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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package localapiservice
import (
// #include <jni.h>
import "C"
// Shims the LocalApiClient class from the Kotlin side to the Go side's LocalAPIService.
var shim struct {
// localApiClient is a global reference to the com.tailscale.ipn.ui.localapi.LocalApiClient class.
clientClass jni.Class
// notifierClass is a global reference to the com.tailscale.ipn.ui.notifier.Notifier class.
notifierClass jni.Class
// Typically a shared LocalAPIService instance.
service *LocalAPIService
backend *ipnlocal.LocalBackend
cancelWatchBus func()
jvm *jni.JVM
//export Java_com_tailscale_ipn_ui_localapi_Request_doRequest
func Java_com_tailscale_ipn_ui_localapi_Request_doRequest(
env *C.JNIEnv,
cls C.jclass,
jmethod C.jstring,
jpath C.jstring,
jbody C.jbyteArray) {
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
log.Printf("doRequest() panicked with %q, stack: %s", p, debug.Stack())
jenv := (*jni.Env)(unsafe.Pointer(env))
// The HTTP verb
methodRef := jni.NewGlobalRef(jenv, jni.Object(jmethod))
methodStr := jni.GoString(jenv, jni.String(methodRef))
defer jni.DeleteGlobalRef(jenv, methodRef)
// The API Path
pathRef := jni.NewGlobalRef(jenv, jni.Object(jpath))
pathStr := jni.GoString(jenv, jni.String(pathRef))
defer jni.DeleteGlobalRef(jenv, pathRef)
// The body string. This is optional and may be empty.
bodyRef := jni.NewGlobalRef(jenv, jni.Object(jbody))
bodyArray := jni.GetByteArrayElements(jenv, jni.ByteArray(bodyRef))
defer jni.DeleteGlobalRef(jenv, bodyRef)
resp := doLocalAPIRequest(pathStr, methodStr, bodyArray)
jrespBody := jni.NewByteArray(jenv, resp)
respBody := jni.Value(jrespBody)
onResponse := jni.GetMethodID(jenv, shim.clientClass, "onResponse", "([B)V")
jni.CallVoidMethod(jenv, jni.Object(cls), onResponse, respBody)
func doLocalAPIRequest(path string, method string, body []byte) []byte {
if shim.service == nil {
return []byte("{\"error\":\"Not Ready\"}")
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second)
defer cancel()
var reader io.Reader = nil
if len(body) > 0 {
reader = bytes.NewReader(body)
r, err := shim.service.Call(ctx, method, path, reader)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error calling %s %q: %s", method, path, err)
return []byte("{\"error\":\"" + err.Error() + "\"}")
defer r.Body().Close()
respBytes, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body())
if err != nil {
return []byte("{\"error\":\"" + err.Error() + "\"}")
return respBytes
// Assign a localAPIService to our shim for handling incoming localapi requests from the Kotlin side.
func ConfigureShim(jvm *jni.JVM, appCtx jni.Object, s *LocalAPIService, b *ipnlocal.LocalBackend) {
shim.service = s
shim.backend = b
configureLocalAPIJNIHandler(jvm, appCtx)
// Let the Kotlin side know we're ready to handle requests.
jni.Do(jvm, func(env *jni.Env) error {
onReadyAPI := jni.GetStaticMethodID(env, shim.clientClass, "onReady", "()V")
jni.CallStaticVoidMethod(env, shim.clientClass, onReadyAPI)
onNotifyNot := jni.GetStaticMethodID(env, shim.notifierClass, "onReady", "()V")
jni.CallStaticVoidMethod(env, shim.notifierClass, onNotifyNot)
log.Printf("LocalAPI Shim ready")
return nil
// Loads the Kotlin-side LocalApiClient class and stores it in a global reference.
func configureLocalAPIJNIHandler(jvm *jni.JVM, appCtx jni.Object) error {
shim.jvm = jvm
return jni.Do(jvm, func(env *jni.Env) error {
loader := jni.ClassLoaderFor(env, appCtx)
cl, err := jni.LoadClass(env, loader, "com.tailscale.ipn.ui.localapi.Request")
if err != nil {
return err
shim.clientClass = jni.Class(jni.NewGlobalRef(env, jni.Object(cl)))
cl, err = jni.LoadClass(env, loader, "com.tailscale.ipn.ui.notifier.Notifier")
if err != nil {
return err
shim.notifierClass = jni.Class(jni.NewGlobalRef(env, jni.Object(cl)))
return nil
//export Java_com_tailscale_ipn_ui_notifier_Notifier_stopIPNBusWatcher
func Java_com_tailscale_ipn_ui_notifier_Notifier_stopIPNBusWatcher(
env *C.JNIEnv,
cls C.jclass) {
if shim.cancelWatchBus != nil {
log.Printf("Stop watching IPN bus")
shim.cancelWatchBus = nil
} else {
log.Printf("Not watching IPN bus, nothing to cancel")
//export Java_com_tailscale_ipn_ui_notifier_Notifier_startIPNBusWatcher
func Java_com_tailscale_ipn_ui_notifier_Notifier_startIPNBusWatcher(
env *C.JNIEnv,
cls C.jclass,
jmask C.jint) {
jenv := (*jni.Env)(unsafe.Pointer(env))
log.Printf("Start watching IPN bus")
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
shim.cancelWatchBus = cancel
opts := ipn.NotifyWatchOpt(jmask)
shim.backend.WatchNotifications(ctx, opts, func() {
// onWatchAdded
}, func(roNotify *ipn.Notify) bool {
js, err := json.Marshal(roNotify)
if err != nil {
return true
jni.Do(shim.jvm, func(env *jni.Env) error {
jjson := jni.NewByteArray(jenv, js)
onNotify := jni.GetStaticMethodID(jenv, shim.notifierClass, "onNotify", "([B)V")
jni.CallStaticVoidMethod(jenv, shim.notifierClass, onNotify, jni.Value(jjson))
return nil
return true