You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package com.tailscale.ipn.ui.localapi
import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.model.BugReportID
import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.model.Errors
import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.model.Ipn
import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.model.IpnLocal
import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.model.IpnState
import kotlinx.serialization.ExperimentalSerializationApi
import kotlinx.serialization.encodeToString
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
import kotlinx.serialization.json.decodeFromStream
import java.util.UUID
private object Endpoint {
const val DEBUG = "debug"
const val DEBUG_LOG = "debug-log"
const val BUG_REPORT = "bugreport"
const val PREFS = "prefs"
const val FILE_TARGETS = "file-targets"
const val UPLOAD_METRICS = "upload-client-metrics"
const val START = "start"
const val LOGIN_INTERACTIVE = "login-interactive"
const val RESET_AUTH = "reset-auth"
const val LOGOUT = "logout"
const val PROFILES = "profiles/"
const val PROFILES_CURRENT = "profiles/current"
const val STATUS = "status"
const val TKA_STATUS = "tka/status"
const val TKA_SIGN = "tka/sign"
const val TKA_VERIFY_DEEP_LINK = "tka/verify-deeplink"
const val PING = "ping"
const val FILES = "files"
const val FILE_PUT = "file-put"
const val TAILFS_SERVER_ADDRESS = "tailfs/fileserver-address"
// Potential local and upstream errors. Error handling in localapi in the go layer
// is inconsistent but different clients already deal with that inconsistency so
// 'fixing' it will likely break other things.
// For now, anything that isn't an { error: "message" } will be passed along
// as UNPARSEABLE_RESPONSE. We can add additional error translation in the parseError
// method as needed.
// (jonathan) TODO: Audit local API for all of the possible error results and clean
// it up if possible.
enum class APIErrorVals(val rawValue: String) {
UNPARSEABLE_RESPONSE("Unparseable localAPI response"), NOT_READY("Not Ready"), NO_PREFS("Current prefs not available");
fun toError(): Error {
return Error(rawValue)
class LocalAPIRequest<T>(
path: String,
val method: String,
val body: ByteArray? = null,
val parser: (ByteArray) -> Unit,
) {
val path = "/localapi/v0/$path"
val cookie = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
companion object {
val decoder = Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true }
fun <T> get(path: String, body: ByteArray? = null, parser: (ByteArray) -> Unit) =
method = "GET", path = path, body = body, parser = parser
fun <T> put(path: String, body: ByteArray? = null, parser: (ByteArray) -> Unit) =
method = "PUT", path = path, body = body, parser = parser
fun <T> post(path: String, body: ByteArray? = null, parser: (ByteArray) -> Unit) =
method = "POST", path = path, body = body, parser = parser
fun <T> patch(path: String, body: ByteArray? = null, parser: (ByteArray) -> Unit) =
method = "PATCH", path = path, body = body, parser = parser
fun status(responseHandler: StatusResponseHandler): LocalAPIRequest<IpnState.Status> {
return get(Endpoint.STATUS) { resp ->
fun bugReportId(responseHandler: BugReportIdHandler): LocalAPIRequest<BugReportID> {
return post(Endpoint.BUG_REPORT) { resp ->
fun prefs(responseHandler: PrefsHandler): LocalAPIRequest<Ipn.Prefs> {
return get(Endpoint.PREFS) { resp ->
fun editPrefs(
prefs: Ipn.MaskedPrefs, responseHandler: (Result<Ipn.Prefs>) -> Unit
): LocalAPIRequest<Ipn.Prefs> {
val body = Json.encodeToString(prefs).toByteArray()
return patch(Endpoint.PREFS, body) { resp ->
fun profiles(responseHandler: (Result<List<IpnLocal.LoginProfile>>) -> Unit): LocalAPIRequest<List<IpnLocal.LoginProfile>> {
return get(Endpoint.PROFILES) { resp ->
fun currentProfile(responseHandler: (Result<IpnLocal.LoginProfile>) -> Unit): LocalAPIRequest<IpnLocal.LoginProfile> {
return get(Endpoint.PROFILES_CURRENT) { resp ->
fun startLoginInteractive(responseHandler: (Result<String>) -> Unit): LocalAPIRequest<String> {
return post(Endpoint.LOGIN_INTERACTIVE) { resp ->
fun logout(responseHandler: (Result<String>) -> Unit): LocalAPIRequest<String> {
return post(Endpoint.LOGOUT) { resp ->
// Check if the response was a generic error
fun parseError(respData: ByteArray): Error {
return try {
val err = Json.decodeFromStream<Errors.GenericError>(respData.inputStream())
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Handles responses that are raw strings. Returns an error result if the string
// is empty
private fun parseString(respData: ByteArray): Result<String> {
return if (respData.isNotEmpty()) Result(respData.decodeToString())
else Result(APIErrorVals.UNPARSEABLE_RESPONSE.toError())
// Attempt to decode the response into the expected type. If that fails, then try
// parsing as an error.
private inline fun <reified T> decode(respData: ByteArray): Result<T> {
return try {
val message = decoder.decodeFromStream<T>(respData.inputStream())
} catch (e: Exception) {