// Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main // JNI implementations of Java native callback methods. import ( "unsafe" "github.com/tailscale/tailscale-android/jni" ) // #include import "C" var ( // onVPNPrepared is notified when VpnService.prepare succeeds. onVPNPrepared = make(chan struct{}, 1) // onVPNClosed is notified when VpnService.prepare fails, or when // the a running VPN connection is closed. onVPNClosed = make(chan struct{}, 1) // onVPNRevoked is notified whenever the VPN service is revoked. onVPNRevoked = make(chan struct{}, 1) // onConnect receives global IPNService references when // a VPN connection is requested. onConnect = make(chan jni.Object) // onDisconnect receives global IPNService references when // disconnecting. onDisconnect = make(chan jni.Object) // onConnectivityChange is notified every time the network // conditions change. onConnectivityChange = make(chan bool, 1) // onGoogleToken receives google ID tokens. onGoogleToken = make(chan string) ) const ( // Request codes for Android callbacks. // requestSignin is for Google Sign-In. requestSignin C.jint = 1000 + iota // requestPrepareVPN is for when Android's VpnService.prepare // completes. requestPrepareVPN ) // resultOK is Android's Activity.RESULT_OK. const resultOK = -1 //export Java_com_tailscale_ipn_App_onVPNPrepared func Java_com_tailscale_ipn_App_onVPNPrepared(env *C.JNIEnv, class C.jclass) { notifyVPNPrepared() } func notifyVPNPrepared() { select { case onVPNPrepared <- struct{}{}: default: } } func notifyVPNRevoked() { select { case onVPNRevoked <- struct{}{}: default: } } func notifyVPNClosed() { select { case onVPNClosed <- struct{}{}: default: } } //export Java_com_tailscale_ipn_IPNService_connect func Java_com_tailscale_ipn_IPNService_connect(env *C.JNIEnv, this C.jobject) { jenv := (*jni.Env)(unsafe.Pointer(env)) onConnect <- jni.NewGlobalRef(jenv, jni.Object(this)) } //export Java_com_tailscale_ipn_IPNService_disconnect func Java_com_tailscale_ipn_IPNService_disconnect(env *C.JNIEnv, this C.jobject) { jenv := (*jni.Env)(unsafe.Pointer(env)) onDisconnect <- jni.NewGlobalRef(jenv, jni.Object(this)) } //export Java_com_tailscale_ipn_App_onConnectivityChanged func Java_com_tailscale_ipn_App_onConnectivityChanged(env *C.JNIEnv, cls C.jclass, connected C.jboolean) { select { case <-onConnectivityChange: default: } onConnectivityChange <- connected == C.JNI_TRUE } //export Java_com_tailscale_ipn_QuickToggleService_onTileClick func Java_com_tailscale_ipn_QuickToggleService_onTileClick(env *C.JNIEnv, cls C.jclass) { requestBackend(ToggleEvent{}) } //export Java_com_tailscale_ipn_Peer_onActivityResult0 func Java_com_tailscale_ipn_Peer_onActivityResult0(env *C.JNIEnv, cls C.jclass, act C.jobject, reqCode, resCode C.jint) { switch reqCode { case requestSignin: if resCode != resultOK { onGoogleToken <- "" break } jenv := (*jni.Env)(unsafe.Pointer(env)) m := jni.GetStaticMethodID(jenv, googleClass, "getIdTokenForActivity", "(Landroid/app/Activity;)Ljava/lang/String;") idToken, err := jni.CallStaticObjectMethod(jenv, googleClass, m, jni.Value(act)) if err != nil { fatalErr(err) break } tok := jni.GoString(jenv, jni.String(idToken)) onGoogleToken <- tok case requestPrepareVPN: if resCode == resultOK { notifyVPNPrepared() } else { notifyVPNClosed() notifyVPNRevoked() } } }