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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package libtailscale
import (
type App struct {
dataDir string
// appCtx is a global reference to the com.tailscale.ipn.App instance.
appCtx AppContext
store *stateStore
logIDPublicAtomic atomic.Pointer[logid.PublicID]
localAPIHandler http.Handler
backend *ipnlocal.LocalBackend
ready sync.WaitGroup
func start(dataDir string, appCtx AppContext) Application {
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
log.Printf("panic in Start %s: %s", p, debug.Stack())
// Set XDG_CACHE_HOME to make os.UserCacheDir work.
if _, exists := os.LookupEnv("XDG_CACHE_HOME"); !exists {
cachePath := filepath.Join(dataDir, "cache")
os.Setenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME", cachePath)
// Set XDG_CONFIG_HOME to make os.UserConfigDir work.
if _, exists := os.LookupEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); !exists {
cfgPath := filepath.Join(dataDir, "config")
os.Setenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", cfgPath)
// Set HOME to make os.UserHomeDir work.
if _, exists := os.LookupEnv("HOME"); !exists {
os.Setenv("HOME", dataDir)
return newApp(dataDir, appCtx)
type backend struct {
engine wgengine.Engine
backend *ipnlocal.LocalBackend
sys *tsd.System
devices *multiTUN
settings settingsFunc
lastCfg *router.Config
lastDNSCfg *dns.OSConfig
netMon *netmon.Monitor
logIDPublic logid.PublicID
logger *logtail.Logger
// avoidEmptyDNS controls whether to use fallback nameservers
// when no nameservers are provided by Tailscale.
avoidEmptyDNS bool
appCtx AppContext
type settingsFunc func(*router.Config, *dns.OSConfig) error
func (a *App) runBackend(ctx context.Context) error {
if !a.appCtx.IsPlayVersion() {
deviceModel := a.modelName()
if a.isChromeOS() {
deviceModel = "ChromeOS: " + deviceModel
type configPair struct {
rcfg *router.Config
dcfg *dns.OSConfig
configs := make(chan configPair)
configErrs := make(chan error)
b, err := newBackend(a.dataDir, a.appCtx,, func(rcfg *router.Config, dcfg *dns.OSConfig) error {
if rcfg == nil {
return nil
configs <- configPair{rcfg, dcfg}
return <-configErrs
if err != nil {
return err
a.backend = b.backend
defer b.CloseTUNs()
h := localapi.NewHandler(b.backend, log.Printf, b.sys.NetMon.Get(), *a.logIDPublicAtomic.Load())
h.PermitRead = true
h.PermitWrite = true
a.localAPIHandler = h
// Contrary to the documentation for VpnService.Builder.addDnsServer,
// ChromeOS doesn't fall back to the underlying network nameservers if
// we don't provide any.
b.avoidEmptyDNS = a.isChromeOS()
var (
cfg configPair
state ipn.State
networkMap *netmap.NetworkMap
service IPNService
stateCh := make(chan ipn.State)
netmapCh := make(chan *netmap.NetworkMap)
go b.backend.WatchNotifications(ctx, ipn.NotifyInitialNetMap|ipn.NotifyInitialPrefs|ipn.NotifyInitialState, func() {}, func(notify *ipn.Notify) bool {
if notify.State != nil {
stateCh <- *notify.State
if notify.NetMap != nil {
netmapCh <- notify.NetMap
return true
for {
select {
case s := <-stateCh:
state = s
case n := <-netmapCh:
networkMap = n
case c := <-configs:
cfg = c
if b == nil || service == nil || cfg.rcfg == nil {
configErrs <- nil
configErrs <- b.updateTUN(service, cfg.rcfg, cfg.dcfg)
case s := <-onVPNRequested:
if service != nil && service.ID() == s.ID() {
// Still the same VPN instance, do nothing
netns.SetAndroidProtectFunc(func(fd int) error {
if !s.Protect(int32(fd)) {
// TODO(bradfitz): return an error back up to netns if this fails, once
// we've had some experience with this and analyzed the logs over a wide
// range of Android phones. For now we're being paranoid and conservative
// and do the JNI call to protect best effort, only logging if it fails.
// The risk of returning an error is that it breaks users on some Android
// versions even when they're not using exit nodes. I'd rather the
// relatively few number of exit node users file bug reports if Tailscale
// doesn't work and then we can look for this log print.
log.Printf("[unexpected] VpnService.protect(%d) returned false", fd)
return nil // even on error. see big TODO above.
log.Printf("onVPNRequested: rebind required")
// TODO(catzkorn): When we start the android application
// we bind sockets before we have access to the VpnService.protect()
// function which is needed to avoid routing loops. When we activate
// the service we get access to the protect, but do not retrospectively
// protect the sockets already opened, which breaks connectivity.
// As a temporary fix, we rebind and protect the magicsock.Conn on connect
// which restores connectivity.
// See
service = s
if networkMap != nil {
if cfg.rcfg != nil && state >= ipn.Starting {
if err := b.updateTUN(service, cfg.rcfg, cfg.dcfg); err != nil {
log.Printf("VPN update failed: %v", err)
case s := <-onDisconnect:
if service != nil && service.ID() == s.ID() {
service = nil
if state >= ipn.Starting {
case <-onDNSConfigChanged:
if b != nil {
go b.NetworkChanged()
func newBackend(dataDir string, appCtx AppContext, store *stateStore,
settings settingsFunc) (*backend, error) {
sys := new(tsd.System)
logf := logger.RusagePrefixLog(log.Printf)
b := &backend{
devices: newTUNDevices(),
settings: settings,
appCtx: appCtx,
var logID logid.PrivateID
storedLogID, err :=
// In all failure cases we ignore any errors and continue with the dead value above.
if err != nil || storedLogID == nil {
// Read failed or there was no previous log id.
newLogID, err := logid.NewPrivateID()
if err == nil {
logID = newLogID
enc, err := newLogID.MarshalText()
if err == nil {
store.write(logPrefKey, enc)
} else {
netMon, err := netmon.New(logf)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("netmon.New: %w", err)
b.netMon = netMon
b.setupLogs(dataDir, logID, logf)
dialer := new(tsdial.Dialer)
cb := &router.CallbackRouter{
SetBoth: b.setCfg,
SplitDNS: false,
GetBaseConfigFunc: b.getDNSBaseConfig,
engine, err := wgengine.NewUserspaceEngine(logf, wgengine.Config{
Tun: b.devices,
Router: cb,
DNS: cb,
Dialer: dialer,
SetSubsystem: sys.Set,
NetMon: b.netMon,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("runBackend: NewUserspaceEngine: %v", err)
b.logIDPublic = logID.Public()
ns, err := netstack.Create(logf, sys.Tun.Get(), engine, sys.MagicSock.Get(), dialer, sys.DNSManager.Get(), sys.ProxyMapper(), nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("netstack.Create: %w", err)
ns.ProcessLocalIPs = false // let Android kernel handle it; VpnBuilder sets this up
ns.ProcessSubnets = true // for Android-being-an-exit-node support
if w, ok := sys.Tun.GetOK(); ok {
lb, err := ipnlocal.NewLocalBackend(logf, logID.Public(), sys, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("runBackend: NewLocalBackend: %v", err)
if err := ns.Start(lb); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("startNetstack: %w", err)
if b.logger != nil {
b.engine = engine
b.backend = lb
b.sys = sys
go func() {
err := lb.Start(ipn.Options{})
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to start LocalBackend, panicking: %s", err)
return b, nil