@ -179,24 +179,21 @@ androidpath:
@echo 'export PATH=$(ANDROID_HOME)/cmdline-tools/latest/bin:$(ANDROID_HOME)/platform-tools:$$PATH'
.PHONY : update_version
.PHONY : bumposs ## Bump to the latest oss and update teh versions.
bumposs : update -oss update -version
git commit -sm "android: bumping OSS" -m " OSS and Version updated to ${ VERSION_LONG } " android/build.gradle go.mod go.sum
git tag -a " $( VERSION_LONG) " -m " OSS and Version updated to ${ VERSION_LONG } "
.PHONY : update -version
update-version : ## Update the version in build.gradle
sed -i'.bak' 's/versionName .*/versionName "$(VERSION_LONG)"/' android/build.gradle && rm android/build.gradle.bak
.PHONY : bumposs
bumposs : ## Update the tailscale.com go module and update the version in build.gradle
.PHONY : update- oss
update- oss: ## Update the tailscale.com go module and update the version in build.gradle
GOPROXY = direct go get tailscale.com@main
go run tailscale.com/cmd/printdep --go > go.toolchain.rev
go mod tidy -compat= 1.22
OUR_VERSION = $( shell git describe --dirty --exclude "*" --always --abbrev= 200)
TAILSCALE_VERSION_ABBREV = $( shell ./version/tailscale-version.sh 11)
OUR_VERSION_ABBREV = $( shell git describe --exclude "*" --always --abbrev= 11)
sed -i'.bak' 's/versionName .*/versionName "$(VERSION_LONG)"/' android/build.gradle && rm android/build.gradle.bak
git commit -sm "android: bumping OSS" -m " OSS and Version updated to ${ VERSION_LONG } " android/build.gradle go.mod go.sum
git tag -a " $( VERSION_LONG) " -m " OSS and Version updated to ${ VERSION_LONG } "
# Get the commandline tools package, this provides (among other things) the sdkmanager binary.
$(ANDROID_HOME)/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager :