/******************************************************************************* µMatrix - a Chromium browser extension to black/white list requests. Copyright (C) 2014 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix */ /* global punycode, vAPI, uDom */ /* jshint esnext: true, bitwise: false */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ (function() { 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ // Must be consistent with definitions in matrix.js var Pale = 0x00; var Dark = 0x80; var Transparent = 0; var Red = 1; var Green = 2; var Gray = 3; var DarkRed = Dark | Red; var PaleRed = Pale | Red; var DarkGreen = Dark | Green; var PaleGreen = Pale | Green; var DarkGray = Dark | Gray; var PaleGray = Pale | Gray; var matrixSnapshot = {}; var groupsSnapshot = []; var allHostnamesSnapshot = 'do not leave this initial string empty'; var matrixCellHotspots = null; var matrixHeaderPrettyNames = { 'all': '', 'cookie': '', 'css': '', 'image': '', 'plugin': '', 'script': '', 'xhr': '', 'frame': '', 'other': '' }; var firstPartyLabel = ''; var blacklistedHostnamesLabel = ''; var messager = vAPI.messaging.channel('popup.js'); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ function getUserSetting(setting) { return matrixSnapshot.userSettings[setting]; } function setUserSetting(setting, value) { matrixSnapshot.userSettings[setting] = value; messager.send({ what: 'userSettings', name: setting, value: value }); } /******************************************************************************/ function getUISetting(setting) { var r = vAPI.localStorage.getItem(setting); if ( typeof r !== 'string' ) { return undefined; } return JSON.parse(r); } function setUISetting(setting, value) { vAPI.localStorage.setItem( setting, JSON.stringify(value) ); } /******************************************************************************/ function updateMatrixSnapshot() { matrixSnapshotPoller.pollNow(); } /******************************************************************************/ // For display purpose, create four distinct groups of rows: // 0th: literal "1st-party" row // 1st: page domain's related // 2nd: whitelisted // 3rd: graylisted // 4th: blacklisted function getGroupStats() { // Try to not reshuffle groups around while popup is opened if // no new hostname added. var latestDomainListSnapshot = Object.keys(matrixSnapshot.rows).sort().join(); if ( latestDomainListSnapshot === allHostnamesSnapshot ) { return groupsSnapshot; } allHostnamesSnapshot = latestDomainListSnapshot; // First, group according to whether at least one node in the domain // hierarchy is white or blacklisted var pageDomain = matrixSnapshot.domain; var rows = matrixSnapshot.rows; var columnOffsets = matrixSnapshot.headers; var anyTypeOffset = columnOffsets['*']; var hostname, domain; var row, color, count, groupIndex; var domainToGroupMap = {}; // These have hard-coded position which cannot be overriden domainToGroupMap['1st-party'] = 0; domainToGroupMap[pageDomain] = 1; // 1st pass: domain wins if it has an explicit rule or a count for ( hostname in rows ) { if ( rows.hasOwnProperty(hostname) === false ) { continue; } if ( hostname === '*' || hostname === '1st-party' ) { continue; } domain = rows[hostname].domain; if ( domain === pageDomain || hostname !== domain ) { continue; } row = rows[domain]; color = row.temporary[anyTypeOffset]; if ( color === DarkGreen ) { domainToGroupMap[domain] = 2; continue; } if ( color === DarkRed ) { domainToGroupMap[domain] = 4; continue; } count = row.counts[anyTypeOffset]; if ( count !== 0 ) { domainToGroupMap[domain] = 3; continue; } } // 2nd pass: green wins for ( hostname in rows ) { if ( rows.hasOwnProperty(hostname) === false ) { continue; } row = rows[hostname]; domain = row.domain; if ( domainToGroupMap.hasOwnProperty(domain) ) { continue; } color = row.temporary[anyTypeOffset]; if ( color === DarkGreen ) { domainToGroupMap[domain] = 2; } } // 3rd pass: gray with count wins for ( hostname in rows ) { if ( rows.hasOwnProperty(hostname) === false ) { continue; } row = rows[hostname]; domain = row.domain; if ( domainToGroupMap.hasOwnProperty(domain) ) { continue; } color = row.temporary[anyTypeOffset]; count = row.counts[anyTypeOffset]; if ( color !== DarkRed && count !== 0 ) { domainToGroupMap[domain] = 3; } } // 4th pass: red wins whatever is left for ( hostname in rows ) { if ( rows.hasOwnProperty(hostname) === false ) { continue; } row = rows[hostname]; domain = row.domain; if ( domainToGroupMap.hasOwnProperty(domain) ) { continue; } color = row.temporary[anyTypeOffset]; if ( color === DarkRed ) { domainToGroupMap[domain] = 4; } } // 5th pass: gray wins whatever is left for ( hostname in rows ) { if ( rows.hasOwnProperty(hostname) === false ) { continue; } domain = rows[hostname].domain; if ( domainToGroupMap.hasOwnProperty(domain) ) { continue; } domainToGroupMap[domain] = 3; } // Last pass: put each domain in a group var groups = [ {}, {}, {}, {}, {} ]; var group; for ( hostname in rows ) { if ( rows.hasOwnProperty(hostname) === false ) { continue; } if ( hostname === '*' ) { continue; } domain = rows[hostname].domain; groupIndex = domainToGroupMap[domain]; group = groups[groupIndex]; if ( group.hasOwnProperty(domain) === false ) { group[domain] = {}; } group[domain][hostname] = true; } groupsSnapshot = groups; return groups; } /******************************************************************************/ // helpers function getTemporaryColor(hostname, type) { return matrixSnapshot.rows[hostname].temporary[matrixSnapshot.headers[type]]; } function getPermanentColor(hostname, type) { return matrixSnapshot.rows[hostname].permanent[matrixSnapshot.headers[type]]; } function getCellClass(hostname, type) { return 't' + getTemporaryColor(hostname, type).toString(16) + ' p' + getPermanentColor(hostname, type).toString(16); } /******************************************************************************/ // This is required for when we update the matrix while it is open: // the user might have collapsed/expanded one or more domains, and we don't // want to lose all his hardwork. function getCollapseState(domain) { var states = getUISetting('popupCollapseSpecificDomains'); if ( typeof states === 'object' && states[domain] !== undefined ) { return states[domain]; } return getUISetting('popupCollapseDomains') === true; } function toggleCollapseState(elem) { if ( elem.ancestors('#matHead.collapsible').length > 0 ) { toggleMainCollapseState(elem); } else { toggleSpecificCollapseState(elem); } } function toggleMainCollapseState(uelem) { var matHead = uelem.ancestors('#matHead.collapsible').toggleClass('collapsed'); var collapsed = matHead.hasClass('collapsed'); uDom('#matList .matSection.collapsible').toggleClass('collapsed', collapsed); setUISetting('popupCollapseDomains', collapsed); var specificCollapseStates = getUISetting('popupCollapseSpecificDomains') || {}; var domains = Object.keys(specificCollapseStates); var i = domains.length; var domain; while ( i-- ) { domain = domains[i]; if ( specificCollapseStates[domain] === collapsed ) { delete specificCollapseStates[domain]; } } setUISetting('popupCollapseSpecificDomains', specificCollapseStates); } function toggleSpecificCollapseState(uelem) { // Remember collapse state forever, but only if it is different // from main collapse switch. var section = uelem.ancestors('.matSection.collapsible').toggleClass('collapsed'); var domain = section.prop('domain'); var collapsed = section.hasClass('collapsed'); var mainCollapseState = getUISetting('popupCollapseDomains') === true; var specificCollapseStates = getUISetting('popupCollapseSpecificDomains') || {}; if ( collapsed !== mainCollapseState ) { specificCollapseStates[domain] = collapsed; setUISetting('popupCollapseSpecificDomains', specificCollapseStates); } else if ( specificCollapseStates[domain] !== undefined ) { delete specificCollapseStates[domain]; setUISetting('popupCollapseSpecificDomains', specificCollapseStates); } } /******************************************************************************/ // Update count value of matrix cells(s) function updateMatrixCounts() { var matCells = uDom('.matrix .matRow.rw > .matCell'); var i = matCells.length; var matRow, matCell, count, counts; var headers = matrixSnapshot.headers; var rows = matrixSnapshot.rows; while ( i-- ) { matCell = matCells.nodeAt(i); if ( matCell.hostname === '*' ) { continue; } if ( matCell.reqType === '*' ) { continue; } matRow = matCell.parentNode; counts = matRow.classList.contains('meta') ? 'totals' : 'counts'; count = rows[matCell.hostname][counts][headers[matCell.reqType]]; if ( count === matCell.count) { continue; } matCell.count = count; matCell.textContent = count ? count : '\u00A0'; } } /******************************************************************************/ // Update color of matrix cells(s) // Color changes when rules change function updateMatrixColors() { var cells = uDom('.matrix .matRow.rw > .matCell').removeClass(); var i = cells.length; var cell; while ( i-- ) { cell = cells.nodeAt(i); cell.className = 'matCell ' + getCellClass(cell.hostname, cell.reqType); } } /******************************************************************************/ // Update behavior of matrix: // - Whether a section is collapsible or not. It is collapsible if: // - It has at least one subdomain AND // - There is no explicit rule anywhere in the subdomain cells AND // - It is not part of group 3 (blacklisted hostnames) function updateMatrixBehavior() { matrixList = matrixList || uDom('#matList'); var sections = matrixList.descendants('.matSection'); var i = sections.length; var section, subdomainRows, j, subdomainRow; while ( i-- ) { section = sections.at(i); subdomainRows = section.descendants('.l2:not(.g4)'); j = subdomainRows.length; while ( j-- ) { subdomainRow = subdomainRows.at(j); subdomainRow.toggleClass('collapsible', subdomainRow.descendants('.t81,.t82').length === 0); } section.toggleClass('collapsible', subdomainRows.filter('.collapsible').length > 0); } } /******************************************************************************/ // handle user interaction with filters function getCellAction(hostname, type, leaning) { var temporaryColor = getTemporaryColor(hostname, type); var hue = temporaryColor & 0x03; // Special case: root toggle only between two states if ( type === '*' && hostname === '*' ) { return hue === Green ? 'blacklistMatrixCell' : 'whitelistMatrixCell'; } // When explicitly blocked/allowed, can only graylist var saturation = temporaryColor & 0x80; if ( saturation === Dark ) { return 'graylistMatrixCell'; } return leaning === 'whitelisting' ? 'whitelistMatrixCell' : 'blacklistMatrixCell'; } function handleFilter(button, leaning) { // our parent cell knows who we are var cell = button.ancestors('div.matCell'); var type = cell.prop('reqType'); var desHostname = cell.prop('hostname'); // https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/issues/24 // No hostname can happen -- like with blacklist meta row if ( desHostname === '' ) { return; } var request = { what: getCellAction(desHostname, type, leaning), srcHostname: matrixSnapshot.scope, desHostname: desHostname, type: type }; messager.send(request, updateMatrixSnapshot); } function handleWhitelistFilter(button) { handleFilter(button, 'whitelisting'); } function handleBlacklistFilter(button) { handleFilter(button, 'blacklisting'); } /******************************************************************************/ var matrixRowPool = []; var matrixSectionPool = []; var matrixGroupPool = []; var matrixRowTemplate = null; var matrixList = null; var startMatrixUpdate = function() { matrixList = matrixList || uDom('#matList'); matrixList.detach(); var rows = matrixList.descendants('.matRow'); rows.detach(); matrixRowPool = matrixRowPool.concat(rows.toArray()); var sections = matrixList.descendants('.matSection'); sections.detach(); matrixSectionPool = matrixSectionPool.concat(sections.toArray()); var groups = matrixList.descendants('.matGroup'); groups.detach(); matrixGroupPool = matrixGroupPool.concat(groups.toArray()); }; var endMatrixUpdate = function() { // https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/246 // If the matrix has no rows, we need to insert a dummy one, invisible, // to ensure the extension pop-up is properly sized. This is needed because // the header pane's `position` property is `fixed`, which means it doesn't // affect layout size, hence the matrix header row will be truncated. if ( matrixSnapshot.rowCount <= 1 ) { matrixList.append(createMatrixRow().css('visibility', 'hidden')); } updateMatrixBehavior(); matrixList.css('display', ''); matrixList.appendTo('.paneContent'); }; var createMatrixGroup = function() { var group = matrixGroupPool.pop(); if ( group ) { return uDom(group).removeClass().addClass('matGroup'); } return uDom('
').addClass('matGroup'); }; var createMatrixSection = function() { var section = matrixSectionPool.pop(); if ( section ) { return uDom(section).removeClass().addClass('matSection'); } return uDom('
').addClass('matSection'); }; var createMatrixRow = function() { var row = matrixRowPool.pop(); if ( row ) { row.style.visibility = ''; row = uDom(row); row.descendants('.matCell').removeClass().addClass('matCell'); row.removeClass().addClass('matRow'); return row; } if ( matrixRowTemplate === null ) { matrixRowTemplate = uDom('#templates .matRow'); } return matrixRowTemplate.clone(); }; /******************************************************************************/ function renderMatrixHeaderRow() { var matHead = uDom('#matHead.collapsible'); matHead.toggleClass('collapsed', getUISetting('popupCollapseDomains') === true); var cells = matHead.descendants('.matCell'); cells.at(0) .prop('reqType', '*') .prop('hostname', '*') .addClass(getCellClass('*', '*')); cells.at(1) .prop('reqType', 'cookie') .prop('hostname', '*') .addClass(getCellClass('*', 'cookie')); cells.at(2) .prop('reqType', 'css') .prop('hostname', '*') .addClass(getCellClass('*', 'css')); cells.at(3) .prop('reqType', 'image') .prop('hostname', '*') .addClass(getCellClass('*', 'image')); cells.at(4) .prop('reqType', 'plugin') .prop('hostname', '*') .addClass(getCellClass('*', 'plugin')); cells.at(5) .prop('reqType', 'script') .prop('hostname', '*') .addClass(getCellClass('*', 'script')); cells.at(6) .prop('reqType', 'xhr') .prop('hostname', '*') .addClass(getCellClass('*', 'xhr')); cells.at(7) .prop('reqType', 'frame') .prop('hostname', '*') .addClass(getCellClass('*', 'frame')); cells.at(8) .prop('reqType', 'other') .prop('hostname', '*') .addClass(getCellClass('*', 'other')); uDom('#matHead .matRow').css('display', ''); } /******************************************************************************/ function renderMatrixCellDomain(cell, domain) { var contents = cell.prop('reqType', '*') .prop('hostname', domain) .addClass(getCellClass(domain, '*')) .contents(); contents.nodeAt(0).textContent = domain === '1st-party' ? firstPartyLabel : punycode.toUnicode(domain); contents.nodeAt(1).textContent = ' '; } function renderMatrixCellSubdomain(cell, domain, subomain) { var contents = cell.prop('reqType', '*') .prop('hostname', subomain) .addClass(getCellClass(subomain, '*')) .contents(); contents.nodeAt(0).textContent = punycode.toUnicode(subomain.slice(0, subomain.lastIndexOf(domain)-1)) + '.'; contents.nodeAt(1).textContent = punycode.toUnicode(domain); } function renderMatrixMetaCellDomain(cell, domain) { var contents = cell.prop('reqType', '*') .prop('hostname', domain) .addClass(getCellClass(domain, '*')) .contents(); contents.nodeAt(0).textContent = '\u2217.' + punycode.toUnicode(domain); contents.nodeAt(1).textContent = ' '; } function renderMatrixCellType(cell, hostname, type, count) { cell.prop('reqType', type) .prop('hostname', hostname) .prop('count', count) .addClass(getCellClass(hostname, type)); if ( count ) { cell.text(count); } else { cell.text('\u00A0'); } } function renderMatrixCellTypes(cells, hostname, countName) { var counts = matrixSnapshot.rows[hostname][countName]; var countIndices = matrixSnapshot.headers; renderMatrixCellType(cells.at(1), hostname, 'cookie', counts[countIndices.cookie]); renderMatrixCellType(cells.at(2), hostname, 'css', counts[countIndices.css]); renderMatrixCellType(cells.at(3), hostname, 'image', counts[countIndices.image]); renderMatrixCellType(cells.at(4), hostname, 'plugin', counts[countIndices.plugin]); renderMatrixCellType(cells.at(5), hostname, 'script', counts[countIndices.script]); renderMatrixCellType(cells.at(6), hostname, 'xhr', counts[countIndices.xhr]); renderMatrixCellType(cells.at(7), hostname, 'frame', counts[countIndices.frame]); renderMatrixCellType(cells.at(8), hostname, 'other', counts[countIndices.other]); } /******************************************************************************/ function makeMatrixRowDomain(domain) { var matrixRow = createMatrixRow().addClass('rw'); var cells = matrixRow.descendants('.matCell'); renderMatrixCellDomain(cells.at(0), domain); renderMatrixCellTypes(cells, domain, 'counts'); return matrixRow; } function makeMatrixRowSubdomain(domain, subdomain) { var matrixRow = createMatrixRow().addClass('rw'); var cells = matrixRow.descendants('.matCell'); renderMatrixCellSubdomain(cells.at(0), domain, subdomain); renderMatrixCellTypes(cells, subdomain, 'counts'); return matrixRow; } function makeMatrixMetaRowDomain(domain) { var matrixRow = createMatrixRow().addClass('rw'); var cells = matrixRow.descendants('.matCell'); renderMatrixMetaCellDomain(cells.at(0), domain); renderMatrixCellTypes(cells, domain, 'totals'); return matrixRow; } /******************************************************************************/ function renderMatrixMetaCellType(cell, count) { // https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/issues/24 // Don't forget to reset cell properties cell.addClass('t1') .prop('reqType', '') .prop('hostname', '') .prop('count', count); if ( count ) { cell.text(count); } else { cell.text('\u00A0'); } } function makeMatrixMetaRow(totals) { var typeOffsets = matrixSnapshot.headers; var matrixRow = createMatrixRow().at(0).addClass('ro'); var cells = matrixRow.descendants('.matCell'); var contents = cells.at(0).addClass('t81').contents(); cells.at(0).prop('reqType', '*').prop('hostname', ''); contents.nodeAt(0).textContent = ' '; contents.nodeAt(1).textContent = blacklistedHostnamesLabel.replace('{{count}}', totals[typeOffsets['*']]); renderMatrixMetaCellType(cells.at(1), totals[typeOffsets.cookie]); renderMatrixMetaCellType(cells.at(2), totals[typeOffsets.css]); renderMatrixMetaCellType(cells.at(3), totals[typeOffsets.image]); renderMatrixMetaCellType(cells.at(4), totals[typeOffsets.plugin]); renderMatrixMetaCellType(cells.at(5), totals[typeOffsets.script]); renderMatrixMetaCellType(cells.at(6), totals[typeOffsets.xhr]); renderMatrixMetaCellType(cells.at(7), totals[typeOffsets.frame]); renderMatrixMetaCellType(cells.at(8), totals[typeOffsets.other]); return matrixRow; } /******************************************************************************/ function computeMatrixGroupMetaStats(group) { var headers = matrixSnapshot.headers; var n = Object.keys(headers).length; var totals = new Array(n); var i = n; while ( i-- ) { totals[i] = 0; } var rows = matrixSnapshot.rows, row; for ( var hostname in rows ) { if ( rows.hasOwnProperty(hostname) === false ) { continue; } row = rows[hostname]; if ( group.hasOwnProperty(row.domain) === false ) { continue; } if ( row.counts[headers['*']] === 0 ) { continue; } totals[0] += 1; for ( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) { totals[i] += row.counts[i]; } } return totals; } /******************************************************************************/ // Compare hostname helper, to order hostname in a logical manner: // top-most < bottom-most, take into account whether IP address or // named hostname function hostnameCompare(a,b) { // Normalize: most significant parts first if ( !a.match(/^\d+(\.\d+){1,3}$/) ) { var aa = a.split('.'); a = aa.slice(-2).concat(aa.slice(0,-2).reverse()).join('.'); } if ( !b.match(/^\d+(\.\d+){1,3}$/) ) { var bb = b.split('.'); b = bb.slice(-2).concat(bb.slice(0,-2).reverse()).join('.'); } return a.localeCompare(b); } /******************************************************************************/ function makeMatrixGroup0SectionDomain() { return makeMatrixRowDomain('1st-party').addClass('g0 l1'); } function makeMatrixGroup0Section() { var domainDiv = createMatrixSection().prop('domain', '1st-party'); makeMatrixGroup0SectionDomain().appendTo(domainDiv); return domainDiv; } function makeMatrixGroup0() { // Show literal "1st-party" row only if there is // at least one 1st-party hostname if ( Object.keys(groupsSnapshot[1]).length === 0 ) { return; } var groupDiv = createMatrixGroup().addClass('g0'); makeMatrixGroup0Section().appendTo(groupDiv); groupDiv.appendTo(matrixList); } /******************************************************************************/ function makeMatrixGroup1SectionDomain(domain) { return makeMatrixRowDomain(domain) .addClass('g1 l1'); } function makeMatrixGroup1SectionSubomain(domain, subdomain) { return makeMatrixRowSubdomain(domain, subdomain) .addClass('g1 l2'); } function makeMatrixGroup1SectionMetaDomain(domain) { return makeMatrixMetaRowDomain(domain).addClass('g1 l1 meta'); } function makeMatrixGroup1Section(hostnames) { var domain = hostnames[0]; var domainDiv = createMatrixSection() .toggleClass('collapsed', getCollapseState(domain)) .prop('domain', domain); if ( hostnames.length > 1 ) { makeMatrixGroup1SectionMetaDomain(domain) .appendTo(domainDiv); } makeMatrixGroup1SectionDomain(domain) .appendTo(domainDiv); for ( var i = 1; i < hostnames.length; i++ ) { makeMatrixGroup1SectionSubomain(domain, hostnames[i]) .appendTo(domainDiv); } return domainDiv; } function makeMatrixGroup1(group) { var domains = Object.keys(group).sort(hostnameCompare); if ( domains.length ) { var groupDiv = createMatrixGroup().addClass('g1'); makeMatrixGroup1Section(Object.keys(group[domains[0]]).sort(hostnameCompare)) .appendTo(groupDiv); for ( var i = 1; i < domains.length; i++ ) { makeMatrixGroup1Section(Object.keys(group[domains[i]]).sort(hostnameCompare)) .appendTo(groupDiv); } groupDiv.appendTo(matrixList); } } /******************************************************************************/ function makeMatrixGroup2SectionDomain(domain) { return makeMatrixRowDomain(domain) .addClass('g2 l1'); } function makeMatrixGroup2SectionSubomain(domain, subdomain) { return makeMatrixRowSubdomain(domain, subdomain) .addClass('g2 l2'); } function makeMatrixGroup2SectionMetaDomain(domain) { return makeMatrixMetaRowDomain(domain).addClass('g2 l1 meta'); } function makeMatrixGroup2Section(hostnames) { var domain = hostnames[0]; var domainDiv = createMatrixSection() .toggleClass('collapsed', getCollapseState(domain)) .prop('domain', domain); if ( hostnames.length > 1 ) { makeMatrixGroup2SectionMetaDomain(domain).appendTo(domainDiv); } makeMatrixGroup2SectionDomain(domain) .appendTo(domainDiv); for ( var i = 1; i < hostnames.length; i++ ) { makeMatrixGroup2SectionSubomain(domain, hostnames[i]) .appendTo(domainDiv); } return domainDiv; } function makeMatrixGroup2(group) { var domains = Object.keys(group).sort(hostnameCompare); if ( domains.length) { var groupDiv = createMatrixGroup() .addClass('g2'); makeMatrixGroup2Section(Object.keys(group[domains[0]]).sort(hostnameCompare)) .appendTo(groupDiv); for ( var i = 1; i < domains.length; i++ ) { makeMatrixGroup2Section(Object.keys(group[domains[i]]).sort(hostnameCompare)) .appendTo(groupDiv); } groupDiv.appendTo(matrixList); } } /******************************************************************************/ function makeMatrixGroup3SectionDomain(domain) { return makeMatrixRowDomain(domain) .addClass('g3 l1'); } function makeMatrixGroup3SectionSubomain(domain, subdomain) { return makeMatrixRowSubdomain(domain, subdomain) .addClass('g3 l2'); } function makeMatrixGroup3SectionMetaDomain(domain) { return makeMatrixMetaRowDomain(domain).addClass('g3 l1 meta'); } function makeMatrixGroup3Section(hostnames) { var domain = hostnames[0]; var domainDiv = createMatrixSection() .toggleClass('collapsed', getCollapseState(domain)) .prop('domain', domain); if ( hostnames.length > 1 ) { makeMatrixGroup3SectionMetaDomain(domain).appendTo(domainDiv); } makeMatrixGroup3SectionDomain(domain) .appendTo(domainDiv); for ( var i = 1; i < hostnames.length; i++ ) { makeMatrixGroup3SectionSubomain(domain, hostnames[i]) .appendTo(domainDiv); } return domainDiv; } function makeMatrixGroup3(group) { var domains = Object.keys(group).sort(hostnameCompare); if ( domains.length) { var groupDiv = createMatrixGroup() .addClass('g3'); makeMatrixGroup3Section(Object.keys(group[domains[0]]).sort(hostnameCompare)) .appendTo(groupDiv); for ( var i = 1; i < domains.length; i++ ) { makeMatrixGroup3Section(Object.keys(group[domains[i]]).sort(hostnameCompare)) .appendTo(groupDiv); } groupDiv.appendTo(matrixList); } } /******************************************************************************/ function makeMatrixGroup4SectionDomain(domain) { return makeMatrixRowDomain(domain) .addClass('g4 l1'); } function makeMatrixGroup4SectionSubomain(domain, subdomain) { return makeMatrixRowSubdomain(domain, subdomain) .addClass('g4 l2'); } function makeMatrixGroup4Section(hostnames) { var domain = hostnames[0]; var domainDiv = createMatrixSection() .prop('domain', domain); makeMatrixGroup4SectionDomain(domain) .appendTo(domainDiv); for ( var i = 1; i < hostnames.length; i++ ) { makeMatrixGroup4SectionSubomain(domain, hostnames[i]) .appendTo(domainDiv); } return domainDiv; } function makeMatrixGroup4(group) { var domains = Object.keys(group).sort(hostnameCompare); if ( domains.length === 0 ) { return; } var groupDiv = createMatrixGroup().addClass('g4'); createMatrixSection() .addClass('g4Meta') .toggleClass('g4Collapsed', !!getUISetting('popupHideBlacklisted')) .appendTo(groupDiv); makeMatrixMetaRow(computeMatrixGroupMetaStats(group), 'g4') .appendTo(groupDiv); makeMatrixGroup4Section(Object.keys(group[domains[0]]).sort(hostnameCompare)) .appendTo(groupDiv); for ( var i = 1; i < domains.length; i++ ) { makeMatrixGroup4Section(Object.keys(group[domains[i]]).sort(hostnameCompare)) .appendTo(groupDiv); } groupDiv.appendTo(matrixList); } /******************************************************************************/ var makeMenu = function() { var groupStats = getGroupStats(); if ( Object.keys(groupStats).length === 0 ) { return; } // https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/31 if ( matrixCellHotspots ) { matrixCellHotspots.detach(); } renderMatrixHeaderRow(); startMatrixUpdate(); makeMatrixGroup0(groupStats[0]); makeMatrixGroup1(groupStats[1]); makeMatrixGroup2(groupStats[2]); makeMatrixGroup3(groupStats[3]); makeMatrixGroup4(groupStats[4]); endMatrixUpdate(); initScopeCell(); updateMatrixButtons(); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Do all the stuff that needs to be done before building menu et al. function initMenuEnvironment() { uDom('body').css('font-size', getUserSetting('displayTextSize')); uDom('body').toggleClass('colorblind', getUserSetting('colorBlindFriendly') === true); var prettyNames = matrixHeaderPrettyNames; var keys = Object.keys(prettyNames); var i = keys.length; var cell, key, text; while ( i-- ) { key = keys[i]; cell = uDom('#matHead .matCell[data-req-type="'+ key +'"]'); text = vAPI.i18n(key + 'PrettyName'); cell.text(text); prettyNames[key] = text; } firstPartyLabel = uDom('[data-i18n="matrix1stPartyLabel"]').text(); blacklistedHostnamesLabel = uDom('[data-i18n="matrixBlacklistedHostnames"]').text(); } /******************************************************************************/ // Create page scopes for the web page function selectGlobalScope() { setUserSetting('popupScopeLevel', '*'); matrixSnapshot.tMatrixModifiedTime = undefined; updateMatrixSnapshot(); dropDownMenuHide(); } function selectDomainScope() { setUserSetting('popupScopeLevel', 'domain'); matrixSnapshot.tMatrixModifiedTime = undefined; updateMatrixSnapshot(); dropDownMenuHide(); } function selectSiteScope() { setUserSetting('popupScopeLevel', 'site'); matrixSnapshot.tMatrixModifiedTime = undefined; updateMatrixSnapshot(); dropDownMenuHide(); } function getClassFromScope() { if ( matrixSnapshot.scope === '*' ) { return 'tScopeGlobal'; } if ( matrixSnapshot.scope === matrixSnapshot.domain ) { return 'tScopeDomain'; } return 'tScopeSite'; } function initScopeCell() { // It's possible there is no page URL at this point: some pages cannot // be filtered by µMatrix. if ( matrixSnapshot.url === '' ) { return; } // Fill in the scope menu entries if ( matrixSnapshot.hostname === matrixSnapshot.domain ) { uDom('#scopeKeySite').css('display', 'none'); } else { uDom('#scopeKeySite').text(punycode.toUnicode(matrixSnapshot.hostname)); } uDom('#scopeKeyDomain').text(punycode.toUnicode(matrixSnapshot.domain)); updateScopeCell(); } function updateScopeCell() { uDom('body') .removeClass('tScopeGlobal tScopeDomain tScopeSite') .addClass(getClassFromScope()); uDom('#scopeCell').text( punycode.toUnicode(matrixSnapshot.scope).replace('*', '\u2217') ); } /******************************************************************************/ function updateMatrixSwitches() { var switches = matrixSnapshot.tSwitches; for ( var switchName in switches ) { if ( switches.hasOwnProperty(switchName) === false ) { continue; } uDom('#mtxSwitch_' + switchName).toggleClass('switchTrue', switches[switchName]); } var count = matrixSnapshot.blockedCount; var button = uDom('#mtxSwitch_matrix-off'); button.descendants('span.badge').text(count.toLocaleString()); button.attr('data-tip', button.attr('data-tip').replace('{{count}}', count)); uDom('body').toggleClass('powerOff', switches['matrix-off']); } function toggleMatrixSwitch(ev) { var elem = ev.currentTarget; var pos = elem.id.indexOf('_'); if ( pos === -1 ) { return; } var switchName = elem.id.slice(pos + 1); var request = { what: 'toggleMatrixSwitch', switchName: switchName, srcHostname: matrixSnapshot.scope }; messager.send(request, updateMatrixSnapshot); } /******************************************************************************/ function updatePersistButton() { var diffCount = matrixSnapshot.diff.length; var button = uDom('#buttonPersist'); button.contents() .filter(function(){return this.nodeType===3;}) .first() .text(diffCount > 0 ? '\uf13e' : '\uf023'); button.descendants('span.badge').text(diffCount > 0 ? diffCount : ''); var disabled = diffCount === 0; button.toggleClass('disabled', disabled); uDom('#buttonRevertScope').toggleClass('disabled', disabled); } /******************************************************************************/ function persistMatrix() { var request = { what: 'applyDiffToPermanentMatrix', diff: matrixSnapshot.diff }; messager.send(request, updateMatrixSnapshot); } /******************************************************************************/ // rhill 2014-03-12: revert completely ALL changes related to the // current page, including scopes. function revertMatrix() { var request = { what: 'applyDiffToTemporaryMatrix', diff: matrixSnapshot.diff }; messager.send(request, updateMatrixSnapshot); } /******************************************************************************/ // Buttons which are affected by any changes in the matrix function updateMatrixButtons() { updateScopeCell(); updateMatrixSwitches(); updatePersistButton(); } /******************************************************************************/ function revertAll() { var request = { what: 'revertTemporaryMatrix' }; messager.send(request, updateMatrixSnapshot); dropDownMenuHide(); } /******************************************************************************/ function buttonReloadHandler() { messager.send({ what: 'forceReloadTab', tabId: matrixSnapshot.tabId }); } /******************************************************************************/ function mouseenterMatrixCellHandler(ev) { matrixCellHotspots.appendTo(ev.target); } function mouseleaveMatrixCellHandler() { matrixCellHotspots.detach(); } /******************************************************************************/ function gotoExtensionURL(ev) { var url = uDom(ev.currentTarget).attr('data-extension-url'); if ( url ) { messager.send({ what: 'gotoExtensionURL', url: url }); } dropDownMenuHide(); vAPI.closePopup(); } /******************************************************************************/ function dropDownMenuShow(ev) { var button = ev.target; var menu = button.nextElementSibling; var butnRect = button.getBoundingClientRect(); var viewRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); var butnNormalLeft = butnRect.left / (viewRect.width - butnRect.width); menu.classList.add('show'); var menuRect = menu.getBoundingClientRect(); var menuLeft = butnNormalLeft * (viewRect.width - menuRect.width); menu.style.left = menuLeft.toFixed(0) + 'px'; } function dropDownMenuHide() { uDom('.dropdown-menu').removeClass('show'); } /******************************************************************************/ var onMatrixSnapshotReady = function(response) { // Now that tabId and pageURL are set, we can build our menu initMenuEnvironment(); makeMenu(); // After popup menu is built, check whether there is a non-empty matrix if ( matrixSnapshot.url === '' ) { uDom('#matHead').remove(); uDom('#toolbarLeft').remove(); // https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/191 uDom('#noNetTrafficPrompt').text(vAPI.i18n('matrixNoNetTrafficPrompt')); uDom('#noNetTrafficPrompt').css('display', ''); } // Create a hash to find out whether the reload button needs to be // highlighted. // TODO: }; /******************************************************************************/ var matrixSnapshotPoller = (function() { var timer = null; var processPollResult = function(response) { if ( typeof response !== 'object' ) { return; } if ( response.mtxContentModified === false && response.mtxCountModified === false && response.pMatrixModified === false && response.tMatrixModified === false ) { return; } matrixSnapshot = response; if ( response.mtxContentModified ) { makeMenu(); return; } if ( response.mtxCountModified ) { updateMatrixCounts(); } if ( response.pMatrixModified || response.tMatrixModified || response.scopeModified ) { updateMatrixColors(); updateMatrixBehavior(); updateMatrixButtons(); } }; var onPolled = function(response) { processPollResult(response); pollAsync(); }; var pollNow = function() { unpollAsync(); messager.send({ what: 'matrixSnapshot', tabId: matrixSnapshot.tabId, mtxContentModifiedTime: matrixSnapshot.mtxContentModifiedTime, mtxCountModifiedTime: matrixSnapshot.mtxCountModifiedTime, mtxDiffCount: matrixSnapshot.diff.length, pMatrixModifiedTime: matrixSnapshot.pMatrixModifiedTime, tMatrixModifiedTime: matrixSnapshot.tMatrixModifiedTime, }, onPolled); }; var poll = function() { timer = null; pollNow(); }; var pollAsync = function() { if ( timer !== null ) { return; } timer = vAPI.setTimeout(poll, 1414); }; var unpollAsync = function() { if ( timer !== null ) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; } }; (function() { var tabId = matrixSnapshot.tabId; // If no tab id yet, see if there is one specified in our URL if ( tabId === undefined ) { var matches = window.location.search.match(/(?:\?|&)tabId=([^&]+)/); if ( matches !== null ) { tabId = matches[1]; // No need for logger button when embedded in logger uDom('[data-extension-url="logger-ui.html"]').remove(); } } var snapshotFetched = function(response) { if ( typeof response === 'object' ) { matrixSnapshot = response; } onMatrixSnapshotReady(); pollAsync(); }; messager.send({ what: 'matrixSnapshot', tabId: tabId }, snapshotFetched); })(); return { pollNow: pollNow }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ // Below is UI stuff which is not key to make the menu, so this can // be done without having to wait for a tab to be bound to the menu. // We reuse for all cells the one and only cell hotspots. uDom('#whitelist').on('click', function() { handleWhitelistFilter(uDom(this)); return false; }); uDom('#blacklist').on('click', function() { handleBlacklistFilter(uDom(this)); return false; }); uDom('#domainOnly').on('click', function() { toggleCollapseState(uDom(this)); return false; }); matrixCellHotspots = uDom('#cellHotspots').detach(); uDom('body') .on('mouseenter', '.matCell', mouseenterMatrixCellHandler) .on('mouseleave', '.matCell', mouseleaveMatrixCellHandler); uDom('#scopeKeyGlobal').on('click', selectGlobalScope); uDom('#scopeKeyDomain').on('click', selectDomainScope); uDom('#scopeKeySite').on('click', selectSiteScope); uDom('[id^="mtxSwitch_"]').on('click', toggleMatrixSwitch); uDom('#buttonPersist').on('click', persistMatrix); uDom('#buttonRevertScope').on('click', revertMatrix); uDom('#buttonRevertAll').on('click', revertAll); uDom('#buttonReload').on('click', buttonReloadHandler); uDom('.extensionURL').on('click', gotoExtensionURL); uDom('body').on('click', '.dropdown-menu-button', dropDownMenuShow); uDom('body').on('click', '.dropdown-menu-capture', dropDownMenuHide); uDom('#matList').on('click', '.g4Meta', function() { var collapsed = uDom(this) .toggleClass('g4Collapsed') .hasClass('g4Collapsed'); setUISetting('popupHideBlacklisted', collapsed); }); /******************************************************************************/ })();