You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
// JNI implementations of Java native callback methods.
import (
// #include <jni.h>
import "C"
var (
// onVPNPrepared is notified when VpnService.prepare succeeds.
onVPNPrepared = make(chan struct{}, 1)
// onVPNClosed is notified when VpnService.prepare fails, or when
// the a running VPN connection is closed.
onVPNClosed = make(chan struct{}, 1)
// onVPNRevoked is notified whenever the VPN service is revoked.
onVPNRevoked = make(chan struct{}, 1)
// onConnect receives global IPNService references when
// a VPN connection is requested.
onConnect = make(chan jni.Object)
// onDisconnect receives global IPNService references when
// disconnecting.
onDisconnect = make(chan jni.Object)
// onGoogleToken receives google ID tokens.
onGoogleToken = make(chan string)
// onFileShare receives file sharing intents.
onFileShare = make(chan []File, 1)
// onWriteStorageGranted is notified when we are granted WRITE_STORAGE_PERMISSION.
onWriteStorageGranted = make(chan struct{}, 1)
// onDNSConfigChanged is notified when the network changes and the DNS config needs to be updated.
onDNSConfigChanged = make(chan struct{}, 1)
const (
// Request codes for Android callbacks.
// requestSignin is for Google Sign-In.
requestSignin C.jint = 1000 + iota
// requestPrepareVPN is for when Android's VpnService.prepare
// completes.
// resultOK is Android's Activity.RESULT_OK.
const resultOK = -1
//export Java_com_tailscale_ipn_App_onVPNPrepared
func Java_com_tailscale_ipn_App_onVPNPrepared(env *C.JNIEnv, class C.jclass) {
//export Java_com_tailscale_ipn_App_onWriteStorageGranted
func Java_com_tailscale_ipn_App_onWriteStorageGranted(env *C.JNIEnv, class C.jclass) {
select {
case onWriteStorageGranted <- struct{}{}:
func notifyVPNPrepared() {
select {
case onVPNPrepared <- struct{}{}:
func notifyVPNRevoked() {
select {
case onVPNRevoked <- struct{}{}:
func notifyVPNClosed() {
select {
case onVPNClosed <- struct{}{}:
//export Java_com_tailscale_ipn_IPNService_connect
func Java_com_tailscale_ipn_IPNService_connect(env *C.JNIEnv, this C.jobject) {
jenv := (*jni.Env)(unsafe.Pointer(env))
onConnect <- jni.NewGlobalRef(jenv, jni.Object(this))
//export Java_com_tailscale_ipn_IPNService_directConnect
func Java_com_tailscale_ipn_IPNService_directConnect(env *C.JNIEnv, this C.jobject) {
requestBackend(ConnectEvent{Enable: true})
//export Java_com_tailscale_ipn_IPNService_disconnect
func Java_com_tailscale_ipn_IPNService_disconnect(env *C.JNIEnv, this C.jobject) {
jenv := (*jni.Env)(unsafe.Pointer(env))
onDisconnect <- jni.NewGlobalRef(jenv, jni.Object(this))
//export Java_com_tailscale_ipn_StartVPNWorker_connect
func Java_com_tailscale_ipn_StartVPNWorker_connect(env *C.JNIEnv, this C.jobject) {
requestBackend(ConnectEvent{Enable: true})
//export Java_com_tailscale_ipn_StopVPNWorker_disconnect
func Java_com_tailscale_ipn_StopVPNWorker_disconnect(env *C.JNIEnv, this C.jobject) {
requestBackend(ConnectEvent{Enable: false})
//export Java_com_tailscale_ipn_Peer_onActivityResult0
func Java_com_tailscale_ipn_Peer_onActivityResult0(env *C.JNIEnv, cls C.jclass, act C.jobject, reqCode, resCode C.jint) {
switch reqCode {
case requestSignin:
if resCode != resultOK {
onGoogleToken <- ""
jenv := (*jni.Env)(unsafe.Pointer(env))
m := jni.GetStaticMethodID(jenv, googleClass,
"getIdTokenForActivity", "(Landroid/app/Activity;)Ljava/lang/String;")
idToken, err := jni.CallStaticObjectMethod(jenv, googleClass, m, jni.Value(act))
if err != nil {
tok := jni.GoString(jenv, jni.String(idToken))
onGoogleToken <- tok
case requestPrepareVPN:
if resCode == resultOK {
} else {
//export Java_com_tailscale_ipn_App_onShareIntent
func Java_com_tailscale_ipn_App_onShareIntent(env *C.JNIEnv, cls C.jclass, nfiles C.jint, jtypes C.jintArray, jmimes C.jobjectArray, jitems C.jobjectArray, jnames C.jobjectArray, jsizes C.jlongArray) {
const (
typeNone = 0
typeInline = 1
typeURI = 2
jenv := (*jni.Env)(unsafe.Pointer(env))
types := jni.GetIntArrayElements(jenv, jni.IntArray(jtypes))
mimes := jni.GetStringArrayElements(jenv, jni.ObjectArray(jmimes))
items := jni.GetStringArrayElements(jenv, jni.ObjectArray(jitems))
names := jni.GetStringArrayElements(jenv, jni.ObjectArray(jnames))
sizes := jni.GetLongArrayElements(jenv, jni.LongArray(jsizes))
var files []File
for i := 0; i < int(nfiles); i++ {
f := File{
Type: FileType(types[i]),
MIMEType: mimes[i],
Name: names[i],
if f.Name == "" {
f.Name = "file.bin"
switch f.Type {
case FileTypeText:
f.Text = items[i]
f.Size = int64(len(f.Text))
case FileTypeURI:
f.URI = items[i]
f.Size = sizes[i]
panic("unknown file type")
files = append(files, f)
select {
case <-onFileShare:
onFileShare <- files
//export Java_com_tailscale_ipn_App_onDnsConfigChanged
func Java_com_tailscale_ipn_App_onDnsConfigChanged(env *C.JNIEnv, cls C.jclass) {
select {
case onDNSConfigChanged <- struct{}{}: