You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package netcheck checks the network conditions from the current host.
package netcheck
import (
type Report struct {
UDP bool // UDP works
IPv6 bool // IPv6 works
MappingVariesByDestIP opt.Bool // for IPv4
HairPinning opt.Bool // for IPv4
PreferredDERP int // or 0 for unknown
DERPLatency map[string]time.Duration // keyed by STUN host:port
GlobalV4 string // ip:port of global IPv4
GlobalV6 string // [ip]:port of global IPv6 // TODO
// TODO: update Clone when adding new fields
func (r *Report) Clone() *Report {
if r == nil {
return nil
r2 := *r
if r2.DERPLatency != nil {
r2.DERPLatency = map[string]time.Duration{}
for k, v := range r.DERPLatency {
r2.DERPLatency[k] = v
return &r2
// Client generates a netcheck Report.
type Client struct {
// DERP is the DERP world to use.
DERP *derpmap.World
// DNSCache optionally specifies a DNSCache to use.
// If nil, a DNS cache is not used.
DNSCache *dnscache.Resolver
// Logf optionally specifies where to log to.
Logf logger.Logf
GetSTUNConn4 func() STUNConn
GetSTUNConn6 func() STUNConn
s4 *stunner.Stunner
s6 *stunner.Stunner
// STUNConn is the interface required by the netcheck Client when
// reusing an existing UDP connection.
type STUNConn interface {
WriteTo([]byte, net.Addr) (int, error)
ReadFrom([]byte) (int, net.Addr, error)
func (c *Client) logf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
if c.Logf != nil {
c.Logf(format, a...)
} else {
log.Printf(format, a...)
func (c *Client) ReceiveSTUNPacket(pkt []byte, src *net.UDPAddr) {
var st *stunner.Stunner
if src == nil || src.IP == nil {
panic("bogus src")
if src.IP.To4() != nil {
st = c.s4
} else {
st = c.s6
if st != nil {
st.Receive(pkt, src)
// GetReport gets a report.
// It may not be called concurrently with itself.
func (c *Client) GetReport(ctx context.Context) (*Report, error) {
// Mask user context with ours that we guarantee to cancel so
// we can depend on it being closed in goroutines later.
// (User ctx might be context.Background, etc)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
defer func() {
c.s4 = nil
c.s6 = nil
if c.DERP == nil {
return nil, errors.New("netcheck: GetReport: Client.DERP is nil")
stuns4 := c.DERP.STUN4()
stuns6 := c.DERP.STUN6()
if len(stuns4) == 0 {
// TODO: make this work? if we ever need it
// to. Requirement for self-hosted Tailscale might be
// to run a DERP+STUN server co-resident with the
// Control server.
return nil, errors.New("netcheck: GetReport: no STUN servers, no Report")
for _, s := range stuns4 {
if _, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(s); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("netcheck: GetReport: bogus STUN4 server %q", s)
for _, s := range stuns6 {
if _, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(s); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("netcheck: GetReport: bogus STUN6 server %q", s)
closeOnCtx := func(c io.Closer) {
v6iface, err := interfaces.HaveIPv6GlobalAddress()
if err != nil {
c.logf("interfaces: %v", err)
var (
mu sync.Mutex
ret = &Report{
DERPLatency: map[string]time.Duration{},
gotEP = map[string]string{} // server -> ipPort
gotEPHair = map[string]string{} // server -> ipPort for second UDP4 for hairpinning
gotEP4 string
bestDerpLatency time.Duration
add := func(server, ipPort string, d time.Duration) {
c.logf("%s says we are %s (in %v)", server, ipPort, d)
ua, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", ipPort)
if err != nil {
c.logf("[unexpected] STUN addr %q", ipPort)
isV6 := ua.IP.To4() == nil
defer mu.Unlock()
ret.UDP = true
ret.DERPLatency[server] = d
if isV6 {
ret.IPv6 = true
ret.GlobalV6 = ipPort
// TODO: track MappingVariesByDestIP for IPv6
// too? Would be sad if so, but who knows.
} else {
// IPv4
if gotEP4 == "" {
gotEP4 = ipPort
ret.GlobalV4 = ipPort
} else {
if gotEP4 != ipPort {
} else if ret.MappingVariesByDestIP == "" {
gotEP[server] = ipPort
if ret.PreferredDERP == 0 || d < bestDerpLatency {
bestDerpLatency = d
ret.PreferredDERP = c.DERP.NodeIDOfSTUNServer(server)
addHair := func(server, ipPort string, d time.Duration) {
defer mu.Unlock()
gotEPHair[server] = ipPort
var pc4, pc6 STUNConn
if f := c.GetSTUNConn4; f != nil {
pc4 = f()
} else {
u4, err := net.ListenPacket("udp4", ":0")
if err != nil {
c.logf("udp4: %v", err)
return nil, err
pc4 = u4
go closeOnCtx(u4)
// And a second UDP4 socket to check hairpinning.
pc4Hair, err := net.ListenPacket("udp4", ":0")
if err != nil {
c.logf("udp4: %v", err)
return nil, err
go closeOnCtx(pc4Hair)
if v6iface {
if f := c.GetSTUNConn6; f != nil {
pc6 = f()
} else {
u6, err := net.ListenPacket("udp6", ":0")
if err != nil {
c.logf("udp6: %v", err)
} else {
pc6 = u6
go closeOnCtx(u6)
reader := func(s *stunner.Stunner, pc STUNConn, maxReads int) {
var buf [64 << 10]byte
for i := 0; i < maxReads; i++ {
n, addr, err := pc.ReadFrom(buf[:])
if err != nil {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
c.logf("ReadFrom: %v", err)
ua, ok := addr.(*net.UDPAddr)
if !ok {
c.logf("ReadFrom: unexpected addr %T", addr)
s.Receive(buf[:n], ua)
var grp errgroup.Group
const unlimited = 9999 // effectively, closed on cancel anyway
s4 := &stunner.Stunner{
Send: pc4.WriteTo,
Endpoint: add,
Servers: stuns4,
Logf: c.logf,
DNSCache: dnscache.Get(),
c.s4 = s4
grp.Go(func() error { return s4.Run(ctx) })
if c.GetSTUNConn4 == nil {
go reader(s4, pc4, unlimited)
s4Hair := &stunner.Stunner{
Send: pc4Hair.WriteTo,
Endpoint: addHair,
Servers: stuns4,
Logf: c.logf,
DNSCache: dnscache.Get(),
grp.Go(func() error { return s4Hair.Run(ctx) })
go reader(s4Hair, pc4Hair, 2)
if pc6 != nil {
s6 := &stunner.Stunner{
Endpoint: add,
Send: pc6.WriteTo,
Servers: stuns6,
Logf: c.logf,
OnlyIPv6: true,
DNSCache: dnscache.Get(),
c.s6 = s6
grp.Go(func() error { return s6.Run(ctx) })
if c.GetSTUNConn6 == nil {
go reader(s6, pc6, unlimited)
err = grp.Wait()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer mu.Unlock()
// Check hairpinning.
if ret.MappingVariesByDestIP == "false" {
hairIPStr, hairPortStr, _ := net.SplitHostPort(gotEPHair[""])
hairIP := net.ParseIP(hairIPStr)
hairPort, _ := strconv.Atoi(hairPortStr)
if hairIP != nil && hairPort != 0 {
tx := stun.NewTxID() // random payload
pc4.WriteTo(tx[:], &net.UDPAddr{IP: hairIP, Port: hairPort})
var got stun.TxID
pc4Hair.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(1 * time.Second))
_, _, err := pc4Hair.ReadFrom(got[:])
ret.HairPinning.Set(err == nil && got == tx)
// TODO: if UDP is blocked, try to measure TCP connect times
// to DERP nodes instead? So UDP-blocked users still get a
// decent DERP node, rather than being randomly assigned to
// the other side of the planet? Or try ICMP? (likely also
// blocked?)
return ret.Clone(), nil