/******************************************************************************* uMatrix - a Chromium browser extension to black/white list requests. Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix */ /* jshint bitwise: false, boss: true */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************* A PageRequestStats object is used to store distinct network requests. This is used to: - remember which hostname/type were seen - count the number of distinct URLs for any given hostname-type pair **/ µMatrix.pageRequestStatsFactory = (function() { var µm = µMatrix; var µmuri; var pageRequestStoreJunkyard = []; // Ref: Given a URL, returns a (somewhat) unique 32-bit value // Based on: FNV32a // http://www.isthe.com/chongo/tech/comp/fnv/index.html#FNV-reference-source // The rest is custom, suited for µMatrix. var uidFromURL = function(uri) { var hint = 0x811c9dc5; var i = uri.length; while ( i-- ) { hint ^= uri.charCodeAt(i) | 0; hint += (hint<<1) + (hint<<4) + (hint<<7) + (hint<<8) + (hint<<24) | 0; hint >>>= 0; } return hint; }; var PageRequestStats = function() { this.hostnameTypeCells = new Map(); }; PageRequestStats.prototype = { dispose: function() { this.hostnameTypeCells.clear(); if ( pageRequestStoreJunkyard.length < 8 ) { pageRequestStoreJunkyard.push(this); } }, createEntryIfNotExists: function(url, type) { var hn = µmuri.hostnameFromURI(url), key = hn + ' ' + type, uids = this.hostnameTypeCells.get(key); if ( uids === undefined ) { this.hostnameTypeCells.set(key, (uids = new Set())); } else { if ( uids.size > 99 ) { return false; } } var uid = uidFromURL(url); if ( uids.has(uid) ) { return false; } uids.add(uid); return true; } }; return function pageRequestStatsFactory() { if ( pageRequestStoreJunkyard.length !== 0 ) { return pageRequestStoreJunkyard.pop(); } if ( µmuri === undefined ) { µmuri = µm.URI; } return new PageRequestStats(); }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ µMatrix.pageStoreFactory = (function() { var µm = µMatrix; var pageStoreJunkyard = []; function PageStore(tabContext) { this.requestStats = µm.requestStatsFactory(); this.off = false; this.init(tabContext); } PageStore.prototype = { init: function(tabContext) { this.tabId = tabContext.tabId; this.rawUrl = tabContext.rawURL; this.pageUrl = tabContext.normalURL; this.pageHostname = tabContext.rootHostname; this.pageDomain = tabContext.rootDomain; this.title = ''; this.requests = µm.pageRequestStatsFactory(); this.domains = {}; this.allHostnamesString = ' '; this.requestStats.reset(); this.distinctRequestCount = 0; this.perLoadAllowedRequestCount = 0; this.perLoadBlockedRequestCount = 0; this.incinerationTimer = null; this.mtxContentModifiedTime = 0; this.mtxCountModifiedTime = 0; return this; }, dispose: function() { this.requests.dispose(); this.rawUrl = ''; this.pageUrl = ''; this.pageHostname = ''; this.pageDomain = ''; this.title = ''; this.domains = {}; this.allHostnamesString = ' '; if ( this.incinerationTimer !== null ) { clearTimeout(this.incinerationTimer); this.incinerationTimer = null; } if ( pageStoreJunkyard.length < 8 ) { pageStoreJunkyard.push(this); } }, recordRequest: function(type, url, block) { if ( this.requests.createEntryIfNotExists(url, type) === false ) { return; } // Count blocked/allowed requests this.requestStats.record(type, block); // https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/306 // If it is recorded locally, record globally µm.requestStats.record(type, block); µm.updateBadgeAsync(this.tabId); if ( block !== false ) { this.perLoadBlockedRequestCount++; } else { this.perLoadAllowedRequestCount++; } var hostname = µm.URI.hostnameFromURI(url); this.distinctRequestCount++; this.mtxCountModifiedTime = Date.now(); if ( this.domains.hasOwnProperty(hostname) === false ) { this.domains[hostname] = true; this.allHostnamesString += hostname + ' '; this.mtxContentModifiedTime = Date.now(); } } }; return function pageStoreFactory(tabContext) { var entry = pageStoreJunkyard.pop(); if ( entry ) { return entry.init(tabContext); } return new PageStore(tabContext); }; })(); /******************************************************************************/