<stringname="managed_by_orgName">Managed by %1$s</string>
<stringname="managed_by_explainer">Your organization is managing Tailscale on this device. Some features might have been customized or hidden by your system administrator.</string>
<stringname="managed_by_explainer_orgName">%1$s is managing Tailscale on this device. Some features might have been customized or hidden by your system administrator.</string>
<stringname="run_as_exit_node">Run as exit node</string>
<stringname="run_this_device_as_an_exit_node">Run this device as an exit node?</string>
<stringname="run_exit_node_explainer">Other devices in your tailnet will be able to route their Internet traffic through this Android device. Make sure to approve this exit node in the admin console in order for other devices to see it.</string>
<stringname="run_exit_node_explainer">Other devices in your tailnet will be able to route their internet traffic through this Android device. Make sure to approve this exit node in the admin console in order for other devices to see it.</string>
<stringname="run_exit_node_caution">Caution: Running an exit node will severely impact battery life. On a metered data plan, significant cellular data charges may also apply. Always disable this feature when no longer needed.</string>
<stringname="stop_running_as_exit_node">Stop Running as Exit Node</string>
<stringname="start_running_as_exit_node">Start Running as Exit Node</string>
<stringname="running_as_exit_node">Now Running as Exit Node</string>
<stringname="run_exit_node_explainer_running">Other devices in your tailnet can now route their Internet traffic through this Android device. Make sure to approve this exit node in the admin console in order for other devices to see it.</string>
<stringname="stop_running_as_exit_node">Stop running as exit node</string>
<stringname="start_running_as_exit_node">Start running as exit node</string>
<stringname="running_as_exit_node">Now running as exit node</string>
<stringname="run_exit_node_explainer_running">Other devices in your tailnet can now route their internet traffic through this Android device. Make sure to approve this exit node in the admin console in order for other devices to see it.</string>
@ -122,38 +123,38 @@
<stringname="this_node_has_not_been_signed">This node has not been signed by another device.</string>
<stringname="this_node_is_trusted">This node is trusted to change the Tailnet lock configuration.</string>
<stringname="this_node_is_not_trusted">This node is not trusted to change the Tailnet lock configuration.</string>
<stringname="copy_to_clipboard">Copy to Clipboard</string>
<stringname="tailscale_is_not_running_this_device_is_using_the_system_dns_resolver">Tailscale is not running. This device is using the system\'s DNS resolver.</string>
<stringname="this_device_is_using_the_system_dns_resolver">This device is using the system DNS resolver.</string>
<stringname="not_using_tailscale_dns">Not Using Tailscale DNS</string>
<stringname="allow_lan_access">Allow LAN Access</string>
<stringname="not_using_tailscale_dns">Not using Tailscale DNS</string>
<stringname="allow_lan_access">Allow LAN access</string>
<stringname="forces_the_tailscale_client_to_always_use_the_exit_node_with_the_given_id">Forces the Tailscale client to always use the exit node with the given ID.</string>
<stringname="managed_by_organization_name">Managed By - Organization Name</string>
<stringname="managed_by_caption">Managed By - Caption</string>
<stringname="managed_by_url">Managed By - URL</string>
<stringname="managed_by_organization_name">Managed by - organization name</string>
<stringname="managed_by_caption">Managed by - caption</string>
<stringname="managed_by_url">Managed by - URL</string>
<stringname="shows_a_button_to_open_support_resources_next_to_the_organization_name">Shows a button to open support resources next to the organization name.</string>
<stringname="shows_the_given_caption_next_to_the_organization_name_in_the_client">Shows the given caption next to the organization name in the client.</string>
<stringname="shows_the_given_organization_name_in_the_client">Shows the given organization name in the client.</string>
<stringname="custom_control_server_url">Custom control server URL</string>
<stringname="use_this_field_to_specify_a_custom_coordination_server_url_such_as_a_headscale_instance">Use this field to specify a custom coordination server URL, such as a Headscale instance.</string>
<stringname="hides_the_specified_categories_of_network_devices_from_the_devices_list_in_the_client">Hides the specified categories of network devices from the devices list in the client.</string>
<stringname="allow_lan_access_when_using_an_exit_node">Allow LAN Access when using an exit node</string>
<stringname="shows_or_hides_the_exit_node_picker_in_the_main_view_of_the_app">Shows or hides the exit node picker in the main view of the app.</string>
<stringname="shows_or_hides_the_tailnet_lock_configuration_ui">Shows or hides the Tailnet lock configuration UI.</string>
<stringname="shows_or_hides_the_ui_to_run_the_android_device_as_an_exit_node">Shows or hides the UI to run the Android device as an exit node.</string>
<stringname="run_as_exit_node_visibility">Run As Exit Node visibility</string>
<stringname="run_as_exit_node_visibility">Run as exit node visibility</string>
<stringname="permission_post_notifications_needed">Please grant Tailscale the Notifications permission in order to receive important status notifications.</string>
<stringname="permission_post_notifications_granted">Thank you for granting Tailscale the Notifications permission.</string>
<stringname="permission_post_notifications_needed">We use notifications to help you troubleshoot broken connections, or notify you before you need to reauthenticate to your network.</string>
<!-- Strings for the share activity -->
<stringname="share">Send via Tailscale</string>
<stringname="share_device_not_connected">Unable to share files with this device. This device is not currently connected to the tailnet.</string>
<stringname="share_device_not_connected">Unable to share files with this device. This device is not currently connected to the tailnet.</string>
<stringname="no_files_to_share">No files to share</string>
<stringname="file_count">%1$s Files</string>
<stringname="file_count">%1$s files</string>
<stringname="connect_to_your_tailnet_to_share_files">Connect to your tailnet to share files</string>
<stringname="my_devices">My Devices</string>
<stringname="my_devices">My devices</string>
<stringname="no_devices_to_share_with">There are no devices on your tailnet to share to</string>
<stringname="taildrop_share_failed">Taildrop failed. Some files were not shared. Please try again.</string>
<stringname="welcome1">Tailscale is a mesh VPN for securely connecting your devices. All connections are device-to-device, so we never see your data.\n\nWe collect and use your email address and name, as well as your device name, OS version, and IP address in order to help you to connect your devices and manage your settings. We log when you are connected to your network.\n</string>