{ "extName": { "message": "µMatrix", "description": "extension name." }, "extShortDesc": { "message": "通过指向和点击来禁止/允许您的浏览器发出的任何类型的请求。您可以使用它来屏蔽脚本、子文档、广告以及facebook等等。", "description": "this will be in the chrome web store: must be 132 characters or less" }, "settingsPageName": { "message": "设置", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard." }, "privacyPageName": { "message": "隐私设置", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard." }, "statsPageName": { "message": "统计信息", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard." }, "userRulesPageName": { "message": "Your rules", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard." }, "ubiquitousRulesPageName" : { "message": "通用规则", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard." }, "aboutPageName": { "message": "关于", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard." }, "allPrettyName": { "message": "全部", "description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!" }, "cookiePrettyName": { "message": "cookie", "description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!" }, "cookiePrettyNamePlural": { "message": "cookies", "description": "..." }, "stylesheetPrettyName": { "message": "样式", "description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!" }, "stylesheetPrettyNamePlural": { "message": "样式", "description": "..." }, "imagePrettyName": { "message": "图片", "description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!" }, "imagePrettyNamePlural": { "message": "图片", "description": "..." }, "objectPrettyName": { "message": "插件", "description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!" }, "objectPrettyNamePlural": { "message": "插件", "description": "..." }, "scriptPrettyName": { "message": "脚本", "description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!" }, "scriptPrettyNamePlural": { "message": "脚本", "description": "..." }, "xmlhttprequestPrettyName": { "message": "XHR", "description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!" }, "xmlhttprequestPrettyNamePlural": { "message": "XHR", "description": "..." }, "sub_framePrettyName": { "message": "子文档", "description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!" }, "sub_framePrettyNamePlural": { "message": "子文档", "description": "..." }, "otherPrettyName": { "message": "其它", "description": "HAS TO FIT IN MATRIX HEADER!" }, "otherPrettyNamePlural": { "message": "其它", "description": "..." }, "matrixPresetAbsentPrompt" : { "message": "没有适合这个页面的预设配方", "description": "..." }, "matrixPresetPresentPrompt" : { "message": "点击一个预设配方来导入其规则集", "description": "..." }, "matrixNoNetTrafficPrompt" : { "message": "没有发现这个标签页的网络通信。", "description": "..." }, "matrixMtxButtonTip" : { "message": "在此作用域禁用/启用矩阵过滤。\u000a当前页面被矩阵过滤屏蔽掉 \u000a 的请求数:{{count}}。", "description": "Tool tip for matrix button: {{}} is a placeholder for number of blocked requests." }, "matrixPersistButtonTip" : { "message": "保存对当前作用域作出的 \u000a 所有临时变更。", "description": "Tool tip for the persist button" }, "matrixRevertButtonTip" : { "message": "移除对当前作用域作出的 \u000a 所以临时变更。", "description": "Tool tip for the revert local permission button" }, "matrixRevertButtonAllTip" : { "message": "移除所有临时变更。", "description": "Tool tip for the revert all permissions button" }, "matrixReloadButton" : { "message": "重新加载当前页面。", "description": "Tool tip for the reload button" }, "matrixPresetMoreReadTip" : { "message": "导出一条配方:当前作用域的临时 \u000a 规则将被编码为一条配方", "description": "English: Export a recipe: Temporary rules \u000a of current scope will be encoded \u000a as a recipe" }, "matrixPresetMoreWriteTip" : { "message": "导入一条配方:配方中的规则将作 \u000a 为临时规则被加入到当前作用域中", "description": "English: Import a recipe: Temporary rules \u000a will be created into current scope" }, "matrixPresetMoreRecipeTip" : { "message": "用户可以在此交流配方进行互助。应用非可信源时的通常警告。", "description": "English: Users can exchange recipes here to help each other. Usual warnings about untrusted sources apply." }, "statsPageTitle" : { "message": "µMatrix – 统计信息", "description": "header for the whole stats page" }, "statsPageGenericStats" : { "message": "一般统计信息", "description": "English: Generic statistics" }, "statsPageCookieHeadersFoiled" : { "message": "从HTTP请求头中移除的cookie数:{{count}}", "description": "English: HTTP cookie headers foiled: {{count}}" }, "statsPageRefererHeadersFoiled" : { "message": "从HTTP请求头中移除的引用地址数:{{count}}", "description": "English: HTTP referer headers foiled: {{count}}" }, "statsPageHyperlinkAuditingFoiled" : { "message": "阻止的超链接审计尝试数:{{count}}", "description": "English: Hyperlink auditing attempts foiled: {{count}}" }, "statsPageCookiesRemoved" : { "message": "本地cookie移除数:{{count}}", "description": "Local cookies removed: {{count}}" }, "statsPageLocalStoragesCleared" : { "message": "清空本地网页存储次数:{{count}}", "description": "Local storages emptied: {{count}}" }, "statsPageBrowserCacheCleared" : { "message": "清空浏览器缓存次数:{{count}}", "description": "Browser caches cleared: {{count}}" }, "statsPageDetailedStats" : { "message": "详细统计信息", "description": "English: Detailed statistics" }, "statsPageDetailedAllPages" : { "message": "全部", "description": "English: All" }, "statsPageDetailedBehindTheScenePage" : { "message": "Chrome浏览器后台", "description": "English: Chromium: Behind the scene" }, "statsPageOverview" : { "message": "概览", "description": "English: Overview" }, "statsPageRequests" : { "message": "请求类型", "description": "in detailed stats section, header for the type of request" }, "statsPageAllowed" : { "message": "允许数", "description": "capitalized" }, "statsPageBlocked" : { "message": "屏蔽数", "description": "capitalized" }, "statsPageDetailed" : { "message": "请求日志", "description": "English: Request log" }, "statsPageLogSizePrompt1" : { "message": "记住最近的", "description": "English: Remember the last" }, "statsPageLogSizePrompt2" : { "message": "条HTTP请求于每个页面.", "description": "English: HTTP requests per page." }, "statsPageLogSizeHelp" : { "message": "





", "description": "To help user understand the purpose of the log size value" }, "statsPageRefresh" : { "message": "刷新", "description": "text for refresh button" }, "settingsPageTitle" : { "message": "µMatrix – 设置", "description": "header for the whole Settings page" }, "settingsMatrixHeader" : { "message": "过滤矩阵", "description": "header of Matrix settings section" }, "settingsMatrixDisplayHeader" : { "message": "外观", "description": "English: Appearance" }, "settingsMatrixDisplayTextSizePrompt" : { "message": "字体大小:", "description": "..." }, "settingsMatrixDisplayTextSizeNormal" : { "message": "常规", "description": "..." }, "settingsMatrixDisplayTextSizeLarge" : { "message": "大号", "description": "..." }, "settingsMatrixDisplayColorBlind" : { "message": "适合色盲患者的外观", "description": "English: Color-blind friendly" }, "settingsMatrixMoreSecurityHeader" : { "message": "增强安全性设置", "description": "..." }, "settingsMatrixLessSecurityHeader" : { "message": "减弱安全性设置", "description": "..." }, "settingsMatrixConvenienceHeader" : { "message": "便利设置", "description": "English: Convenience" }, "settingsMatrixAutoReloadPrompt" : { "message": "在过滤矩阵显示关闭后,智能重载这些标签页:", "description": "..." }, "settingsMatrixAutoReloadNone" : { "message": "无", "description": "" }, "settingsMatrixAutoReloadCurrent" : { "message": "当前", "description": "" }, "settingsMatrixAutoReloadAll" : { "message": "所有", "description": "" }, "settingsMatrixAutoReloadInfo" : { "message": "当您对过滤矩阵作出任何会影响一个或多个页面的显示或行为的变更时,µMatrix 会在您关闭过滤矩阵的显示后,自动重载受影响的页面。", "description": "..." }, "settingsSubframeColor" : { "message": "被屏蔽子文档:颜色", "description": "English: Blocked frames: Color" }, "settingsSubframeOpacity" : { "message": "不透明度", "description": "English: Opacity" }, "privacyHeader" : { "message": "隐私设置", "description": "header of Privacy section" }, "privacyDeleteBlockedCookiesPrompt" : { "message": "删除被屏蔽的cookie。", "description": "..." }, "privacyDeleteBlockedCookiesHelp" : { "message": "




", "description": "..." }, "privacyDeleteNonBlockedSessionCookiesPrompt1" : { "message": "于非被屏蔽的会话cookie最后被使用的 ", "description": "English: Delete non-blocked session cookies" }, "privacyDeleteNonBlockedSessionCookiesPrompt2" : { "message": " 分钟后,删除它们。", "description": "English: minutes after the last time they have been used." }, "privacyDeleteNonBlockedSessionCookiesHelp" : { "message": "



", "description": "..." }, "privacyDeleteBlockedLocalStoragePrompt" : { "message": "删除被屏蔽站点名的本地网页存储内容集。", "description": "English: Delete local storage content set by blocked hostnames" }, "privacyDeleteBlockedLocalStorageHelp" : { "message": "TODO", "description": "..." }, "privacyClearCachePrompt1" : { "message": "清除浏览器缓存每隔", "description": "English: Clear browser cache every" }, "privacyClearCachePrompt2" : { "message": "分钟。", "description": "English: minutes." }, "privacyClearCacheHelp" : { "message": "


一小部分这些技巧依赖[1, 2]于浏览器缓存。浏览器缓存中的内容通常会存在相当长的时间,因为极少会有用户花时间去定期清理它们。



[1] “Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache”
[2] “Cookieless cookies”

", "description": "..." }, "privacyProcessRefererPrompt" : { "message": "从向非白名单中站点名发起的HTTP请求中移除第三方引用地址信息。", "description": "..." }, "privacyProcessRefererHelp" : { "message": "

参照维基百科:“HTTP来源地址是一个HTTP表头字段,用于识别链接到正在被请求资源的网页的地址。…… 因为引用信息可能泄漏隐私,一些浏览器允许用户禁用发送引用信息的功能。


", "description": "..." }, "privacyProcessHyperlinkAuditingPrompt" : { "message": "屏蔽所有超链接审计尝试。", "description": "..." }, "privacyProcessHyperlinkAuditingHelp" : { "message": "


", "description": "..." }, "privacySpoofUserAgentPrompt1" : { "message": "从下面列表中随机选取新的一条,来伪装用户代理字符串,每隔", "description": "Spoof User-Agent string by randomly picking a new one below every" }, "privacySpoofUserAgentPrompt2" : { "message": "分钟。", "description": "minutes." }, "privacySpoofUserAgentHelp" : { "message": "根据电子前哨基金会:“……您的浏览器会发送一个‘用户代理’表头给访问的网站,精确地描述了您正在使用的操作系统及浏览器。这些信息可以帮助区分互联网用户,因为用户间操作系统和浏览器的版本会有所不同,甚至经常会在两人之间相差很大。……用户代理字符串变成一个确实的隐私问题。”



", "description": "..." }, "privacyBehindTheSceneHeader" : { "message": "Chrome浏览器后台请求", "description": "header of Chromium: behind-the-scene requests section" }, "privacyProcessBehindTheSceneHelp" : { "message": "

根据Google Chrome 隐私权白皮书Chromium可能会发送HTTP请求到Google,即使在用户没有明确地访问一个网页的情况下。让我们称这种特殊的请求为后台请求。同时,用户安装的其它的浏览器扩展也有可能发送后台HTTP请求。





", "description": "..." }, "privacyDoneButton" : { "message": "完成", "description": "Close the Privacy page" }, "userRulesApplyChanges": { "message": "Apply changes", "description": "English: Apply changes" }, "userRulesImport": { "message": "Import from file...", "description": "English: Import from file..." }, "userRulesExport": { "message": "Export to file...", "description": "English: Export to file..." }, "userRulesFormatHint": { "message": "See this page for rule syntax.", "description": "English: See this page for rule syntax." }, "userRulesDefaultFileName": { "message": "your-umatrix-rules.txt", "description": "English: See this page for rule syntax." }, "ubiquitousListsOfBlockedHostsPrompt1" : { "message": "所有屏蔽站点的列表都作为普适规则被加载,所以这些站点将在所有作用域的黑名单中。", "description": "English: All lists of blocked hosts are loaded as ubiquitous rules, hence these hosts are blacklisted in all scopes." }, "ubiquitousListsOfBlockedHostsPrompt2" : { "message": "共{{ubiquitousBlacklistCount}}个不同的屏蔽站点名,来自:", "description": "English: {{ubiquitousBlacklistCount}} distinct blocked hostnames from:" }, "ubiquitousListsOfBlockedHostsPerListStats" : { "message": "{{total}}中使用{{used}}", "description": "English: {{used}} used out of {{total}}" }, "ubiquitousListsOfBlockedHostsHeader" : { "message": "被屏蔽站点列表", "description": "English: Lists of blocked hosts" }, "userUbiquitousBlacklistHeader" : { "message": "您的自定义屏蔽规则", "description": "English: Your block rules" }, "userUbiquitousWhitelistHeader" : { "message": "您的自定义允许规则", "description": "English: Your allow rules" }, "ubiquitousApplyChanges" : { "message": "应用变更", "description": "English: Apply changes" }, "ubiquitousFormatHint" : { "message": "每行一条规则。一条规则可以是单纯的一个站点名或者是一条与Adblock Plus相容的过滤规则。以“#”开头的行将被忽略。", "description": "English: One rule per line. A rule can be a plain hostname, or an Adblock Plus-compatible filter. Lines prefixed with ‘#’ will be ignored." }, "ubiquitousAllowFormatHint" : { "message": "每行一条规则。一条规则可以是单纯的一个站点名或者是一条与Adblock Plus相容的例外规则(以“@@”开头)。以“#”开头的行将被忽略。", "description": "English: One rule per line. A rule can be a plain hostname, or an Adblock Plus-compatible exception filter (prefixed with ‘@@’). Lines prefixed with ‘#’ will be ignored." }, "ubiquitousImport" : { "message": "导入并附加规则", "description": "English: Import and append" }, "ubiquitousExport" : { "message": "导出规则", "description": "English: Export" }, "aboutChangelog" : { "message": "变更日志", "description": "English: Change log" }, "aboutStorageUsed" : { "message": "存储空间使用率:{{storageUsed}}%", "description": "English: Storage used: {{storageUsed}}%" }, "aboutDoc" : { "message": "文档", "description": "English: Documentation" }, "aboutPermissions" : { "message": "权限", "description": "English: Permissions" }, "aboutCode" : { "message": "源代码 (GPLv3)", "description": "English: Source code (GPLv3)" }, "aboutCredits" : { "message": "赞扬", "description": "English: Credits" }, "aboutUserDataHeader" : { "message": "您的数据", "description": "English: Your data" }, "aboutBackupButton" : { "message": "Backup to file...", "description": "English: Backup all..." }, "aboutBackupFilename" : { "message": "all-my-umatrix-data.txt", "description": "all-my-umatrix-data.txt" }, "aboutRestoreButton" : { "message": "Restore from file...", "description": "English: Restore all..." }, "aboutRestoreConfirm" : { "message": "All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and µMatrix will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?", "description": "Message asking user to confirm restore" }, "aboutRestoreError" : { "message": "The data could not be read or is invalid", "description": "" }, "aboutOr" : { "message": "... or ...", "description": "English: ... or ..." }, "aboutResetButton" : { "message": "Reset to default settings", "description": "English: Reset to default settings" }, "aboutResetConfirm" : { "message": "Caution! this will also remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?", "description": "Message asking user to confirm reset" }, "commandRevertAll" : { "message": "移除所有临时变更", "description": "English: Remove all temporary changes" }, "commandWhitelistPageDomain" : { "message": "临时把当前页面的域名添加到白名单", "description": "English: Temporarily whitelist page domain" }, "commandWhitelistAll" : { "message": "临时把当前页面的所有请求添加到白名单", "description": "English: Temporarily whitelist all" }, "commandOpenDashboard" : { "message": "打开仪表板", "description": "English: Open dashboard" }, "dummy": { "message": "This entry must be the last one", "description": "so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry" } }