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# flake.nix describes a Nix source repository that provides
# development builds of Tailscale and the fork of the Go compiler
# toolchain that Tailscale maintains. It also provides a development
# environment for working on tailscale, for use with "nix develop".
# For more information about this and why this file is useful, see:
# Also look into direnv:, this can make it so that you can
# automatically get your environment set up when you change folders into the
# project.
# WARNING: currently, the packages provided by this flake are brittle,
# and importing this flake into your own Nix configs is likely to
# leave you with broken builds periodically.
# The issue is that building Tailscale binaries uses the buildGoModule
# helper from nixpkgs. This helper demands to know the content hash of
# all of the Go dependencies of this repo, in the form of a Nix SRI
# hash. This hash isn't automatically kept in sync with changes made
# to go.mod yet, and so every time we update go.mod while hacking on
# Tailscale, this flake ends up with a broken build due to hash
# mismatches.
# Right now, this flake is intended for use by Tailscale developers,
# who are aware of this mismatch and willing to live with it. At some
# point, we'll add automation to keep the hashes more in sync, at
# which point this caveat should go away.
# See for tracking
# how to fix this mismatch.
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
# Used by shell.nix as a compat shim.
flake-compat = {
url = "github:edolstra/flake-compat";
flake = false;
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, flake-compat }: let
# tailscaleRev is the git commit at which this flake was imported,
# or the empty string when building from a local checkout of the
# tailscale repo.
tailscaleRev = if builtins.hasAttr "rev" self then self.rev else "";
# tailscale takes a nixpkgs package set, and builds Tailscale from
# the same commit as this flake. IOW, it provides "tailscale built
# from HEAD", where HEAD is "whatever commit you imported the
# flake at".
# This is currently unfortunately brittle, because we have to
# specify vendorSha256, and that sha changes any time we alter
# go.mod. We don't want to force a nix dependency on everyone
# hacking on Tailscale, so this flake is likely to have broken
# builds periodically until someone comes through and manually
# fixes them up. I sure wish there was a way to express "please
# just trust the local go.mod, vendorSha256 has no benefit here",
# but alas.
# So really, this flake is for tailscale devs to dogfood with, if
# you're an end user you should be prepared for this flake to not
# build periodically.
tailscale = pkgs: pkgs.buildGo121Module rec {
name = "tailscale";
src = ./.;
vendorSha256 = pkgs.lib.fileContents ./go.mod.sri;
nativeBuildInputs = pkgs.lib.optionals pkgs.stdenv.isLinux [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
ldflags = ["-X${tailscaleRev}"];
subPackages = [ "cmd/tailscale" "cmd/tailscaled" ];
doCheck = false;
# NOTE: We strip the ${PORT} and $FLAGS because they are unset in the
# environment and cause issues (specifically the unset PORT). At some
# point, there should be a NixOS module that allows configuration of these
# things, but for now, we hardcode the default of port 41641 (taken from
# ./cmd/tailscaled/tailscaled.defaults).
postInstall = pkgs.lib.optionalString pkgs.stdenv.isLinux ''
wrapProgram $out/bin/tailscaled --prefix PATH : ${pkgs.lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.iproute2 pkgs.iptables pkgs.getent pkgs.shadow ]}
wrapProgram $out/bin/tailscale --suffix PATH : ${pkgs.lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.procps ]}
sed -i \
-e "s#/usr/sbin#$out/bin#" \
-e "/^EnvironmentFile/d" \
-e 's/''${PORT}/41641/' \
-e 's/$FLAGS//' \
install -D -m0444 -t $out/lib/systemd/system ./cmd/tailscaled/tailscaled.service
# This whole blob makes the tailscale package available for all
# OS/CPU combos that nix supports, as well as a dev shell so that
# "nix develop" and "nix-shell" give you a dev env.
flakeForSystem = nixpkgs: system: let
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
ts = tailscale pkgs;
in {
packages = {
default = ts;
tailscale = ts;
devShell = pkgs.mkShell {
packages = with pkgs; [
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: flakeForSystem nixpkgs system);
# nix-direnv cache busting line: sha256-L7V4Wef0rDY+M3XyOuRpma03Eq2ONZolKB3obU9M8Ic=