You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

200 lines
5.9 KiB

import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react"
import { apiFetch } from "src/api"
export type ExitNode = {
ID: string
Name: string
Location?: ExitNodeLocation
type ExitNodeLocation = {
Country: string
CountryCode: CountryCode
City: string
CityCode: CityCode
Priority: number
type CountryCode = string
type CityCode = string
export type ExitNodeGroup = {
id: string
name?: string
nodes: ExitNode[]
export default function useExitNodes(tailnetName: string, filter?: string) {
const [data, setData] = useState<ExitNode[]>([])
useEffect(() => {
apiFetch("/exit-nodes", "GET")
.then((r) => r.json())
.then((r) => setData(r))
.catch((err) => {
alert("Failed operation: " + err.message)
}, [])
const { tailnetNodesSorted, locationNodesMap } = useMemo(() => {
// First going through exit nodes and splitting them into two groups:
// 1. tailnetNodes: exit nodes advertised by tailnet's own nodes
// 2. locationNodes: exit nodes advertised by non-tailnet Mullvad nodes
let tailnetNodes: ExitNode[] = []
const locationNodes = new Map<CountryCode, Map<CityCode, ExitNode[]>>()
data?.forEach((n) => {
const loc = n.Location
if (!loc) {
// 2023-11-15: Currently, if the node doesn't have
// location information, it is owned by the tailnet.
// Only Mullvad exit nodes have locations filled.
Name: trimDNSSuffix(n.Name, tailnetName),
const countryNodes =
locationNodes.get(loc.CountryCode) || new Map<CityCode, ExitNode[]>()
const cityNodes = countryNodes.get(loc.CityCode) || []
countryNodes.set(loc.CityCode, [...cityNodes, n])
locationNodes.set(loc.CountryCode, countryNodes)
return {
tailnetNodesSorted: tailnetNodes.sort(compareByName),
locationNodesMap: locationNodes,
}, [data, tailnetName])
const mullvadNodesSorted = useMemo(() => {
const nodes: ExitNode[] = []
// addBestMatchNode adds the node with the "higest priority"
// match from a list of exit node `options` to `nodes`.
const addBestMatchNode = (
options: ExitNode[],
name: (l: ExitNodeLocation) => string
) => {
const bestNode = highestPriorityNode(options)
if (!bestNode || !bestNode.Location) {
return // not possible, doing this for type safety
ID: bestNode.ID,
Name: name(bestNode.Location),
Location: bestNode.Location,
if (!Boolean(filter)) {
// When nothing is searched, only show a single best-matching
// exit node per-country.
// There's too many location-based nodes to display all of them.
// add one node per country
(countryNodes) =>
addBestMatchNode(flattenMap(countryNodes), (l) => l.Country)
} else {
// Otherwise, show the best match on a city-level,
// with a "Country: Best Match" node at top.
// i.e. We allow for discovering cities through searching.
locationNodesMap.forEach((countryNodes) => {
// add one node per city
(cityNodes) =>
addBestMatchNode(cityNodes, (l) => `${l.Country}: ${l.City}`)
// add the "Country: Best Match" node
(l) => `${l.Country}: Best Match`
return nodes.sort(compareByName)
}, [locationNodesMap, Boolean(filter)])
// Ordered and filtered grouping of exit nodes.
const exitNodeGroups = useMemo(() => {
const filterLower = !filter ? undefined : filter.toLowerCase()
return [
{ id: "self", nodes: filter ? [] : [noExitNode, runAsExitNode] },
id: "tailnet",
nodes: filterLower
? tailnetNodesSorted.filter((n) =>
: tailnetNodesSorted,
id: "mullvad",
name: "Mullvad VPN",
nodes: filterLower
? mullvadNodesSorted.filter((n) =>
: mullvadNodesSorted,
}, [tailnetNodesSorted, mullvadNodesSorted, filter])
return { data: exitNodeGroups }
// highestPriorityNode finds the highest priority node for use
// (the "best match" node) from a list of exit nodes.
// Nodes with equal priorities are picked between arbitrarily.
function highestPriorityNode(nodes: ExitNode[]): ExitNode | undefined {
return nodes.length === 0
? undefined
: nodes.sort(
(a, b) => (b.Location?.Priority || 0) - (a.Location?.Priority || 0)
// compareName compares two exit nodes alphabetically by name.
function compareByName(a: ExitNode, b: ExitNode): number {
if (a.Location && b.Location && a.Location.Country == b.Location.Country) {
// Always put "<Country>: Best Match" node at top of country list.
if (a.Name.includes(": Best Match")) {
return -1
} else if (b.Name.includes(": Best Match")) {
return 1
return a.Name.localeCompare(b.Name)
function flattenMap<T, V>(m: Map<T, V[]>): V[] {
return Array.from(m.values()).reduce((prev, curr) => [...prev, ...curr])
// trimDNSSuffix trims the tailnet dns name from s, leaving no
// trailing dots.
// trimDNSSuffix("", "") = "hello"
// trimDNSSuffix("hello", "") = "hello"
export function trimDNSSuffix(s: string, tailnetDNSName: string): string {
if (s.endsWith(".")) {
s = s.slice(0, -1)
if (s.endsWith("." + tailnetDNSName)) {
s = s.replace("." + tailnetDNSName, "")
return s
export const noExitNode: ExitNode = { ID: "NONE", Name: "None" }
export const runAsExitNode: ExitNode = {
Name: "Run as exit node…",