You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright (c) 2024 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package com.tailscale.ipn.ui.localapi
import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.model.BugReportID
import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.model.Errors
import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.model.Ipn
import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.model.IpnLocal
import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.model.IpnState
import kotlinx.serialization.ExperimentalSerializationApi
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
import kotlinx.serialization.json.decodeFromStream
import java.util.UUID
private object Endpoint {
const val DEBUG = "debug"
const val DEBUG_LOG = "debug-log"
const val BUG_REPORT = "bugreport"
const val PREFS = "prefs"
const val FILE_TARGETS = "file-targets"
const val UPLOAD_METRICS = "upload-client-metrics"
const val START = "start"
const val LOGIN_INTERACTIVE = "login-interactive"
const val RESET_AUTH = "reset-auth"
const val LOGOUT = "logout"
const val PROFILES = "profiles/"
const val PROFILES_CURRENT = "profiles/current"
const val STATUS = "status"
const val TKA_STATUS = "tka/status"
const val TKA_SIGN = "tka/sign"
const val TKA_VERIFY_DEEP_LINK = "tka/verify-deeplink"
const val PING = "ping"
const val FILES = "files"
const val FILE_PUT = "file-put"
const val TAILFS_SERVER_ADDRESS = "tailfs/fileserver-address"
// Potential local and upstream errors. Error handling in localapi in the go layer
// is inconsistent but different clients already deal with that inconsistency so
// 'fixing' it will likely break other things.
// For now, anything that isn't an { error: "message" } will be passed along
// as UNPARSEABLE_RESPONSE. We can add additional error translation in the parseError
// method as needed.
// (jonathan) TODO: Audit local API for all of the possible error results and clean
// it up if possible.
enum class APIErrorVals(private val rawValue: String) {
UNPARSEABLE_RESPONSE("Unparseable localAPI response"), NOT_READY("Not Ready");
fun toError(): Error {
return Error(rawValue)
class LocalAPIRequest<T>(
path: String,
val method: String,
val body: ByteArray? = null,
val parser: (ByteArray) -> Unit,
) {
val path = "/localapi/v0/$path"
val cookie = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
companion object {
val decoder = Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true }
fun <T> get(path: String, body: ByteArray? = null, parser: (ByteArray) -> Unit) =
method = "GET", path = path, body = body, parser = parser
fun <T> put(path: String, body: ByteArray? = null, parser: (ByteArray) -> Unit) =
method = "PUT", path = path, body = body, parser = parser
private fun <T> post(path: String, body: ByteArray? = null, parser: (ByteArray) -> Unit) =
method = "POST", path = path, body = body, parser = parser
fun status(responseHandler: StatusResponseHandler): LocalAPIRequest<IpnState.Status> {
return get(Endpoint.STATUS) { resp ->
fun bugReportId(responseHandler: BugReportIdHandler): LocalAPIRequest<BugReportID> {
return post(Endpoint.BUG_REPORT) { resp ->
fun prefs(responseHandler: PrefsHandler): LocalAPIRequest<Ipn.Prefs> {
return get(Endpoint.PREFS) { resp ->
fun profiles(responseHandler: (Result<List<IpnLocal.LoginProfile>>) -> Unit): LocalAPIRequest<List<IpnLocal.LoginProfile>> {
return get(Endpoint.PROFILES) { resp ->
fun currentProfile(responseHandler: (Result<IpnLocal.LoginProfile>) -> Unit): LocalAPIRequest<IpnLocal.LoginProfile> {
return get(Endpoint.PROFILES_CURRENT) { resp ->
// Check if the response was a generic error
fun parseError(respData: ByteArray): Error {
return try {
val err = Json.decodeFromStream<Errors.GenericError>(respData.inputStream())
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Handles responses that are raw strings. Returns an error result if the string
// is empty
private fun parseString(respData: ByteArray): Result<String> {
return if (respData.isNotEmpty()) Result(respData.decodeToString())
else Result(APIErrorVals.UNPARSEABLE_RESPONSE.toError())
// Attempt to decode the response into the expected type. If that fails, then try
// parsing as an error.
private inline fun <reified T> decode(respData: ByteArray): Result<T> {
return try {
val message = decoder.decodeFromStream<T>(respData.inputStream())
} catch (e: Exception) {