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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
//go:build !plan9
// tailscale-operator provides a way to expose services running in a Kubernetes
// cluster to your Tailnet.
package main
import (
appsv1 ""
corev1 ""
logf ""
kzap ""
func main() {
// Required to use our client API. We're fine with the instability since the
// client lives in the same repo as this code.
tailscale.I_Acknowledge_This_API_Is_Unstable = true
var (
tsNamespace = defaultEnv("OPERATOR_NAMESPACE", "")
tslogging = defaultEnv("OPERATOR_LOGGING", "info")
image = defaultEnv("PROXY_IMAGE", "tailscale/tailscale:latest")
priorityClassName = defaultEnv("PROXY_PRIORITY_CLASS_NAME", "")
tags = defaultEnv("PROXY_TAGS", "tag:k8s")
shouldRunAuthProxy = defaultBool("AUTH_PROXY", false)
var opts []kzap.Opts
switch tslogging {
case "info":
opts = append(opts, kzap.Level(zapcore.InfoLevel))
case "debug":
opts = append(opts, kzap.Level(zapcore.DebugLevel))
case "dev":
opts = append(opts, kzap.UseDevMode(true), kzap.Level(zapcore.DebugLevel))
zlog := kzap.NewRaw(opts...).Sugar()
s, tsClient := initTSNet(zlog)
defer s.Close()
restConfig := config.GetConfigOrDie()
if shouldRunAuthProxy {
launchAuthProxy(zlog, restConfig, s)
startReconcilers(zlog, tsNamespace, restConfig, tsClient, image, priorityClassName, tags)
// initTSNet initializes the tsnet.Server and logs in to Tailscale. It uses the
// CLIENT_ID_FILE and CLIENT_SECRET_FILE environment variables to authenticate
// with Tailscale.
func initTSNet(zlog *zap.SugaredLogger) (*tsnet.Server, *tailscale.Client) {
var (
clientIDPath = defaultEnv("CLIENT_ID_FILE", "")
clientSecretPath = defaultEnv("CLIENT_SECRET_FILE", "")
hostname = defaultEnv("OPERATOR_HOSTNAME", "tailscale-operator")
kubeSecret = defaultEnv("OPERATOR_SECRET", "")
operatorTags = defaultEnv("OPERATOR_INITIAL_TAGS", "tag:k8s-operator")
startlog := zlog.Named("startup")
if clientIDPath == "" || clientSecretPath == "" {
startlog.Fatalf("CLIENT_ID_FILE and CLIENT_SECRET_FILE must be set")
clientID, err := os.ReadFile(clientIDPath)
if err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("reading client ID %q: %v", clientIDPath, err)
clientSecret, err := os.ReadFile(clientSecretPath)
if err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("reading client secret %q: %v", clientSecretPath, err)
credentials := clientcredentials.Config{
ClientID: string(clientID),
ClientSecret: string(clientSecret),
TokenURL: "",
tsClient := tailscale.NewClient("-", nil)
tsClient.HTTPClient = credentials.Client(context.Background())
s := &tsnet.Server{
Hostname: hostname,
Logf: zlog.Named("tailscaled").Debugf,
if kubeSecret != "" {
st, err := kubestore.New(logger.Discard, kubeSecret)
if err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("creating kube store: %v", err)
s.Store = st
if err := s.Start(); err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("starting tailscale server: %v", err)
lc, err := s.LocalClient()
if err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("getting local client: %v", err)
ctx := context.Background()
loginDone := false
machineAuthShown := false
for {
startlog.Debugf("querying tailscaled status")
st, err := lc.StatusWithoutPeers(ctx)
if err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("getting status: %v", err)
switch st.BackendState {
case "Running":
break waitOnline
case "NeedsLogin":
if loginDone {
caps := tailscale.KeyCapabilities{
Devices: tailscale.KeyDeviceCapabilities{
Create: tailscale.KeyDeviceCreateCapabilities{
Reusable: false,
Preauthorized: true,
Tags: strings.Split(operatorTags, ","),
authkey, _, err := tsClient.CreateKey(ctx, caps)
if err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("creating operator authkey: %v", err)
if err := lc.Start(ctx, ipn.Options{
AuthKey: authkey,
}); err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("starting tailscale: %v", err)
if err := lc.StartLoginInteractive(ctx); err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("starting login: %v", err)
startlog.Debugf("requested login by authkey")
loginDone = true
case "NeedsMachineAuth":
if !machineAuthShown {
startlog.Infof("Machine approval required, please visit the admin panel to approve")
machineAuthShown = true
startlog.Debugf("waiting for tailscale to start: %v", st.BackendState)
return s, tsClient
// startReconcilers starts the controller-runtime manager and registers the
// ServiceReconciler.
func startReconcilers(zlog *zap.SugaredLogger, tsNamespace string, restConfig *rest.Config, tsClient *tailscale.Client, image, priorityClassName, tags string) {
startlog := zlog.Named("startReconcilers")
// For secrets and statefulsets, we only get permission to touch the objects
// in the controller's own namespace. This cannot be expressed by
// .Watches(...) below, instead you have to add a per-type field selector to
// the cache that sits a few layers below the builder stuff, which will
// implicitly filter what parts of the world the builder code gets to see at
// all.
nsFilter := cache.ByObject{
Field: client.InNamespace(tsNamespace).AsSelector(),
mgr, err := manager.New(restConfig, manager.Options{
Cache: cache.Options{
ByObject: map[client.Object]cache.ByObject{
&corev1.Secret{}: nsFilter,
&appsv1.StatefulSet{}: nsFilter,
if err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("could not create manager: %v", err)
reconcileFilter := handler.EnqueueRequestsFromMapFunc(func(_ context.Context, o client.Object) []reconcile.Request {
ls := o.GetLabels()
if ls[LabelManaged] != "true" {
return nil
if ls[LabelParentType] != "svc" {
return nil
return []reconcile.Request{
NamespacedName: types.NamespacedName{
Namespace: ls[LabelParentNamespace],
Name: ls[LabelParentName],
err = builder.
Watches(&appsv1.StatefulSet{}, reconcileFilter).
Watches(&corev1.Secret{}, reconcileFilter).
ssr: &tailscaleSTSReconciler{
Client: mgr.GetClient(),
tsClient: tsClient,
defaultTags: strings.Split(tags, ","),
operatorNamespace: tsNamespace,
proxyImage: image,
proxyPriorityClassName: priorityClassName,
Client: mgr.GetClient(),
logger: zlog.Named("service-reconciler"),
if err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("could not create controller: %v", err)
startlog.Infof("Startup complete, operator running, version: %s", version.Long())
if err := mgr.Start(signals.SetupSignalHandler()); err != nil {
startlog.Fatalf("could not start manager: %v", err)
type tsClient interface {
CreateKey(ctx context.Context, caps tailscale.KeyCapabilities) (string, *tailscale.Key, error)
DeleteDevice(ctx context.Context, nodeStableID string) error