/******************************************************************************* uMatrix - a Chromium browser extension to black/white list requests. Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ // Default handler (function() { var µm = µMatrix; /******************************************************************************/ // Default is for commonly used message. function onMessage(request, sender, callback) { // Async switch ( request.what ) { case 'getAssetContent': µm.assets.get(request.url, { dontCache: true }, callback); return; case 'selectAssets': µm.selectAssets(request, callback); return; default: break; } // Sync var response; switch ( request.what ) { case 'forceReloadTab': µm.forceReload(request.tabId, request.bypassCache); break; case 'forceUpdateAssets': µm.scheduleAssetUpdater(0); µm.assets.updateStart({ delay: 2000 }); break; case 'getUserSettings': response = { userSettings: µm.userSettings, matrixSwitches: { 'https-strict': µm.pMatrix.evaluateSwitch('https-strict', '*') === 1, 'referrer-spoof': µm.pMatrix.evaluateSwitch('referrer-spoof', '*') === 1, 'noscript-spoof': µm.pMatrix.evaluateSwitch('noscript-spoof', '*') === 1 } }; break; case 'gotoExtensionURL': µm.gotoExtensionURL(request); break; case 'gotoURL': µm.gotoURL(request); break; case 'mustBlock': response = µm.mustBlock( request.scope, request.hostname, request.type ); break; case 'readRawSettings': response = µm.stringFromRawSettings(); break; case 'reloadHostsFiles': µm.reloadHostsFiles(); break; case 'setMatrixSwitch': µm.tMatrix.setSwitch(request.switchName, '*', request.state); if ( µm.pMatrix.setSwitch(request.switchName, '*', request.state) ) { µm.saveMatrix(); } break; case 'userSettings': if ( request.hasOwnProperty('value') === false ) { request.value = undefined; } response = µm.changeUserSettings(request.name, request.value); break; case 'writeRawSettings': µm.rawSettingsFromString(request.content); break; default: return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED; } callback(response); } /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging.setup(onMessage); /******************************************************************************/ })(); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ (function() { // popup.js var µm = µMatrix; /******************************************************************************/ // Constructor is faster than object literal var RowSnapshot = function(srcHostname, desHostname, desDomain) { this.domain = desDomain; this.temporary = µm.tMatrix.evaluateRowZXY(srcHostname, desHostname); this.permanent = µm.pMatrix.evaluateRowZXY(srcHostname, desHostname); this.counts = RowSnapshot.counts.slice(); this.totals = RowSnapshot.counts.slice(); }; RowSnapshot.counts = (function() { var aa = []; for ( var i = 0, n = µm.Matrix.columnHeaderIndices.size; i < n; i++ ) { aa[i] = 0; } return aa; })(); /******************************************************************************/ var matrixSnapshot = function(pageStore, details) { var µmuser = µm.userSettings; var headerIndices = µm.Matrix.columnHeaderIndices; var r = { appVersion: vAPI.app.version, blockedCount: pageStore.requestStats.blocked.all, collapseAllDomains: µmuser.popupCollapseAllDomains, collapseBlacklistedDomains: µmuser.popupCollapseBlacklistedDomains, diff: [], domain: pageStore.pageDomain, has3pReferrer: pageStore.has3pReferrer, hasMixedContent: pageStore.hasMixedContent, hasNoscriptTags: pageStore.hasNoscriptTags, hasWebWorkers: pageStore.hasWebWorkers, headerIndices: Array.from(headerIndices), hostname: pageStore.pageHostname, mtxContentModified: pageStore.mtxContentModifiedTime !== details.mtxContentModifiedTime, mtxCountModified: pageStore.mtxCountModifiedTime !== details.mtxCountModifiedTime, mtxContentModifiedTime: pageStore.mtxContentModifiedTime, mtxCountModifiedTime: pageStore.mtxCountModifiedTime, pMatrixModified: µm.pMatrix.modifiedTime !== details.pMatrixModifiedTime, pMatrixModifiedTime: µm.pMatrix.modifiedTime, pSwitches: {}, rows: {}, rowCount: 0, scope: '*', tabId: pageStore.tabId, tMatrixModified: µm.tMatrix.modifiedTime !== details.tMatrixModifiedTime, tMatrixModifiedTime: µm.tMatrix.modifiedTime, tSwitches: {}, url: pageStore.pageUrl, userSettings: { colorBlindFriendly: µmuser.colorBlindFriendly, displayTextSize: µmuser.displayTextSize, noTooltips: µmuser.noTooltips, popupScopeLevel: µmuser.popupScopeLevel } }; if ( typeof details.scope === 'string' ) { r.scope = details.scope; } else if ( µmuser.popupScopeLevel === 'site' ) { r.scope = r.hostname; } else if ( µmuser.popupScopeLevel === 'domain' ) { r.scope = r.domain; } for ( var switchName of µm.Matrix.switchNames ) { r.tSwitches[switchName] = µm.tMatrix.evaluateSwitchZ(switchName, r.scope); r.pSwitches[switchName] = µm.pMatrix.evaluateSwitchZ(switchName, r.scope); } // These rows always exist r.rows['*'] = new RowSnapshot(r.scope, '*', '*'); r.rows['1st-party'] = new RowSnapshot(r.scope, '1st-party', '1st-party'); r.rowCount += 1; var µmuri = µm.URI; var reqType, reqHostname, reqDomain; var desHostname; var row, typeIndex; var anyIndex = headerIndices.get('*'); var pos, count; for ( var entry of pageStore.hostnameTypeCells ) { pos = entry[0].indexOf(' '); reqHostname = entry[0].slice(0, pos); reqType = entry[0].slice(pos + 1); // rhill 2013-10-23: hostname can be empty if the request is a data url // https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/26 if ( reqHostname === '' ) { reqHostname = pageStore.pageHostname; } reqDomain = µmuri.domainFromHostname(reqHostname) || reqHostname; // We want rows of self and ancestors desHostname = reqHostname; for (;;) { // If row exists, ancestors exist if ( r.rows.hasOwnProperty(desHostname) !== false ) { break; } r.rows[desHostname] = new RowSnapshot(r.scope, desHostname, reqDomain); r.rowCount += 1; if ( desHostname === reqDomain ) { break; } pos = desHostname.indexOf('.'); if ( pos === -1 ) { break; } desHostname = desHostname.slice(pos + 1); } count = entry[1].size; typeIndex = headerIndices.get(reqType); row = r.rows[reqHostname]; row.counts[typeIndex] += count; row.counts[anyIndex] += count; row = r.rows[reqDomain]; row.totals[typeIndex] += count; row.totals[anyIndex] += count; row = r.rows['*']; row.totals[typeIndex] += count; row.totals[anyIndex] += count; } r.diff = µm.tMatrix.diff(µm.pMatrix, r.hostname, Object.keys(r.rows)); return r; }; /******************************************************************************/ var matrixSnapshotFromTabId = function(details, callback) { var matrixSnapshotIf = function(tabId, details) { var pageStore = µm.pageStoreFromTabId(tabId); if ( pageStore === null ) { callback('ENOTFOUND'); return; } // First verify whether we must return data or not. if ( µm.tMatrix.modifiedTime === details.tMatrixModifiedTime && µm.pMatrix.modifiedTime === details.pMatrixModifiedTime && pageStore.mtxContentModifiedTime === details.mtxContentModifiedTime && pageStore.mtxCountModifiedTime === details.mtxCountModifiedTime ) { callback('ENOCHANGE'); return ; } callback(matrixSnapshot(pageStore, details)); }; // Specific tab id requested? if ( details.tabId ) { matrixSnapshotIf(details.tabId, details); return; } // Fall back to currently active tab var onTabReady = function(tab) { if ( tab instanceof Object === false ) { callback('ENOTFOUND'); return; } // Allow examination of behind-the-scene requests var tabId = tab.url.lastIndexOf(vAPI.getURL('dashboard.html'), 0) !== 0 ? tab.id : vAPI.noTabId; matrixSnapshotIf(tabId, details); }; vAPI.tabs.get(null, onTabReady); }; /******************************************************************************/ var onMessage = function(request, sender, callback) { // Async switch ( request.what ) { case 'fetchRecipes': µm.recipeManager.fetch( request.srcHostname, request.desHostnames, callback ); return; case 'matrixSnapshot': matrixSnapshotFromTabId(request, callback); return; default: break; } // Sync var response; switch ( request.what ) { case 'applyRecipe': µm.recipeManager.apply(request); break; case 'fetchRecipeCommitStatuses': response = µm.recipeManager.commitStatuses(request); break; case 'toggleMatrixSwitch': µm.tMatrix.setSwitchZ( request.switchName, request.srcHostname, µm.tMatrix.evaluateSwitchZ(request.switchName, request.srcHostname) === false ); break; case 'blacklistMatrixCell': µm.tMatrix.blacklistCell( request.srcHostname, request.desHostname, request.type ); break; case 'whitelistMatrixCell': µm.tMatrix.whitelistCell( request.srcHostname, request.desHostname, request.type ); break; case 'graylistMatrixCell': µm.tMatrix.graylistCell( request.srcHostname, request.desHostname, request.type ); break; case 'applyDiffToPermanentMatrix': // aka "persist" if ( µm.pMatrix.applyDiff(request.diff, µm.tMatrix) ) { µm.saveMatrix(); } break; case 'applyDiffToTemporaryMatrix': // aka "revert" µm.tMatrix.applyDiff(request.diff, µm.pMatrix); break; case 'revertTemporaryMatrix': µm.tMatrix.assign(µm.pMatrix); break; default: return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED; } callback(response); }; vAPI.messaging.listen('popup.js', onMessage); })(); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ // content scripts (function() { var µm = µMatrix; /******************************************************************************/ var foundInlineCode = function(tabId, pageStore, details, type) { if ( pageStore === null ) { return; } var pageHostname = pageStore.pageHostname, µmuri = µm.URI.set(details.documentURI), frameURL = µmuri.normalizedURI(); var blocked = details.blocked; if ( blocked === undefined ) { blocked = µm.mustBlock(pageHostname, µmuri.hostname, type); } var mapTo = { css: 'style', script: 'script' }; // https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/333 // Look-up here whether inline scripting is blocked for the frame. var url = frameURL + '{inline_' + mapTo[type] + '}'; pageStore.recordRequest(type, url, blocked); µm.logger.writeOne(tabId, 'net', pageHostname, url, type, blocked); }; /******************************************************************************/ var contentScriptLocalStorageHandler = function(tabId, originURL) { var tabContext = µm.tabContextManager.lookup(tabId); if ( tabContext === null ) { return; } var blocked = µm.mustBlock( tabContext.rootHostname, µm.URI.hostnameFromURI(originURL), 'cookie' ); var pageStore = µm.pageStoreFromTabId(tabId); if ( pageStore !== null ) { var requestURL = originURL + '/{localStorage}'; pageStore.recordRequest('cookie', requestURL, blocked); µm.logger.writeOne(tabId, 'net', tabContext.rootHostname, requestURL, 'cookie', blocked); } var removeStorage = blocked && µm.userSettings.deleteLocalStorage; if ( removeStorage ) { µm.localStorageRemovedCounter++; } return removeStorage; }; /******************************************************************************/ // Evaluate many URLs against the matrix. var lookupBlockedCollapsibles = function(tabId, requests) { if ( placeholdersReadTime < µm.rawSettingsWriteTime ) { placeholders = undefined; } if ( placeholders === undefined ) { placeholders = { frame: µm.rawSettings.framePlaceholder, image: µm.rawSettings.imagePlaceholder }; if ( placeholders.frame ) { placeholders.frameDocument = µm.rawSettings.framePlaceholderDocument.replace( '{{bg}}', µm.rawSettings.framePlaceholderBackground !== 'default' ? µm.rawSettings.framePlaceholderBackground : µm.rawSettings.placeholderBackground ); } if ( placeholders.image ) { placeholders.imageBorder = µm.rawSettings.imagePlaceholderBorder !== 'default' ? µm.rawSettings.imagePlaceholderBorder : µm.rawSettings.placeholderBorder; placeholders.imageBackground = µm.rawSettings.imagePlaceholderBackground !== 'default' ? µm.rawSettings.imagePlaceholderBackground : µm.rawSettings.placeholderBackground; } placeholdersReadTime = Date.now(); } var response = { blockedResources: [], hash: requests.hash, id: requests.id, placeholders: placeholders }; var tabContext = µm.tabContextManager.lookup(tabId); if ( tabContext === null ) { return response; } var pageStore = µm.pageStoreFromTabId(tabId); if ( pageStore !== null ) { pageStore.lookupBlockedCollapsibles(requests, response); } return response; }; var placeholders, placeholdersReadTime = 0; /******************************************************************************/ var onMessage = function(request, sender, callback) { // Async switch ( request.what ) { default: break; } var tabId = sender && sender.tab ? sender.tab.id || 0 : 0, tabContext = µm.tabContextManager.lookup(tabId), rootHostname = tabContext && tabContext.rootHostname, pageStore = µm.pageStoreFromTabId(tabId); // Sync var response; switch ( request.what ) { case 'contentScriptHasLocalStorage': response = contentScriptLocalStorageHandler(tabId, request.originURL); break; case 'lookupBlockedCollapsibles': response = lookupBlockedCollapsibles(tabId, request); break; case 'mustRenderNoscriptTags?': if ( tabContext === null ) { break; } response = µm.tMatrix.mustBlock(rootHostname, rootHostname, 'script') && µm.tMatrix.evaluateSwitchZ('noscript-spoof', rootHostname); if ( pageStore !== null ) { pageStore.hasNoscriptTags = true; } // https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/issues/225 // A good place to force an update of the page title, as at // this point the DOM has been loaded. µm.updateTitle(tabId); break; case 'securityPolicyViolation': if ( request.directive === 'worker-src' ) { var url = µm.URI.hostnameFromURI(request.blockedURI) !== '' ? request.blockedURI : request.documentURI; if ( pageStore !== null ) { pageStore.hasWebWorkers = true; pageStore.recordRequest('script', url, true); } if ( tabContext !== null ) { µm.logger.writeOne(tabId, 'net', rootHostname, url, 'worker', request.blocked); } } else if ( request.directive === 'script-src' ) { foundInlineCode(tabId, pageStore, request, 'script'); } else if ( request.directive === 'style-src' ) { foundInlineCode(tabId, pageStore, request, 'css'); } break; case 'shutdown?': if ( tabContext !== null ) { response = µm.tMatrix.evaluateSwitchZ('matrix-off', rootHostname); } break; default: return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED; } callback(response); }; vAPI.messaging.listen('contentscript.js', onMessage); /******************************************************************************/ })(); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ // cloud-ui.js (function() { /******************************************************************************/ var µm = µMatrix; /******************************************************************************/ var onMessage = function(request, sender, callback) { // Async switch ( request.what ) { case 'cloudGetOptions': vAPI.cloud.getOptions(function(options) { options.enabled = µm.userSettings.cloudStorageEnabled === true; callback(options); }); return; case 'cloudSetOptions': vAPI.cloud.setOptions(request.options, callback); return; case 'cloudPull': return vAPI.cloud.pull(request.datakey, callback); case 'cloudPush': return vAPI.cloud.push(request.datakey, request.data, callback); default: break; } // Sync var response; switch ( request.what ) { // For when cloud storage is disabled. case 'cloudPull': // fallthrough case 'cloudPush': break; default: return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED; } callback(response); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging.listen('cloud-ui.js', onMessage); })(); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ // user-rules.js (function() { var µm = µMatrix; /******************************************************************************/ var onMessage = function(request, sender, callback) { // Async switch ( request.what ) { default: break; } // Sync var response; switch ( request.what ) { case 'getUserRules': response = { temporaryRules: µm.tMatrix.toString(), permanentRules: µm.pMatrix.toString() }; break; case 'setUserRules': if ( typeof request.temporaryRules === 'string' ) { µm.tMatrix.fromString(request.temporaryRules); } if ( typeof request.permanentRules === 'string' ) { µm.pMatrix.fromString(request.permanentRules); µm.saveMatrix(); } response = { temporaryRules: µm.tMatrix.toString(), permanentRules: µm.pMatrix.toString() }; break; default: return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED; } callback(response); }; vAPI.messaging.listen('user-rules.js', onMessage); })(); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ // hosts-files.js (function() { var µm = µMatrix; /******************************************************************************/ var getAssets = function(callback) { var r = { autoUpdate: µm.userSettings.autoUpdate, blockedHostnameCount: µm.ubiquitousBlacklist.count, hosts: null, recipes: null, cache: null }; var onMetadataReady = function(entries) { r.cache = entries; callback(r); }; var onAvailableRecipeFilesReady = function(collection) { r.recipes = Array.from(collection); µm.assets.metadata(onMetadataReady); }; var onAvailableHostsFilesReady = function(collection) { r.hosts = Array.from(collection); µm.getAvailableRecipeFiles(onAvailableRecipeFilesReady); }; µm.getAvailableHostsFiles(onAvailableHostsFilesReady); }; /******************************************************************************/ var onMessage = function(request, sender, callback) { var µm = µMatrix; // Async switch ( request.what ) { case 'getAssets': return getAssets(callback); default: break; } // Sync var response; switch ( request.what ) { case 'purgeCache': µm.assets.purge(request.assetKey); µm.assets.remove('compiled/' + request.assetKey); break; case 'purgeAllCaches': if ( request.hard ) { µm.assets.remove(/./); } else { µm.assets.purge(/./, 'public_suffix_list.dat'); } break; default: return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED; } callback(response); }; vAPI.messaging.listen('hosts-files.js', onMessage); })(); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ // about.js (function() { var µm = µMatrix; /******************************************************************************/ var restoreUserData = function(userData) { var countdown = 0; var onCountdown = function() { countdown -= 1; if ( countdown === 0 ) { vAPI.app.restart(); } }; var onAllRemoved = function() { let µm = µMatrix; countdown += 1; vAPI.storage.set(userData.settings, onCountdown); countdown += 1; let bin = { userMatrix: userData.rules }; if ( userData.hostsFiles instanceof Object ) { bin.liveHostsFiles = userData.hostsFiles; } vAPI.storage.set(bin, onCountdown); if ( userData.rawSettings instanceof Object ) { countdown += 1; µm.saveRawSettings(userData.rawSettings, onCountdown); } }; // If we are going to restore all, might as well wipe out clean local // storage µm.XAL.keyvalRemoveAll(onAllRemoved); }; /******************************************************************************/ var resetUserData = function() { var onAllRemoved = function() { vAPI.app.restart(); }; µm.XAL.keyvalRemoveAll(onAllRemoved); }; /******************************************************************************/ var onMessage = function(request, sender, callback) { // Async switch ( request.what ) { default: break; } // Sync var response; switch ( request.what ) { case 'getAllUserData': response = { app: vAPI.app.name, version: vAPI.app.version, when: Date.now(), settings: µm.userSettings, rules: µm.pMatrix.toString(), rawSettings: µm.rawSettings }; break; case 'getSomeStats': response = { version: vAPI.app.version, storageUsed: µm.storageUsed }; break; case 'restoreAllUserData': restoreUserData(request.userData); break; case 'resetAllUserData': resetUserData(); break; default: return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED; } callback(response); }; vAPI.messaging.listen('about.js', onMessage); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ // logger-ui.js (function() { /******************************************************************************/ var µm = µMatrix, loggerURL = vAPI.getURL('logger-ui.html'); /******************************************************************************/ var onMessage = function(request, sender, callback) { // Async switch ( request.what ) { default: break; } // Sync var response; switch ( request.what ) { case 'readMany': if ( µm.logger.ownerId !== undefined && request.ownerId !== µm.logger.ownerId ) { response = { unavailable: true }; break; } var tabIds = {}; for ( var tabId in µm.pageStores ) { var pageStore = µm.pageStoreFromTabId(tabId); if ( pageStore === null ) { continue; } if ( pageStore.rawUrl.startsWith(loggerURL) ) { continue; } tabIds[tabId] = pageStore.title || pageStore.rawUrl; } response = { colorBlind: false, entries: µm.logger.readAll(request.ownerId), maxLoggedRequests: µm.userSettings.maxLoggedRequests, noTabId: vAPI.noTabId, tabIds: tabIds, tabIdsToken: µm.pageStoresToken }; break; case 'releaseView': if ( request.ownerId === µm.logger.ownerId ) { µm.logger.ownerId = undefined; } break; default: return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED; } callback(response); }; vAPI.messaging.listen('logger-ui.js', onMessage); /******************************************************************************/ })(); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ })(); /******************************************************************************/