You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

129 lines
8.2 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Generic Strings -->
<string name="log_in">Log In</string>
<string name="log_out">Log Out</string>
<string name="none">None</string>
<string name="connect">Connect</string>
<string name="unknown_user">Unknown User</string>
<string name="connected">Connected</string>
<string name="not_connected">Not Connected</string>
<string name="empty"> </string>
<string name="template">%s</string>
<string name="more">More</string>
<string name="offline">Offline</string>
<string name="ok">OK</string>
<!-- Strings for the about screen -->
<string name="app_name">Tailscale</string>
<string name="tile_name">Tailscale</string>
<string name="about_view_title">Tailscale for Android</string>
<string name="acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</string>
<string name="privacy_policy">Privacy Policy</string>
<string name="terms_of_service">Terms of Service</string>
<string name="about_view_footnotes">WireGuard is a registered trademark of Jason A. Donenfeld.\n\n© 2024 Tailscale Inc. All rights reserved.\nTailscale is a registered trademark of Tailscale Inc.</string>
<string name="app_icon_content_description">The Tailscale App Icon</string>
<string name="managed_by">Managed By</string>
<!-- Strings for the bug reporting screen -->
<string name="bug_report_title">Report a Bug</string>
<string name="bug_report_instructions_prefix">To report a bug,&#160;</string>
<string name="bug_report_instructions_linktext">contact our support team&#160;</string>
<string name="bug_report_instructions_suffix"> and include the identifier below.</string>
<string name="bug_report_id_desc">This ID helps us find the event in our diagnostic logs. This process does not share any of your personally-identifiable information.</string>
<!-- Strings for the settings screen -->
<string name="settings_title">Settings</string>
<string name="settings_admin_prefix">You can manage your account from the admin console.&#160;</string>
<string name="settings_admin_link">View admin console…</string>
<string name="about">About</string>
<string name="bug_report">Bug Report</string>
<string name="use_ts_dns">Use Tailscale DNS</string>
<!-- Strings for the main screen -->
<string name="exit_node">EXIT NODE</string>
<string name="starting">Starting…</string>
<string name="connect_to_tailnet">"Connect again to talk to the other devices in the %1$s tailnet."</string>
<string name="welcome_to_tailscale">Welcome to Tailscale</string>
<string name="login_to_join_your_tailnet">Log in to join your tailnet and connect your devices.</string>
<!-- Strings for peer details -->
<string name="addresses_section"></string>
<string name="os">OS</string>
<string name="key_expiry">Key Expiry</string>
<string name="peer_details">Tailscale Addresses</string>
<!-- Strings for MDM settings -->
<string name="current_mdm_settings">Current MDM Settings</string>
<string name="mdm_settings">MDM Settings</string>
<string name="managed_by_orgName">Managed by %1$s</string>
<string name="managed_by_explainer">Your organization is managing Tailscale on this device. Some features might have been customized or hidden by your system administrator.</string>
<string name="managed_by_explainer_orgName">%1$s is managing Tailscale on this device. Some features might have been customized or hidden by your system administrator.</string>
<string name="open_support">Open Support</string>
<!-- State strings -->
<string name="waiting">Loading…</string>
<string name="placeholder">--</string>
<string name="please_login">Please Login</string>
<string name="stopped">Stopped</string>
<!-- Time conversion templates -->
<string name="expired">expired</string>
<string name="under_a_minute">under a minute</string>
<string name="in_x_minutes">in %d minutes</string>
<string name="in_x_hours">in %d hours</string>
<string name="in_x_days">in %d days</string>
<string name="in_x_months">in %d months</string>
<string name="in_x_years">in %.1f years</string>
<string name="user_switcher">Accounts</string>
<string name="logout_failed">Unable to logout at this time. Please try again.</string>
<string name="error">Error</string>
<string name="accounts">Accounts</string>
<string name="add_account">Add Another Account…</string>
<string name="reauthenticate">Reauthenticate</string>
<string name="switch_user_failed">Unable to switch users. Please try again.</string>
<string name="add_profile_failed">Unable to add a new profile. Please try again.</string>
<!-- Strings for ExitNode picker -->
<string name="choose_exit_node">Choose Exit Node</string>
<string name="tailnet_exit_nodes">Tailnet Exit Nodes</string>
<string name="mullvad_exit_nodes">Mullvad VPN</string>
<string name="best_available">Best Available</string>
<string name="run_as_exit_node">Run as Exit Node</string>
<string name="run_this_device_as_an_exit_node">Run this device as an exit node?</string>
<string name="run_exit_node_explainer">Other devices in your tailnet will be able to route their Internet traffic through this Android device. Make sure to approve this exit node in the admin console in order for other devices to see it.</string>
<string name="run_exit_node_caution">Caution: Running an exit node will severely impact battery life. On a metered data plan, significant cellular data charges may also apply. Always disable this feature when no longer needed.</string>
<string name="stop_running_as_exit_node">Stop Running as Exit Node</string>
<string name="start_running_as_exit_node">Start Running as Exit Node</string>
<string name="running_as_exit_node">Now Running as Exit Node</string>
<string name="run_exit_node_explainer_running">Other devices in your tailnet can now route their Internet traffic through this Android device. Make sure to approve this exit node in the admin console in order for other devices to see it.</string>
<string name="enabled">Enabled</string>
<string name="disabled">Disabled</string>
<string name="tailnet_lock">Tailnet lock</string>
<string name="tailnet_lock_explainer">Tailnet lock lets devices in your network verify public keys distributed by the coordination server before trusting them for connectivity. </string>
<string name="tailnet_lock_enabled">Tailnet lock is currently enabled.</string>
<string name="tailnet_lock_disabled">Tailnet lock is currently not enabled.</string>
<string name="this_node_has_been_signed">This node has been signed by another device.</string>
<string name="this_node_has_not_been_signed">This node has not been signed by another device.</string>
<string name="this_node_is_trusted">This node is trusted to change the Tailnet lock configuration.</string>
<string name="this_node_is_not_trusted">This node is not trusted to change the Tailnet lock configuration.</string>
<string name="copy_to_clipboard">Copy to Clipboard</string>
<string name="node_key">Node Key</string>
<string name="tailnet_lock_key">Tailnet Lock Key</string>
<string name="node_key_explainer">Used to sign this node from another signing device in your tailnet.</string>
<string name="tailnet_lock_key_explainer">Used to authorize changes to the Tailnet lock configuration.</string>
<string name="bug_report_id">Bug Report ID</string>
<string name="learn_more">Learn more…</string>
<string name="dns_settings">DNS Settings</string>
<string name="using_tailscale_dns">Using Tailscale DNS</string>
<string name="this_device_is_using_tailscale_to_resolve_dns_names">This device is using Tailscale to resolve DNS names.</string>
<string name="resolvers">Resolvers</string>
<string name="search_domains">Search Domains</string>
<string name="not_running">Not Running</string>
<string name="tailscale_is_not_running_this_device_is_using_the_system_dns_resolver">Tailscale is not running. This device is using the system\'s DNS resolver.</string>
<string name="this_device_is_using_the_system_dns_resolver">This device is using the system DNS resolver.</string>
<string name="not_using_tailscale_dns">Not Using Tailscale DNS</string>