# Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. DEBUG_APK=tailscale-debug.apk RELEASE_AAB=tailscale-release.aab APPID=com.tailscale.ipn AAR=android/libs/ipn.aar KEYSTORE=tailscale.jks KEYSTORE_ALIAS=tailscale TAILSCALE_VERSION=$(shell ./version/tailscale-version.sh 200) OUR_VERSION=$(shell git describe --dirty --exclude "*" --always --abbrev=200) TAILSCALE_VERSION_ABBREV=$(shell ./version/tailscale-version.sh 11) OUR_VERSION_ABBREV=$(shell git describe --dirty --exclude "*" --always --abbrev=11) VERSION_LONG=$(TAILSCALE_VERSION_ABBREV)-g$(OUR_VERSION_ABBREV) # Extract the long version build.gradle's versionName and strip quotes. VERSIONNAME=$(patsubst "%",%,$(lastword $(shell grep versionName android/build.gradle))) # Extract the x.y.z part for the short version. VERSIONNAME_SHORT=$(shell echo $(VERSIONNAME) | cut -d - -f 1) TAILSCALE_COMMIT=$(shell echo $(TAILSCALE_VERSION) | cut -d - -f 2 | cut -d t -f 2) # Extract the version code from build.gradle. VERSIONCODE=$(lastword $(shell grep versionCode android/build.gradle)) VERSIONCODE_PLUSONE=$(shell expr $(VERSIONCODE) + 1) TOOLCHAINREV=$(shell go run tailscale.com/cmd/printdep --go) TOOLCHAINDIR=${HOME}/.cache/tailscale-android-go-$(TOOLCHAINREV) TOOLCHAINSUM=$(shell $(TOOLCHAINDIR)/go/bin/go version >/dev/null && echo "okay" || echo "bad") TOOLCHAINWANT=okay export PATH := $(TOOLCHAINDIR)/go/bin:$(PATH) export GOROOT := # Unset all: $(APK) tag_release: sed -i'.bak' 's/versionCode [[:digit:]]\+/versionCode $(VERSIONCODE_PLUSONE)/' android/build.gradle sed -i'.bak' 's/versionName .*/versionName "$(VERSION_LONG)"/' android/build.gradle git commit -sm "android: bump version code" android/build.gradle git tag -a "$(VERSION_LONG)" bumposs: toolchain GOPROXY=direct go get tailscale.com@main go mod tidy -compat=1.17 toolchain: ifneq ($(TOOLCHAINWANT),$(TOOLCHAINSUM)) @echo want: $(TOOLCHAINWANT) @echo got: $(TOOLCHAINSUM) rm -rf ${HOME}/.cache/tailscale-android-go-* mkdir -p $(TOOLCHAINDIR) curl --silent -L $(shell go run tailscale.com/cmd/printdep --go-url) | tar -C $(TOOLCHAINDIR) -zx endif $(DEBUG_APK): toolchain mkdir -p android/libs go run gioui.org/cmd/gogio -buildmode archive -target android -appid $(APPID) -tags novulkan -o $(AAR) github.com/tailscale/tailscale-android/cmd/tailscale (cd android && ./gradlew test assemblePlayDebug) mv android/build/outputs/apk/play/debug/android-play-debug.apk $@ rundebug: $(DEBUG_APK) adb install -r $(DEBUG_APK) adb shell am start -n com.tailscale.ipn/com.tailscale.ipn.IPNActivity # tailscale-fdroid.apk builds a non-Google Play SDK, without the Google bits. # This is effectively what the F-Droid build definition produces. # This is useful for testing on e.g. Amazon Fire Stick devices. tailscale-fdroid.apk: toolchain mkdir -p android/libs go run gioui.org/cmd/gogio -buildmode archive -target android -appid $(APPID) -tags novulkan -o $(AAR) github.com/tailscale/tailscale-android/cmd/tailscale (cd android && ./gradlew test assembleFdroidDebug) mv android/build/outputs/apk/fdroid/debug/android-fdroid-debug.apk $@ # This target is also used by the F-Droid builder. release_aar: toolchain release_aar: mkdir -p android/libs go run gioui.org/cmd/gogio -ldflags "-X tailscale.com/version.Long=$(VERSIONNAME) -X tailscale.com/version.Short=$(VERSIONNAME_SHORT) -X tailscale.com/version.GitCommit=$(TAILSCALE_COMMIT) -X tailscale.com/version.ExtraGitCommit=$(OUR_VERSION)" -buildmode archive -target android -appid $(APPID) -tags novulkan -o $(AAR) github.com/tailscale/tailscale-android/cmd/tailscale $(RELEASE_AAB): release_aar (cd android && ./gradlew test bundlePlayRelease) mv ./android/build/outputs/bundle/playRelease/android-play-release.aab $@ release: $(RELEASE_AAB) jarsigner -sigalg SHA256withRSA -digestalg SHA-256 -keystore $(KEYSTORE) $(RELEASE_AAB) $(KEYSTORE_ALIAS) install: $(DEBUG_APK) adb install -r $(DEBUG_APK) dockershell: docker build -t tailscale-android . docker run -v $(CURDIR):/build/tailscale-android -it --rm tailscale-android clean: rm -rf android/build $(RELEASE_AAB) $(DEBUG_APK) $(AAR) .PHONY: all clean install $(DEBUG_APK) $(RELEASE_AAB) release_aar release bump_version dockershell