// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause package com.tailscale.ipn.ui.viewModel import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope import com.tailscale.ipn.R import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.localapi.Client import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.model.Ipn import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.model.StableNodeID import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.notifier.Notifier import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.util.LoadingIndicator import com.tailscale.ipn.ui.util.set import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.combine import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.stateIn import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import java.util.TreeMap data class ExitNodePickerNav( val onNavigateHome: () -> Unit, val onNavigateBack: () -> Unit, val onNavigateToExitNodePicker: () -> Unit, val onNavigateToMullvad: () -> Unit, val onNavigateToMullvadCountry: (String) -> Unit, val onNavigateToRunAsExitNode: () -> Unit, ) class ExitNodePickerViewModelFactory(private val nav: ExitNodePickerNav) : ViewModelProvider.Factory { override fun create(modelClass: Class): T { return ExitNodePickerViewModel(nav) as T } } class ExitNodePickerViewModel(private val nav: ExitNodePickerNav) : IpnViewModel() { data class ExitNode( val id: StableNodeID? = null, val label: String, val online: Boolean, val selected: Boolean, val mullvad: Boolean = false, val priority: Int = 0, val countryCode: String = "", val country: String = "", val city: String = "" ) val tailnetExitNodes: StateFlow> = MutableStateFlow(emptyList()) val mullvadExitNodesByCountryCode: StateFlow>> = MutableStateFlow(TreeMap()) val mullvadBestAvailableByCountry: StateFlow> = MutableStateFlow(TreeMap()) val mullvadExitNodeCount: StateFlow = MutableStateFlow(0) val anyActive: StateFlow = MutableStateFlow(false) val isRunningExitNode: StateFlow = MutableStateFlow(false) val allowLANAccessSetting = Setting( R.string.allow_lan_access, SettingType.SWITCH, isOn = MutableStateFlow(Notifier.prefs.value?.ExitNodeAllowLANAccess), enabled = MutableStateFlow(true), onToggle = { LoadingIndicator.start() toggleAllowLANAccess { LoadingIndicator.stop() } }) init { viewModelScope.launch { Notifier.netmap .combine(Notifier.prefs) { netmap, prefs -> Pair(netmap, prefs) } .stateIn(viewModelScope) .collect { (netmap, prefs) -> isRunningExitNode.set(prefs?.let { AdvertisedRoutesHelper.exitNodeOnFromPrefs(it) }) val exitNodeId = prefs?.ExitNodeID netmap?.Peers?.let { peers -> val allNodes = peers .filter { it.isExitNode } .map { ExitNode( id = it.StableID, label = it.Name, online = it.Online ?: false, selected = it.StableID == exitNodeId, mullvad = it.Name.endsWith(".mullvad.ts.net."), priority = it.Hostinfo.Location?.Priority ?: 0, countryCode = it.Hostinfo.Location?.CountryCode ?: "", country = it.Hostinfo.Location?.Country ?: "", city = it.Hostinfo.Location?.City ?: "", ) } val tailnetNodes = allNodes.filter { !it.mullvad } tailnetExitNodes.set(tailnetNodes.sortedWith { a, b -> a.label.compareTo(b.label) }) val allMullvadExitNodes = allNodes.filter { // Pick all mullvad nodes that are online or the currently selected it.mullvad && (it.selected || it.online) } val mullvadExitNodes = allMullvadExitNodes .groupBy { // Group by countryCode it.countryCode } .mapValues { (_, nodes) -> // Group by city nodes .groupBy { it.city } .mapValues { (_, nodes) -> // Pick one node per city, either the selected one or the best // available nodes .sortedWith { a, b -> if (a.selected && !b.selected) { -1 } else if (b.selected && !a.selected) { 1 } else { b.priority.compareTo(a.priority) } } .first() } .values .sortedBy { it.city.lowercase() } } mullvadExitNodesByCountryCode.set(mullvadExitNodes) mullvadExitNodeCount.set(mullvadExitNodes.size) val bestAvailableByCountry = mullvadExitNodes.mapValues { (_, nodes) -> nodes.minByOrNull { -1 * it.priority }!! } mullvadBestAvailableByCountry.set(bestAvailableByCountry) anyActive.set(allNodes.any { it.selected }) } } } } fun setExitNode(node: ExitNode) { LoadingIndicator.start() val prefsOut = Ipn.MaskedPrefs() prefsOut.ExitNodeID = node.id Client(viewModelScope).editPrefs(prefsOut) { nav.onNavigateHome() LoadingIndicator.stop() } } private fun toggleAllowLANAccess(callback: (Result) -> Unit) { val prefs = Notifier.prefs.value ?: run { callback(Result.failure(Exception("no prefs"))) return@toggleAllowLANAccess } val prefsOut = Ipn.MaskedPrefs() prefsOut.ExitNodeAllowLANAccess = !prefs.ExitNodeAllowLANAccess Client(viewModelScope).editPrefs(prefsOut, callback) } } val List.selected get() = this.any { it.selected } val Map>.selected get() = this.any { it.value.selected }