You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

522 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package magicsock
import (
var errNoDestinations = errors.New("magicsock: no destinations")
func (c *Conn) createLegacyEndpointLocked(pk key.Public, addrs string) (conn.Endpoint, error) {
a := &addrSet{
Logf: c.logf,
publicKey: pk,
curAddr: -1,
if addrs != "" {
for _, ep := range strings.Split(addrs, ",") {
ipp, err := netaddr.ParseIPPort(ep)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bogus address %q", ep)
a.ipPorts = append(a.ipPorts, ipp)
a.addrs = append(a.addrs, *ipp.UDPAddr())
// If this endpoint is being updated, remember its old set of
// endpoints so we can remove any (from c.addrsByUDP) that are
// not in the new set.
var oldIPP []netaddr.IPPort
if preva, ok := c.addrsByKey[pk]; ok {
oldIPP = preva.ipPorts
c.addrsByKey[pk] = a
// Add entries to c.addrsByUDP.
for _, ipp := range a.ipPorts {
if ipp.IP == derpMagicIPAddr {
c.addrsByUDP[ipp] = a
// Remove previous c.addrsByUDP entries that are no longer in the new set.
for _, ipp := range oldIPP {
if ipp.IP != derpMagicIPAddr && c.addrsByUDP[ipp] != a {
delete(c.addrsByUDP, ipp)
return a, nil
func (c *Conn) findLegacyEndpointLocked(ipp netaddr.IPPort, addr *net.UDPAddr) conn.Endpoint {
// Pre-disco: look up their addrSet.
if as, ok := c.addrsByUDP[ipp]; ok {
return as
// Pre-disco: the peer that sent this packet has roamed beyond
// the knowledge provided by the control server. If the
// packet is valid wireguard will call UpdateDst on the
// original endpoint using this addr.
return (*singleEndpoint)(addr)
func (c *Conn) resetAddrSetStatesLocked() {
for _, as := range c.addrsByKey {
as.curAddr = -1
as.stopSpray = as.timeNow().Add(sprayPeriod)
func (c *Conn) sendSingleEndpoint(b []byte, se *singleEndpoint) error {
addr := (*net.UDPAddr)(se)
if addr.IP.Equal(derpMagicIP) {
c.logf("magicsock: [unexpected] DERP BUG: attempting to send packet to DERP address %v", addr)
return nil
_, err := c.sendUDPStd(addr, b)
return err
func (c *Conn) sendAddrSet(b []byte, as *addrSet) error {
var addrBuf [8]netaddr.IPPort
dsts, roamAddr := as.appendDests(addrBuf[:0], b)
if len(dsts) == 0 {
return errNoDestinations
var success bool
var ret error
for _, addr := range dsts {
sent, err := c.sendAddr(addr, as.publicKey, b)
if sent {
success = true
} else if ret == nil {
ret = err
if err != nil && addr != roamAddr && c.sendLogLimit.Allow() {
if c.connCtx.Err() == nil { // don't log if we're closed
c.logf("magicsock: Conn.Send(%v): %v", addr, err)
if success {
return nil
return ret
func shouldSprayPacket(b []byte) bool {
if len(b) < 4 {
return false
msgType := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b[:4])
switch msgType {
case device.MessageInitiationType,
device.MessageCookieReplyType: // TODO: necessary?
return true
return false
const sprayPeriod = 3 * time.Second
// appendDests appends to dsts the destinations that b should be
// written to in order to reach as. Some of the returned IPPorts may
// be fake addrs representing DERP servers.
// It also returns as's current roamAddr, if any.
func (as *addrSet) appendDests(dsts []netaddr.IPPort, b []byte) (_ []netaddr.IPPort, roamAddr netaddr.IPPort) {
spray := shouldSprayPacket(b) // true for handshakes
now := as.timeNow()
as.lastSend = now
// Some internal invariant checks.
if len(as.addrs) != len(as.ipPorts) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("lena %d != leni %d", len(as.addrs), len(as.ipPorts)))
if n1, n2 := as.roamAddr != nil, as.roamAddrStd != nil; n1 != n2 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("roamnil %v != roamstdnil %v", n1, n2))
// Spray logic.
// After exchanging a handshake with a peer, we send some outbound
// packets to every endpoint of that peer. These packets are spaced out
// over several seconds to make sure that our peer has an opportunity to
// send its own spray packet to us before we are done spraying.
// Multiple packets are necessary because we have to both establish the
// NAT mappings between two peers *and use* the mappings to switch away
// from DERP to a higher-priority UDP endpoint.
const sprayFreq = 250 * time.Millisecond
if spray {
as.lastSpray = now
as.stopSpray = now.Add(sprayPeriod)
// Reset our favorite route on new handshakes so we
// can downgrade to a worse path if our better path
// goes away. (
as.curAddr = -1
} else if now.Before(as.stopSpray) {
// We are in the spray window. If it has been sprayFreq since we
// last sprayed a packet, spray this packet.
if now.Sub(as.lastSpray) >= sprayFreq {
spray = true
as.lastSpray = now
// Pick our destination address(es).
switch {
case spray:
// This packet is being sprayed to all addresses.
for i := range as.ipPorts {
dsts = append(dsts, as.ipPorts[i])
if as.roamAddr != nil {
dsts = append(dsts, *as.roamAddr)
case as.roamAddr != nil:
// We have a roaming address, prefer it over other addrs.
// TODO(danderson): this is not correct, there's no reason
// roamAddr should be special like this.
dsts = append(dsts, *as.roamAddr)
case as.curAddr != -1:
if as.curAddr >= len(as.addrs) {
as.Logf("[unexpected] magicsock bug: as.curAddr >= len(as.addrs): %d >= %d", as.curAddr, len(as.addrs))
// No roaming addr, but we've seen packets from a known peer
// addr, so keep using that one.
dsts = append(dsts, as.ipPorts[as.curAddr])
// We know nothing about how to reach this peer, and we're not
// spraying. Use the first address in the array, which will
// usually be a DERP address that guarantees connectivity.
if len(as.ipPorts) > 0 {
dsts = append(dsts, as.ipPorts[0])
if logPacketDests {
as.Logf("spray=%v; roam=%v; dests=%v", spray, as.roamAddr, dsts)
if as.roamAddr != nil {
roamAddr = *as.roamAddr
return dsts, roamAddr
// addrSet is a set of UDP addresses that implements wireguard/conn.Endpoint.
// This is the legacy endpoint for peers that don't support discovery;
// it predates discoEndpoint.
type addrSet struct {
publicKey key.Public // peer public key used for DERP communication
// addrs is an ordered priority list provided by wgengine,
// sorted from expensive+slow+reliable at the begnining to
// fast+cheap at the end. More concretely, it's typically:
// [DERP fakeip:node, Global IP:port, LAN ip:port]
// But there could be multiple or none of each.
addrs []net.UDPAddr
ipPorts []netaddr.IPPort // same as addrs, in different form
// clock, if non-nil, is used in tests instead of time.Now.
clock func() time.Time
Logf logger.Logf // must not be nil
mu sync.Mutex // guards following fields
lastSend time.Time
// roamAddr is non-nil if/when we receive a correctly signed
// WireGuard packet from an unexpected address. If so, we
// remember it and send responses there in the future, but
// this should hopefully never be used (or at least used
// rarely) in the case that all the components of Tailscale
// are correctly learning/sharing the network map details.
roamAddr *netaddr.IPPort
roamAddrStd *net.UDPAddr
// curAddr is an index into addrs of the highest-priority
// address a valid packet has been received from so far.
// If no valid packet from addrs has been received, curAddr is -1.
curAddr int
// stopSpray is the time after which we stop spraying packets.
stopSpray time.Time
// lastSpray is the last time we sprayed a packet.
lastSpray time.Time
// loggedLogPriMask is a bit field of that tracks whether
// we've already logged about receiving a packet from a low
// priority ("low-pri") address when we already have curAddr
// set to a better one. This is only to suppress some
// redundant logs.
loggedLogPriMask uint32
// derpID returns this addrSet's home DERP node, or 0 if none is found.
func (as *addrSet) derpID() int {
for _, ua := range as.addrs {
if ua.IP.Equal(derpMagicIP) {
return ua.Port
return 0
func (as *addrSet) timeNow() time.Time {
if as.clock != nil {
return as.clock()
return time.Now()
var noAddr, _ = netaddr.FromStdAddr(net.ParseIP(""), 127, "")
func (a *addrSet) dst() netaddr.IPPort {
if a.roamAddr != nil {
return *a.roamAddr
if len(a.addrs) == 0 {
return noAddr
i := a.curAddr
if i == -1 {
i = 0
return a.ipPorts[i]
// packUDPAddr packs a UDPAddr in the form wanted by WireGuard.
func packUDPAddr(ua *net.UDPAddr) []byte {
ip := ua.IP.To4()
if ip == nil {
ip = ua.IP
b := make([]byte, 0, len(ip)+2)
b = append(b, ip...)
b = append(b, byte(ua.Port))
b = append(b, byte(ua.Port>>8))
return b
func (a *addrSet) DstToBytes() []byte {
return packIPPort(a.dst())
func (a *addrSet) DstToString() string {
dst := a.dst()
return dst.String()
func (a *addrSet) DstIP() net.IP {
return a.dst().IP.IPAddr().IP // TODO: add netaddr accessor to cut an alloc here?
func (a *addrSet) SrcIP() net.IP { return nil }
func (a *addrSet) SrcToString() string { return "" }
func (a *addrSet) ClearSrc() {}
func (a *addrSet) UpdateDst(new *net.UDPAddr) error {
if new.IP.Equal(derpMagicIP) {
// Never consider DERP addresses as a viable candidate for
// either curAddr or roamAddr. It's only ever a last resort
// choice, never a preferred choice.
// This is a hot path for established connections.
return nil
if a.roamAddrStd != nil && equalUDPAddr(new, a.roamAddrStd) {
// Packet from the current roaming address, no logging.
// This is a hot path for established connections.
return nil
if a.roamAddr == nil && a.curAddr >= 0 && equalUDPAddr(new, &a.addrs[a.curAddr]) {
// Packet from current-priority address, no logging.
// This is a hot path for established connections.
return nil
newa, ok := netaddr.FromStdAddr(new.IP, new.Port, new.Zone)
if !ok {
return nil
index := -1
for i := range a.addrs {
if equalUDPAddr(new, &a.addrs[i]) {
index = i
publicKey := wgcfg.Key(a.publicKey)
pk := publicKey.ShortString()
old := "<none>"
if a.curAddr >= 0 {
old = a.addrs[a.curAddr].String()
switch {
case index == -1:
if a.roamAddr == nil {
a.Logf("magicsock: rx %s from roaming address %s, set as new priority", pk, new)
} else {
a.Logf("magicsock: rx %s from roaming address %s, replaces roaming address %s", pk, new, a.roamAddr)
a.roamAddr = &newa
a.roamAddrStd = new
case a.roamAddr != nil:
a.Logf("magicsock: rx %s from known %s (%d), replaces roaming address %s", pk, new, index, a.roamAddr)
a.roamAddr = nil
a.roamAddrStd = nil
a.curAddr = index
a.loggedLogPriMask = 0
case a.curAddr == -1:
a.Logf("magicsock: rx %s from %s (%d/%d), set as new priority", pk, new, index, len(a.addrs))
a.curAddr = index
a.loggedLogPriMask = 0
case index < a.curAddr:
if 1 <= index && index <= 32 && (a.loggedLogPriMask&1<<(index-1)) == 0 {
a.Logf("magicsock: rx %s from low-pri %s (%d), keeping current %s (%d)", pk, new, index, old, a.curAddr)
a.loggedLogPriMask |= 1 << (index - 1)
default: // index > a.curAddr
a.Logf("magicsock: rx %s from %s (%d/%d), replaces old priority %s", pk, new, index, len(a.addrs), old)
a.curAddr = index
a.loggedLogPriMask = 0
return nil
func equalUDPAddr(x, y *net.UDPAddr) bool {
return x.Port == y.Port && x.IP.Equal(y.IP)
func (a *addrSet) String() string {
buf := new(strings.Builder)
if a.roamAddr != nil {
sbPrintAddr(buf, *a.roamAddrStd)
for i, addr := range a.addrs {
if i > 0 || a.roamAddr != nil {
buf.WriteString(", ")
sbPrintAddr(buf, addr)
if a.curAddr == i {
return buf.String()
func (as *addrSet) populatePeerStatus(ps *ipnstate.PeerStatus) {
ps.LastWrite = as.lastSend
for i, ua := range as.addrs {
if ua.IP.Equal(derpMagicIP) {
uaStr := ua.String()
ps.Addrs = append(ps.Addrs, uaStr)
if as.curAddr == i {
ps.CurAddr = uaStr
if as.roamAddr != nil {
ps.CurAddr = udpAddrDebugString(*as.roamAddrStd)
func (a *addrSet) Addrs() []wgcfg.Endpoint {
var eps []wgcfg.Endpoint
for _, addr := range a.addrs {
eps = append(eps, wgcfg.Endpoint{
Host: addr.IP.String(),
Port: uint16(addr.Port),
if a.roamAddr != nil {
eps = append(eps, wgcfg.Endpoint{
Host: a.roamAddr.IP.String(),
Port: uint16(a.roamAddr.Port),
return eps
// singleEndpoint is a wireguard-go/conn.Endpoint used for "roaming
// addressed" in releases of Tailscale that predate discovery
// messages. New peers use discoEndpoint.
type singleEndpoint net.UDPAddr
func (e *singleEndpoint) ClearSrc() {}
func (e *singleEndpoint) DstIP() net.IP { return (*net.UDPAddr)(e).IP }
func (e *singleEndpoint) SrcIP() net.IP { return nil }
func (e *singleEndpoint) SrcToString() string { return "" }
func (e *singleEndpoint) DstToString() string { return (*net.UDPAddr)(e).String() }
func (e *singleEndpoint) DstToBytes() []byte { return packUDPAddr((*net.UDPAddr)(e)) }
func (e *singleEndpoint) UpdateDst(dst *net.UDPAddr) error {
return fmt.Errorf("magicsock.singleEndpoint(%s).UpdateDst(%s): should never be called", (*net.UDPAddr)(e), dst)
func (e *singleEndpoint) Addrs() []wgcfg.Endpoint {
return []wgcfg.Endpoint{{
Host: e.IP.String(),
Port: uint16(e.Port),