You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package com.tailscale.ipn.ui.viewModel
import android.util.Log
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel
import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope
import com.tailscale.ipn.App
import com.tailscale.ipn.UninitializedApp
import com.tailscale.ipn.mdm.MDMSettings
import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.localapi.Client
import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.model.Ipn
import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.model.IpnLocal
import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.model.UserID
import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.notifier.Notifier
import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.notifier.Notifier.prefs
import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.util.LoadingIndicator
import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.util.set
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
* Base model for most models in this application. Provides common facilities for watching IPN
* notifications, managing login/logout, updating preferences, etc.
open class IpnViewModel : ViewModel() {
protected val TAG = this::class.simpleName
val loggedInUser: StateFlow<IpnLocal.LoginProfile?> = MutableStateFlow(null)
val loginProfiles: StateFlow<List<IpnLocal.LoginProfile>?> = MutableStateFlow(null)
private val _vpnPrepared = MutableStateFlow(false)
val vpnPrepared: StateFlow<Boolean> = _vpnPrepared
// The userId associated with the current node. ie: The logged in user.
private var selfNodeUserId: UserID? = null
init {
// Check if the user has granted permission yet.
if (!vpnPrepared.value) {
val vpnIntent = VpnService.prepare(App.get())
if (vpnIntent != null) {
} else {
viewModelScope.launch {
Notifier.state.collect {
// Reload the user profiles on all state transitions to ensure loggedInUser is correct
viewModelScope.launch { loadUserProfiles() }
// This will observe the userId of the current node and reload our user profiles if
// we discover it has changed (e.g. due to a login or user switch)
viewModelScope.launch {
Notifier.netmap.collect {
it?.SelfNode?.User.let {
if (it != selfNodeUserId) {
selfNodeUserId = it
viewModelScope.launch { loadUserProfiles() }
viewModelScope.launch { loadUserProfiles() }
Log.d(TAG, "Created")
// VPN Control
fun setVpnPrepared(prepared: Boolean) {
_vpnPrepared.value = prepared
fun startVPN() {
fun stopVPN() {
// Login/Logout
fun login(
maskedPrefs: Ipn.MaskedPrefs? = null,
authKey: String? = null,
completionHandler: (Result<Unit>) -> Unit = {}
) {
val loginAction = {
Client(viewModelScope).startLoginInteractive { result ->
.onSuccess { Log.d(TAG, "Login started: $it") }
.onFailure { Log.e(TAG, "Error starting login: ${it.message}") }
// Need to stop running before logging in to clear routes:
val stopThenLogin = {
Client(viewModelScope).editPrefs(Ipn.MaskedPrefs().apply { WantRunning = false }) { result ->
.onSuccess { loginAction() }
.onFailure { Log.e(TAG, "Error setting wantRunning to false: ${it.message}") }
val startAction = {
Client(viewModelScope).start(Ipn.Options(AuthKey = authKey)) { start ->
start.onFailure { completionHandler(Result.failure(it)) }.onSuccess { stopThenLogin() }
// If an MDM control URL is set, we will always use that in lieu of anything the user sets.
var prefs = maskedPrefs
val mdmControlURL = MDMSettings.loginURL.flow.value
if (mdmControlURL != null) {
prefs = prefs ?: Ipn.MaskedPrefs()
prefs.ControlURL = mdmControlURL
Log.d(TAG, "Overriding control URL with MDM value: $mdmControlURL")
prefs?.let {
Client(viewModelScope).editPrefs(it) { result ->
result.onFailure { completionHandler(Result.failure(it)) }.onSuccess { startAction() }
} ?: run { startAction() }
fun loginWithAuthKey(authKey: String, completionHandler: (Result<Unit>) -> Unit = {}) {
val prefs = Ipn.MaskedPrefs()
prefs.WantRunning = true
login(prefs, authKey = authKey, completionHandler)
fun loginWithCustomControlURL(
controlURL: String,
completionHandler: (Result<Unit>) -> Unit = {}
) {
val prefs = Ipn.MaskedPrefs()
prefs.ControlURL = controlURL
login(prefs, completionHandler = completionHandler)
fun logout(completionHandler: (Result<String>) -> Unit = {}) {
Client(viewModelScope).logout { result ->
.onSuccess { Log.d(TAG, "Logout started: $it") }
.onFailure { Log.e(TAG, "Error starting logout: ${it.message}") }
// User Profiles
private fun loadUserProfiles() {
Client(viewModelScope).profiles { result ->
result.onSuccess(loginProfiles::set).onFailure {
Log.e(TAG, "Error loading profiles: ${it.message}")
Client(viewModelScope).currentProfile { result ->
.onSuccess { loggedInUser.set(if (it.isEmpty()) null else it) }
.onFailure { Log.e(TAG, "Error loading current profile: ${it.message}") }
fun switchProfile(profile: IpnLocal.LoginProfile, completionHandler: (Result<String>) -> Unit) {
val switchProfile = {
Client(viewModelScope).switchProfile(profile) {
Client(viewModelScope).editPrefs(Ipn.MaskedPrefs().apply { WantRunning = false }) { result ->
.onSuccess { switchProfile() }
.onFailure { Log.e(TAG, "Error setting wantRunning to false: ${it.message}") }
fun addProfile(completionHandler: (Result<String>) -> Unit) {
Client(viewModelScope).addProfile {
if (it.isSuccess) {
fun deleteProfile(profile: IpnLocal.LoginProfile, completionHandler: (Result<String>) -> Unit) {
Client(viewModelScope).deleteProfile(profile) {
viewModelScope.launch { loadUserProfiles() }
// Exit Node Manipulation
fun toggleExitNode() {
val prefs = prefs.value ?: return
if (prefs.activeExitNodeID != null) {
// We have an active exit node so we should keep it, but disable it
Client(viewModelScope).setUseExitNode(false) { LoadingIndicator.stop() }
} else if (prefs.selectedExitNodeID != null) {
// We have a prior exit node to enable
Client(viewModelScope).setUseExitNode(true) { LoadingIndicator.stop() }
} else {
// This should not be possible. In this state the button is hidden
Log.e(TAG, "No exit node to disable and no prior exit node to enable")