You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

557 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package filter
import (
func newFilter(logf logger.Logf) *Filter {
matches := []Match{
{Srcs: nets("", ""), Dsts: netports("", "")},
{Srcs: nets("", ""), Dsts: netports("")},
{Srcs: nets(""), Dsts: netports("")},
{Srcs: nets(""), Dsts: netports("*")},
{Srcs: nets(""), Dsts: netports("")},
{Srcs: nets("", "", ""), Dsts: netports("")},
{Srcs: nets("::1", "::2"), Dsts: netports("2001::1:22")},
{Srcs: nets("::/0"), Dsts: netports("::/0:443")},
// Expects traffic to,,,
localNets := nets("", "", "", "", "", "", "2001::/16")
return New(matches, localNets, nil, logf)
func TestFilter(t *testing.T) {
acl := newFilter(t.Logf)
type InOut struct {
want Response
p packet.Parsed
tests := []InOut{
// allow =>
{Accept, parsed(packet.TCP, "", "", 999, 22)},
{Accept, parsed(packet.ICMPv4, "", "", 0, 0)},
{Drop, parsed(packet.TCP, "", "", 0, 0)},
{Accept, parsed(packet.TCP, "", "", 0, 22)},
{Drop, parsed(packet.TCP, "", "", 0, 21)},
// allow =>
{Accept, parsed(packet.TCP, "", "", 0, 22)},
{Drop, parsed(packet.TCP, "", "", 0, 23)},
{Drop, parsed(packet.TCP, "", "", 0, 22)},
// allow * => *:443
{Accept, parsed(packet.TCP, "", "", 0, 443)},
{Drop, parsed(packet.TCP, "", "", 0, 444)},
// allow * =>*
{Accept, parsed(packet.TCP, "", "", 0, 999)},
{Accept, parsed(packet.TCP, "", "", 0, 0)},
// allow ::1, ::2 => [2001::1]:22
{Accept, parsed(packet.TCP, "::1", "2001::1", 0, 22)},
{Accept, parsed(packet.ICMPv6, "::1", "2001::1", 0, 0)},
{Accept, parsed(packet.TCP, "::2", "2001::1", 0, 22)},
{Drop, parsed(packet.TCP, "::1", "2001::1", 0, 23)},
{Drop, parsed(packet.TCP, "::1", "2001::2", 0, 22)},
{Drop, parsed(packet.TCP, "::3", "2001::1", 0, 22)},
// allow * => *:443
{Accept, parsed(packet.TCP, "::1", "2001::1", 0, 443)},
{Drop, parsed(packet.TCP, "::1", "2001::1", 0, 444)},
// localNets prefilter - accepted by policy filter, but
// unexpected dst IP.
{Drop, parsed(packet.TCP, "", "", 0, 443)},
{Drop, parsed(packet.TCP, "1::", "2602::1", 0, 443)},
for i, test := range tests {
aclFunc := acl.runIn4
if test.p.IPVersion == 6 {
aclFunc = acl.runIn6
if got, why := aclFunc(&test.p); test.want != got {
t.Errorf("#%d runIn4 got=%v want=%v why=%q packet:%v", i, got, test.want, why, test.p)
if test.p.IPProto == packet.TCP {
var got Response
if test.p.IPVersion == 4 {
got = acl.CheckTCP(test.p.SrcIP4.Netaddr(), test.p.DstIP4.Netaddr(), test.p.DstPort)
} else {
got = acl.CheckTCP(test.p.SrcIP6.Netaddr(), test.p.DstIP6.Netaddr(), test.p.DstPort)
if test.want != got {
t.Errorf("#%d CheckTCP got=%v want=%v packet:%v", i, got, test.want, test.p)
// TCP and UDP are treated equivalently in the filter - verify that.
test.p.IPProto = packet.UDP
if got, why := aclFunc(&test.p); test.want != got {
t.Errorf("#%d runIn4 (UDP) got=%v want=%v why=%q packet:%v", i, got, test.want, why, test.p)
// Update UDP state
_, _ = acl.runOut(&test.p)
func TestUDPState(t *testing.T) {
acl := newFilter(t.Logf)
flags := LogDrops | LogAccepts
a4 := parsed(packet.UDP, "", "", 4242, 4343)
b4 := parsed(packet.UDP, "", "", 4343, 4242)
// Unsollicited UDP traffic gets dropped
if got := acl.RunIn(&a4, flags); got != Drop {
t.Fatalf("incoming initial packet not dropped, got=%v: %v", got, a4)
// We talk to that peer
if got := acl.RunOut(&b4, flags); got != Accept {
t.Fatalf("outbound packet didn't egress, got=%v: %v", got, b4)
// Now, the same packet as before is allowed back.
if got := acl.RunIn(&a4, flags); got != Accept {
t.Fatalf("incoming response packet not accepted, got=%v: %v", got, a4)
a6 := parsed(packet.UDP, "2001::2", "2001::1", 4242, 4343)
b6 := parsed(packet.UDP, "2001::1", "2001::2", 4343, 4242)
// Unsollicited UDP traffic gets dropped
if got := acl.RunIn(&a6, flags); got != Drop {
t.Fatalf("incoming initial packet not dropped: %v", a4)
// We talk to that peer
if got := acl.RunOut(&b6, flags); got != Accept {
t.Fatalf("outbound packet didn't egress: %v", b4)
// Now, the same packet as before is allowed back.
if got := acl.RunIn(&a6, flags); got != Accept {
t.Fatalf("incoming response packet not accepted: %v", a4)
func TestNoAllocs(t *testing.T) {
acl := newFilter(t.Logf)
tcp4Packet := raw4(packet.TCP, "", "", 999, 22, 0)
udp4Packet := raw4(packet.UDP, "", "", 999, 22, 0)
tcp6Packet := raw6(packet.TCP, "2001::1", "2001::2", 999, 22, 0)
udp6Packet := raw6(packet.UDP, "2001::1", "2001::2", 999, 22, 0)
tests := []struct {
name string
dir direction
want int
packet []byte
{"tcp4_in", in, 0, tcp4Packet},
{"tcp6_in", in, 0, tcp6Packet},
{"tcp4_out", out, 0, tcp4Packet},
{"tcp6_out", out, 0, tcp6Packet},
{"udp4_in", in, 0, udp4Packet},
{"udp6_in", in, 0, udp6Packet},
// One alloc is inevitable (an lru cache update)
{"udp4_out", out, 1, udp4Packet},
{"udp6_out", out, 1, udp6Packet},
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
got := int(testing.AllocsPerRun(1000, func() {
q := &packet.Parsed{}
switch test.dir {
case in:
acl.RunIn(q, 0)
case out:
acl.RunOut(q, 0)
if got > test.want {
t.Errorf("got %d allocs per run; want at most %d", got, test.want)
func TestParseIP(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
host string
bits int
want []netaddr.IPPrefix
wantErr string
{"", 24, pfx(""), ""},
{"2601:1234::", 64, pfx("2601:1234::/64"), ""},
{"", 33, nil, `invalid CIDR size 33 for host ""`},
{"", -1, nil, `invalid CIDR size -1 for host ""`},
{"2601:1234::", 129, nil, `invalid CIDR size 129 for host "2601:1234::"`},
{"", 24, nil, `ports="": to allow all IP addresses, use *:port, not`},
{"::", 64, nil, `ports="::": to allow all IP addresses, use *:port, not [::]:port`},
{"*", 24, pfx("", "::/0"), ""},
for _, tt := range tests {
got, err := parseIP(, tt.bits)
if err != nil {
if err.Error() == tt.wantErr {
t.Errorf("parseIP(%q, %v) error: %v; want error %q",, tt.bits, err, tt.wantErr)
if diff := cmp.Diff(got, tt.want, cmp.Comparer(func(a, b netaddr.IP) bool { return a == b })); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("parseIP(%q, %v) = %s; want %s",, tt.bits, got, tt.want)
func BenchmarkFilter(b *testing.B) {
tcp4Packet := raw4(packet.TCP, "", "", 999, 22, 0)
udp4Packet := raw4(packet.UDP, "", "", 999, 22, 0)
icmp4Packet := raw4(packet.ICMPv4, "", "", 0, 0, 0)
tcp6Packet := raw6(packet.TCP, "::1", "2001::1", 999, 22, 0)
udp6Packet := raw6(packet.UDP, "::1", "2001::1", 999, 22, 0)
icmp6Packet := raw6(packet.ICMPv6, "::1", "2001::1", 0, 0, 0)
benches := []struct {
name string
dir direction
packet []byte
// Non-SYN TCP and ICMP have similar code paths in and out.
{"icmp4", in, icmp4Packet},
{"tcp4_syn_in", in, tcp4Packet},
{"tcp4_syn_out", out, tcp4Packet},
{"udp4_in", in, udp4Packet},
{"udp4_out", out, udp4Packet},
{"icmp6", in, icmp6Packet},
{"tcp6_syn_in", in, tcp6Packet},
{"tcp6_syn_out", out, tcp6Packet},
{"udp6_in", in, udp6Packet},
{"udp6_out", out, udp6Packet},
for _, bench := range benches {
b.Run(, func(b *testing.B) {
acl := newFilter(b.Logf)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
q := &packet.Parsed{}
// This branch seems to have no measurable impact on performance.
if bench.dir == in {
acl.RunIn(q, 0)
} else {
acl.RunOut(q, 0)
func TestPreFilter(t *testing.T) {
packets := []struct {
desc string
want Response
b []byte
{"empty", Accept, []byte{}},
{"short", Drop, []byte("short")},
{"junk", Drop, raw4default(packet.Unknown, 10)},
{"fragment", Accept, raw4default(packet.Fragment, 40)},
{"tcp", noVerdict, raw4default(packet.TCP, 0)},
{"udp", noVerdict, raw4default(packet.UDP, 0)},
{"icmp", noVerdict, raw4default(packet.ICMPv4, 0)},
f := NewAllowNone(t.Logf)
for _, testPacket := range packets {
p := &packet.Parsed{}
got := f.pre(p, LogDrops|LogAccepts, in)
if got != testPacket.want {
t.Errorf("%q got=%v want=%v packet:\n%s", testPacket.desc, got, testPacket.want, packet.Hexdump(testPacket.b))
func TestOmitDropLogging(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
pkt *packet.Parsed
dir direction
want bool
name: "v4_tcp_out",
pkt: &packet.Parsed{IPVersion: 4, IPProto: packet.TCP},
dir: out,
want: false,
name: "v6_icmp_out", // as seen on Linux
pkt: parseHexPkt(t, "60 00 00 00 00 00 3a 00 fe800000000000000000000000000000 ff020000000000000000000000000002"),
dir: out,
want: true,
name: "v6_to_MLDv2_capable_routers", // as seen on Windows
pkt: parseHexPkt(t, "60 00 00 00 00 24 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 16 3a 00 05 02 00 00 01 00 8f 00 6e 80 00 00 00 01 04 00 00 00 ff 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c"),
dir: out,
want: true,
name: "v4_igmp_out", // on Windows, from
pkt: parseHexPkt(t, "46 00 00 30 37 3a 00 00 01 02 10 0e a9 fe 53 6b e0 00 00 16 94 04 00 00 22 00 14 05 00 00 00 02 04 00 00 00 e0 00 00 fb 04 00 00 00 e0 00 00 fc"),
dir: out,
want: true,
name: "v6_udp_multicast",
pkt: parseHexPkt(t, "60 00 00 00 00 00 11 00 fe800000000000007dc6bc04499262a3 ff120000000000000000000000008384"),
dir: out,
want: true,
name: "v4_multicast_out_low",
pkt: &packet.Parsed{IPVersion: 4, DstIP4: mustIP4("")},
dir: out,
want: true,
name: "v4_multicast_out_high",
pkt: &packet.Parsed{IPVersion: 4, DstIP4: mustIP4("")},
dir: out,
want: true,
name: "v4_link_local_unicast",
pkt: &packet.Parsed{IPVersion: 4, DstIP4: mustIP4("")},
dir: out,
want: true,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
got := omitDropLogging(tt.pkt, tt.dir)
if got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v\npacket: %#v\n%s", got, tt.want, tt.pkt, packet.Hexdump(tt.pkt.Buffer()))
func mustIP(s string) netaddr.IP {
ip, err := netaddr.ParseIP(s)
if err != nil {
return ip
func parsed(proto packet.IPProto, src, dst string, sport, dport uint16) packet.Parsed {
sip, dip := mustIP(src), mustIP(dst)
var ret packet.Parsed
ret.IPProto = proto
ret.SrcPort = sport
ret.DstPort = dport
ret.TCPFlags = packet.TCPSyn
if sip.Is4() {
ret.IPVersion = 4
ret.SrcIP4 = packet.IP4FromNetaddr(sip)
ret.DstIP4 = packet.IP4FromNetaddr(dip)
} else {
ret.IPVersion = 6
ret.SrcIP6 = packet.IP6FromNetaddr(sip)
ret.DstIP6 = packet.IP6FromNetaddr(dip)
return ret
func raw6(proto packet.IPProto, src, dst string, sport, dport uint16, trimLen int) []byte {
u := packet.UDP6Header{
IP6Header: packet.IP6Header{
SrcIP: packet.IP6FromNetaddr(mustIP(src)),
DstIP: packet.IP6FromNetaddr(mustIP(dst)),
SrcPort: sport,
DstPort: dport,
payload := make([]byte, 12)
// Set the right bit to look like a TCP SYN, if the packet ends up interpreted as TCP
payload[5] = packet.TCPSyn
b := packet.Generate(&u, payload) // payload large enough to possibly be TCP
// UDP marshaling clobbers IPProto, so override it here.
u.IP6Header.IPProto = proto
if err := u.IP6Header.Marshal(b); err != nil {
if trimLen > 0 {
return b[:trimLen]
} else {
return b
func raw4(proto packet.IPProto, src, dst string, sport, dport uint16, trimLength int) []byte {
u := packet.UDP4Header{
IP4Header: packet.IP4Header{
SrcIP: packet.IP4FromNetaddr(mustIP(src)),
DstIP: packet.IP4FromNetaddr(mustIP(dst)),
SrcPort: sport,
DstPort: dport,
payload := make([]byte, 12)
// Set the right bit to look like a TCP SYN, if the packet ends up interpreted as TCP
payload[5] = packet.TCPSyn
b := packet.Generate(&u, payload) // payload large enough to possibly be TCP
// UDP marshaling clobbers IPProto, so override it here.
switch proto {
case packet.Unknown, packet.Fragment:
u.IP4Header.IPProto = proto
if err := u.IP4Header.Marshal(b); err != nil {
if proto == packet.Fragment {
// Set some fragment offset. This makes the IP
// checksum wrong, but we don't validate the checksum
// when parsing.
b[7] = 255
if trimLength > 0 {
return b[:trimLength]
} else {
return b
func raw4default(proto packet.IPProto, trimLength int) []byte {
return raw4(proto, "", "", 53, 53, trimLength)
func parseHexPkt(t *testing.T, h string) *packet.Parsed {
b, err := hex.DecodeString(strings.ReplaceAll(h, " ", ""))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to read hex %q: %v", h, err)
p := new(packet.Parsed)
return p
func mustIP4(s string) packet.IP4 {
ip, err := netaddr.ParseIP(s)
if err != nil {
return packet.IP4FromNetaddr(ip)
func pfx(strs ...string) (ret []netaddr.IPPrefix) {
for _, s := range strs {
pfx, err := netaddr.ParseIPPrefix(s)
if err != nil {
ret = append(ret, pfx)
return ret
func nets(nets ...string) (ret []netaddr.IPPrefix) {
for _, s := range nets {
if i := strings.IndexByte(s, '/'); i == -1 {
ip, err := netaddr.ParseIP(s)
if err != nil {
bits := uint8(32)
if ip.Is6() {
bits = 128
ret = append(ret, netaddr.IPPrefix{IP: ip, Bits: bits})
} else {
pfx, err := netaddr.ParseIPPrefix(s)
if err != nil {
ret = append(ret, pfx)
return ret
func ports(s string) PortRange {
if s == "*" {
return PortRange{First: 0, Last: 65535}
var fs, ls string
i := strings.IndexByte(s, '-')
if i == -1 {
fs = s
ls = fs
} else {
fs = s[:i]
ls = s[i+1:]
first, err := strconv.ParseInt(fs, 10, 16)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid NetPortRange %q", s))
last, err := strconv.ParseInt(ls, 10, 16)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid NetPortRange %q", s))
return PortRange{uint16(first), uint16(last)}
func netports(netPorts ...string) (ret []NetPortRange) {
for _, s := range netPorts {
i := strings.LastIndexByte(s, ':')
if i == -1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid NetPortRange %q", s))
npr := NetPortRange{
Net: nets(s[:i])[0],
Ports: ports(s[i+1:]),
ret = append(ret, npr)
return ret