter/ts-forward: %w", args, err)
args = []string{"-o", tunname, "-s", tsaddr.CGNATRange().String(), "-j", "DROP"}
if err := i.ipt4.Append("filter", "ts-forward", args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("adding %v in v4/filter/ts-forward: %w", args, err)
args = []string{"-o", tunname, "-j", "ACCEPT"}
if err := i.ipt4.Append("filter", "ts-forward", args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("adding %v in v4/filter/ts-forward: %w", args, err)
return nil
func (i *iptablesRunner) AddDNATRule(origDst, dst netip.Addr) error {
table := i.getIPTByAddr(dst)
return table.Insert("nat", "PREROUTING", 1, "--destination", origDst.String(), "-j", "DNAT", "--to-destination", dst.String())
// EnsureSNATForDst sets up firewall to ensure that all traffic aimed for dst, has its source ip set to src:
// - creates a SNAT rule if not already present
// - ensures that any no longer valid SNAT rules for the same dst are removed
func (i *iptablesRunner) EnsureSNATForDst(src, dst netip.Addr) error {
table := i.getIPTByAddr(dst)
rules, err := table.List("nat", "POSTROUTING")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error listing rules: %v", err)
// iptables accept either address or a CIDR value for the --destination flag, but converts an address to /32
// CIDR. Explicitly passing a /32 CIDR made it possible to test this rule.
dstPrefix, err := dst.Prefix(32)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error calculating prefix of dst %v: %v", dst, err)
// wantsArgsPrefix is the prefix of the SNAT rule for the provided destination.
// We should only have one POSTROUTING rule with this prefix.
wantsArgsPrefix := fmt.Sprintf("-d %s -j SNAT --to-source", dstPrefix.String())
// wantsArgs is the actual SNAT rule that we want.
wantsArgs := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", wantsArgsPrefix, src.String())
for _, r := range rules {
args := argsFromPostRoutingRule(r)
if strings.HasPrefix(args, wantsArgsPrefix) {
if strings.HasPrefix(args, wantsArgs) {
return nil
// SNAT rule matching the destination, but for a different source - delete.
if err := table.Delete("nat", "POSTROUTING", strings.Split(args, " ")...); err != nil {
// If we failed to delete don't crash the node- the proxy should still be functioning.
log.Printf("[unexpected] error deleting rule %s: %v, please report it.", r, err)
return table.Insert("nat", "POSTROUTING", 1, "-d", dstPrefix.String(), "-j", "SNAT", "--to-source", src.String())
func (i *iptablesRunner) DNATNonTailscaleTraffic(tun string, dst netip.Addr) error {
table := i.getIPTByAddr(dst)
return table.Insert("nat", "PREROUTING", 1, "!", "-i", tun, "-j", "DNAT", "--to-destination", dst.String())
// DNATWithLoadBalancer adds iptables rules to forward all traffic received for
// originDst to the backend dsts. Traffic will be load balanced using round robin.
func (i *iptablesRunner) DNATWithLoadBalancer(origDst netip.Addr, dsts []netip.Addr) error {
table := i.getIPTByAddr(dsts[0])
if err := table.ClearChain("nat", "PREROUTING"); err != nil && !isNotExistError(err) {
// If clearing the PREROUTING chain fails, fail the whole operation. This
// rule is currently only used in Kubernetes containers where a
// failed container gets restarted which should hopefully fix things.
return fmt.Errorf("error clearing nat PREROUTING chain: %w", err)
// If dsts contain more than one address, for n := n in range(len(dsts)..2) route packets for every nth connection to dsts[n].
for i := len(dsts); i >= 2; i-- {
dst := dsts[i-1] // the order in which rules for addrs are installed does not matter
if err := table.Append("nat", "PREROUTING", "--destination", origDst.String(), "-m", "statistic", "--mode", "nth", "--every", fmt.Sprint(i), "--packet", "0", "-j", "DNAT", "--to-destination", dst.String()); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error adding DNAT rule for %s: %w", dst.String(), err)
// If the packet falls through to this rule, we route to the first destination in the list unconditionally.
return table.Append("nat", "PREROUTING", "--destination", origDst.String(), "-j", "DNAT", "--to-destination", dsts[0].String())
func (i *iptablesRunner) ClampMSSToPMTU(tun string, addr netip.Addr) error {
table := i.getIPTByAddr(addr)
return table.Append("mangle", "FORWARD", "-o", tun, "-p", "tcp", "--tcp-flags", "SYN,RST", "SYN", "-j", "TCPMSS", "--clamp-mss-to-pmtu")
// addBase6 adds some basic IPv6 processing rules to be
// supplemented by later calls to other helpers.
func (i *iptablesRunner) addBase6(tunname string) error {
// TODO: only allow traffic from Tailscale's ULA range to come
// from tailscale0.
// Explicitly allow all other inbound traffic to the tun interface
args := []string{"-i", tunname, "-j", "ACCEPT"}
if err := i.ipt6.Append("filter", "ts-input", args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("adding %v in v6/filter/ts-input: %w", args, err)
args = []string{"-i", tunname, "-j", "MARK", "--set-mark", TailscaleSubnetRouteMark + "/" + TailscaleFwmarkMask}
if err := i.ipt6.Append("filter", "ts-forward", args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("adding %v in v6/filter/ts-forward: %w", args, err)
args = []string{"-m", "mark", "--mark", TailscaleSubnetRouteMark + "/" + TailscaleFwmarkMask, "-j", "ACCEPT"}
if err := i.ipt6.Append("filter", "ts-forward", args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("adding %v in v6/filter/ts-forward: %w", args, err)
// TODO: drop forwarded traffic to tailscale0 from tailscale's ULA
// (see corresponding IPv4 CGNAT rule).
args = []string{"-o", tunname, "-j", "ACCEPT"}
if err := i.ipt6.Append("filter", "ts-forward", args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("adding %v in v6/filter/ts-forward: %w", args, err)
return nil
// DelChains removes the custom Tailscale chains from netfilter via iptables.
func (i *iptablesRunner) DelChains() error {
for _, ipt := range i.getTables() {
if err := delChain(ipt, "filter", "ts-input"); err != nil {
return err
if err := delChain(ipt, "filter", "ts-forward"); err != nil {
return err
for _, ipt := range i.getNATTables() {
if err := delChain(ipt, "nat", "ts-postrouting"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// DelBase empties but does not remove custom Tailscale chains from
// netfilter via iptables.
func (i *iptablesRunner) DelBase() error {
del := func(ipt iptablesInterface, table, chain string) error {
if err := ipt.ClearChain(table, chain); err != nil {
if isNotExistError(err) {
// nonexistent chain. That's fine, since it's
// the desired state anyway.
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("flushing %s/%s: %w", table, chain, err)
return nil
for _, ipt := range i.getTables() {
if err := del(ipt, "filter", "ts-input"); err != nil {
return err
if err := del(ipt, "filter", "ts-forward"); err != nil {
return err
for _, ipt := range i.getNATTables() {
if err := del(ipt, "nat", "ts-postrouting"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// DelHooks deletes the calls to tailscale's netfilter chains
// in the relevant main netfilter chains.
func (i *iptablesRunner) DelHooks(logf logger.Logf) error {
for _, ipt := range i.getTables() {
if err := delTSHook(ipt, "filter", "INPUT", logf); err != nil {
return err
if err := delTSHook(ipt, "filter", "FORWARD", logf); err != nil {
return err
for _, ipt := range i.getNATTables() {
if err := delTSHook(ipt, "nat", "POSTROUTING", logf); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// AddSNATRule adds a netfilter rule to SNAT traffic destined for
// local subnets.
func (i *iptablesRunner) AddSNATRule() error {
args := []string{"-m", "mark", "--mark", TailscaleSubnetRouteMark + "/" + TailscaleFwmarkMask, "-j", "MASQUERADE"}
for _, ipt := range i.getNATTables() {
if err := ipt.Append("nat", "ts-postrouting", args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("adding %v in nat/ts-postrouting: %w", args, err)
return nil
// DelSNATRule removes the netfilter rule to SNAT traffic destined for
// local subnets. An error is returned if the rule does not exist.
func (i *iptablesRunner) DelSNATRule() error {
args := []string{"-m", "mark", "--mark", TailscaleSubnetRouteMark + "/" + TailscaleFwmarkMask, "-j", "MASQUERADE"}
for _, ipt := range i.getNATTables() {
if err := ipt.Delete("nat", "ts-postrouting", args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("deleting %v in nat/ts-postrouting: %w", args, err)
return nil
func statefulRuleArgs(tunname string) []string {
return []string{"-o", tunname, "-m", "conntrack", "!", "--ctstate", "ESTABLISHED,RELATED", "-j", "DROP"}
// AddStatefulRule adds a netfilter rule for stateful packet filtering using
// conntrack.
func (i *iptablesRunner) AddStatefulRule(tunname string) error {
// Drop packets that are destined for the tailscale interface if
// they're a new connection, per conntrack, to prevent hosts on the
// same subnet from being able to use this device as a way to forward
// packets on to the Tailscale network.
// The conntrack states are:
// NEW A packet which creates a new connection.
// ESTABLISHED A packet which belongs to an existing connection
// (i.e., a reply packet, or outgoing packet on a
// connection which has seen replies).
// RELATED A packet which is related to, but not part of, an
// existing connection, such as an ICMP error.
// INVALID A packet which could not be identified for some
// reason: this includes running out of memory and ICMP
// errors which don't correspond to any known
// connection. Generally these packets should be
// dropped.
// We drop NEW packets to prevent connections from coming "into"
// Tailscale from other hosts on the same network segment; we drop
// INVALID packets as well.
args := statefulRuleArgs(tunname)
for _, ipt := range i.getTables() {
// First, find the final "accept" rule.
rules, err := ipt.List("filter", "ts-forward")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("listing rules in filter/ts-forward: %w", err)
want := fmt.Sprintf("-A %s -o %s -j ACCEPT", "ts-forward", tunname)
pos := slices.Index(rules, want)
if pos < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't find final ACCEPT rule in filter/ts-forward")
if err := ipt.Insert("filter", "ts-forward", pos, args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("adding %v in filter/ts-forward: %w", args, err)
return nil
// DelStatefulRule removes the netfilter rule for stateful packet filtering
// using conntrack.
func (i *iptablesRunner) DelStatefulRule(tunname string) error {
args := statefulRuleArgs(tunname)
for _, ipt := range i.getTables() {
if err := ipt.Delete("filter", "ts-forward", args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("deleting %v in filter/ts-forward: %w", args, err)
return nil
// buildMagicsockPortRule generates the string slice containing the arguments
// to describe a rule accepting traffic on a particular port to iptables. It is
// separated out here to avoid repetition in AddMagicsockPortRule and
// RemoveMagicsockPortRule, since it is important that the same rule is passed
// to Append() and Delete().
func buildMagicsockPortRule(port uint16) []string {
return []string{"-p", "udp", "--dport", strconv.FormatUint(uint64(port), 10), "-j", "ACCEPT"}
// AddMagicsockPortRule adds a rule to iptables to allow incoming traffic on
// the specified UDP port, so magicsock can accept incoming connections.
// network must be either "udp4" or "udp6" - this determines whether the rule
// is added for IPv4 or IPv6.
func (i *iptablesRunner) AddMagicsockPortRule(port uint16, network string) error {
var ipt iptablesInterface
switch network {
case "udp4":
ipt = i.ipt4
case "udp6":
ipt = i.ipt6
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported network %s", network)
args := buildMagicsockPortRule(port)
if err := ipt.Append("filter", "ts-input", args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("adding %v in filter/ts-input: %w", args, err)
return nil
// DelMagicsockPortRule removes a rule added by AddMagicsockPortRule to accept
// incoming traffic on a particular UDP port.
// network must be either "udp4" or "udp6" - this determines whether the rule
// is removed for IPv4 or IPv6.
func (i *iptablesRunner) DelMagicsockPortRule(port uint16, network string) error {
var ipt iptablesInterface
switch network {
case "udp4":
ipt = i.ipt4
case "udp6":
ipt = i.ipt6
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported network %s", network)
args := buildMagicsockPortRule(port)
if err := ipt.Delete("filter", "ts-input", args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("removing %v in filter/ts-input: %w", args, err)
return nil
// IPTablesCleanUp removes all Tailscale added iptables rules.
// Any errors that occur are logged to the provided logf.
func IPTablesCleanUp(logf logger.Logf) {
if distro.Get() == distro.Gokrazy {
// Gokrazy uses nftables and doesn't have the "iptables" command.
// Avoid log spam on cleanup. (#12277)
err := clearRules(iptables.ProtocolIPv4, logf)
if err != nil {
logf("linuxfw: clear iptables: %v", err)
err = clearRules(iptables.ProtocolIPv6, logf)
if err != nil {
logf("linuxfw: clear ip6tables: %v", err)
// delTSHook deletes hook in a chain that jumps to a ts-chain. If the hook does not
// exist, it's a no-op since the desired state is already achieved but we log the
// error because error code from the iptables module resists unwrapping.
func delTSHook(ipt iptablesInterface, table, chain string, logf logger.Logf) error {
tsChain := tsChain(chain)
args := []string{"-j", tsChain}
if err := ipt.Delete(table, chain, args...); err != nil && !isNotExistError(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("deleting %v in %s/%s: %v", args, table, chain, err)
return nil
cmd/containerboot,kube,util/linuxfw: configure kube egress proxies to route to 1+ tailnet targets (#13531) * cmd/containerboot,kube,util/linuxfw: configure kube egress proxies to route to 1+ tailnet targets This commit is first part of the work to allow running multiple replicas of the Kubernetes operator egress proxies per tailnet service + to allow exposing multiple tailnet services via each proxy replica. This expands the existing iptables/nftables-based proxy configuration mechanism. A proxy can now be configured to route to one or more tailnet targets via a (mounted) config file that, for each tailnet target, specifies: - the target's tailnet IP or FQDN - mappings of container ports to which cluster workloads will send traffic to tailnet target ports where the traffic should be forwarded. Example configfile contents: { "some-svc": {"tailnetTarget":{"fqdn":"","ports"{"tcp:4006:80":{"protocol":"tcp","matchPort":4006,"targetPort":80},"tcp:4007:443":{"protocol":"tcp","matchPort":4007,"targetPort":443}}}} } A proxy that is configured with this config file will configure firewall rules to route cluster traffic to the tailnet targets. It will then watch the config file for updates as well as monitor relevant netmap updates and reconfigure firewall as needed. This adds a bunch of new iptables/nftables functionality to make it easier to dynamically update the firewall rules without needing to restart the proxy Pod as well as to make it easier to debug/understand the rules: - for iptables, each portmapping is a DNAT rule with a comment pointing at the 'service',i.e: -A PREROUTING ! -i tailscale0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 4006 -m comment --comment "some-svc:tcp:4006 -> tcp:80" -j DNAT --to-destination Additionally there is a SNAT rule for each tailnet target, to mask the source address. - for nftables, a separate prerouting chain is created for each tailnet target and all the portmapping rules are placed in that chain. This makes it easier to look up rules and delete services when no longer needed. (nftables allows hooking a custom chain to a prerouting hook, so no extra work is needed to ensure that the rules in the service chains are evaluated). The next steps will be to get the Kubernetes Operator to generate the configfile and ensure it is mounted to the relevant proxy nodes. Updates tailscale/tailscale#13406 Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <>
4 weeks ago
// delChain flushes and deletes a chain. If the chain does not exist, it's a no-op
// since the desired state is already achieved. otherwise, it returns an error.
func delChain(ipt iptablesInterface, table, chain string) error {
if err := ipt.ClearChain(table, chain); err != nil {
if isNotExistError(err) {
// nonexistent chain. nothing to do.
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("flushing %s/%s: %w", table, chain, err)
if err := ipt.DeleteChain(table, chain); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("deleting %s/%s: %w", table, chain, err)
return nil
// clearRules clears all the iptables rules created by Tailscale
// for the given protocol. If error occurs, it's logged but not returned.
func clearRules(proto iptables.Protocol, logf logger.Logf) error {
ipt, err := iptables.NewWithProtocol(proto)
if err != nil {
return err
var errs []error
if err := delTSHook(ipt, "filter", "INPUT", logf); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
if err := delTSHook(ipt, "filter", "FORWARD", logf); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
if err := delTSHook(ipt, "nat", "POSTROUTING", logf); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
if err := delChain(ipt, "filter", "ts-input"); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
if err := delChain(ipt, "filter", "ts-forward"); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
if err := delChain(ipt, "nat", "ts-postrouting"); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
return multierr.New(errs...)
// argsFromPostRoutingRule accepts a rule as returned by iptables.List and, if it is a rule from POSTROUTING chain,
// returns the args part, else returns the original rule.
func argsFromPostRoutingRule(r string) string {
args, _ := strings.CutPrefix(r, "-A POSTROUTING ")
return args